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GBERA | Green Building Education and Research Academy and Karim Elnabawy Balbaa, USGBC Faculty

دورة تدريبية احترافية فى نظام تقييم الأبنية الخضراء "ليد" مع المدرب المعتمد من المركز الأمريكى للأبنية الخضراء كريم النبوى

قام بالاشتراك فى الدورات التدريبية المختلفة أكثر من 7000 متدرب على مدار السنوات الماضية

الدورة التدريبية حاصلة على بادج " الأكثر مبيعا" على موقع أوديمى للدورات التدريبية حول العالم فى نفس الفئة

العديد من المتدربين وفقوا فى اجتياز أختبار الأبنية الخضراء ليد من المرة الأولى عن طريق اتباع الخطوات المذكورة فى الدورة التدريبية.

الإختبار والدورة على فيرجن ليد 4

أما بالنسبة لليد فيرجن 4.1 فهو مازال تجريبى وليس رسمى للإختبار ومتاح إستخدامه فقط لبعض المشروعات

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دورة تدريبية احترافية فى نظام تقييم الأبنية الخضراء "ليد" مع المدرب المعتمد من المركز الأمريكى للأبنية الخضراء كريم النبوى

قام بالاشتراك فى الدورات التدريبية المختلفة أكثر من 7000 متدرب على مدار السنوات الماضية

الدورة التدريبية حاصلة على بادج " الأكثر مبيعا" على موقع أوديمى للدورات التدريبية حول العالم فى نفس الفئة

العديد من المتدربين وفقوا فى اجتياز أختبار الأبنية الخضراء ليد من المرة الأولى عن طريق اتباع الخطوات المذكورة فى الدورة التدريبية.

الإختبار والدورة على فيرجن ليد 4

أما بالنسبة لليد فيرجن 4.1 فهو مازال تجريبى وليس رسمى للإختبار ومتاح إستخدامه فقط لبعض المشروعات

المدرب "كريم النبوى" معتمد كمدرب محترف من المركز الأمريكى للأبنية الخضراء و حاصل على العديد من شهادات الاحتراف فى الأبنية الخضراء من نظم تقييم المبانى من عدد مختلف من الدول والمنظمات العالمية وقام بتدريب العديد من المتدربين لاجتياز اختبارات الليد  وحاصل على العديد من الجوائز العالمية فى التصميم المعمارى المستدام

حتى لو كنت سبق لك الاشتراك فى دورات تدريبية كمقدمات للأبنية الخضراء ونظام التقييم ليد, ستجد العديد من الإضافات فى هذه الدورة التدريبية

. لا يوجد أى متطلبات للإشتراك فى الدورة التدريبية او لحجز الإمتحان, فقط المعرفة والعلم اللازم لتخطى الإمتحان.

الشرح فى الدورة باللغة العربية أما المادة العلمية من امتحانات وكتب ومراجع فمتوفرة باللغة الانجليزية

Start with this comprehensive course to begin your studies of sustainability and green building using the LEED Rating System. There are no eligibility requirements to be LEED Green Associate - LEED GA. all you have to do is to take the course and book for your exam. The course is provided in both English and Arabic languages.

How to be a LEED Green Associate in steps:

  1. Watch the Preface introduction to the LEED Rating System.

  2. Take a LEED Green Associate Course or Workshop.

  3. Study and take simulation exams and practice tests.

  4. Register on USGBC and Pay for the exam.

  5. Follow the instructions on USGBC and schedule the exam.

  6. Go for the exam with confidence.

خطة الحصول على شهادة الأبنية الخضراء ليد

1- مشاهدة فيديو تحضيرى كمقدمة عن الشهادة وكيفية الحضول عليها ومتوفر الفيديو بشكل مجانى فى اول محاضرة فى الدورة او على اليوتيوب

2- اشترك فى دورة تدريبية لشرح النظام ومتطلبات الحصول على الشهادة بشكل تفصيلى

3- المذاكرة والتحضير للامتحان والبدأ فى الاختبارات التحضيرية المتوفرة على اوديمى ايضا بشكل منفصل

4- حجز الامتحان ودفع قيمة الاشتراك

5- اتباع خطوات التسجيل وتحديد موعد للامتحان

6- الذهاب بكل ثقة من اجل تخطى الامتحان

مرفق فى الدورة التدريبية كيفية التسجيل للامتحان خطوة بخطوة

The LEED course was prepared by a USGBC-approved instructor "USGBC Faculty - Karim elnabawy.  USGBC® Faculty are experienced educators with a strong background in professional education, training, and facilitation in green building and sustainability development.

The following are some insights into the course content:

  • Pass your LEED Green Associate exam on your first attempt.

  • Understand the LEED Rating system in detail.

  • Learn more about LEED Accreditation and Certification levels.

  • Test your knowledge with quizzes after each chapter.

  • Receive study hints for how to pass the exam from the first time.

  • Receive a full study plan for your LEED preparation.

  • Receive a copy of presentation slides in PDF formats as handouts.

  • Learn the sustainable credit categories along with strategies: (Integrative process - Location and Transportation - Sustainable Sites - Water Efficiency - Energy and Atmosphere - Materials and Resources - Indoor Environmental Quality - Innovative design - Regional priority).

  • Understand the synergies between each credit category and find out the trade-offs.

  • Receive a certificate of completion from Udemy after completing all course videos, quizzes, and tests.

  • Receive - upon request once the course is completed (Without additional fees) :

    - Reference letter from the instructor to be used as a supporting document for your academic studies, work, or as an additional certificate in your CV including curriculum in detail attested by USGBC and GBERA initiative

    - Receive a certificate of completion attested by USGBC and GBERA Initiative.

    - After training On-going support.

مكونات الكورس ومميزات الإشتراك:

نسب نجاح مرتفعة فى الامتحان من المرة الأولى

فهم متعمق لنظام التقييم ليد

التعرف على درجات التقييم للمبانى والأفراد

اختبر معلوماتك بعدد من الاسئلة والاجوبة بعد كل فصل

الحصول على عدد من النصائح للتغلب على مشاكل الدراسة

الحصول على خطة تدريبية تتناسب مع عدد مختلف من الاشخاص 

الحصول على ملفات العرض بصيغة بى دى اف

 الالمام بالمادة العلمية المتضمنة فهم كامل لكل قسم وفصل مع شرح لاهم استراتيجيات الليد  (Integrative process - Location and Transportation - Sustainable sites - Water Efficiency - Energy and Atmosphere - Materials and Resources - Indoor environmental Quality - Innovative design - Regional priority)

التعرف على العوامل المشتركة بين الاستراتيجيات المختلفة

الحصول على شهادة بعد الانتهاء من الكورس من موقع اوديمى

بعض الامتيازات الاخرى تقدم عند الطلب  - 7 الى 10 ايام عمل - بمجرد الإنتهاء من الدورة (بدون رسوم إضافية):

الحصول على شهادة مرجعية وملف بمحتويات الدروة عند الطلب من مقدم الدورة من الممكن ان تستخدم كخطاب للعمل او للدراسة الاكاديمية او للسيرة الذاتية مصدقان من 


متابعة المتدرب حسب الإحتياج وتقديم النصائح والتوجيهات

غير متوفر مع الدورة التدريبية:

لا يمكن تحميل ملفات الفيديو على أجهزة الكمبيوتر ولكن من الممكن تحميل المحاضرات فيديو من خلال الابليكيشن الخاص بيوديمى فقط

تعليمات عامة:

تطلب الاعداد للدورة عدد من الأشهر لكى تصل للمتدرب بالشكل الممنهج والمثالى ليستغل وقته فى الفهم الصحيح دون المعاناة فى عدم وضوح الصوت او الصورة او المادة العلمية ولكى يكتفى بالدورة التدريبية فى الدراسة دون التشتيت بين عدد كبير من المصادر العلمية

الفيديوهات المرفقة فى الدورة التدريبية من غير المسموح ان يتم تداولها بشكل مجانى ولا يمكن نشرها الا من خلال الروابط الرسمية من الموقع

ممنوع منعا باتا تنزيل اوتحميل الفيدوهات على الاجهزة الشخصية وممنوع تداولها حيث ان ذلك يعد سرقة صريحة للمجهود المبذول فى التحضير للمادة العلمية 

The LEED Green Associate course is not related officially by any means to USGBC or GBCI education programs.

General notes:

  • The course is provided by karim elnabawy - GBERA "Green Building Education and Research Academy" and it took a huge amount of time and effort to be developed in a way that will allow students to benefit from it. The course is not allowed to be distributed outside Udemy by any means. Only sharing the official link to the course is allowed.

  • Screenshots and downloading videos are not allowed.

  • In the following link, you will understand how to use UDEMY practice tests: https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/231954647-Practice-Test-FAQs 

  • GBERA is not affiliated with the U.S. Green Building Council®  or Green Business Certification Inc.™ and does not administer the LEED AP® /LEED®  Green Associate™ program. USGBC and GBCI do not endorse or recommend the products or services offered by GBERA. 

  • LEED AP® and the LEED AP logos are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council® and are used with permission.

  • LEED® Green Associate™ and the LEED Green Associate logos are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council® and are used with permission.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • اù„ù†ø¬ø§ø­ ùù‰ ø§ù„ø§ù…øªø­ø§ù† ù…ù† ø§ù„ù…ø±ø© ø§ù„ø£ùˆù„ù‰. students would mostly pass the exam from the first attempt.
  • فù‡ù… ù…øªø¹ù…ù‚ ù„ù†ø¸ø§ù… ø§ù„øªù‚ùŠùŠù… ù„ùŠø¯. learners will get the knowledge required to understand what are the green building strategies.
  • اù„øªø¹ø±ù ø¹ù„ù‰ ø¯ø±ø¬ø§øª ø§ù„øªù‚ùŠùŠù… ù„ù„ù…ø¨ø§ù†ù‰ ùˆø§ù„ø£ùø±ø§ø¯.
  • اù„ø­øµùˆù„ ø¹ù„ù‰ ø¹ø¯ø¯ ù…ù† ø§ù„ù†øµø§ø¦ø­ ùˆø§ù„ø­ùŠù„ ù„ù„øªøºù„ø¨ ø¹ù„ù‰ ù…ø´ø§ùƒù„ ø§ù„ø¯ø±ø§ø³ø© ùˆø§ù„ø­øµùˆù„ ø¹ù„ù‰ ù†øµø§ø¦ø­ ù…ù…ùŠø²ø© ù„ù„ø§ù…øªø­ø§ù†.
  • اù„ø§ù„ù…ø§ù… ø¨ø§ù„ù…ø§ø¯ø© ø§ù„ø¹ù„ù…ùŠø© ø§ù„ù…øªø¶ù…ù†ø© ùù‡ù… ùƒø§ù…ù„ ù„ùƒù„ ù‚ø³ù… ùˆùøµù„ ù…ø¹ ø´ø±ø­ ù„ø§ù‡ù… ø§ø³øªø±ø§øªùŠø¬ùŠø§øª ø§ù„ù„ùŠø¯
  • اù„ø­øµùˆù„ ø¹ù„ù‰ ø´ù‡ø§ø¯ø© ø¨ø¹ø¯ ø§ù„ø§ù†øªù‡ø§ø¡ ù…ù† ø§ù„ø¯ùˆø±ø©. receive certificate of completion from udemy
  • اù„ø­øµùˆù„ ø¹ù„ù‰ ø´ù‡ø§ø¯ø© ù…ø±ø¬ø¹ùŠø© ø¹ù†ø¯ ø§ù„ø·ù„ø¨ ù…ù† ù…ù‚ø¯ù… ø§ù„ø¯ùˆø±ø© ù…ù† ø§ù„ù…ù…ùƒù† ø§ù† øªø³øªø®ø¯ù… ùƒø®ø·ø§ø¨ ù„ù„ø¹ù…ù„ ø§ùˆ ù„ù„ø¯ø±ø§ø³ø© ø§ù„ø§ùƒø§ø¯ùŠù…ùŠø© ø§ùˆ ù„ù„ø³ùŠø±ø© ø§ù„ø°ø§øªùŠø© ø¨ø³ø¹ø± ù…ù†ùøµù„ ø¹ù† ø³ø¹ø± ø§ù„ø¯ùˆø±ø©.
  • اù„ø­øµùˆù„ ø¹ù„ù‰ ø´ù‡ø§ø¯ø© ù…ø¹øªù…ø¯ø© ù…ù† usgbc ùˆ gberaùˆù…ùˆù‚ø¹ø© ù…ù† usgbc faculty ù…ø¹øªù…ø¯ ù…ù† usgbc ùˆøªù…ù†ø­ ø§ù„ø´ù‡ø§ø¯ø© ø¨ø³ø¹ø± ù…ù†ùøµù„ ø¹ù†ø¯ ø§ù„ø·ù„ø¨


Understand each terminology associated with LEED, How each terminology relates to other definition, Benefits of green buildings, sustainability practices, net zero building and environmental approach.
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In this video, we will give you an introduction to the LEED green associate exam, topic, and the green building definition. You will know the importance of the sustainable movement in buildings and how LEED reflect it. The following points will be discussed:

  • Preface | LEED introduction

  • Learn more about LEED certification, and accreditation.

  • Who can be LEED professional.

  • Who created LEED rating system.

  • Guiding steps to take the LEED exam.

In this video, we will talk about green building as a definition, and how a building can be described as a green building compared to a conventional building.

  • You will understand what is a green building.

  • How green buildings exists in our built environment.

  • Why green buildings are important.

  • How to promote green buildings positively.

To understand the green building movement, you have to know more about the root cause of the problem. In this video, we will talk about climate change and how it reflects negatively on the built environment.

  • Climate change and the built environment.

  • Understand the climate change concepts.

  • Learn the reasoning behind climate change.

  • How to overcome climate change.

  • The relation between climate change and the built environment.

The triple bottom line is one of the fundamentals of sustainability and green building. Get to know more about it in this video.

  • Understand triple bottom line.

  • Understand the balancing of social, Environmental, Economic factors.

  • learn the three P approach (Planet, Profit, People).

  • Understand ecology terminology.

  • Learn the importance of eco-systems.

In this video, we will discuss the concepts of greenhouse gases, carbon footprints, and carbon calculator. We will also represent the net zero energy building to provide a holistic understanding of the green building applications.

  • What are greenhouse gases.

  • Understand the concept of carbon footprint.

  • learn how to calculate carbons.

  • What are Low Carbon Buildings (LCB).

  • Life cycle phases of low carbon buildings.

  • Net zero energy building.

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Review of study plan.

  • What to study, memorize, and read.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

عرض لبعض الاسئلة للتدريب على موضوعات الفصل وللتركيز على عدد من الاسئلة 

الاسئلة الهدف منها هو تأكيد الفهم للمحتوى السابق المعروض فى الفيديو

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to think about the green building and sustainability as concepts.

  • Emphasizing triple bottom line benefits.

• Get to know USGBC® and its role. • Understand LEED as a rating system for green building. • Be able to define LEED rating system categories. • Understand LEED registration and certification process.

A new important term will be investigated in detail. In this video, we will know the organization behind LEED rating system, how it works, and how they manage the LEED rating system.

  • What is USGBC.

  • What is mission, vision, and goals of USGBC.

  • Differentiate between USGBC and GBCI

  • Get to know USGBC Guiding principles

The core of our course is the LEED Rating System. We will start in this introductory video to talk about it. What are the benefits, why LEED, How it works, and more!

  • What is LEED Rating System.

  • What is behind LEED rating system.

  • Why we pursue LEED? and what are the benefits?

  • How LEED Works.

What are LEED credentials and LEED certification levels? Can i be a LEED accredited professional? can a building receives a LEED certification? all that will be covered in this video.

Learn different LEED Credentials:

  • LEED Green Associate

  • LEED AP (With Specialty)

  • LEED Fellow

Learn different LEED Certification Levels:

  • LEED Certified

  • LEED Silver

  • LEED Gold

  • LEED Platinum

In this video, we will talk in detail about LEED rating system. What are the types of LEED rating systems, what are LEED credits categories, and what are LEED adaptations.

  • LEED Rating Systems.

  • LEED Credit Categories.

  • LEED Adaptations.

To get a building certified, a building project should meet MPRs. so what are MPRs? in this video, we will talk about it and illustrate the different MPRs.

  • What are the Minimum program requirements?

  • Why it is important to apply MPRs?

  • How MPRs can affect LEED certification.

The LEED rating system is based on points and requirements. That is included in LEED prerequisites and credits. In this video, we will describe how prerequisites and credits works, and the difference between them.

  • Understand LEED prerequisites and Credits.

  • Learn how to comply with LEED credits and prerequisites.

  • Differentiate between prerequisites and credits.

When a project complete a credit requirement, the project will be eligible to receive a set of points. Who determines the number of points for each credit? based on what? and why some credits are given more value than others? that will be discussed in this video in a concept called LEED credit Weighting.

  • 7 LEED impact Categories.

  • LEED Credit Weighting.

The LEED certification process for buildings is illustrated with ease in this video. a set of steps that will allow project to be certified. Learn more about LEED online, the platform which LEED projects use to manage project submittals and process.

  • Learn the LEED process in detail.

  • Understand the 4 phases of LEED certification.

  • Learn the differences between LEED registration types.

  • Get to know the different entities related to LEED communications.

  • Experience LEED Online platform

  • learn the role of GBCI during LEED Certification

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials. (PART 1)

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials. (PART 2)

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

LEED Rating System - نظام تقييم الأبنية الخضراء ليد

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

Learn more about sustainable thinking, approaches to life cycle analysis and costing, understand the integrated process and the integrated phases along the building life cycle.

Learn more about sustainable thinking, leverage points, and how systems can relate to changes and adjustments.

  • Sustainable Thinking understanding.

  • Systems thinking and leverage points.

  • Understand how systems work in loops.

Learn more about life cycle approaches. in this video we will investigate the following:

  • Understand Lifecycle Assessment (LCA)

  • Understand Lifecycle costing analysis (LCC)

  • learn the differences betweei lifecycle assessment and lifecycle costing.

The integrative process is the start point for a green building. In this video, we will investigate the integrated process and how projects can utilize it.

To provide a comprehensive integrated design process, project teams should understand the sequence and the process in steps. In this video, we will explain the steps for a complete integrated design approach.

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

Sustainable Thinking and Integrative Process (IP) - التفكير المستدام
Learn more about location and transportation sustainable concepts and strategies. learn how it reflects on sustainable choices and selections.

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Location and transportation intent will be explained as well.

  • Location and transportation intent.

  • Location and Transportation overview.

  • Location and transportation concepts and strategies.

In this video, Location concepts are explained and illustrated to allow the students to know more about location sustainable strategies.

The following strategies are addressed:

  • Smart Growth.

  • Increased density through compact development.

  • Development density

  • Density Radius

  • Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

  • Walking Distance

  • Selecting LEED Certified Neigborhood

  • Diversity of Uses

  • Locate near Public Transit

In this video, Transportation concepts are explained and illustrated to allow the students to know more about Transportation sustainable strategies.

The following strategies are addressed:

  • Public Transportation

  • Reduced Parking spaces

  • Alternative Fuel Vehicles

  • Compressed Work week

  • Telecommuting

  • Carpooling

  • Encourage Bicycling

In this video, Neighborhood Development and design concepts are explained and illustrated to allow the students to know more about neighborhood sustainable strategies.

The following strategies are addressed:

  • Smart Location and Linkage

  • Neighborhood pattern and design

  • Green infrastructure and buildings

LT | Quiz اسئلة حول الموقع ووسائل التنقل
Sustainable Sites (SS) المواقع المستدامة

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Sustainable sites intent will be explained as well.

  • Sustainable Sites intent.

  • Sustainable Sites overview.

  • Sustainable Sites concepts and strategies.

SS | Design and Construction Concepts مفاهيم التصميم والبناء المستدام
SS | Operations and Maintenance مفاهيم الصيانة والمتابعة اثناء التشغيل
SS | Heat Island Effect ظاهرة الجزيرة الحرارية - ارتفاع درجة الحرارة
SS | Rainwater Management إدارة مياة الأمطار
SS | light Pollution Reduction تقليل التلوث الضوئى
Ch05 | Quiz اسئلة حول استراتيجيات المواقع المستدامة
Water Efficiency (WE) كفاءة استخدام المياة

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Water Efficiency intent will be explained as well.

  • Water Efficiency intent.

  • Water Efficiency overview.

  • Water Efficiency concepts and strategies.

WE | Indoor Water Use Concepts | Part 1 مفاهيم استخدام المياة داخل المبنى
WE | Indoor Water Use Concepts | Part 2 مفاهيم استخدام المياة داخل المبنى
WE | Outdoor Water Use Concepts | Part 1 مفاهيم استخدام المياة خارج المبنى
WE | Outdoor Water Use Concepts | Part 2 مفاهيم استخدام المياة خارج المبنى
WE | Quiz اسئلة حول ادارة استخدام المياة
Energy and Atmosphere (EA) كفاءة استخدام الطاقة والتأثير على الغلاف الجوى

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Energy and Atmosphere intent will be explained as well.

  • Energy and Atmosphere intent.

  • Energy and Atmosphere overview.

  • Energy and Atmosphere concepts and strategies.

EA | Energy Demand Concepts مفاهيم احتياج الطاقة
EA | Energy Efficiency Concepts مفاهيم كفاءة ادارة الطاقة
EA | Refrigerant management Concepts مفاهيم كفاءة ادارة المبردات
EA | Renewable Energy Concepts مفاهيم عناصر توليد الطاقة المتجددة
EA | Ongoing Performance Concepts مفاهيم المتابعة المستمرة وتحسين الاداء
EA | Quiz اسئلة حول كفاءة استخدام الطاقة والتأثير على الغلاف الجوى
Materials and Resources (MR) المواد والموارد

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Materials and Resources intent will be explained as well.

  • Materials and Resources intent.

  • Materials and Resources overview.

  • Materials and Resources concepts and strategies.

MR | Conservation of Building Materials and Products الحفاظ على المواد والموارد
MR | Selecting Environmental Materials مفاهيم اختيار المواد البيئية
MR | Waste Management مفاهيم ادارة المخلفات
MR | Quiz اسئلة حول إدارة المواد والموارد
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) جودة البيئة الداخلية

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Indoor Environmental Quality intent will be explained as well.

  • Indoor Environmental Quality intent.

  • Indoor Environmental Quality overview.

  • Indoor Environmental Quality concepts and strategies.

IEQ | Indoor Air Quality جودة الهواء الداخلية
IEQ | lighting Concepts مفاهيم واستراتيجيات الاضاءة
IEQ | Occupant Comfort راحة المقيمين بالمبنى
IEQ | Quiz اسئلة حول جودة البيئة الداخلية
ID | innovation in Design الابتكار في التصميم

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Innovation in Design intent will be explained as well.

  • Innovation in Design intent.

  • Innovation in Design overview.

  • Innovation in Design concepts and strategies.

ID | Concepts and Strategies المفاهيم والاستراتيجيات
RP | Regional Priority تمييز المناطق الإقليمية
RP | Overview, Intent, and Concept الأهداف والمفاهيم والاستراتيجيات
LEED Green Associate V4 Exam امتحان الليد الأبنية الخضراء
LEED GA Exam Overview نظرة عامة على الأختبار
LEED GA Exam Registration كيفية التسجيل للاختبار خطوة بخطوة

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Instructs students to follow sustainable practices in architectural and environmental design to promote net zero buildings and environmental consciousness
Explores fundamental concepts of sustainability and green building, providing a solid foundation for understanding LEED principles and practices
Enhances understanding of LEED accreditation and certification levels, guiding students towards professional recognition in green building
Develops a comprehensive understanding of LEED credit categories and adaptations, equipping students with practical knowledge for LEED certification
Explains LEED registration and certification process, providing a clear roadmap for project certification
Utilizes a multi-modal approach, combining videos, readings, and quizzes, to enhance the learning experience and cater to various learning styles

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Create a mind map of LEED concepts
Visualize and organize your understanding of LEED concepts by creating a comprehensive mind map.
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  • Start with a central node labeled "LEED".
  • Brainstorm and add main categories of LEED concepts as branches.
  • Further divide each category into subcategories.
  • Connect related concepts with lines and arrows.
  • Use colors and symbols to enhance the visual representation.
Follow online tutorials on LEED principles
Supplement your learning by exploring online tutorials that provide in-depth explanations and demonstrations of LEED concepts.
Browse courses on Sustainable Design
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  • Search for reputable online platforms offering LEED tutorials.
  • Choose tutorials that cover the specific topics you need to reinforce.
  • Follow the tutorials step-by-step and take notes.
  • Apply the knowledge you gain to your understanding of the LEED Rating System.
  • Refer back to the tutorials as needed for clarification.
Participate in peer study sessions
Reinforce knowledge and learn from peers by engaging in group study sessions focused on the LEED Rating System.
Browse courses on Sustainable Design
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  • Find a study group or create one with classmates.
  • Establish a regular meeting schedule.
  • Review LEED concepts, strategies, and case studies together.
  • Take turns explaining topics and leading discussions.
  • Answer each other's questions and provide support.
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Practice LEED exam questions
Enhance understanding and identify areas for improvement by practicing simulated LEED exam questions.
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  • Purchase or access practice exam materials.
  • Time yourself as you complete practice exams.
  • Review your answers and identify areas of weakness.
  • Focus your studies on topics where you need more practice.
  • Repeat the process until you feel confident in your knowledge.

Career center

Learners who complete LEED Green Associate V4 | Complete Exam Prep Course | عربى will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Green Building Consultant
Green Building Consultants help businesses and organizations improve the sustainability of their buildings. This involves advising on energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction. This course is highly relevant to the field of Green Building Consulting. It will teach you the principles of LEED and provide you with the skills you need to guide clients' journey towards sustainability.
Conservation Specialist
Conservation Specialists work to protect and preserve the environment. They work in various industries, including government, non-profit organizations, and education. This course can help you become a Conservation Specialist by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of LEED and its principles. You will learn how to assess environmental impacts, develop sustainability strategies, and manage environmental compliance.
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Consultants provide advice and guidance on environmental issues to businesses and organizations. They work in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and energy. This course can help you become a successful Environmental Consultant by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of LEED and its principles. You will learn how to assess environmental impacts, develop sustainability strategies, and manage environmental compliance.
Sustainability Coordinator
Sustainability Coordinators develop and implement sustainability programs for organizations. They work in various industries, including government, non-profit organizations, and education. This course can help you become a Sustainability Coordinator by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of LEED and its principles. You will learn how to create sustainability goals, reduce energy consumption, and manage waste.
Environmental Scientist
Environmental Scientists study the environment and its components. They work in various industries, including government, non-profit organizations, and education. This course can help you become an Environmental Scientist by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of LEED and its principles. You will learn how to assess environmental impacts, develop sustainability strategies, and manage environmental compliance.
Sustainability Manager
Sustainability Managers are responsible for developing and implementing sustainability strategies for their organizations. They work in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and education. This course can help you become a Sustainability Manager by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of LEED and its principles. You will learn how to create sustainability goals, reduce energy consumption, and manage waste.
Environmental Educator
Environmental Educators teach people about the environment and its importance. They work in various settings, including schools, museums, and nature centers. This course can help you become an Environmental Educator by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of LEED and its principles. You will learn how to communicate sustainability concepts to a variety of audiences.
Real Estate Developer
Real Estate Developers acquire, develop, and manage real estate properties. They work in various settings, including private firms, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. LEED is becoming increasingly important in real estate development due to its focus on sustainability and green building. This course will teach you the principles of LEED and how to incorporate them into your development work.
Energy Auditor
Energy Auditors assess the energy efficiency of buildings and make recommendations for improvements. They work in various industries, including energy efficiency, construction, and real estate. This course can help you succeed in this role by teaching you how to assess energy consumption and identify opportunities for improvement. You will also learn about LEED certification and how it can be used to improve energy efficiency.
Urban Planner
Urban Planners develop and implement plans for the development of cities and towns. They work in various settings, including government agencies, planning firms, and non-profit organizations. LEED is increasingly being used in urban planning due to its focus on sustainability and green building. This course will teach you the principles of LEED and how to incorporate them into your planning work.
Landscape Architect
Landscape Architects design and plan outdoor spaces, such as parks, gardens, and campuses. They work in various settings, including private firms, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. LEED is becoming increasingly important in landscape architecture due to its focus on sustainability and green building. This course will help prepare you for this in-demand career by teaching you the principles of LEED and how to incorporate them into your design work.
Environmental Engineer
Environmental Engineers are responsible for monitoring and controlling environmental concerns. They work in various industries, including the energy, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors. Those in this field may work with companies to create sustainability goals, reduce energy consumption, and manage waste. This course can help you succeed in this function by teaching you how to reduce waste by implementing LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) strategies. Understanding LEED principles will also help you make smarter decisions about energy consumption and sustainability.
Architects plan and design a wide variety of buildings, from homes and offices to schools and hospitals. They must follow building codes and incorporate sustainable design principles into their plans. This course will help you become an Architect by introducing you to LEED certification and rating systems. The principles of LEED will enhance your ability to design sustainable buildings.
Construction Manager
Construction Managers oversee the construction of buildings and other structures. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in construction. As a Construction Manager, it is important to be knowledgeable about LEED principles. This course will teach you the principles of LEED and how to implement them on construction projects.
Project Manager
Project Managers oversee the planning, execution, and completion of projects. They work in various industries, including construction, engineering, and manufacturing. In construction, they may be responsible for managing LEED-certified projects. This course will teach you the principles of LEED and help you develop the skills you need to succeed in LEED project management.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in LEED Green Associate V4 | Complete Exam Prep Course | عربى.
Comprehensive study guide for the LEED Green Associate exam. Additional practice questions compared to the ones in the course with in-depth explanations of answers. Provides helpful insights and tips that could help learners pass their LEED GA exam the first time.
This comprehensive reference provides a detailed overview of the sustainability issues affecting energy use in buildings.
Comprehensive reference guide to the LEED rating system. It provides detailed information on all the LEED credit categories and criteria, and includes helpful diagrams and illustrations.
Is written specifically for LEED Green Associate V4 exam preparation. It covers all topics in the LEED Green Associate V4 Exam Study Guide and provides helpful and easy-to-understand explanations of complex LEED concepts.
Provides a comprehensive guide to green building materials, including their environmental, health, and performance characteristics. It covers the selection and application of green building materials in different types of buildings.
Provides a practical guide to developing environmentally sustainable buildings. It covers the design, construction, and operation of green buildings, with a focus on energy efficiency, water conservation, and indoor environmental quality.
Provides a comprehensive overview of sustainable design principles and practices. It covers the LEED rating system in detail, and provides guidance on how to design and construct sustainable buildings.
Is the official study guide for the LEED Green Associate exam. It covers all the content categories and concepts tested on the exam, and provides sample questions and practice exams to help you prepare.
This essential study guide provides detailed information on every topic tested on the LEED Green Associate Exam.


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