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Movilidad humana

reflexiones y desafíos en el mundo contemporáneo

María Teresa Palacios Sanabria

Este curso formula reflexiones sobre la movilidad humana, para lo cual se hace un análisis sobre los conceptos asociados a las diferentes realidades que se presentan en contextos de inmigración económica, necesidad de protección internacional (asilo y refugio), apatridia y desplazamiento forzado interno.

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Este curso formula reflexiones sobre la movilidad humana, para lo cual se hace un análisis sobre los conceptos asociados a las diferentes realidades que se presentan en contextos de inmigración económica, necesidad de protección internacional (asilo y refugio), apatridia y desplazamiento forzado interno.

Dicho abordaje se plantea desde el estudio de los conceptos básicos aplicables a cada situación, el análisis del contexto en el que se producen estos movimientos de personas, las cifras, tendencias mundiales y el marco normativo de protección desarrollado en el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (DIDH) y del Derecho Internacional de los Refugiados (DIR).

La importancia de esta temática radica en que esta visibiliza una de las problemáticas actuales más sensibles de los derechos humanos en el mundo contemporáneo, y plantea constantes retos para los Estados en materia de garantía de derechos a favor de dichas personas.

What you'll learn

  • Generar una visión crítica de la movilidad humana interna y transfronteriza a partir del estudio de los conceptos jurídicos existentes.

  • Desarrollar la capacidad de abstracción y correlación de los conceptos abordados con miras a que sean aplicados a casos concretos.

  • Formular reflexiones en torno a la pertinencia, suficiencia y eficacia de las normas existentes hasta el momento y que regulan los diversos movimientos humanos.

  • Promover enfoques novedosos que sean compatibles con los desafíos que se presentan en la actualidad con respecto a la movilidad humana.

  • Analizar las barreras en el acceso a los derechos de las personas apátridas y la consciencia de los Estados de su necesidad de protección internacional.

What's inside


Tema 1. La movilidad humana: prioridad para el mundo
Migración internacional: realidad humana
¿Qué hay detrás de la migración? (causas y efectos)
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Una tensión irreconciliable: soberanía vs. derechos humanos
¿Qué derechos tienen los migrantes?
Tema 2. Protección internacional: ¿asilo o refugio?
¿Por qué es necesario proteger a la persona?
Refugio como respuesta universal
Asilo como respuesta alternativa en América Latina
Tema 3. Movimientos humanos dentro de las fronteras: desplazamiento forzado
Desplazamiento: drama humano
Marco normativos aplicable a las personas desplazadas
Los esfuerzos normativos realizados desde el softlaw
Comparación entre los casos de Colombia y Perú
Tema 4. Apátridas: en busca del reconocimiento jurídico
Problema de la apatridia: negación de la nacionalidad
Respuestas internacionales al problema de la apatridia

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Profundiza en la movilidad humana, lo que brinda una comprensión integral del tema
Examina los conceptos relevantes para cada situación de movilidad humana, lo que permite a los alumnos desarrollar una base sólida
Analiza el marco normativo internacional en materia de movilidad humana, lo que equipa a los alumnos con conocimientos legales cruciales
Aborda situaciones específicas como la migración económica, la protección internacional y el desplazamiento forzado, lo que ofrece una visión integral de los desafíos de la movilidad humana
Enfatiza la importancia de los derechos humanos en el contexto de la movilidad humana, lo que sensibiliza a los alumnos sobre las cuestiones éticas y los desafíos

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Career center

Learners who complete Movilidad humana: reflexiones y desafíos en el mundo contemporáneo will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Human Rights Lawyer
Human rights lawyers represent victims of human rights violations. They may work for non-profit organizations, government agencies, or private law firms.
Immigration Lawyer
Immigration lawyers help clients with legal issues related to immigration. They may represent clients in court or before government agencies.
Refugee Resettlement Specialist
Refugee resettlement specialists help refugees to adjust to life in a new country. They may provide assistance with housing, employment, and other services. This course would help to prepare someone for this career by providing a detailed understanding of the international legal frameworks that protect refugees and other persons in need of international protection.
Anti-Trafficking Specialist
Anti-trafficking specialists work to prevent and combat human trafficking. They may work for government agencies, non-profit organizations, or law enforcement agencies. This course would help to prepare someone for this career by providing a detailed understanding of the international legal frameworks that protect refugees and other persons in need of international protection.
United Nations Officer
United Nations officers work for the United Nations, an international organization that promotes peace and security, human rights, and economic and social development. They may work in a variety of roles, including diplomats, human rights officers, and development officers.
Humanitarian Aid Worker
Humanitarian aid workers provide assistance to victims of natural disasters or armed conflict. They may also work with refugees or other vulnerable populations. This course would help to prepare someone for this career by providing a detailed understanding of the international legal frameworks that protect refugees and other persons in need of international protection.
Social Worker
Social workers help people to improve their lives and overcome challenges. They may work with a variety of populations, including refugees and immigrants. This course would help to prepare someone for this career by providing a detailed understanding of the challenges facing refugees and immigrants, as well as the legal frameworks established to protect their rights.
Policy Analyst
Policy analysts research and analyze public policy issues. They may make recommendations to policymakers or advocate for particular policies. This course would help to prepare someone for this career by providing a detailed understanding of the international legal frameworks that protect refugees and other persons in need of international protection.
Migration Policy Analyst
Migration policy analysts research and analyze migration policies. They may make recommendations to policymakers or advocate for particular policies. This course may be useful for migration policy analysts who want to learn more about the challenges facing refugees and immigrants, as well as the legal frameworks established to protect their rights.
International Business Consultant
International business consultants help companies to expand their operations into new countries. Understanding the challenges facing immigrants and refugees can help businesses to develop strategies for attracting and retaining foreign workers.
Diplomats negotiate and build relationships between countries. Understanding the challenges facing refugees, immigrants, and other persons needing international protection can help prepare someone to serve as a diplomat. This course explores the nature, causes, and consequences of the international movement of peoples, as well as the legal frameworks established to protect their rights.
Journalists report on the news and current events. They may specialize in a particular topic, such as immigration or human rights. This course would help to prepare someone for this career by providing a detailed understanding of the international legal frameworks that protect refugees and other persons in need of international protection.
Nonprofit Administrator
Nonprofit administrators oversee the day-to-day operations of nonprofit organizations. They may also be responsible for fundraising and developing programs.
Teachers educate students in a variety of subjects. They may teach at the elementary, secondary, or post-secondary level. This course may be useful for teachers who want to learn more about the challenges facing refugees and immigrants, as well as the legal frameworks established to protect their rights.
Urban Planner
Urban planners design and plan cities and towns. They may work for government agencies or private companies. This course may be useful for urban planners who want to learn more about the challenges facing refugees and immigrants, as well as the legal frameworks established to protect their rights.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Movilidad humana: reflexiones y desafíos en el mundo contemporáneo.
An authoritative commentary on the key provisions of the 1951 Refugee Convention, providing in-depth analysis and legal interpretation.
Proposes a new approach to the global refugee system, emphasizing the need for a more equitable and sustainable response.
Provides a global overview of the human rights issues related to migration, including the protection of migrants' rights, border control, and xenophobia.
A comparative analysis of refugee law and policy, providing a global perspective on the legal protections and challenges related to refugees.
Provides a comprehensive overview of migration patterns, trends, and theories, covering both historical and contemporary perspectives.
A collection of essays that explores different theoretical perspectives on migration, providing a critical analysis of the field.
A comprehensive reference work that provides a detailed overview of international migration and refugee law, covering a wide range of topics.


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