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Riyaz Sayyad and RIZMAXed by Riyaz Sayyad

The only course you'll ever need to master AWS Lambda and Serverless. Period.

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The only course you'll ever need to master AWS Lambda and Serverless. Period.

Serverless Computing is one of the top-paying cloud skills today. Serverless is also a key focus area in AWS Certification exams, at Associate as well as at Professional level. And this course will help you master all the different pieces to the serverless puzzle.

You’ll learn Serverless Computing from scratch. We’ll dive into it from scratch, and then we’ll dive into all its core features and into many advanced features as well. We’ll learn how it works, why we use it and how to use it. No prior knowledge of Serverless Computing is necessary.

What You Will Learn:

  • AWS Lambda

  • API Gateway

  • Amazon DynamoDB

  • AWS Step Functions

  • AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model)

  • The Serverless Framework

  • AWS CI/CD Tools (Git, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline)

  • Serverless Best Practices

  • Serverless Architecture Patterns

i.e. the complete gamut of AWS Serverless Architecture. And while you learn, if you need my help, just ask in the Q&A section. You’ll receive prompt response.

20+.. step by step, all in this one course.

This Course uses Node.js and JavaScript

For all the demos that require the use of AWS SDKs, we'll use the AWS SDK for JavaScript.

Knowledge of Node.js and JavaScript is good to have for taking this course. This shouldn’t however stop you from taking the course. If you are new to JavaScript or Node.js, I cover the Node.js and JavaScript fundamentals as an optional section inside this course.

The JavaScript and Node.js topics covered in the course will help you get up and running with using the AWS SDK and perform the demos presented in this course. However, keep in mind that, as this course is not a JavaScript or Node.js course.

The course uses Angular and Ionic for web and mobile app demos. Knowledge of Angular or Ionic, however is not required for you to be able to complete the demos presented in the course.

By the end of this course, you’ll have mastered the AWS Serverless Architecture and you’ll become confident to take on real world serverless projects.

Take a look at these student reviews:

"Riyaz does a great job patiently explaining complex topics going through good examples of AWS Serverless design flows. A great up to date course with a ton of material." - Stephen B.

"Very good course, the name "bootcamp" is very apt as it's pretty intense." - Rodrigo V.

"Perfect to enhance my skills after already having being Certified as an AWS Solutions Architect - Associate." - Dan R.

"Awesome course as the efforts put by instructor is priceless. Must watch if you want to become a aws serverless expert and appreciate the efforts of instructor." - Mansi

Remember, you are in good hands. I'm waiting to help you inside the course. This is an online course, so you can take it at your own pace. If you’re busy right now, that's okay. Sign up today, and take the course at your own pace.

I look forward to welcoming you inside the course.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Master aws lambda, api gateway, dynamodb, and step functions from the ground up (full of demos and hands on)
  • Streamline your development and deployment with aws sam as well as the serverless framework
  • Automate serverless deployment with aws ci/cd tools like codecommit, codebuild and codepipeline
  • Build serverless rest api, web app, android and ios mobile apps, alexa skill, iot app and more
  • Integrate different services like s3, kinesis, sns, sqs and more in your serverless projects
  • Implement oauth 2.0 authentication and authorization with aws cognito
  • Document your serverless apis using api gateway and swagger
  • Learn serverless best practices


Getting Started with Serverless Computing on AWS
Course Overview
What is Serverless? (A 30,000 ft. View)
How Serverless Works?
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How to Create 'Hello World' API with Serverless
Dec 2023 Course Update
How to Create Your First Lambda Function
How to Integrate AWS Lambda function with API Gateway
Lambda Function with Node.js 8.10 Runtime
Serverless Architecture – Key Features, Benefits and Challenges
Major Players in Serverless Space and Why AWS
Overview of Core Serverless Services in AWS
Overview of Additional Serverless Services in AWS
Use Cases of Serverless Architecture
Overview of Frameworks and CI/CD Tools for Serverless
Environment Setup (IAM Admin User, Env Vars)
Environment Variables Setup on Mac
Environment Setup (AWS CLI)
Environment Setup (Node, VS Code, Postman)
Test the Setup
My Recommended Approach to Taking this Course
Serverless Foundation - AWS Lambda
Quick Overview of AWS Lambda
Lambda Console Walkthrough
Lambda Console Walkthrough Continued
Lambda Permissions Model
Lambda Handler Syntax in Node.js 6.10 and Node.js 8.10
Event Object, Invocation Types, Event Sources
Context Object, its Methods and Properties
Logging and Error Handling
Hands on Demo: Passing Parameters via the Event Object
Hands on Demo: Accessing Path and Query String Parameters from the Event Object
Hands on Demo: Deploying the Lambda function with ZIP File
Quick Note on using Lambda Node.js 12.x Runtime
Hands on Demo: S3 Events Example (Serverless Image Resizing)
Hands on Demo: Handling S3 Events in Lambda
Configuring S3 Event Trigger for Lambda function
Hands on Demo: Deploying Lambda via AWS CLI
Testing the S3 Event Trigger for Lambda
AWS Lambda Limits
AWS Lambda Pricing
Serverless Foundation - Amazon API Gateway
Quick Overview of Amazon API Gateway
Query String and Path Parameters
Testing the API Endpoint
CORS Configuration for Lambda Proxy Integration
Adding Request Validators for Query String and Headers
POST Request Example - Creating Lambda Function
POST Request Example - Creating the API Endpoint
Body Mapping Templates - Request Mapping with Velocity Language
Body Mapping Templates - Apache VTL (Velocity Template Language) Syntax
Body Mapping Templates - Response Mapping with Velocity Language
Testing the API with Postman
CORS and OPTIONS Preflight Requests Configuration
API Gateway Models and JSON Schemas
Using Models for Request Body Validation
Using Models for Body Mapping
Using Gateway Responses for Error Handling
API Gateway Post Deploy Options, Logging and Monitoring
Client SDK Generation
Exporting Swagger Files
Creating API Documentation
Creating API Keys and Usage Plans in API Gateway
Passing API Keys with API Gateway Requests
API Gateway Pricing
Serverless Foundation - Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon DynamoDB - Section Overview
What is DynamoDB
Terminology Comparison with SQL
Data Types in DynamoDB
DynamoDB Consistency Model
Overview of DynamoDB Capacity Units
Calculating Read and Write Capacity Units
Basics of DynamoDB Partitions
Basics of DynamoDB Indexes
Local Secondary Indexes
Global Secondary Indexes
Overview of Your First DynamoDB Table
Hands on Demo: Creating the DynamoDB Table
Hands on Demo: Performing Write Operations with AWS Console
Hands on Demo: Performing Read Operations with AWS Console
Additional Features in DynamoDB Console
Hands on Demo: Working with DynamoDB with AWS SDK – Getting Ready
Hands on Demo: Listing and Describing Tables using AWS SDK
Hands on Demo: Creating, Updating and Deleting Tables using AWS SDK
Overview of Item Level Operations with AWS SDK
Hands on Demo: Performing Write Operations using AWS SDK
Hands on Demo: Conditional Writes in DynamoDB
Hands on Demo: Performing Read Operations using AWS SDK
Hands on Demo: Paginated Reads in DynamoDB
Hands on Demo: Performing Paginated Reads with AWS SDK
Serverless Deep Dive - AWS Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB
Lambda Versions
The Need for Lambda Aliases
Lambda Aliases
Challenges with using Lambda Aliases
Stage Variables in API Gateway
Traffic Shifting between Lambda Versions using Aliases
Canary Deployments in API Gateway
Using Environment Variables in Lambda

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Suitable for professionals who want to improve their expertise with AWS Lambda and Serverless
Appropriate for beginners seeking to establish a solid foundation in AWS Lambda and Serverless
Covers advanced features and concepts, making it valuable for experienced developers
Utilizes hands-on demos and practical exercises for effective learning
Provides comprehensive coverage of AWS Serverless architecture, including Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and Step Functions
Some prerequisites may be needed, such as prior knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js

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Reviews summary

Intermediate aws lambda course

According to students, this course is very thorough with engaging assignments to build five (5) serverless applications. However, the pace of the video lectures is relatively slow and students may need to increase the playback speed.
Involves building 5 serverless applications.
"This is mostly a case of preference."
The pace of the lectures is slow with pauses.
"Very thorough. Would advise to watch at 1.5 or 1.75 speed."
"He talks at a slow pace, with alot of pauses."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in AWS Lambda & Serverless Architecture Bootcamp (Build 5 Apps) with these activities:
Organize Course Materials
Organize your course materials, including notes, assignments, and quizzes, to enhance your ability to review and retain information.
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  • Create a dedicated folder or notebook for course materials
  • File materials in a logical and consistent manner
  • Review materials regularly
Review Node.js
Revise basic Node.js concepts to enhance your understanding of Lambda functions and serverless architecture.
Browse courses on Node.js
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  • Review Node.js documentation
  • Create a simple Node.js application
  • Experiment with different Node.js modules
Serverless Architectures on AWS
Reinforce your understanding of serverless principles and best practices by reading a comprehensive book on serverless architectures on AWS.
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  • Read the book
  • Take notes and highlight key concepts
  • Discuss the book with peers or online communities
Three other activities
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Build a Serverless API with AWS Lambda
Follow a guided tutorial to create a serverless API using AWS Lambda, gaining hands-on experience with the core concepts.
Browse courses on AWS Lambda
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  • Find a suitable tutorial
  • Set up your AWS account
  • Follow the tutorial steps
  • Deploy your API
Deploy Serverless Applications with AWS SAM
Enhance your deployment skills by practicing with AWS SAM, reinforcing your understanding of serverless application deployment.
Browse courses on AWS SAM
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  • Install AWS SAM CLI
  • Create a sample serverless application
  • Deploy the application using AWS SAM
  • Test the deployed application
Participate in a Serverless Hackathon
Challenge yourself in a serverless hackathon, applying your skills and collaborating with others to solve real-world problems.
Browse courses on Serverless architecture
Show steps
  • Develop and submit your solution
  • Find a suitable hackathon
  • Form a team or join an existing one
  • Present your solution to the judges

Career center

Learners who complete AWS Lambda & Serverless Architecture Bootcamp (Build 5 Apps) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Cloud Engineer
Cloud Engineers design, build, and manage cloud-based infrastructure and applications. This course would be a great fit for Cloud Engineers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless applications. The course covers the full stack of serverless technologies, from the basics to advanced topics like CI/CD and best practices.
Full-Stack Developer
Full Stack Developers are responsible for developing both the front-end and back-end of websites and applications. This course would be a good fit for Full Stack Developers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless applications. The course covers the full stack of serverless technologies, from the basics to advanced topics like CI/CD and best practices.
Software Architect
Software Architects design and develop the overall architecture of software systems. This course would be a good fit for Software Architects who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless applications. The course covers topics such as serverless architecture patterns, best practices, and how to design and implement serverless applications at scale.
Backend Engineer
Backend Engineers develop, maintain, and improve the software that runs on the servers that power websites and applications. This course would be particularly useful for Backend Engineers who want to gain a deeper understanding of serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless applications. The hands-on demos and labs in this course provide Backend Engineers with the opportunity to learn by doing and build practical skills that they can apply to their work.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers are responsible for bridging the gap between development and operations teams. They work to ensure that software is developed and deployed efficiently and reliably. This course would be helpful for DevOps Engineers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless applications. The course covers topics such as CI/CD, automated testing, and deployment strategies.
Solutions Architect
Solutions Architects design and implement cloud-based solutions for businesses. This course would be helpful for Solutions Architects who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless applications. The course covers topics such as serverless architecture patterns, best practices, and how to design and implement serverless applications at scale.
Mobile Developer
Mobile Developers design and develop mobile applications for smartphones and tablets. This course would be helpful for Mobile Developers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless mobile applications. The course covers topics such as mobile app development with Angular and Ionic, and how to integrate serverless technologies into mobile apps.
Web Developer
Web Developers design and develop websites and applications. This course would be helpful for Web Developers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless web applications. The course covers topics such as web development with Angular and Ionic, and how to integrate serverless technologies into web applications.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers design and build systems for storing, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data. This course would be helpful for Data Engineers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless data applications. The course covers topics such as data analytics, data warehousing, and how to integrate serverless technologies into data applications.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to build models and solve business problems. This course would be helpful for Data Scientists who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless data science applications. The course covers topics such as data analytics, machine learning, and how to integrate serverless technologies into data science applications.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers design and build systems for training and deploying machine learning models. This course would be helpful for Machine Learning Engineers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless machine learning applications. The course covers topics such as machine learning, deep learning, and how to integrate serverless technologies into machine learning applications.
Project Manager
Project Managers are responsible for planning, executing, and delivering projects. This course would be helpful for Project Managers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless projects. The course covers topics such as project management, project delivery, and how to integrate serverless technologies into project management.
Systems Engineer
Systems Engineers design and implement complex systems. This course would be helpful for Systems Engineers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless systems. The course covers topics such as systems engineering, systems architecture, and how to integrate serverless technologies into systems engineering.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for managing the development and launch of new products and features. This course would be helpful for Product Managers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless products and features. The course covers topics such as product management, product development, and how to integrate serverless technologies into product development.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create and maintain documentation for software and other technical products. This course may be helpful for Technical Writers who want to learn more about serverless computing and how to use AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to build and deploy serverless documentation. The course covers topics such as technical writing, documentation generation, and how to integrate serverless technologies into documentation.

Reading list

We've selected five books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in AWS Lambda & Serverless Architecture Bootcamp (Build 5 Apps).
Provides a practical guide to building serverless applications with AWS Lambda. It covers the basics of AWS Lambda, as well as how to use it to build a variety of serverless applications.
Provides a comprehensive guide to preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam. It covers all of the topics included on the exam, including serverless computing.
Provides a comprehensive guide to using the Serverless Framework. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic concepts to advanced techniques.
Provides a comprehensive guide to designing and architecting serverless applications. It covers topics such as serverless application design principles, best practices, and patterns.
Provides a practical guide to using AWS Lambda to build serverless applications. It covers topics such as creating Lambda functions, deploying applications, and integrating with other AWS services.


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