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OnlyKiosk Tech

If you still think jQuery can completely replace JavaScript and want to learn Vue.JS, then this course is PERFECT for you because you will learn 

Minimum Requirement: 

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If you still think jQuery can completely replace JavaScript and want to learn Vue.JS, then this course is PERFECT for you because you will learn 

Minimum Requirement: 

This course is designed for students with zero ES6 foundation, BUT you do need to know basic ES5. If you know how to set background color for a DIV using native JavaScript and jQuery, then you are good to go. 

    <div class='div' id='one'>Set a background color...</div>

Course Contents: 

This course has 46 sections and covers 18 areas:

  1. Vue JS Basics (Section 1-27)

  2. Ajax (Section 28)

  3. Connecting Vue to PHP and MySQL (Section 29)

  4. Command Line Instrument (Section 30)

  5. NPM (Section 31)

  6. Babel (Section 32)

  7. JS modular system, including module.exports, import, and export (Section 33)

  8. Webpack (Section 33)

  9. Vue CLI (Section 34)

  10. Vue Single-file Components (Section 34)

  11. Vue Router (Section 35)

  12. VueX (Section 36)

  13. Axios (Section 37, 38, and 39)

  14. Vue UI Library: iView (Section 40)

  15. Advanced JavaScript: scope, scope chain, JavaScript Garbage Collection, Closure, IIFE(Instantly Invoked Function Expression), THIS, etc. 

  16. Node.js and Express.js

  17. Connecting Vue to Express and MySQL

  18. Nuxt.js

Note: The Vue version taught in this lesson will be 2.0+

Content Description:

Your VueJS study is made of two stages.

In stage one, you will learn Vue basics like Vue instance, directives, components, etc.   

In stage two, you will learn Vue single file component, Vue router, VueX and a Vue UI library called iView.

Between stage one and two, you will learn command line, npm, Babel, and Webpack. You need these skills to take the leap from stage one to stage two.   

By the way, skills you learn between stage one and stage two are not just for Vue. You will also need them when you are learning other modern JS-based frameworks. 

A frontend program alone is useless until it is connected to backend program and database.   

We will teach you how to connect Vue to PHP and MySQL via Ajax and Ajax-based techs like Axios. 

Throughout the course, you will be working on several projects so that you will always have a chance to practice and apply what you have learnt.   

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Create front-end apps using vue
  • Connect your vue program to php and mysql
  • Operate command line, babel, npm, and webpack
  • Create single page applications using vue, vue single file components, and vue router
  • Master vue router, vuex and axios
  • Master ajax
  • Master expressjs
  • Master nodejs
  • Master vuejs
  • Master nuxtjs


This section will give you a brief introduction of Vue. You will learn how to set up a Vue project root folder. You will also learn how to display info using Vue.
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This lesson is about giving you a brief introduction of what Vue.js is and how to install it. 

In the last lesson, we have learnt how to install Vue.js. In this lesson, we will learn how to create a Vue program. We will start with the simplest one. We will create a Vue program and display a text value using it. The program may be simple but is very important. Therefore, make sure you have done enough practice after watching this lesson. 

Single-body HTML tags like IMG and INPUT rely on their attribute to work. We have already learnt how to control text value using Vue, in this lesson, we are about to find out how to control attribute value. 

In this section, you will duplicate a news block from BBC
Road Map of the Current Stage

This lesson will show you how to create the BBC news reading block using Vue.js. Make sure you recreate the whole program all by yourself after watching this lesson. 

Master how to use the V-FOR directive in all kinds of situations

You will learn how to use the V FOR directive in this lesson.

In this lesson, we will explore a slightly more complicated situation. The value of the data property is still an array but each array element is an object. We are not interested in the object, we only want to display its property value. So how do we achieve this? Watch this lesson to find out how. 

Now we have learnt how to use the V FOR directive. Let's apply it to the news reading program we created before and display all six news blocks simultaneously. 

Understanding what PROXY is and how Vue benefits from it

This lesson will first give you a review of everything we have learnt so far and use it to introduce PROXY to you. 

In this lesson, you will learn what proxy is.

In this lesson, we are going to prove to you that PROXY also works on methods. 

In this lesson, we will show you how to exchange data between vm.data and vm.methods

Master how to handle events using the v on directive

Using the v-on directive, we can monitor events. 

In this lesson, you will learn how to control the display of a selected element using V-IF, ESLE, SHOW

Using conditional rendering, we can show and hide page elements based on pre-defined conditions. Compared with native JS and jQuery, Vue offers us a much more simple and elegant solution. 

You will know how to receive user-submitted data in your Vue program. You will also know how to perform a basic data filter.

Using v-model, we can easily collect user-submitted data. 

In this lesson, we will show you how to use v-model in projects.

Using lazy and number modifier, we can customize the performance of v mode to make it better suit our demands. 

You can use the v-model directive on other tags like textarea, radio button, checkbox, etc. 

Combining v-for and v-model and creating a list DYNAMICALLY

In this lesson, we will show you how to create a list dynamically. You can add and remove list item in real time. 

You can process user-submitted using computed and validate user-submitted data using filter

Most of the time, user-subimtted data is like a raw material. We need to furthur process them before using. Vue has offeres us two options in this regard: filter and computed.

Filter is for simple data formatting and filtering. Computed is for complicated data process.

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to use filter. 

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to use computed. We will create a program that can automatically reverse the order of user-submitted data. 

In this lesson, we are going to create a program that reverses the letter order of user-submitted data. This example can show you the power of computed. 

You can exchange info between vm.data and vm.computed. In this lesson, we will show you how. 

You will be able to control CSS using Vue.

In our previous lesson, we have alrady learnt how to use the v bind directive. We knew that the v bind direcitve can be used to set values for attributes. 

Class and Style are also attributes. Can control them using the v bind directive? If we can , this means we can control CSS using Vue.

So can we do this or not? Watch this lesson to find out.

Lucky for us, we can control the CLASS attirbute using the v bind directive. We can set three values to the class attribute: direct value, array value and JSON value. 

This has opened a door of great potential for us. Becuase we can control whether a class wil be added or not by setting properties values in Vue data or Vue computed.

You will be able to create a program that automatically calculates remaining characters. This program is very useful. You can use it to limit the length of user-submitted info.

In this lesson, we are going to create an APP that can calculate the character total for you. First, we need to do a program analysis. 

In this lesson, we will show you how to create the remaining character calculator. The source code of the program is included. 

Vue Components

Component is one of Vue's most powerful and also best features. 

In simple words, component is a set of codes that can be repeatedly used. It allows us to write less but do more.

For dynamic websites like e-commerce, social media, email, component is a very good tech solution.

Using a component includes two steps: registration and installation.

There are two types of components you can register: global and local.

Global component can be used by all Vue instances. Local component can only be used by one specific Vue instance.

Components can only be installed in areas controlled by Vue. In other words, every component must have a parent DIV and a controlling Vue instance.

Just like a Vue instance, a component also have a data property. Its own data is stored here.

Apart from its own data, component can also exchange data with the outside world.

Sending data into a component requires props.

Sending data out of a component requires the emit method and self-defined event.

If we are using more than one component at a time, data exchange between components is also inevitable.

Simple data exchange between sibling components is achieved through central event bus.

Complicated data exchange between sibling components relies on VueX.

For small and simple projects, there is no need for VueX. The central event bus is already good enough.

In this lesson, we will try our first component. The component we use will be a global one. 

You do not always need a global component. Sometimes, a local component might fit your demand better. 

Sending data into a componnet

The component we have tried so far is the simplest one. It does not need to exchange data with the outisde world. In this lesson, we will learn how to send data into a component. Sending data into a component requires Props. Prop is the door linking component with the outside world. 

To use a prop, we must first declare it in componet registration. 

After a prop has been declared, we can display it in component template. We can display prop as text as well as attirbute value. 

Prop value is assigned in the component tag. Therefore, the component tag is the interface between a component and the Vue instance.

We have learnt how prop works. Now, let's try it. We create a component and declare a prop. We send value into the component using the prop. 

By comparison, sending data into a prop is a complicated operation, especially for complete beginners. Therefore, we believe that it is very necessary to arrange a review session for you. 

Sending data out of a component

Using props, we can send external data into a component. Then we should also be able to send data out of a component. In this lesson, we will show you how to do that. 

The emit method will send data to the designated self-defined event. The self-defined event is installed in the component tag. In the component tag, the self-defined event is connected with an inline method. The inline method will relay data sent by the emit method to Vue data. 

Just like using props, the inteface between component and Vue instance is still the component tag. 

Sometimes, sending one data at a time is just not enough. In this lesson, we will show you how to send several data simultaneously. 

Before we carry, we got a dead corner to clea. By far, we have only been using self-defined event on component. But what if we want to use original events on component? What do you think will happen? 

Watch this lesson to find out. 

The truth of V-MODEL

We have learnt and used the V Model directive. In this lesson, we will discover its truth. You will be shocked. We will also learn a new special Vue variable: $events.

V model is actually a syntax augar. It is not a real directive. Vue develops it to facilitate our operation. In fact, v model equals to a combination of v on and v bind. 

Project: creating a price calculator

The Vue manual mentioned a calculator APP. For beginners, the manual is being too concise. So we decided to recreate this APP in a more detailed and progressive way. 

In this lesson, we will show you a program analysis. We will show you the whole picture first.

In this lesson, we will create the calculator APP from ground zero. In the end, we will install v model in the component tag. Therefore, before starting the course, you are strongly recommended to review the class teaching the truth of the v model directive. 


In this lesson, we are going to learn something called slots. It offers us more flexibility when dealing with components. 

In this lesson, we are going to create a news program and use slots in it.

The slot we have used does not have a name. This has greatly limited its application and power. Fortunately, Vue has prepared named slot for us. 

Named slots require us two use two attributes: name and slot.

Name is installed in the slot tag and slot in the contents to be displayed through the slot. 

Data exchange between sibling components: Central Event Bus
  • We now know how to send data into and out of a component. In the future, you will usually use more than one component at a time. Data exchange between components is also ineveitable. 
    So how do components communicate with each other?  The answer is central event bus and VueX. Central event bus is for simple data exchange. VueX is for complicated ones. 

Central event bus is an object. We mainly use its two methods for data exchangfe between compoents: emit and on.

Emit is for triggering self-defined event and on is for monitoring self-defined events. 

When the self-defined event is being triggered, the emit method will also send user-submitted data to it. The on method will receive that data and hand it over to the corresponding property in component data. 

Creating a news reading and editing APP

In this lesson, we are going to combine everything we have learnt and create a complicated app. We can use this APP to read and edit news contents. 

We need to display edited time in our APP. Therefore, in this lesson, we are going to show you how to generated formatted date and time. 

Working on the project Part 1
Working on the project Part 2
VUE.JS: New contents added by Vue 2.3: .sync modifier and model option

Vue 2.3 has brought us a new feature. It is called the sync modifier. Want to know what it is? Watch this lesson to find out. 

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to customize the v mode directive to make it better suit our demands. 

Scoped slots

In this lesson, we are going to learn a new type of slots: scoped slots. Want to know what it is? Watch this lesson to find out. 

Demonstration of using scoped slots
Using scoped slots on lists
Component misellaneous
is, keep-alive, and v-once
Retrieving the object representing the component using ref
Vue API and reactivity in depth
API Part 1
API Part 2
API Part 3
API Part 4
API Part 5
Try something interesting
API Part 6
API Part 7
API Part 8
API Part 9
API Part 10
API Part 11
API Part 12
API Part 13
Transition Effects

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to generate transitioning effects using Vue. 

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops vue, javascript and computer science fundamentals that are core skills for front end development
Taught by OnlyKiosk Tech, who are recognized for their work in web development
Builds a strong foundation for beginners in vue, javascript and computer science
Takes a creative approach to teaching vue, javascript and computer science fundamentals
Teaches skills that have been replaced in industry (jQuery)

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Reviews summary

Great entry-level vue/nuxt course

Learners say this course is a well-rounded introduction to Vue.js, Nuxt.js, PHP, and Express.js. It includes plenty of details on related technologies and provides the basics needed to start working with these tools. However, some learners may find it lacking in-depth coverage.
Good for beginners looking to get started with Vue.js and related technologies.
"Perfect for entry level."
Provides a solid foundation in Vue.js, Nuxt.js, PHP, and Express.js.
"A good explanation, a lot of details on related technologies, there is everything you need to work, but without deep dive."
May not be suitable for experienced developers seeking advanced knowledge.
"without deep dive"


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Complete practice exercises for ES6 basics
Reinforce your understanding of ES6 basics by completing practice exercises.
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  • Review ES6 concepts from the course materials.
  • Find online practice exercises or purchase a workbook.
  • Complete the practice exercises, focusing on topics covered in the course.
  • Check your answers against the provided solutions.
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Career center

Learners who complete Complete Vuejs Course: Vue.js + Nuxt.js + PHP + Express.js will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Front-End Developer
Front-end developers are responsible for the design and implementation of the user interface of a website or application. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a front-end developer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Software Engineer
Software engineers are responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of software systems. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create a variety of software applications. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a software engineer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Web Developer
Web developers are responsible for the design and development of websites and web applications. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a web developer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
User Experience Designer
User experience designers are responsible for the design and implementation of user interfaces. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a user experience designer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Product Manager
Product managers are responsible for the planning, development, and marketing of products. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a product manager, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Data Scientist
Data scientists are responsible for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic data visualizations. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a data scientist, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Business Analyst
Business analysts are responsible for the analysis of business processes and the identification of opportunities for improvement. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic dashboards and reports. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a business analyst, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Project Manager
Project managers are responsible for the planning, execution, and closure of projects. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic project management tools. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a project manager, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Technical Writer
Technical writers are responsible for the creation and maintenance of technical documentation. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic documentation. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a technical writer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Quality Assurance Analyst
Quality assurance analysts are responsible for the testing and verification of software products. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a quality assurance analyst, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
IT Support Specialist
IT support specialists are responsible for the installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of computer systems. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as an IT support specialist, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Salesforce Developer
Salesforce developers are responsible for the development and maintenance of Salesforce applications. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic Salesforce applications. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a Salesforce developer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
React Developer
React developers are responsible for the development and maintenance of React applications. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that is similar to React. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, which will give you a strong foundation for learning React. If you are interested in a career as a React developer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Angular Developer
Angular developers are responsible for the development and maintenance of Angular applications. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that is similar to Angular. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, which will give you a strong foundation for learning Angular. If you are interested in a career as an Angular developer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.
Node.js Developer
Node.js developers are responsible for the development and maintenance of Node.js applications. Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to create interactive and dynamic Node.js applications. This course will teach you the basics of Vue.js, as well as how to use it to create single-page applications. If you are interested in a career as a Node.js developer, this course will give you the skills you need to get started.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Complete Vuejs Course: Vue.js + Nuxt.js + PHP + Express.js.
A classic book on JavaScript, providing insights into the language's core concepts and principles, helping developers write more effective and maintainable code.
A comprehensive guide to testing Vue.js applications, providing techniques for unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing, helping developers ensure the quality and reliability of their code.
A practical guide to building web applications with Express.js, covering topics from routing and middleware to templating and security.
Collection of design patterns for Vue.js. It covers everything from basic to advanced design patterns. It great resource for developers who want to learn how to write clean and maintainable Vue.js applications.
A beginner-friendly introduction to JavaScript, providing a foundation for understanding the language and its use in modern web development, including the basics of variables, functions, and objects.
Collection of projects that demonstrate how to use Vue.js to build different types of web applications. It would be a good choice for anyone who wants to learn how to use Vue.js to build real-world applications.


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