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Zaid Sabih and z Security

Welcome to this advanced network hacking course, this course is designed to build up on what you already know about network hacking, therefore I recommend finishing the network hacking section of my general ethical hacking course or finishing my network hacking course before starting this one.

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Welcome to this advanced network hacking course, this course is designed to build up on what you already know about network hacking, therefore I recommend finishing the network hacking section of my general ethical hacking course or finishing my network hacking course before starting this one.

Just like all of my other courses, this course is highly practical, but it will not neglect the theory, since this is an advanced course we will be breaking each attack into its smaller components and understand how each of these components work, therefore by the end of the course you will be able to mix these attacks and adopt them to suit different situations and different scenarios, you will also learn how to write your own man in the middle scripts to implement your own attacks. You will learn everything by example in real world practical scenarios, no boring dry lectures.

Because this course builds on what you learn in the courses mentioned above, the main sections here have similar titles to the main sections in these courses, but the topics covered here are more advanced.

This course is divided into three main sections:

  1. Pre-Connection Attacks - in this section you will learn how to extend the pre-connection attacks you already know, for example you will learn how to run these attacks against networks and clients that use 5Ghz and extend the deauthentication attack to target multiple clients and multiple networks at the same time.

  2. Gaining Access - In this section you will learn a number of advanced techniques to gain access to various network configurations and various network encryptions. First you will learn how to overcome some security features that would prevent you from even trying any attacks, you will learn how to discover and target hidden networks and bypass MAC filtering whether it is implemented using a black-list or a white-list. As you go through all of the lectures in this section, you will learn how to manually configure and create a fake access point, you will understand exactly how it works and the services it relies on, therefore by the end of this section you will be able to create custom fake access points to suit your needs. You will be able to create fake captive portals, steal WPA/WPA2 passwords or use it to spy on clients that connect to it. This section is divided into a number of subsections each covering a specific topic:

    1. Captive Portals - captive portals are open networks that require users to login after connecting to it, they are usually used in hotels and airports. In this subsection you will learn three methods to hack captive portals.

    2. WEP Cracking - Even though this is an old and weak encryption, this is still used in some networks and you can not call yourself a hacker if you can not crack it, by now you should know how to rack WEP if OPEN authentication is used, in this section you will learn how to gain access to WEP networks that use Shared Key Authentication (SKA) as all of the methods that you learned so far will NOT work against SKA.

    3. WPA & WPA2 cracking - In this section you will learn more advanced techniques to gain access to WPA & WPA2 networks, this section is divided into even smaller subsections:

      1. Exploiting WPS - in this subsection you will learn how to debug reaver's output and exploit the WPS feature on more routers using reaver's advanced options, you will also learn how to unlock some routers if they lock after a number of failed attempts.

      2. Advanced Wordlist Attacks - in this subsection you will learn how to run more advanced wordlist attacks, this will increase your chances of cracking the key; you will learn how to use huge wordlists without wasting storage, save the cracking progress so that you can pause and resume and crack the key much faster using the GPU instead of the CPU.

      3. Evil Twin Attack - Finally if none of the above methods work, the last resort is to use social engineering to get the key, in this subsection you will learn how to get the password for a target WPA/WPA2 network using social engineering, without guessing and without using a wordlist.

    4. WPA & WPA2 Enterprise - These networks are usually used in companies and colleges, these are secure networks that use WPA or WPA2 but also require users to login with a username and password after connecting, in this subsection you will understand how they work and how to hack them.

  3. Post-Connection Attacks - In this section you will learn a number of advanced attacks that you can run after connecting to a network. All of the attacks in this subsection work against WiFi and ethernet networks, you will learn how to manually bypass HTTPS and capture sensitive data, you will be able to use this method regardless of how you became the man in the middle so you will be able to use it with any scenario or situation when interesting data is flowing through your computer. You will also learn how to inject javascript/HTML in HTTPS websites, bypass router-side security and run ARP poisoning attacks without raising any alarms. You will also learn how to manually analyse data flows and build your own MITM attack ideas. Not only that but I will also teach you how to write your own scripts to execute your own MITM attacks. By the end of this section you will learn the right methodology of building your own attack, you'll learn how to analyse network flows, run a simple test, translate that into a working script that implements your attack, and finally test that script against a remote computer.

Finally at the end of the course you will learn how to protect yourself and your systems from these attacks.

With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours.


  • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test.

  • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • 80+ detailed videos (10 hours) on advanced network hacking
  • 2 methods to hack wpa2 enterprise networks
  • 3 methods to hack captive portals (hotels & airport networks)
  • Steal wpa/wpa2 password using evil twin attack.
  • Crack wpa/wpa2 faster using gpu.
  • Write custom scripts to implement your attack ideas.
  • Bypass router-side security & run arp spoofing attack without raising alarms.
  • Unlock wps on some routers even if its locked
  • Disconnect multiple or all clients from their networks without knowing the key
  • Bypass mac filtering (both black & white lists).
  • Discover & connect to hidden networks
  • Crack more secure wep implementation when ska is used.
  • Exploit wps on more secure routers to get the wpa/wpa2 key.
  • Understand how wpa/wpa2 enterprise work.
  • Understand how a fake access points work
  • Manually create fake access points
  • Generate ssl certificates & use it to support https on apache2.
  • Create a fake captive portal that acts exactly like a normal captive portal.
  • Use huge wordlists to crack wpa/wpa2 without taking up disk space.
  • Save wpa / wpa2 cracking progress.
  • Bypass https & capture data manually.
  • Analyse data flows and build own attacks.
  • Run attacks against https websites.
  • Inject javascript / html code in https pages.
  • Create trojans - combine any file (image/pdf) with malware.
  • Replace files downloaded on the network with trojans.
  • Write script to replace downloads with trojans on the fly.
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This section will introduce you to the main topics covered in the course and give you a teaser of what you'll be able to do by the end of it.
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This is a teaser lecture, the goal here is to show you what you'll be able to do by the end of the course.

You'll see one of the scripts that you'll learn how to build in action, this script will replace any file downloaded by a target with a trojan that will open the file the target request and run evil code in the background allowing us to gain access to the target computer and fully control it.

As this is a teaser lecture, it won't cover how this is done, you'll learn how to do this as you go through the course, right now just sit back, enjoy the lecture, and you'll learn how to do this by the end of the course.

This lecture will introduce you to the main topics covered in the course.

This section will go back over some network hacking basics and build on them to prepare you for the next sections.

This lecture will give you an overview of what you'll learn in this section.

This lecture teaches how to manually change the mac address of any network interface, this can be useful to bypass security measurements, hide your identity and more.

In this lecture you will learn how to use airodump-ng to sniff data from networks and clients that use run on 5GHz.

This lecture will teach you how to disconnect any device from any WiFi network even if the network uses encryption like WPA or WPA2.

In this lecture you will learn how to disconnect a number of devices simultaneously from their network even if their network uses a password.

In this lecture you will learn how to run a deauthentication attack and disconnect all clients in a network, without connecting to the network and even if the network uses encryptions such as WPA/WPA2.

Sometimes devices are configured to connect to more than one wifi network, therefore they'll automatically connecting to other networks or other bands (eg. 5Ghz) if you de-authenticate them from their current network.

This lecture teaches you how to deauthenticate the same client from multiple networks.

This section will teach you a number of methods to hack into different types of Wi-Fi networks.

This lecture will teach you how to discover hidden networks around you and find their name/ESSID.

This lecture shows you how to connect to hidden network once you figure out the name.

This lecture will teach you what MAC filtering is, how it works, and how to bypass it whether it is implemented using a black list or using a white list.

The traditional methods of cracking will NOT work if the target network uses SKA authentication .

This lecture will teach you how to crack WEP networks that use SKA.

This lecture will teach you how to prevent the above attacks and protect networks from them.

This section will teach you how to hack into captive portals such as networks used in airports, hotels and colleges.

This lecture will teach you how to use monitor mode to steal login info entered by users to bypass captive portals.

This lecture will cover another method to bypass captive portals, in this method you will learn how to steal the login info by ARP-spoofing clients in the network.

In this lecture and the next few lectures you will learn how to manually create a fake access point, and configure it to work as a captive portal, so we can steal login info entered by users that connect to it.

This lecture will teach you how to clone any web page from the internet, as an example we will be cloning a login page used by my target captive portal.

This lecture will teach you how to fix the resources used by the cloned web page so that it looks and works like the real one.

In this lecture we will be modifying the source code used in the cloned page to make sure that it contains a form tag, this will make sure that the info will get posted using HTTP POST which makes it easy for it to sniff this info.

In this lecture we will finish working on the cloned page by adding a submit button to the form to make sure that the data will get submitted via HTTP POST when the user enter their details.

This lecture will teach you how to prepare your computer to launch a fake access point.

In this lecture you will learn how to configure and start all the components needed to launch a fake access point, this includes a DHCP server, a DNS server, and host apd.

This lecture will teach you how to setup redirect rules to redirect all users to the cloned login page as soon as they connect to the fake captive portal.

In this lecture you will learn how to generate an SSL certificate, the generated certificate can be used in any scenario or with any application that might require a SSL certificate.

In this lecture we will use the SSL certificate we generated in the previous lecture to add HTTPS/SSL support to your web server, as a bonus this will allow us to support HTTPS/SSL on our fake access point.

Finally in this lecture you will learn how to sniff & analyse data from the fake access point we created, the same method can be used to sniff data from any open network even if it was not a fake access point.

This section will teach you more advanced techniques to hack WPA & WPA2 networks without a wordlist by exploiting the WPS feature.

This lecture will introduce you to the main objectives of this subsection.

This lecture will teach you how to bypass the "Failed to associate" warning that you might get when using reaver.

In this lecture you will learn how to debug reaver's output, as an example you will learn how to bypass the 0x3 and 0x2 error messages thrown by some routers.

In this lecture we will have a look on WPS lock, what is it and discuss some ideas on how to bypass it.

In this lecture you will learn how to force some routers to automatically unlock their WPS.

This section will teach you advanced techniques to hack WPA & WPA2 - you'll learn how to use huge wordlists without wasting storage, pause - resume cracking and more!

In this lecture you will learn how to save your cracking progress with aircrack-ng, this will allow you to pause the cracking process, and start from where you left the next time instead of the default behaviour where you would start from 0.

In this lecture you will learn how to pipe crunch's output to aircrack-ng on the fly, this allows you to use huge wordlists to crack WPA and WPA2 without taking up disk space.

In this lecture we will combine the 2 methods we learned in the previous lectures, this will allow us to:

1. Use huge wordlists to crack WPA and WPA2 without taking up disk space.

2. Store the cracking progress so we can pause and resume anytime we want.

In this lecture you will learn how to crack WPA/WPA2 much faster using the GPU instead of the CPU.

This is part 1 where you will learn how to install the needed software and prepare the handshake.

In this lecture you will learn how to crack WPA/WPA2 much faster using the GPU instead of the CPU.

This is part 2 - here you will learn how to start the cracking process and get the password.

This section will teach you how to hack WPA & WPA2 using an evil twin attack, without a wordlist and without guessing!

In an evil attack we create a network that is identical to the target network, disconnect clients from their original network and steal the password when they connect to the identical fake network (the evil twin).

In this lecture we will discuss the idea of an evil twin attack, and how it can be used to get the WPA/WPA2 key.

You will learn how to install a tool called Fluxion in this lecture, since we already covered all the steps to generate a fake access point manually, in this lecture and the next one you will learn how to use Fluxion to automatically run an evil twin attack.

In this lecture you will learn how to use Fluxion to run an evil twin attack automatically and steal the WPA/WPA2.

In this lecture you will learn the right way to debug and fix issues that you might face with automation tools like Fluxion, as an example you will learn how to fix a common issue with the login interface displayed to users.

This section will teach you 2 methods to hack into WPA & WPA2 enterprise networks.

In this lecture we will have a look on a WPA Enterprise, what is it and how it works.

WPA enterprise is another form of authentication, all of the methods you learned so far only work against networks that use PSK authentication, in this lecture and next few lectures you will learn how to get the WPA/WPA2 key if the target network uses WPA Enterprise.

In this lecture we will discuss 2 methods to get the key for WPA Enterprise networks.

In this lecture you will learn how to steal login credentials used to login to WPA & WPA2 Enterprise networks.

Finally in this lecture you will learn how to crack the hash that you stole in the previous lecture.

This lecture will teach you how to secure systems from all of the gaining access attacks shown in this course.

This section will teach you a number of advanced attacks that you can do after connecting to the target network.

This lecture will give you a basic overview on Ettercap, what it is and how to interact with its interactive command prompt.

In this lecture you will learn how to use Ettercap to become the man in the middle using an arp spoofing attack, you will also learn how to sniff sensitive data such as passwords from poisoned computers.

In this lecture you will learn how to use Ettercap plugins.

Ettercap has a number of useful plugins that allow us to do various things, as an example, in this lecture you will learn how to use a plugin to automatically poison clients that connect to the network.

In this lecture you will learn how to use a more complex Ettercap plugin, this plugin will allow you to run a DNS spoofing attack allowing you to redirect DNS requests to any IP you want.

In this lecture you will learn how to bypass router-side security by only poisoning and sniffing data in one way using Ettercap.

In this section you'll learn how to analyse data flows and run your own custom attacks.

This course will introduce you to MITMproxy and teach you how to install it on Kali Linux.

This lecture will teach you MITMproxy basics, its modes, how to start it in explicit mode and how to configure the browser to use it.

In this lecture you will learn how to filter and highlight flows in MITMproxy using regex.

This lecture will teach you how to intercept data flows in MITMproxy based on regex expressions.

In this lecture you will learn how to manually edit the response body in flows, as an example you will learn how to inject javascript code and get it to be executed on the target browser.

In this lecture you will learn how to use MITMproxy in its transparent mode when you're the MITM, as an example you will learn how to use MITMproxy with an ARP spoofing attack.

In this lecture you will learn how to use everything you learned so far in a real life scenario, you will learn how to inject javascript code in the response sent to a remote computer connected to the same network, instead of injecting a simple javascript we will inject BeEF's hook code to hook the remote computer to BeEF.

This lecture will teach you how to use another tool that comes with MITMproxy, you will learn how to use MITMdump to replace flows based on regex rules automatically.

This is a bonus lecture taken from my ethical hacking course, this lecture shows BeEF's basics and how to use it to steal credentials from a remote computer using a fake login prompt.

This is a bonus lecture taken from social engineering course, it shows how to use BeEF to show the target a fake update message and hack their system after they install the update.

This section will teach you how to write your own Python scripts to implement your own attack ideas.

MITMproxy scripts allow us to use Python with MITMproxy to implement our own attack ideas.

This lecture will introduce you to MITMproxy scripts, why learn how to write them, and what can they be used for.

In this lecture you will build your first MITMproxy script, you will learn how to build a very basic MITMproxy script to print all requests/responses that pass through it.

In this lecture you will learn how to access useful data flowing through MITMproxy, as an example you will learn how to get your script to print the request URLs.

In this lecture you will learn how to use a basic 'if' statement to filter data and execute code on useful parts of the flows.

Now that you know how to write a script to filter data and execute code on the useful parts of the flows, this lecture will teach you how to create custom responses and forward them to the right destination, as an example you will learn how to create a custom response to download requests and redirect the user to a different URL, allowing you to replace any file that any person requests with any other file.

In this lecture you will learn how to test the script that we have been building so far and fix some un-anticipated  issues.

This lecture will teach you how to download and install a tool called The Trojan Factory, this tool will allow you to convert suspicious malware to torjans that look and behave like normal files.

In this lecture you will learn how to use The Trojan Factory to convert files into trojans.

In this lecture you will learn how to use the script that you made to replace files downloaded by computers connected to the same network with trojans made using the trojan factory.

In this lecture you will learn how to enhance the script that you made so far so that instead of replacing downloads with a generic trojan, it would convert the file that the target person is downloading to a trojan on the fly as the person downloads it.

In this part you will learn how to run shell commands and call The Trojan Factory from a python script.

In this lecture you will learn how to enhance the script that you made so far so that instead of replacing downloads with a generic trojan, it would convert the file that the target person is downloading to a trojan on the fly as the person downloads it.

In this part you will learn how to use variables in python scripts.

In this lecture we will test the script that we made so far against a remote computer to replace any file the target downloads with a trojan that is made out of that file.

The Trojan Factory has a mitmproxy script, it is similar to the script that we built, but it is a bit more advanced, it can be used to target multiple file types automatically, it also automatically changes the trojan name to the original file name, adds an appropriate icon, and spoofs the trojan extension.

In this lecture you will learn how to configure this script.

In this lecture you will learn how to use The Trojan Factory's MITMproxy script to replace any file downloaded in the network with a trojan with the right file name, right extension, and right icon.

This section will teach you how to bypass HTTPS and run all of the above attacks and scripts against websites that use HTTPS.

In this lecture you will learn how to use more complex MITMproxy scripts, as an example we will use a script that allows us to bypass HTTPS.

In this lecture you will learn how to run our own script against HTTPS websites so that we can convert files downloaded from HTTPS websites into trojans.

This lecture will teach you how to modify the response body even if the target website uses HTTPS, as an example we will inject BeEF's hook code in a HTTPS website.

This lecture will teach you how to protect yourself from all of the post connection attacks shown in this course.

Bonus Section
Bonus Lecture - What's next?

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops skills and knowledge highly relevant in managing and securing computer networks
Informed by the recognized work of expert instructors, Zaid Sabih and zSecurity
Teaches advanced methods utilized in the industry
Includes practical examples demonstrating the implementation of methodologies
Requires familiarity with basic network hacking concepts to fully comprehend advanced techniques
May require additional resources to reinforce foundational understanding

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Reviews summary

Intermediate network hacking course

Students widely praise this course, calling it engaging and well-taught. Instructor Zaid is particularly commended for his knowledge and explanations. Reviews mention the course quality is high, leaving learners eager for more.
Course is well-taught and engaging.
"This was my third course with zaid."
"None have matched the quality of Zaid!"
Instructor is very knowledgeable and provides clear explanations.
"Zaid is super knowledgeable on this subject!"
"Zaid explains everything very well."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Network Hacking Continued - Intermediate to Advanced with these activities:
Review previous knowledge of network technologies and protocols
Begin by reconnecting with concepts you already know about networking to establish a strong foundation for learning advanced concepts.
Browse courses on Network Technologies
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  • Review OSI model and network layers
  • Explore networking protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP, and DNS
  • Examine different types of network devices (routers, switches, firewalls)
  • Refresh your understanding of network addressing and subnetting
Practice network commands and tools in a virtual environment
Get hands-on experience with tools and commands, reinforcing your understanding of network concepts in a risk-free simulated environment.
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  • Use command-line tools like ping, traceroute, and netstat to troubleshoot network issues
  • Configure network interfaces and routes on virtual machines
  • Implement security measures like firewalls and intrusion detection systems
Follow tutorials and documentation to explore advanced topics
Supplement your learning by exploring advanced concepts through official documentation and tutorials, deepening your understanding of the subject matter.
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  • Study vendor documentation and whitepapers on specific technologies or protocols
  • Follow online tutorials on advanced topics such as network security or wireless networking
  • Attend webinars and workshops to learn from industry experts
Four other activities
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Create network diagrams to visualize and document network designs
Improve your understanding by actively visualizing network designs using diagrams, which can help you see the big picture and identify potential issues.
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  • Use network diagramming tools to create visual representations of network topologies
  • Document network designs, including IP addresses, subnet masks, and routing configurations
Participate in study groups or discussion forums
Connect with peers to discuss concepts, share knowledge, and learn from others' perspectives, deepening your understanding and retention.
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  • Join online or in-person study groups to collaborate with other students
  • Engage in discussions and forums to ask questions and share insights
Mentoring junior students in networking concepts
Solidify your understanding by teaching others. This not only benefits the junior students but also reinforces your own knowledge and comprehension.
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  • Volunteer to mentor junior students or peers
  • Organize study sessions and share your knowledge and experience
Volunteer at a local tech event or organization
Gain practical experience and connect with professionals in the field by volunteering at events or organizations related to networking, expanding your knowledge and network.
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  • Identify local tech events or organizations related to networking
  • Contact the organizers to offer your volunteer services

Career center

Learners who complete Network Hacking Continued - Intermediate to Advanced will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Penetration Tester
As a Penetration Tester, your job will be to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. This course provides a comprehensive overview of network hacking and penetration testing techniques, which are essential for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Penetration Tester.
Ethical Hacker
As an Ethical Hacker, your job will be to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks with the permission of the owners. This course provides a comprehensive overview of network hacking and penetration testing techniques, which are essential for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as an Ethical Hacker.
Security Researcher
As a Security Researcher, you will be responsible for conducting research on security vulnerabilities and threats. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Security Researcher.
Security Consultant
In the role of a Security Consultant, you will be responsible for providing security advice and guidance to clients. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Security Consultant.
Malware Analyst
As a Malware Analyst, you will be responsible for analyzing malware to identify its functionality and behavior. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Malware Analyst.
Incident Responder
In the role of an Incident Responder, you will be responsible for responding to security incidents. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as an Incident Responder.
Forensic Analyst
As a Forensic Analyst, you will be responsible for investigating computer crimes. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Forensic Analyst.
Information Security Analyst
In the role of an Information Security Analyst, you will be responsible for a variety of tasks, including monitoring networks for suspicious activity, analyzing security data, and implementing security controls. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as an Information Security Analyst.
Security Engineer
In the role of a Security Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining security systems. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Security Engineer.
Cybersecurity Analyst
In the role of a Cybersecurity Analyst, you will be responsible for monitoring networks for suspicious activity, analyzing security data, and implementing security controls. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Cybersecurity Analyst.
Security Architect
As a Security Architect, you will be responsible for designing and implementing security architectures. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Security Architect.
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
In the role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), you will be responsible for overseeing the security of an organization's information systems. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a CISO.
Vulnerability Manager
In the role of a Vulnerability Manager, you will be responsible for managing and tracking security vulnerabilities. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Vulnerability Manager.
Network Administrator
As a Network Administrator, you will be responsible for managing and maintaining computer networks. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Network Administrator.
Information Technology (IT) Auditor
As an Information Technology (IT) Auditor, you will be responsible for auditing an organization's IT systems and processes. This course provides a strong foundation in network hacking and penetration testing, which are essential skills for this role. The course also covers topics such as Wi-Fi security, password cracking, and social engineering, which are all relevant to this field. By taking this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as an IT Auditor.

Reading list

We've selected 14 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Network Hacking Continued - Intermediate to Advanced.
Is good for expanding on some of the individual concepts such as reconnaissance and exploitation.
Widely recognized reference in the field of computer networking and provides deep technical knowledge on TCP/IP protocols, which are at the core of network hacking.
Delves into social engineering techniques, which are often overlooked but critical in the field of network hacking.
Complements the course by offering a comprehensive overview of network security principles and practices.
This good reference for Metasploit, a widely used penetration testing tool.
Serves as a good reference for various ethical hacking and penetration testing techniques and methodologies.
Provides a balanced perspective on ethical hacking and can enhance the course by offering practical examples and case studies.
This resource can enhance the course by providing insights into information security policy design and implementation.
Is useful for providing background or prerequisite knowledge on computer networks, which is essential for understanding network hacking.


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