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Joseph Phillips

Project management is an exciting place to be. Project managers help shape the success of organizations, implement new technology, change the business landscape, and have influence over all areas of a business. Project managers earn a nice income and often move up the organizational chain into full-time management positions.  

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Project management is an exciting place to be. Project managers help shape the success of organizations, implement new technology, change the business landscape, and have influence over all areas of a business. Project managers earn a nice income and often move up the organizational chain into full-time management positions.  

In this course, we’ll examine the absolute basics of project management. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? In this fundamental course, we will explore the big picture of project management and the project management life cycle. You’ll finish this course with an excellent grasp of project management, your roles and responsibilities as a project manager, and how to move forward in your career as a project manager.  

This course is designed for people that are new to project management. This course is structured to give you a solid project management foundation and help you speak the project management language. Don’t worry – this course is easy to follow, has a logical approach, and it has a fun, can-do attitude in its delivery.  

Projects use processes to move things forward. These processes are universal to all projects, regardless of the industry you may work in. These processes are grouped into logical chunks, and that’s our primary focus of the course. You’ll learn the major components of the project management lifecycle:    

  • Initiating the project

  • Planning the project

  • Executing the project

  • Monitoring and controlling the project

  • Closing the project

Finally, this course includes several templates you can download and use in your projects. I’ll also show you how to build many project management documents. Let’s get started right now on your project management career.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Compare and contrast the project management process groups
  • Explain what a project is (and is not)
  • Explain how to initiate a project
  • Work with the project team to plan a project
  • Oversee the project execution
  • Monitor and control the project activities
  • Close out a phase or a project
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of a successful project manager


In this section we will establish a good understanding of projects and project management.

Welcome to your new career: project management! Project management can be one of the most exciting, and rewarding, career choices. You’ll work with people from a variety of lines of business, different levels of management, and lead individuals to get things done.
In this course you will learn about the five process groups that make up the project management life cycle:

  • Initiating
  • Planning
  • Executing
  • Monitoring and Controlling
  • Closing

In this lecture I’ll walk you through an overview of the course, the course outcomes, and setting expectations for this fundamental seminar in project management. 

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Projects come in all different shapes and size. In fact, no two projects are the same – ever. That’s right, there are no two identical projects. Similar? Yes, but there will always be different conditions that can affect how you will manage the project.

A project is a temporary endeavor to create a unique product, service, condition, or result. Projects do not, thankfully, last forever. Unlike operations, the day-to-day work of your company, projects have a definite beginning and a definite ending.

In this lecture we’ll explore the characteristics of projects.

Project managers are the individuals that are empowered to manage the project resources to achieve the goals and vision of the project.

I like photography. I like to look at pictures; take pictures; and mess with filters, lenses, and light meters. I've learned that to really capture a good photo, you have to see the developed photo in your mind's eye. You have to look at your environment and see how it will look once the image is printed on your color printer. You have to see into the future to capture the present in your camera. You must have vision.

Being a project manager really isn't that different. A project manager must have vision for what the project is to create. The project manager inherits the vision from the key stakeholders, the project sponsor, or even management. To plan for the project work, the project manager must envision what the end result of the project will be. Like taking a photo, a good photo, the project manager has to study, observe, and see the end result of the efforts before the work begins.

A project, like a good story, has a beginning, a middle, and a satisfying end. Think back to any project you've managed or worked on. Can you recall the beginning, middle, and a Hollywood ending?

The story for all projects is that they move through five process groups to get from start to finish. Within each process group there are key activities that help a project move along. The flow of a project through the five process groups is the project management life cycle.

Ready to test what you've learned so far? Don't worry! This is an easy quiz that you'll do fine on if you've completed the section. Let's go!

What we have discussed in this intro to project management section is a good foundation for the way projects are to operate, project constraints, and some challenges every project manager faces.

For now, know this: Projects are successful based on the ability of the project manager to lead, manage, and motivate the project team to complete the project plan. The project plan supports the vision that the project manager has inherited from the project stakeholders. If the project manager and the project stakeholder don't have the same vision of the desired future state, the project is doomed.

All projects begin with project initiation. This section focuses on the common approaches to launching a new project venture.

This process group starts all the fun. In this group the business need for the project is identified, some initial solutions might be proposed, and the project manager is selected.

The most important document to come out of this group is the project charter, which authorizes the project work and assigns the project manager the power to complete the project on behalf of the project sponsor. The project sponsor is typically someone high enough in the organizational hierarchy to have power over the resources that need to be involved in the project.

Organizations launch projects for many different reason, but it’s often to cut costs or to increase revenue. Sometimes projects are launched because of new regulations or laws and the organization has no choice but to comply.

Understanding why a project is launch, why a project is selected, can help you better understand the goals of the project and expectations of you the project manager.

Business analysis is the study of the requirements, the feasibility, the cost, duration, and likelihood of achieving a project goal. Business analysis usually happens before the project work begins and may be led by a business analyst.

A business analyst is a specialist that interviews people about the problem, documents solutions, and makes recommendations for the project to be launched or not. When it comes to project management, business analysis is all about gathering requirements for the project to complete.

The project is a document that authorizes the project manager and the project. It authorizes the project in the sense that it’s allowed to exist within the organization. It authorizes the project manager as it allows the project manager to lead, direct, and manage the resources on the project to get the project scope done.

In this lecture we’ll discuss the project charter and its contents. We’ll also take a look at a sample project charter you can use for your projects.

Stakeholders are people or groups that are affected by your project or they can affect your project. When you launch a new project you’ll want to quickly and accurately identify the project stakeholders – no one likes to be left out.

Stakeholder identification is also about documenting stakeholders’ needs, wants, threats, and even perceived threats. In this lecture we’ll take a look at how a project manager goes about finding and documenting project stakeholders.

Great job finishing this section on project initiation. All projects move through some type of initiation – some more formal than others. In this lecture we’ll take a look back at what we covered in this section and the most important things you should remember when it comes to project initiation.

It's been said that projects fail at the beginning, not the ending. This is true because of poor planning - something you want to master right away in your project management career.

For planning, the project manager must know what the project will create. The project manager and the project stakeholders—the people who have a stake in the project outcome—have to determine what the desired future state is. A dreamy wish list won't work. The project demands exact requirements. If you don't know what the project should create, how will you ever get there?

After the project requirements have been agreed upon, the project manager, the project team, and in some instances the project stakeholders will create a plan for ways to achieve the project objectives. This isn't a one-time process. Planning is an iterative process that happens throughout the project duration. Planning is a cornerstone of project management—skip planning or do it half-heartedly and the project is doomed.

The project management plan defines how the project will be managed from start to finish. The project management plan is an aggregate of many different plans. In the project management plan you define how you plan, execute and control:

  • Scope
  • Schedule
  • Costs
  • Quality
  • Human resources
  • Communications
  • Risk
  • Procurement
  • Stakeholders

In this lecture we’ll look at the most important components of the project management plan you need to know as a new project manager.

In project management there are actually two different scopes. The first is the product scope, which is what the end result of the project will create. The product scope is what customers focus on—what they are envisioning for you to create. The product scope describes the thing or service that will exist as a result of your project.

The project scope, on the other hand, describes all the work to create the product scope. It includes all of the work, and only the required work, to complete the project deliverable.

The project scope and the product scope support one another. In the IT world, for example, if you're creating an application for a stakeholder, they have expectations of what the application will do. When they discuss the requirements with you, they describe the end result of the application. Stakeholders think in terms of the vision, of the product existing. They can see into the future and experience the application before it's created. Stakeholders usually have a way of seeing the problem solved and the organization with their solution, and can feel a sense of relief and urgency to get the deliverable into production.

In the perfect project-management world, which doesn't exist, there is a logical, practical approach to calculating how long a project should take to complete. Let's pretend that we're living in this perfect project management world and see how things should go.

First we work with the customer to define the product scope—describing the thing that they want us to create. Then we create the project scope—all of the required work and only the required work to create the product scope.

Based on the project scope we’ll create an activity list. The activity list should then be arranged in the order in which the activities must or should take place. Many of the activities will rely on hard logic; they must occur in a particular order for the project to be successful. We have to install the operating system before installing the application. Soft logic relies on management discretion. For example, we could create a fancy script to install the operating system and then call a remote server to pull the application and install it on the target machine once the OS has been installed. But we may choose not to do that. It's preferential logic based on experience, the nature of the work, or your mood on that particular day.

How do we know what a project will cost? We really don't, until the project is complete. I sound more like a car mechanic than a project manager, but the truth is—and this may sting just a little—we can't know the final project cost until the project is complete because we can't accurately predict the future.

What we can do is create an estimate. An estimate is more than pulling a random number out of the air, adding 20% for good measure, and then saying, "That'll work." A real estimate evolves as project details become available. This is progressive elaboration. Project estimates start out broad, and as the project deliverables come into focus we're able to more accurately define our estimates.

Each estimate should provide an acceptable range of variance, the conditions of the estimates, and any assumptions made by the estimate provider. For example, an estimate to build a new warehouse may state that the warehouse will cost $350,000, +/– 10%, is valid for 30 days, and assumes that the warehouse will be built in the month of June.

In addition to defining all of the project objectives the project manager has to determine how her project will live under the quality policy of her organizations. In some organizations the quality policy may be nice and vague, like “Quality is job done.” Or “The customer is always right if they pay on time.”

Other organizations subscribe to quality programs like Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen Technologies, and ISO 9000 or 10000 programs. In these systems the project manager must follow the quality expectations of the organization to show improvements, measurements, and satisfaction.

Planning for quality means that you plan on doing the project work in alignment with the expectations of what constitutes quality.

When it comes to your role as a project manager, you must always—and I do mean always—be on the lookout for any risks that can cause the project to fail. And not just the project manager, but the whole project team.

Risk identification is an iterative, active process. Risk identification doesn't live between launch and execution, but from project launch to project closure. The project manager must stress, must perform risk identification.

But how exactly does this work? Glad you asked.

Most organizations have some risk management procedures in play—even if they're not formally identified. A risk management methodology, in its purest form, has procedures for risk identification and classification, the organization's utility function, and the process for risk analysis.

Planning is an iterative activity that happens throughout the project. Rarely will the project management plan be created entirely upfront before any work begins. Planning requires time, sometimes a budget, and other experts helping you to make the best decision for the project.

In this section we talked about the most important aspects of project planning: scope, time, cost, quality, and risks. While there are other areas of the project that will require project planning, these five are the most crucial to project success.

Project execution is the real business of a project. Project execution is all about executing the project plans.

All the planning in the world is worthless if you don’t act on those plans. In this section we’ll look at the execution of the project plans and what the project manager’s role is in these activities.

You’ll manage the project team to ensure they’re executing the work properly. You’ll host project team meetings to keep up-to-date with the project team’s progress and you’ll communicate that status to the appropriate stakeholders. And speaking of stakeholders, you’ll also work to keep them engaged with the project.

Ever hear the quip, "Plan your work and then work your plan?" This is the working part. The executing process group is the project team executing the project work according to plan—and the project manager working with any vendors who might be involved in the execution or support of the deliverables needed for the project completion.

Project management is all about getting things done. In this lecture we’ll explore the activities you and the project team will need to do get things done. Let’s get this lecture done!

This won't be a shock to most of you: human resource management is the most difficult part of project management. Do you ever wonder why, oh why, won't the project team just do what's been asked of them? Do you ever wonder why management won't give you more power to help the project team get the project done? Or why you can't have all the resources you need to get this project done?

I bet you have. I bet you've asked countless other questions related to human resources. It's a tough business and whether we like it or not our project team, our workers, and our colleagues look to us for two things: leadership and management.

Management is concerned with getting the job done. Leadership is concerned with motivating, aligning, and directing people. All the above info is accurate, interesting, and great for any MBA class, but to apply it, well, that takes experience and talent. No jokes here.

How many meetings have you been to that have been a complete waste of time? I call those WOT meetings – Waste of Time meetings. People know they need to meet to discuss the project, but they’ve not prepared the meeting to accomplish any particular goal – something you don’t want to experience.

In this lecture we’ll examine how you can prepare to lead an effective team meeting. Team meetings are something you’ll do on a regular cadence, so it’s vital to set the stage and to set expectations for each meeting to save time and to garner valuable information.

Stakeholders want, need, demand to know the project status. Communication, of course, is more than just talking. Communication is also listening. When it comes to project management, communication takes up 90% of a project manager's time.

Real communication is about transferring knowledge. You know something and you tell someone else, and then they know it. But it doesn't always work that way, does it? Communication is tough. There are two big categories of communications you’ll utilize as a project manager: written and oral.

In this lecture we’ll examine the communication practices for keeping stakeholders informed about project status.

Every project manager knows that you need to manage the project team, but did you know that you also need to manage your stakeholders? Managing stakeholders is all about communication – communicating what’s happening with the project, but also addressing stakeholder concerns.

Managing stakeholders is also about keeping stakeholders engaged. You want stakeholders to be excited about your project and to keep stakeholders bought into the project vision. You do not want stakeholders to lose interest and drift away from your project.

Project management is all about getting things done, and that was also the main thrust of this section. Great job finishing this chunk of the course.

In this section we discussed several items:

  • Doing the project work
  • Managing the project team
  • Hosting team meetings
  • Communicating the project status
  • Managing stakeholders

Way to go! Let’s keep moving forward!

While the project team is executing the project plan you'll be monitoring and controlling the project work. Monitoring and controlling happens throughout the project.

Control freaks need not apply. Controlling isn't about micromanaging—it's about compliance with the project plan. There's a required balance between execution and control. The project manager works with the project team, not over it, to ensure that it's doing the work as it was planned. And if not? The project manager makes corrective actions to get the project back in alignment with the project plan.

Controlling is also about balancing the time, cost, and scope constraints as the project moves along. The project manager has to measure, compare, and adjust controls within the project to ensure project success. If we do not measure, we cannot improve.

Controlling the project work is needed to ensure that the work is completed according to plan, with quality, on schedule, and on budget. Controlling the project work overlaps project execution; in fact, there’s a back-and-forth relationship between executing and controlling in the project.

In this lecture we’ll examine how the project manager goes about controlling the work and ensuring that the project team is executing as planned.

The project team can have the largest influence on the project success or failure. The project team can do the work correctly or they can rush, make mistakes, be sloppy and totally wreck your project!

In my experience, most project team members want to do the work correctly - and it's important for us, the project managers, to not get in the way of their work. We want the individuals on the project team to take pride in what they're creating, but we do need some monitoring and controlling of the project team throughout the project life cycle.

You've planned for communications and now you're following your plan. But you have to listen to what's being said. I don't know about you, but I have two ears and one mouth. I've heard that this means I should listen twice as much as I talk. I have to listen to understand and receive the messages being sent to me.

As a project manager, you have scores of communication channels. And within your project there are potentially hundreds of communication channels. The larger the project, the greater opportunity for communications to break down. That’s why controlling communications is so vital to successful project management.

You now know that stakeholders are the people and groups that have a vested interest in your project. These stakeholders can affect your project, and they can be affected by your project. Keeping stakeholders engaged is important as you aim to keep stakeholders on-board, excited, and supportive of the project.

In this lecture we’ll examine some approaches you can take to keep stakeholders engaged in your projects. Let’s go!

We talked about many different topics in this section, but the main theme is that the project manager works to control all aspects of the project along with project execution. In this section we discussed:

  • Controlling the project work
  • Managing changes in the project
  • Balancing time, cost, and scope
  • Controlling project communications
  • Keeping stakeholders engaged

Great job finishing this section on project control. We’re so close to wrapping up the entire course – let’s keep moving forward!

Closing the project is an exciting part of the project - often more exciting than launching a project. In this section you'll learn all about how to properly close a project or a project phase.

Aaah...closing. This process group centers on closing out the project accounts; completing final, formal acceptance of the project deliverables; finalizing any time, cost, or quality reports; completing the project's lessons learned documentation; and finalizing any financial or procurement audits. The project manager might have to complete a review of each team member, a review of the vendors, and a review of his own actions in the project.

Project closure also involves some rewards and recognition. For some, this means bonuses, vacation time, or other rewards. If this isn't appropriate or available in an organization, the project manager should at least verbally reward the project team for its hard work and a job well done (assuming that the project was done well).

While most of the closing activities are focused on closing the entire project you should also know that you may have to close down a phase of the project. This is common in larger projects where the successful closure of one phase allows the next phase of the project to begin. While all of the project phases are connected, it's the closure of a phase that signals progress and usually creates an accepted project deliverable.

Let's take a look at the processes and activities you'll do to close down a project phase in this lecture.

So how do you know when the project is done? Some would say when you run out of money or out of time. To some extent, that's true—if the planning has been done accurately, the project should end on time and with no remaining funds. But this is supposed to be a realistic discussion on project management.

Projects are finished when the project scope has been completed. A project is complete when the project scope equates to the present state. A project is complete when the project manager and the project customer can take the WBS and check off each item like last week's shopping list. This is scope verification and leads to customer acceptance.

Scope verification is simply the project manager and the project customer inspecting the project deliverables to ensure that all the promises in the project plan exist in the project deliverable. There may be some rework, corrective actions, or last-minute change requests to complete the project; if all goes according to plan, the project manager and the customer are in agreement that the deliverables equate to the project scope.

The final step in closing the project is to officially close down the project. This means you’ve completed everything and the customer has accepted the work, right? Well, usually. It’s possible that a project could be cancelled – and then you’d still need to shut down the project.

Project closure includes filing a final report and performing a final review meeting with the project team. Closing the project properly helps future projects based on what you and the team have learned from the current project.

Successfully closing a project is a wonderful feeling. In fact, I’d wager it’s one of the best feelings and aspects of project management. In this section we talked about the three big things concerning closing a project:

  • Closing a phase (phase gates, validation, acceptance)
  • Customer acceptance
  • Closing the project

You did it! Great job finishing this course on Beginning Project Management. We’ve covered a lot of material in this course:

Projects are short-term endeavors to create a unique product or service. Projects are out of the normal duties you do as part of your operations. Projects are constrained by time, cost, and scope—and other constraints such as regulations, resources, or even vendors.

The Iron Triangle of project management posits that all projects are constrained by time, cost, and scope. If one angle of the project is out of whack, the whole project suffers.

Projects (and, technically, even project phases) move through five process groups: initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. Each process group has key activities that lend to a successful project. I believe the most important group is planning. Without planning, the project is destined for failure.

In this lecture we’ll recap all of this exciting information to help make you a more productive project manager.

Custom Certificate of Completion

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Appropriate for those new to project management
Covers the fundamental concepts of project management
Provides a comprehensive overview of the project management lifecycle
Includes practical examples and templates
Relevant for individuals in various industries
Led by experienced instructors

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Engaging project management level one

Learners say they find Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One to be an engaging course, particularly due to the clear explanations provided. It is taught entirely in English and could benefit from interactive quizzes to enhance learning.
The course provides clear explanations.
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The course is taught entirely in English.
The course could benefit from more interactive quizzes.
"les quiz pourraient être noté et interactifs pour donner plus de crédit"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One with these activities:
Create a project timeline
Creating a timeline of the project will familiarize yourself with the tasks, deliverables, and due dates for this course. It will also aid in your ability to plan for quizzes, assignments, and exams.
Browse courses on Project Timeline
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  • Review the course syllabus and identify key project milestones and due dates.
  • Create a visual representation of the project timeline using a tool of your choice (e.g., spreadsheet, Gantt chart, calendar).
  • Identify any dependencies between tasks and adjust the timeline accordingly.
  • Review and revise the timeline as needed throughout the project.
Follow project management tutorials
Following tutorials will help you refine your knowledge and solidify the foundational concepts of Project Management.
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  • Identify areas where you need additional support or clarification.
  • Search for reputable online tutorials or videos on those specific topics.
  • Follow the tutorials and take notes on key concepts and best practices.
Create a project plan
Creating a project plan will help you crystalize and outline the steps you will need to take to complete this course, including the resources and time you will need for each step.
Browse courses on Project Plan
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  • Define the project scope, goals, and objectives.
  • Identify the tasks and activities required to complete the project.
  • Estimate the time and resources needed for each task.
  • Develop a schedule for the project.
  • Identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies.
Two other activities
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Join a project management study group
Joining a study group will provide you with the opportunity to connect with other students in the course, discuss course materials, and reinforce your understanding of the concepts.
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  • Reach out to your classmates and form a study group of 3-5 people.
  • Establish regular meeting times and a communication channel for your group.
  • Use your study group time to review lecture notes, discuss assignments, and work on projects together.
Compile a list of project management resources
Creating a compilation of resources will provide you with a valuable reference that you can use throughout your project management career.
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  • Identify different types of project management resources, such as articles, books, websites, and tools.
  • Search for and gather resources that cover a wide range of project management topics.
  • Organize your resources into a central location, such as a digital folder or a shared document.

Career center

Learners who complete Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Project Manager
As a Project Manager, you will be responsible for overseeing and directing all aspects of a project, from initiation to closure. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to plan, execute, and control projects of all sizes and complexities. You will learn how to develop a project charter, create a project plan, and manage project risks. You will also learn how to communicate effectively with stakeholders and manage project teams. This course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful Project Manager.
Program Manager
As a Program Manager, you will be responsible for overseeing and directing multiple projects that are related to a common goal. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to plan, execute, and control programs of all sizes and complexities. You will learn how to develop a program charter, create a program plan, and manage program risks. You will also learn how to communicate effectively with stakeholders and manage program teams. This course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful Program Manager.
Project Controls Analyst
As a Project Controls Analyst, you will be responsible for tracking and reporting on project progress. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to collect, analyze, and report on project data. You will learn how to use project management software to track project进度, identify project risks, and forecast project outcomes. This course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful Project Controls Analyst.
Business Analyst
As a Business Analyst, you will be responsible for gathering and analyzing business requirements. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to gather, analyze, and document business requirements. You will learn how to use business analysis tools and techniques to identify business needs, develop solutions, and evaluate the feasibility of projects. This course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful Business Analyst.
Product Manager
As a Product Manager, you will be responsible for developing and managing products. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop and manage products of all types. You will learn how to define product requirements, develop product specifications, and manage product launches. You will also learn how to communicate effectively with stakeholders and manage product teams. This course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful Product Manager.
Quality Assurance Analyst
As a Quality Assurance Analyst, you will be responsible for ensuring that products and services meet quality standards. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to test and evaluate products and services for quality. You will learn how to use quality assurance tools and techniques to identify defects, develop test cases, and write test reports. This course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful Quality Assurance Analyst.
Technical Writer
As a Technical Writer, you will be responsible for writing and editing technical documentation. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to write and edit technical documentation of all types. You will learn how to use technical writing tools and techniques to create clear, concise, and accurate documentation. This course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful Technical Writer.
IT Project Manager
As an IT Project Manager, you will be responsible for overseeing and directing IT projects. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to plan, execute, and control IT projects of all sizes and complexities. You will learn how to develop an IT project charter, create an IT project plan, and manage IT project risks. You will also learn how to communicate effectively with stakeholders and manage IT project teams. This course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful IT Project Manager.
Software Engineer
As a Software Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and testing software. This course may provide you with some of the skills and knowledge necessary to design, develop, and test software. You will learn how to use software development tools and techniques to create software applications. This course may help you to build a foundation for a career as a Software Engineer.
Systems Analyst
As a Systems Analyst, you will be responsible for analyzing and designing business systems. This course may provide you with some of the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze and design business systems. You will learn how to use systems analysis tools and techniques to identify business needs, develop solutions, and evaluate the feasibility of projects. This course may help you to build a foundation for a career as a Systems Analyst.
Database Administrator
As a Database Administrator, you will be responsible for managing and maintaining databases. This course may provide you with some of the skills and knowledge necessary to manage and maintain databases. You will learn how to use database management tools and techniques to create, maintain, and secure databases. This course may help you to build a foundation for a career as a Database Administrator.
Network Engineer
As a Network Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining computer networks. This course may provide you with some of the skills and knowledge necessary to design, implement, and maintain computer networks. You will learn how to use network engineering tools and techniques to create, maintain, and secure networks. This course may help you to build a foundation for a career as a Network Engineer.
Information Security Analyst
As an Information Security Analyst, you will be responsible for protecting information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. This course may provide you with some of the skills and knowledge necessary to protect information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. You will learn how to use information security tools and techniques to identify threats, assess risks, and implement security measures. This course may help you to build a foundation for a career as an Information Security Analyst.
Data Scientist
As a Data Scientist, you will be responsible for using data to solve business problems. This course may provide you with some of the skills and knowledge necessary to use data to solve business problems. You will learn how to use data science tools and techniques to collect, analyze, and interpret data. This course may help you to build a foundation for a career as a Data Scientist.
Business Intelligence Analyst
As a Business Intelligence Analyst, you will be responsible for using data to improve business decision-making. This course may provide you with some of the skills and knowledge necessary to use data to improve business decision-making. You will learn how to use business intelligence tools and techniques to collect, analyze, and interpret data. This course may help you to build a foundation for a career as a Business Intelligence Analyst.

Reading list

We've selected 14 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One.
Provides the core concepts of project management, including the latest approaches, processes, and tools according to PMI. It is useful as a foundational reference for project management and is considered a standard within the field.
Is designed to help students prepare for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam and provides a comprehensive overview of the PMBOK® Guide.
Provides a practical and accessible introduction to project management, covering the fundamentals and best practices in an easy-to-understand manner.
Introduces the principles and practices of Kanban, a popular agile project management framework, and provides guidance on how to implement Kanban in real-world projects.
Classic guide to Scrum, an agile project management framework, and provides insights into its principles, practices, and benefits.
Introduces the concept of the Lean Startup methodology, which emphasizes iterative development, testing, and learning in building successful businesses and projects.
Provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of project management, covering all aspects of project planning, scheduling, and control.
Provides a practical guide to project management, covering both traditional and agile approaches, and offers insights into effective project leadership and decision-making.
Provides a unique perspective on project management, emphasizing the importance of creativity, innovation, and adaptability in delivering successful projects.
Challenges common misconceptions and myths about project management and provides practical advice on how to overcome challenges and deliver successful projects.
Provides a comprehensive overview of project management principles and techniques, covering all aspects of project planning, execution, and closure.
Is designed for individuals who are involved in projects but may not have a formal project management role, providing essential knowledge and skills for effective project participation.


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