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Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

in28Minutes Official

Do you want to learn from the MOST POPULAR Course (180K+ Students)  on Microservices? Do you want to Learn to Build an Amazing REST API with Spring Boot? Do you want to learn what the Hype about Microservices is all about? Do you want to Build Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud? Do you want to Build Containers with Docker? Do you want to orchestrate Microservices with Kubernetes? Look no further.

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Do you want to learn from the MOST POPULAR Course (180K+ Students)  on Microservices? Do you want to Learn to Build an Amazing REST API with Spring Boot? Do you want to learn what the Hype about Microservices is all about? Do you want to Build Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud? Do you want to Build Containers with Docker? Do you want to orchestrate Microservices with Kubernetes? Look no further.



5 STARS - Anyone willing to learn Spring Cloud APIs and Spring Rest must enroll for the course without second-thoughts.

5 STARS - Probably I can say this is best tutorial for Spring boot as well as Micro Service for the learners who have just started there work/projects on these technologies.

5 STARS - This was an excellent course. The instructor provided great examples that were straight-forward and easy to understand….. I would highly recommend his courses if you want to solid introduction to spring boot and the spring framework.

5 STARS - Very helpful for the beginners as well as experienced people to gain knowledge on Restful Web-services and Spring boot. Thank you for such a nice tutorial.

5 STARS - This was perfect course to get introduced to the world of microservices. Instructor explained each topic by first listing the problems that the particular solution is going to solve.

5 STARS - Great course, the teacher explains everything in a good way making good examples that makes easy to understand how this knowledge can be use in real project. All the courses of in28minutes are great, i'm waiting for the next great course.

5 STARS - The instructor's has a unique style of teaching which is very uncomplicated , up-to-the point and very effective. Great job.

5 STARS - This one is the most awesome course that I have ever purchased in udemy.


Developing RESTful web services and REST API is fun. The combination of Java, Spring Boot, Spring Web MVC, Spring Web Services and JPA makes it even more fun. And its even more fun to create Microservices.

There are two parts to this course - RESTful web services and Microservices

Architectures are moving towards microservices. RESTful web services are the first step to developing great microservices. Java and Spring Boot, in combination with Spring Web MVC (also called Spring REST) makes it easy to develop RESTful web services.

In the first part of the course, you will learn the basics of RESTful web services developing resources for a social media application. You will learn to implement these resources with multiple features - versioning, exception handling, documentation (Swagger), basic authentication (Spring Security), filtering and HATEOAS. You will learn the best practices in designing RESTful web services.

In this part of the course, you will be using Spring (Dependency Management), Spring MVC (or Spring REST), Spring Boot, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Spring Boot Actuator (Monitoring), Swagger (Documentation), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE), Postman (REST Services Client) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.

In the second part of the course, you will learn the basics of Microservices. You will understand how to implement microservices using Spring Cloud.

In this part of the course, you will learn to establish communication between microservices, enable load balancing, scaling up and down of microservices. You will also learn to centralize the configuration of microservices with Spring Cloud Config Server. You will implement Eureka Naming Server and Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin. You will create fault tolerant microservices with Zipkin.

In the third part of the course, you will learn the basics of Docker. You will understand how to build containers for microservices built using Docker and Spring Cloud.

In the fourth part of the course, you will learn the basics of Kubernetes. You will understand how to orchestrate microservices with Kubernetes.


Each of these courses come with

  • Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences

  • Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks

  • Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered

  • Friendly Support in the Q&A section

  • Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course

HERE ARE A FEW REVIEWS ON THE  The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million

5 STARS - A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course.

5 STARS - This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be.

5 STARS - The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does.

5 STARS - I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early.

5 STARS - Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.

Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button.


RESTful Web Services 

  • Step 01 - Initializing a RESTful Services Project with Spring Boot

  • Step 02 - Understanding the RESTful Services we would create in this course

  • Step 03 - Creating a Hello World Service

  • Step 04 - Enhancing the Hello World Service to return a Bean

  • Step 05 - Quick Review of Spring Boot Auto Configuration and Dispatcher Servlet - What's happening in the background?

  • Step 06 - Enhancing the Hello World Service with a Path Variable

  • Step 07 - Creating User Bean and User Service

  • Step 08 - Implementing GET Methods for User Resource

  • Step 09 - Implementing POST Method to create User Resource

  • Step 10 - Enhancing POST Method to return correct HTTP Status Code and Location URI

  • Step 11 - Implementing Exception Handling - 404 Resource Not Found

  • Step 12 - Implementing Generic Exception Handling for all Resources

  • Step 13 - Exercise : User Post Resource and Exception Handling

  • Step 14 - Implementing DELETE Method to delete a User Resource

  • Step 15 - Implementing Validations for RESTful Services

  • Step 16 - Implementing HATEOAS for RESTful Services

  • Step 17 - Overview of Advanced RESTful Service Features

  • Step 18 - Internationalization for RESTful Services

  • Step 19 - Content Negotiation - Implementing Support for XML

  • Step 20 - Configuring Auto Generation of Swagger Documentation

  • Step 21 - Introduction to Swagger Documentation Format

  • Step 22 - Enhancing Swagger Documentation with Custom Annotations

  • Step 23 - Monitoring APIs with Spring Boot Actuator

  • Step 24 - Implementing Static Filtering for RESTful Service

  • Step 25 - Implementing Dynamic Filtering for RESTful Service

  • Step 26 - Versioning RESTful Services - Basic Approach with URIs

  • Step 27 - Versioning RESTful Services - Header and Content Negotiation Approaches

  • Step 28 - Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring Security

  • Step 29 - Overview of Connecting RESTful Service to JPA

  • Step 30 - Creating User Entity and some test data

  • Step 31 - Updating GET methods on User Resource to use JPA

  • Step 32 - Updating POST and DELETE methods on User Resource to use JPA

  • Step 33 - Creating Post Entity and Many to One Relationship with User Entity

  • Step 34 - Implementing a GET service to retrieve all Posts of a User

  • Step 35 - Implementing a POST service to create a Post for a User

  • Step 36 - Richardson Maturity Model

  • Step 37 - RESTful Services Best Practices

Microservices with Spring Cloud

  • Step 01 - Part 1 - Introduction to Limits Microservice and Spring Cloud Config Server

  • Step 01 - Part 2 - Setting up Limits Microservice

  • Step 02 - Creating a hard coded limits service

  • Step 03 - Enhance limits service to pick up configuration from application properties

  • Step 04 - Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server

  • Step 05 - Installing Git

  • Step 06 - Creating Local Git Repository

  • Step 07 - Connect Spring Cloud Config Server to Local Git Repository

  • Step 08 - Configuration for Multiple Environments in Git Repository

  • Step 09 - Connect Limits Service to Spring Cloud Config Server

  • Step 10 - Configuring Profiles for Limits Service

  • Step 11 - A review of Spring Cloud Config Server

  • Step 12 - Introduction to Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Microservices

  • Step 13 - Setting up Currency Exchange Microservice

  • Step 14 - Create a simple hard coded currency exchange service

  • Step 15 - Setting up Dynamic Port in the the Response

  • Step 16 - Configure JPA and Initialized Data

  • Step 17 - Create a JPA Repository

  • Step 18 - Setting up Currency Conversion Microservice

  • Step 19 - Creating a service for currency conversion

  • Step 20 - Invoking Currency Exchange Microservice from Currency Conversion Microservice

  • Step 21 - Using Feign REST Client for Service Invocation

  • Step 22 - Setting up client side load balancing with Ribbon

  • Step 23 - Running client side load balancing with Ribbon

  • Step 24 - Understand the need for a Naming Server

  • Step 25 - Setting up Eureka Naming Server

  • Step 26 - Connecting Currency Conversion Microservice to Eureka

  • Step 27 - Connecting Currency Exchange Microservice to Eureka

  • Step 28 - Distributing calls using Eureka and Ribbon

  • Step 29 - A review of implementing Eureka, Ribbon and Feign

  • Step 30 - Introduction to API Gateways

  • Step 31 - Setting up Zuul API Gateway

  • Step 32 - Implementing Zuul Logging Filter

  • Step 33 - Executing a request through Zuul API Gateway

  • Step 34 - Setting up Zuul API Gateway between microservice invocations

  • Step 35 - Introduction to Distributed Tracing

  • Step 36 - Implementing Spring Cloud Sleuth

  • Step 37 - Introduction to Distributed Tracing with Zipkin

  • Step 39 - Setting up Distributed Tracing with Zipkin

  • Step 40 - Connecting microservices to Zipkin

  • Step 41 - Using Zipkin UI Dashboard to trace requests

  • Step 42 - Understanding the need for Spring Cloud Bus

  • Step 43 - Implementing Spring Cloud Bus

  • Step 44 - Fault Tolerance with Hystrix

Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Develop and design rest api and rest web services with spring boot
  • Develop microservices with spring boot and spring cloud
  • Orchestrate microservices with kubernetes
  • Create containers for microservices with docker
  • Implement exception handling, validation, hateoas and filtering for restful web services.
  • Implement client side load balancing (ribbon), dynamic scaling(eureka naming server) and an api gateway (zuul)
  • You will setup centralized microservices configuration with spring cloud config server
  • You will learn to implement distributed tracing for microservices with spring cloud sleuth and zipkin
  • You will implement fault tolerance for microservices with hystrix
  • You will understand how to version your restful web services
  • You will understand how to monitor restful services with spring boot actuator
  • You will understand how to document restful web services with swagger
  • You will understand the best practices in designing restful web services
  • Using spring cloud bus to exchange messages about configuration updates
  • Simplify communication with other microservices using feign rest client
  • Show more
  • Show less


Microservices and RESTful APIs with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud - Preview
DO NOT SKIP: Success Stories of Other Learners
Introduction to the Course & Course Guide
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A surprise! New Course Updates
DO NOT SKIP: Join in28minutes Learning Community
Introduction To Web Services
What is a Web Service?
Important How Questions related to Web Services
Web Services - Key Terminology
Introduction to SOAP Web Services
Maximizing Learning Efficiency with Playback Speed
Introduction to RESTful Web Services
SOAP vs RESTful Web Services
How to remember things for long time
Restful Web Services with Spring Boot - V2
DO NOT SKIP: New to Spring Boot?
Course Downloads
Step 00 - Creating a REST API with Spring Boot - An Overview
Step 01 - Initializing a REST API Project with Spring Boot
Step 02 - Creating a Hello World REST API with Spring Boot
Story of in28minutes
Step 03 - Enhancing the Hello World REST API to return a Bean
Step 04 - What's happening in the background? Spring Boot Starters & Autoconfign
Step 05 - Enhancing the Hello World REST API with a Path Variable
Step 06 - Designing the REST API for Social Media Application
Step 07 - Creating User Bean and UserDaoService
Resources for Next Step
Step 08 - Implementing GET Methods for User Resource
Step 09 - Implementing POST Method to create User Resource
Step 10 - Enhancing POST Method to return correct HTTP Status Code and Location
About Your Instructor
Step 11 - Implementing Exception Handling - 404 Resource Not Found
Step 12 - Implementing Generic Exception Handling for all Resources
Step 13 - Implementing DELETE Method to delete a User Resource
Do You Want to Help Others Like You?
Step 14 - Implementing Validations for REST API
Step 15 - Overview of Advanced REST API Features
Step 16 - Understanding Open API Specification and Swagger
springdoc-openapi Dependency for next lecture
Step 17 - Configuring Auto Generation of Swagger Documentation
Step 18 - Exploring Content Negotiation - Implementing Support for XML
Step 19 - Exploring Internationalization for REST API
Step 20 - Versioning REST API - URI Versioning
Step 21 - Versioning REST API - Request Param, Header and Content Negotiation
Step 22 - Implementing HATEOAS for REST API
Step 23 - Implementing Static Filtering for REST API
Step 24 - Implementing Dynamic Filtering for REST API
Step 25 - Monitoring APIs with Spring Boot Actuator
Step 26 - Exploring APIs with Spring Boot HAL Explorer
DO NOT SKIP - New to JPA and Hibernate?
Step 27 - Connecting REST API to H2 using JPA and Hibernate - An Overview
DO NOT SKIP - Additional Setting For Next Step - H2-CONSOLE
Step 28 - Creating User Entity and some test data
Step 29 - Enhancing REST API to connect to H2 using JPA and Hibernate
Step 30 - Creating Post Entity with Many to One Relationship with User Entity
Step 31 - Implementing a GET API to retrieve all Posts of a User
Step 32 - Implementing a POST API to create a Post for a User
Step 33 - Exploring JPA and Hibernate Queries for REST API
Step 34 - Connecting REST API to MySQL Database - An Overview
Step 34z - OPTIONAL - Installing Docker
Course Update: Changes to MySQL Connector
Step 35 - OPTIONAL - Connecting REST API to MySQL Database - Implementation
Step 36 - Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring Security
Step 37 - Enhancing Spring Security Configuration for Basic Authentication
How to be consistent?
Quick Introduction to Microservices
Section Introduction - Microservices with Spring Cloud
Step 00 - 01 - Introduction to Microservices
Step 00 - 02 - Challenges with Microservices
Step 00 - 03 - Introduction to Spring Cloud
Step 00 - 04 - Advantages of Microservices Architectures
Step 00 - 05 - Microservice Components - Standardizing Ports and URL
How to Stay UpTo Date With Technology Changes
Microservices with Spring Cloud - V1
Next Section uses Latest Version of Spring Boot
Step 01 - Part 1 - Intro to Limits Microservice and Spring Cloud Config Server
Step 01 - Part 2 - Setting up Limits Microservice
COURSE UPDATE : Limits service with >=2.4.0 of SPRING BOOT
Step 02 - Creating a hard coded limits service
Step 03 -Enhance limits service to get configuration from application properties
Step 04 - Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server
Step 05 - Installing Git
Step 06 - Creating Local Git Repository
Step 07 - Connect Spring Cloud Config Server to Local Git Repository
Step 08 - Configuration for Multiple Environments in Git Repository
Step 09 - Connect Limits Service to Spring Cloud Config Server
Debugging problems with Spring Cloud Config Server
Step 10 - Configuring Profiles for Limits Service
Step 11 - A review of Spring Cloud Config Server
Step 12 - Introduction to Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Microservice
Step 13 - Setting up Currency Exchange Microservice
Step 14 - Create a simple hard coded currency exchange service
Step 15 - Setting up Dynamic Port in the the Response
Step 16 - Configure JPA and Initialized Data

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops key RESTful Web Services skills, which are core to software engineering
Teaches best practices in designing RESTful Web Services
Emphasizes Spring Boot, which is widely used in industry
Develops skills in RESTful Web Services Essential for building web applications
Provides a solid foundation for beginners in RESTful Web Services
May require prerequisite knowledge of Spring Boot for optimal learning

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Reviews summary

Master microservices with spring boot and spring cloud

In28minutes's "Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud" course is a comprehensive and well-received resource for learning microservices development. The course covers a wide range of topics, from RESTful web services to Spring Cloud components like Eureka, Ribbon, and Zuul. It also includes hands-on exercises and practical examples that reinforce the concepts learned. Reviewers praise the instructor's clear explanations, the course's organization, and the abundance of resources provided. However, some reviewers note that the course could be updated with more recent versions of Java and Spring Boot and that it could include more in-depth coverage of certain topics. Overall, "Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a solid understanding of microservices architecture and development with Spring.
The course covers a wide range of topics, from RESTful web services to Spring Cloud components like Eureka, Ribbon, and Zuul.
"The course covers a wide range of topics, from RESTful web services to Spring Cloud components like Eureka, Ribbon, and Zuul."
The course includes hands-on exercises and practical examples that reinforce the concepts learned.
"It also includes hands-on exercises and practical examples that reinforce the concepts learned."
Reviewers praise the instructor's clear explanations, the course's organization, and the abundance of resources provided.
"Reviewers praise the instructor's clear explanations, the course's organization, and the abundance of resources provided."
Overall, "Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a solid understanding of microservices architecture and development with Spring.
"Overall, "Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a solid understanding of microservices architecture and development with Spring."
However, some reviewers note that the course could be updated with more recent versions of Java and Spring Boot.
"However, some reviewers note that the course could be updated with more recent versions of Java and Spring Boot"
and that it could include more in-depth coverage of certain topics.
"and that it could include more in-depth coverage of certain topics."


Coming soon We're preparing activities for Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. These are activities you can do either before, during, or after a course.

Career center

Learners who complete Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Software Engineer
The Software Engineer is responsible for designing, building, testing, and maintaining software. A background in web and cloud technologies, including software development, is necessary to enter this role. This course in Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud will further support your software engineering background by teaching principles like building containers with Docker and orchestrating microservices with Kubernetes.
Web Developer
A Web Developer is responsible for designing, coding, and maintaining a website. Basic knowledge of web development is necessary including some coding experience. In this course, you'll learn how to develop RESTful web services and REST API with tools and frameworks like Spring boot, Spring Web MVC, Spring Web Services, and JPA.
Cloud Engineer
The Cloud Engineer is responsible for providing technical leadership and developing solutions that leverage cloud-based services, such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. A background in cloud technologies is necessary to be a successful Cloud Engineer. This course will give you foundational knowledge for a career in cloud engineering. You will learn to build containers with Docker and orchestrate microservices with Kubernetes.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst is responsible for collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data to identify trends and patterns. A background in data analytics is necessary to enter this role. This course may help build the foundation for a data analyst as you will be introduced to concepts like Spring boot, Spring Web MVC, Spring Web Services, and JPA.
IT Architect
An IT Architect is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining an organization's IT infrastructure. A background in IT architecture is necessary to enter this role. This course may be useful as you will learn how to build containers with Docker and orchestrate microservices with Kubernetes.
Technical Support Specialist
A Technical Support Specialist is responsible for providing technical support to users of software and hardware products. A background in technical support is necessary to enter this role. This course may be useful as it will build upon your foundational knowledge in software and hardware.
IT Manager
An IT Manager is responsible for planning, implementing, and managing an organization's IT systems. A background in IT management is necessary to enter this role. This course may be useful as it will build upon your prior knowledge and give you more experience with cloud technologies and software.
Information Security Analyst
An Information Security Analyst is responsible for protecting an organization's IT systems from security breaches. A background in information security is necessary to enter this role. This course may be useful as you will learn how to implement basic authentication with Spring Security.
Computer Programmer
The Computer Programmer is responsible for designing, coding, and maintaining software applications. A background in computer programming is necessary to enter this role. This course will further your computer programming skills as you will learn to develop RESTful web services and REST API, and principles like building containers with Docker and orchestrating microservices with Kubernetes.
Database Administrator
A Database Administrator is responsible for managing and maintaining an organization's databases. A background in database administration is necessary to enter this role. This course may be useful as you will learn how to connect a REST API to H2 using JPA and Hibernate.
A Webmaster is responsible for managing and maintaining a website. A background in web development is necessary to enter this role. This course will give you the necessary foundation in web development as you will learn how to develop RESTful web services and REST API with tools and frameworks like Spring boot, Spring Web MVC, Spring Web Services, and JPA.
Software Tester
A Software Tester is responsible for testing software applications to ensure they are free of bugs. A background in software testing is necessary to enter this role. This course may be useful as you will learn how to implement exception handling and validations for RESTful web services.
Network Administrator
A Network Administrator is responsible for managing and maintaining an organization's computer networks. A background in network administration is necessary to enter this role. This course may be useful as you will learn how to implement Spring Cloud Bus to exchange messages about configuration updates.
Systems Administrator
A Systems Administrator is responsible for managing and maintaining an organization's computer systems. A background in systems administration is necessary to enter this role. This course may be useful as you will learn how to build containers with Docker.
Computer Support Specialist
A Computer Support Specialist is responsible for providing technical support to users of computer hardware and software. A background in computer support is necessary to enter this role. This course may help add to your foundational knowledge in software and hardware.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Provides a comprehensive overview of microservices, including topics such as architecture, design, and deployment. It good resource for learning the basics of microservices.
Provides a comprehensive overview of microservices, including topics such as architecture, design, and deployment. It good resource for learning the basics of microservices.
Provides a practical guide to designing RESTful APIs. It covers topics such as resource modeling, versioning, and error handling. It good resource for learning how to design RESTful APIs that are scalable, reliable, and easy to use.
Provides a comprehensive overview of microservices design patterns and best practices. It covers topics such as service discovery, load balancing, fault tolerance, and security.
Provides a comprehensive overview of domain-driven design, a software design approach that focuses on modeling the domain of the problem being solved. It good resource for learning how to design software that is flexible, maintainable, and extensible.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Spring Cloud, including topics such as service discovery, load balancing, and fault tolerance. It good resource for learning the basics of Spring Cloud.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Kubernetes, including topics such as cluster management, container orchestration, and storage. It good resource for learning the basics of Kubernetes.
Provides a comprehensive overview of RESTful web services, including topics such as design principles, security, and performance. It good resource for learning the basics of RESTful web services.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Docker, including topics such as containerization, image management, and networking. It good resource for learning the basics of Docker.


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