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Architecting Stream Processing Solutions Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub

Vitthal Srinivasan
As data warehousing and analytics become more and more integrated into the business models of companies, the need for real-time analytics and data processing has grown. Stream processing has quickly gone from being nice-to-have to must-have. In this course,...
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As data warehousing and analytics become more and more integrated into the business models of companies, the need for real-time analytics and data processing has grown. Stream processing has quickly gone from being nice-to-have to must-have. In this course, Architecting Stream Processing Solutions Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub, you will gain the ability to ingest and process streaming data on the Google Cloud Platform, including the ability to take snapshots and replay messages. First, you will learn the basics of a Publisher-Subscriber architecture. Publishers are apps that send out messages, these messages are organized into Topics. Topics are associated with Subscriptions, and Subscribers need to listen in on subscriptions. Each subscription is a message queue, and messages are held in that queue until at least one subscriber per subscription has acknowledged the message. This is why Pub/Sub is said to be a reliable messaging system. Next, you will discover how to create topics, as well as how to push and pull subscriptions. As their names would suggest, push and pull subscriptions differ in who controls the delivery of messages to the subscriber. Finally, you will explore how to leverage advanced features of Pub/Sub such as creating snapshots, and seeking to a specific timestamp, either in the past or in the future. You will also learn the precise semantics of creating snapshots and the implications of turning on the “retain acknowledged messages” option on a subscription. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Google Cloud Pub/Sub needed to effectively and reliably process streaming data on the GCP.
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Intended for data engineers and data architects with some familiarity with cloud concepts and Google Cloud Platform
Ideal for individuals looking to build data-driven solutions and explore real-time analytics and data processing on Google Cloud Platform

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Career center

Learners who complete Architecting Stream Processing Solutions Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Engineer
Data Engineers build and maintain data pipelines, which are the systems that move data from one place to another. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to ingest and process streaming data, which is a critical skill for Data Engineers. You will also learn how to create snapshots and replay messages, which can be useful for debugging and testing data pipelines.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers build and maintain machine learning models, which are used to make predictions and decisions based on data. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to collect and prepare data for machine learning models. You will also learn how to use Pub/Sub to deploy and monitor machine learning models in production.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to solve business problems. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to collect and analyze streaming data, which can be used to improve customer service, fraud detection, and other business processes. You will also learn how to use advanced features of Pub/Sub, such as creating snapshots and seeking to a specific timestamp, which can be useful for building complex data science models.
Data Architect
Data Architects design data management systems and solutions, which includes choosing the right tools and technologies for the job. Taking this course will help you understand the basics of a Publisher-Subscriber architecture, as well as how to create topics and subscriptions. This knowledge will be essential for designing and implementing data management systems that can handle streaming data.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to build scalable and reliable software applications that can handle streaming data. You will also learn how to use advanced features of Pub/Sub, such as creating snapshots and seeking to a specific timestamp, which can be useful for debugging and testing software applications.
Systems Engineer
Systems Engineers design, build, and maintain computer systems. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to build scalable and reliable computer systems that can handle streaming data. You will also learn how to use advanced features of Pub/Sub, such as creating snapshots and seeking to a specific timestamp, which can be useful for debugging and testing computer systems.
Cloud Architect
Cloud Architects design and build cloud computing solutions. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to build and maintain cloud computing solutions that can handle streaming data. You will also learn how to use advanced features of Pub/Sub, such as creating snapshots and seeking to a specific timestamp, which can be useful for debugging and testing cloud computing solutions.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to build and maintain databases that can handle streaming data. You will also learn how to use advanced features of Pub/Sub, such as creating snapshots and seeking to a specific timestamp, which can be useful for backing up and restoring databases.
Security Engineer
Security Engineers design, build, and maintain security systems. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to build and maintain security systems that can handle streaming data. You will also learn how to use advanced features of Pub/Sub, such as creating snapshots and seeking to a specific timestamp, which can be useful for detecting and responding to security breaches.
Network Engineer
Network Engineers design, build, and maintain computer networks. This course will teach you how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to build and maintain computer networks that can handle streaming data. You will also learn how to use advanced features of Pub/Sub, such as creating snapshots and seeking to a specific timestamp, which can be useful for debugging and testing computer networks.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Architecting Stream Processing Solutions Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
Focuses on the practical aspects of building real-time data analytics systems using Google Cloud Pub/Sub. It covers topics such as data ingestion, data processing, and data visualization.
Focuses on advanced analytics with Apache Spark, including topics such as graph processing, machine learning, and real-time analytics.
Provides a comprehensive overview of data analytics, including topics such as data mining, machine learning, and data visualization.
Focuses on machine learning with streaming data, including topics such as online learning, stream mining, and real-time prediction.
Focuses on big data analytics with Java, including topics such as data ingestion, data processing, and data visualization.


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