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Understanding OAuth with Node.js

Justin Boyer
What do you do when you need to integrate with a web service? In this course, Understanding OAuth with Node.js, you’ll learn foundational knowledge required to implement OAuth in your Node.js application. First, you’ll explore building an OAuth client. Next,...
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What do you do when you need to integrate with a web service? In this course, Understanding OAuth with Node.js, you’ll learn foundational knowledge required to implement OAuth in your Node.js application. First, you’ll explore building an OAuth client. Next, you’ll discover how to create an OAuth protected resource. Finally, you’ll learn how to construct an authorization server. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of OAuth needed to integrate with and protect web services in Node.js.
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Good to know

Know what's good
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Explores OAuth in Node.js, which is an industry-standard tool for managing authorization
Taught by Justin Boyer, who is an experienced instructor in Node.js development
Suitable for developers who want to integrate with and protect web services using Node.js
Builds a strong foundation in OAuth for Node.js developers
Offers hands-on labs and interactive materials

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Career center

Learners who complete Understanding OAuth with Node.js will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Back-End Developer
Integrating with web services is a critical skill for Back-End Developers. This course can help build a foundation in OAuth, which is an authorization framework commonly used to integrate with web services. The skills and knowledge you gain from this course will be directly applicable to this role.
Software Engineer
Understanding OAuth is crucial for Software Engineers working on web applications or services. This course teaches the fundamentals of OAuth and how to implement it in your Node.js applications. With its focus on building OAuth clients, protected resources, and authorization servers, this course provides a comprehensive understanding of OAuth and its practical applications.
Web Developer
OAuth is becoming increasingly important for Web Developers who need to integrate with third-party services. This course can help build a solid foundation in OAuth and Node.js, allowing you to effectively integrate external services into your web applications.
Cloud Engineer
Cloud Engineers often work with various cloud services that use OAuth for authorization. This course provides a deep understanding of OAuth, enabling you to integrate and manage these services effectively. By mastering OAuth, you can enhance your cloud engineering skills and make your applications more secure.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers may encounter situations where they need to integrate with external services or applications using OAuth. This course can provide a solid understanding of OAuth and help you build and maintain secure and reliable integrations.
Security Engineer
This course may be useful for Security Engineers who want to gain expertise in OAuth, an important security protocol for web applications. By understanding how OAuth works, you can contribute to securing applications and protecting sensitive data.
Information Security Analyst
This course may be useful for Information Security Analysts who want to expand their knowledge of OAuth, a critical protocol for securing web applications. Understanding OAuth can aid you in evaluating and mitigating security risks associated with web applications and services.
Data Analyst
This course may be useful for Data Analysts who work with data from various sources. Understanding OAuth can help you securely access and integrate data from web services and APIs, enriching your data analysis capabilities.
Business Analyst
This course may be useful for Business Analysts who work with web applications and need to understand how OAuth is used for authorization. This knowledge can help you bridge the gap between technical and business requirements and ensure that web applications are secure and user-friendly.
Product Manager
This course may be useful for Product Managers who are involved in developing web applications that integrate with third-party services. Understanding OAuth can help you make informed decisions about security and integration strategies, leading to more successful product development.
Project Manager
This course may be useful for Project Managers who lead teams working on web applications that integrate with third-party services. Understanding OAuth can help you effectively manage project requirements, timelines, and risks related to integration and security.
Technical Writer
This course may be useful for Technical Writers who document web applications or services that use OAuth. By understanding OAuth, you can accurately explain its functionality and benefits, ensuring that users have a clear understanding of how their data is being accessed and protected.
Cybersecurity Analyst
This course may be useful for Cybersecurity Analysts who want to enhance their understanding of OAuth, a critical protocol for securing web applications. By understanding OAuth's vulnerabilities and best practices, you can contribute to the development of more secure systems and protect against cyber threats.
User Experience (UX) Designer
This course may be useful for User Experience (UX) Designers who want to create secure and user-friendly web applications. Understanding OAuth can inform your design decisions and ensure that users have a seamless and secure experience when interacting with your applications.
Quality Assurance (QA) Tester
This course may be useful for Quality Assurance (QA) Testers who evaluate web applications that use OAuth. Understanding OAuth can help you design test cases that effectively assess the security and functionality of the authentication process.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Understanding OAuth with Node.js.
Need to design and implement RESTful APIs in your OAuth 2.0 applications? provides a step-by-step guide to best practices and patterns for creating robust and scalable APIs.
Planning to scale your OAuth 2.0-based applications to handle high traffic volumes? provides a comprehensive overview of scalability patterns and practices for large-scale web architectures.
Need to brush up on your JavaScript skills to build OAuth 2.0 applications with Node.js? provides a comprehensive overview of JavaScript, from the basics to advanced topics.
Envie de créer des API REST avec Node.js ? Ce livre vous enseignera les techniques et les bonnes pratiques pour concevoir et implémenter des API robustes et évolutives.
Vous cherchez un guide pratique de Node.js en français? Cet ouvrage vous fournira les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour maîtriser la plateforme et ses écosystèmes.


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