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Charles Aylward

This course is designed to take step by step instructions, demonstrations and Labs to create and configure CI/CD Pipelines using the Azure DevOps platform.

The following sections are available in this course:

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This course is designed to take step by step instructions, demonstrations and Labs to create and configure CI/CD Pipelines using the Azure DevOps platform.

The following sections are available in this course:

  • Introduction to DevOps (Fundamentals)

  • DevOps Tools Required

  • Setting Up Development Environment

  • Branching and Source Control

  • Automated Testing

  • DevSecOps Security

  • Microsoft Azure Cloud for Deployments and Azure DevOps Pipelines

  • Create an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web App and Docker Files

  • Automated Unit testing using xUnit

  • Automated Deployment using Docker Images

  • Configure the CI Pipeline on Azure DevOps

  • Configure the CD/Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps

  • How to secure your DevOps pipelines using DevSecOps

  • Promote development to QA using post-deployment and post-deployment conditions

  • Theory and demonstration on Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • Quick Introduction to IaC tools such as Terraform, Ansible and Chef

  • Quick Introduction to scripting tools such as PowerShell and Python

  • How to use YAML files on Azure DevOps

  • Theory on Infrastructure as Code (E.g. Terraform, Chef, Ansible, PowerShell, Python)

You need to have more than 1+ Year IT knowledge and experience is essential and be able to understand logic how to write scripts using a command line. We use scripting languages, such as bash, powershell, YAML, etc.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • End-to-end ci/cd pipelines using the azure devops platform
  • Deploy to azure cloud app service and azure container registry
  • Branching and source control using git and azure repos git
  • How to use visual studio code for check-in code to git and azure repos git
  • Configure the ci/build integration pipeline on azure devops
  • Configure the cd/release pipeline on azure devops
  • Automated unit testing using xunit
  • Automated deployment using docker images
  • How to secure your devops pipelines using devsecops
  • Promote development to qa using post-deployment and post-deployment conditions
  • Theory and demonstration on infrastructure as code (iac)
  • Quick introduction to iac tools such as terraform, ansible and chef
  • Quick introduction to scripting tools such as powershell and python
  • Develop a web application using aspnet core 3.1
  • How to use yaml files on azure devops
  • Show more
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Introduction to this course and outline of each section of this course.

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to DevOps

  • DevOps Tools Required

  • Setting Up Development Environment

  • Branching and Source Control

  • Automated Testing

  • DevSecOps Security

  • Microsoft Azure Portal for Deployments

  • ASP.NET Web App and Docker Files

  • Configure the CI Pipeline on Azure DevOps

  • Configure the CD/Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps

  • Theory on Infrastructure as Code

  • Wrap Up the Course

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Introduction to myself
Understand and learn the DevOps fundamentals
Introduction to DevOps

Testing your knowledge on DevOps

Learn what DevOps tools we will use in this course to implement the CI/CD Pipelines on the Azure DevOps platform

DevOps Tools:

  • Azure DevOps Platform

  • Development Environment Using Visual Studio Code

  • Git

  • Microsoft Azure Portal

  • Docker

  • Azure Repos

  • Testing Tools

This lecture is a quick introduction to the Azure DevOps platform. I also take you into the Azure DevOps platform and talk briefly about all its capabilities.

This lecture is a quick introduction to our development tool we will use in this course, called Visual Studio Code. I also take you into the user interface and talk briefly about all its capabilities.

This lecture is a quick introduction to GIT that we will use as our local version control repository.

This lecture is a quick introduction to Docker and what we will use with Docker to deploy our web application to the Azure Cloud Services.

This lecture is a quick introduction to Azure Repos Git, our remote central source control repository. I also take you into the Azure DevOps platform to show you the Azure Repos capabilities.

In this lecture, we talk briefly about unit testing and other automated testing required for our Azure DevOps pipelines.

Testing knowledge on DevOps Tools and Azure

How to set up and install all the platforms and tools we will use in this course enabling us to configure CI/CD pipelines on Azure DevOps

In this lecture, we discuss all the tools and platforms we need to be able to configure our CI/CD pipelines on Azure DevOps.

This is a practical section, and you will need access to a Windows PC and the internet.

In this lecture, I take you through a step by step process on how to install Visual Studio Code. The link to Visual Studio Code is in the resources.

In this lecture, I will show you what extension we need to be able to create our web application and to push code to the Azure DevOps platform.

We need to install the Dotnet-core 3.1 SDK. The link is in the resources.

The extension we will enable are:

  • C# Extension

  • Docker

  • Docker Explorer

  • Azure Repos

  • Azure App Services

Learn what a branching strategy is and what source control tools to use

This lecture will cover the branching strategy and the installation of the Git software.

Test your knowledge on branching and Git

Learn what different automated tests to add to DevOps pipeline

In this lecture, we talk about automated testing and tools that we will use in this course.

Knowledge on Automated Testing

Learn what is DevSecOps and how to add security on the Azure DevOps platform

An introduction to DevSecOps concepts and how we would set up security on the Azure DevOps platform

Testing your knowledge on DevSecOps

Learn how to create accounts on both the Azure Cloud Services and Azure DevOps platform

We will talk about the Azure Service needed and what demonstration we will do in this section of the course.

This is a demonstration video on how to set up your Microsoft Azure account. the link to Microsoft Azure is in the resources.

We will also create a storage account on Azure including the Azure Container Registry.

In this demonstration, I show you where to go to create your Azure DevOps account, then start our first project on the platform.

Testing your knowledge on Azure Cloud Platform

Learn what technology stack we will use to create the web application using ASP.NET Core 3.1

In this lecture, we discuss the development technology stack and all the labs that will follow I this section.

In this lab, we will create the initial ASP.NET Core web application using Visual Studio Code. NOTE, I added am additional ZIP file for the .NET 5 version of the. This should compile. Always delete the OBJ and BIN before building or checking in the source code.

Then we will upload the web application to the Azure Cloud Service directly from Visual Studio Code. The source code for this lab is in the resources. You can simply download it, unzip and run the code in VSCode.

In this lab, I will take you through all the steps I made to add unit tests to our project. This is a new project, so please download the new zip file from this lab only.

In this part of the Lab, I demonstrate how to add Docker Files to your project.

In this lab, I show you have to create branches on Git for your local source control repository. Then we push the code to Azure Repos Git on the Azure DevOps platform.

Knowledge of branching and committing code.

Learn how to configure the Ci pipeline on the Azure DevOps platform

In this lecture, we discussed the activities that we need to perform in this section of the course, including all the labs that are available in this section.

In this part of the Lab, we will cover security on the Azure DevOps platform. I will demonstrate how to create teams, users and permission settings.

I will demonstrate how to create service connections between Azure DevOps and Azure Cloud Service, called Azure Resource Manager.

I am demonstrating how to create deployment groups, agent pool and agent machines.

In this Lab, I am demonstrating how to build a pipeline on the Azure DevOps platform to restore, build, test our project.

Hi all,

There is currently an issue that Microsoft changed their policy to run Azure Hosted Agents on Azure DevOps. The way to get around this is to install a self-hosted Agent on your PC and run the pipelines remotely.

There might be content in here that is not covered yet, but please come back to this if you need to install an Self-Hosted Agent. Your pipelines will run normally if you point to use th Default Agent as explained in this lecture.

Please note, you do not have to upgrade from 3.1 to .Net 5 if you are running your own Agents where DotNet Core 3.1 SDK is installed. However, Microsoft do not support 3.1 anymore and its best to upgrade all your .Net projects to .Net 5.

In this lab, I demonstrate how to configure the pipeline to push the Docker Image to the Azure Container Registry.

In this lab, I will demonstrate how to add an Azure App Service on the Azure Cloud platform. We need this to deploy our web application.

In this lecture, I introduce you to YAML, what it is and how we can use it within a DevOps pipeline.

In this video, I demonstrate how to create a YAML file and push to the Azure Repos Git repository.

In this video, I demonstrate how to add the YAML file to a DevOps pipeline and execute the YAML instructions

In this lab, I will demonstrate how a quick code change can be fully automated and deployed to the development environment by adding triggers to the DevOps pipelines on Azure DevOps.

Testing your knowledge on CI Pipelines on Azure DevOps

Learn how to configure the CD pipeline on the Azure DevOps platform

In this lecture, we cover the environments needed for deployments, the Azure Release Process and deployment gates.

In this lecture, I quickly discuss the Labs that we will cover in this section.

In this lab, we will configure our Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps to push the Docker Image to the QA Azure Container Registry.

In this lab, we will create an Azure App Service for the QA environment.

In this lab, I will demonstrate how to use variables in a task within your pipeline.

In this lab, I explain the retention policies, options available and history for reporting purposes.

In this lab, I will first explain how to set up release schedules, creating release triggers and demonstrate how to set up pre-deployment and post-deployment conditions. I also explain how to use gates on the release pipeline.

In this lab, we will finally deploy our web application the QA environment on the Azure Cloud using the Release pipeline on Azure DevOps.

Testing your knowledge on CD/Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps

Learn what is Infrastructure as code and all the tools you can use such as Terraform, Chef, Ansible and scripting languages such as Python and PowerShell.

In this lecture, we cover the following items:

  • What is Infrastructure as Code?

  • Infrastructure as Code Tools

  • The Tools in following Labs: Chef, Terraform, Ansible, PowerShell and Python

In this lecture, I introduce you to Chef and cover the following items:

  • Chef and DevOps

  • Chef Components

  • Additional Tools: Chef Infra, Chef Habitat, Chef InSpec an Chef Automate

  • Sample Chef Architecture

  • Sample of a Chef Recipe

In this lecture, we cover the following:

  • What is Terraform

  • Terraform Configuration

  • Sample Terraform Config File

In this lab, I will run through a demonstration to create a resource group on the Azure platform using Bash on Azure CLI.

In this lecture, we cover the following:

  • What is Ansible?

  • What Ansible Manages

  • Inventories

  • What is a Playbook?

  • Sample Playbook

In this lab, I demonstrate how to write a PowerShell script and then also how to add a script to an Azure DevOps pipeline.

In this lecture, we cover the following:

  • Python

  • Demo on PyCharm how Python code loos like

  • Demo how to ad Python script on the Azure DevOps platform

Testing your knowledge on Infrastructure as Code

A thank you from the instructor
Wrap Up Video
This will contain advance lectures to learn more about DevOps

I am currently working on adding additional lectures to this course. This will include lectures on the following subjects

  • Branching

    • End-to-end branching using Azure DevOps and Visual Studio Code

    • Using Team Explorer on Visual Studio Community Edition 2019

  • Release Pipelines

    • Configuration - Using variable groups and variable substitution

    • Using advance pre-conditions before release to QA, UAT or Production

    • Versioning using Build Id

  • AWS CloudFormation

    • Structure of a CloudFormation YAML file

    • How to Release to AWS via Azure DevOps using CloudFormation.

Branching on Azure DevOps
Branching using Visual Studio Community Edition 2019
Configuration Settings - Variable Groups and substitutions
Deploy Web API to Dev using a Release Pipeline
Release Pipeline to QA or UAT or Production
The student will learn how to create and use YAML files to create CI and CD pipelines
Intro to YAML files
YAML File Convensions

Steps to create a YAML file on Azure DevOps:

  • Step 1: Create a new repository: trainingyaml

  • Step 2: Create a development branch

  • Step 3: Create a new file: azure-pipelines.yml

  • Step 4: Cope / Paste code to the file

  • Step 5: Commit file by clicking on Commit to development branch

  • Step 6: Go to Pipelines, and create New Pipeline

  • Step 7: Select Azure Repos Git

  • Step 8: Select the trainingyaml

  • Step 9: Choose “Existing Azure Pipelines YAML File”

  • Step 10: Select the development branch, and choose the path of the yml file

  • Step 11: Click Continue

  • Step 12: Click Run

Find the YAML file example in this resource attached.

Th parameter YAML file is attached to this lecture as a resource.

This lecture I demo how to use templates on your YAML files. The azure-pipelines.yml and template.yml is attach to this lecture.

The student will learn how to create end-to-end pipelines using YAML file by using a Web App to deploy to Azure App Services

In this lecture, I explain the next few lectures and what we will create on the Azure DevOps platform using YAML files.

In this lecture, I explain and demo what YAML code is required to Build, Test and Package  .Net Web App.

In this lecture, I demo the Terraform scripts needed to using the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) method to create Azure App Service Plan and Azure App Service

Please note, attach use the .NET8 version of the code, because the .Net 3 and .Net 5 is not supported.

In this lecture, I show you all files and project needed on the Azure Repos repository. Attach find the complete project in a ZIP file format on the resources of this lecture.

In this final lab of  this section, I demo the release pipeline and show a full demonstration of how the release runs and the end results on the Azure portal. Resources of the project is in the previous lecture uploaded as a ZIP file.

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in CI/CD Pipelines using Azure DevOps with these activities:
Review Git Fundamentals
Solidify your understanding of Git concepts before diving into Azure DevOps pipelines, as Git is fundamental for source control and branching strategies used in CI/CD.
Browse courses on Git
Show steps
  • Review basic Git commands like clone, add, commit, push, and pull.
  • Practice branching and merging workflows in a local repository.
  • Explore Git documentation and tutorials for advanced features.
Brush Up on YAML Syntax
Familiarize yourself with YAML syntax, as Azure DevOps pipelines heavily rely on YAML files for defining build and release processes.
Browse courses on YAML
Show steps
  • Study YAML syntax rules and best practices.
  • Practice writing YAML files for simple configurations.
  • Use online YAML validators to check for syntax errors.
Read 'The Phoenix Project'
Understand the cultural and organizational aspects of DevOps, which are crucial for successful CI/CD pipeline implementation.
View The Phoenix Project on Amazon
Show steps
  • Read the book and reflect on the challenges faced by the characters.
  • Identify the DevOps principles and practices that are applied in the story.
  • Consider how these principles can be applied to your own CI/CD pipeline implementation.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Create a Simple CI/CD Pipeline
Gain hands-on experience by building a basic CI/CD pipeline for a sample application using Azure DevOps.
Show steps
  • Create a new project in Azure DevOps.
  • Set up a Git repository and add a simple application code.
  • Configure a build pipeline to compile and test the application.
  • Create a release pipeline to deploy the application to a test environment.
Document Your CI/CD Pipeline
Reinforce your understanding by documenting the CI/CD pipeline you created, explaining each step and its purpose.
Show steps
  • Describe the overall architecture of your CI/CD pipeline.
  • Explain the purpose of each task in the build and release pipelines.
  • Include diagrams and screenshots to illustrate the pipeline flow.
Explore 'Infrastructure as Code'
Deepen your knowledge of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) concepts and tools, which are essential for automating infrastructure provisioning in CI/CD pipelines.
Show steps
  • Read the book and understand the benefits of IaC.
  • Explore different IaC tools and their use cases.
  • Consider how IaC can be integrated into your Azure DevOps pipelines.
Contribute to an Open Source Project
Apply your CI/CD knowledge by contributing to an open-source project that uses Azure DevOps pipelines.
Show steps
  • Find an open-source project that uses Azure DevOps pipelines.
  • Identify an area where you can contribute, such as fixing a bug or adding a new feature.
  • Submit a pull request with your changes and participate in the code review process.

Career center

Learners who complete CI/CD Pipelines using Azure DevOps will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in CI/CD Pipelines using Azure DevOps.
Provides a comprehensive guide to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles and practices. It covers various IaC tools and technologies, including Terraform, Ansible, and Chef, which are briefly introduced in the course. It explains how to automate infrastructure provisioning and management using code. This book is valuable for learners who want to gain a deeper understanding of IaC and its role in DevOps.
Provides a fictional but realistic narrative about the challenges and benefits of adopting DevOps principles. It illustrates how CI/CD pipelines can improve collaboration, reduce bottlenecks, and accelerate software delivery. Reading this book will give you a better understanding of the 'why' behind the 'how' of Azure DevOps pipelines. It is valuable as additional reading to provide context.


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