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Welcome to the "Typescript & React JS Course with React & Typescript Project" course.

Typescript and ReactJS course helps you understand React JS & Type script in detail with real Typescript React Projects

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It introduces additional features like strict type binding (variables are bound to specific data types) to JavaScript and can also be compiled down to Java Script as well. TypeScript, Typescript, Type script, typescript react, react typescript, react js, hooks and context

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Welcome to the "Typescript & React JS Course with React & Typescript Project" course.

Typescript and ReactJS course helps you understand React JS & Type script in detail with real Typescript React Projects

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It introduces additional features like strict type binding (variables are bound to specific data types) to JavaScript and can also be compiled down to Java Script as well. TypeScript, Typescript, Type script, typescript react, react typescript, react js, hooks and context

TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.

TypeScript adds additional syntax to JavaScript to support a tighter integration with your editor. Catch errors early in your editor.

TypeScript code converts to JavaScript, which runs anywhere JavaScript runs. TypeScript understands JavaScript and uses type inference to give you great tooling without additional code.

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing to the language. It is designed for the development of large applications and transpiles to JavaScript.

TypeScript is a superset of typed JavaScript (optional) that can help build and manage large-scale JavaScript projects. It can be considered JavaScript with additional features like strong static typing, compilation, and object-oriented programming.

React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook. The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web. But if that was all React did, it would be little more than a template library. Developers define components in React by using an HTML-like syntax called JSX. These encapsulated components manage their own state, making it simple to pass rich data to a component and keep the state of the application and its components out of the Document Object Model (DOM). These features give React components the ability to react dynamically and efficiently to changes in their state. A set of simple components in React can be composed into either simple single-page applications or large, complex web applications.

React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. It is maintained by Meta and a community of individual developers and companies.

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.

This React training can help you become skilled in using this powerful JavaScript tool. With this React course, you can learn how to create elements that let users update data in real time, create useful interactive components on a webpage, and so much more. Millions have learned to use React with JavaScript with Oak Academy, and you can too.

Frequently asked questions

What is Typescript?TypeScript is a programming language that helps developers turn medium-sized JavaScript projects and prototypes into large-scale ones. JavaScript, a widely-used programming language, was designed to be easy to use for developers and non-developers alike. As a result, JavaScript development is difficult to scale up. Microsoft introduced typescript react to solve this scalability problem. TypeScript is often referred to as JavaScript with typescript react because it allows developers to find errors while writing their code rather than wait until the application is running. And because TypeScript  is a syntactical superset of JavaScript, any JavaScript program is also a valid TypeScript program.What is the difference Typescript and Javascript?Typescript is a superset of JavaScript. As its name suggests, Type script adds optional static typing to the JavaScript language. JavaScript is a scripting language that allows developers to create dynamic web content. It is known for being fairly easy to use and learn. This makes it a popular programming language for small and medium-scale web projects. Developers use Type script when they need to scale up their JavaScript development. Its language is more powerful and intuitive, allowing developers to find and correct errors during compile time, rather than only during run-time, as with JavaScript. TypeScript is better suited than JavaScript for large applications, but it requires a foundational knowledge of JavaScript to use.What careers use Typescript?TypeScript is mainly associated with development careers. Typical job titles for TypeScript developers include senior developer, front end developer, stack developer, and software engineer. Because react typescript and typescript node is a superset of JavaScript, learning react typescript is a great next step for engineers who are already skilled in JavaScript. Programming knowledge is applicable in just about every industry, so developers with an understanding of TypeScript (which implies skill in JavaScript) might work in a wide range of fields building applications for both server-side and client-side execution.What is TypeScript and why use it?

TypeScript features, syntax, and keywords in nodejs typescript

Tooling and Framework Options

How to create a class

TypeScript variables and functions in angular typescript

TypeScript declarations

TypeScript classes and interfaces

Much more...

What is React?

React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook. The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web. But if that was all React did, it would be little more than a template library. Developers define components in React by using an HTML-like syntax called JSX. These encapsulated components manage their own state, making it simple to pass rich data to a component and keep the state of the application and its components out of the Document Object Model (DOM). These features give React components the ability to react dynamically and efficiently to changes in their state. A set of simple components in React can be composed into either simple single-page applications or large, complex web applications.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

How does React work?

React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions. These functions return information to tell React what content should be displayed on the screen. The real power of React comes from the ability to nest or compose these functions inside of one another. This nesting ability encourages code reuse and allows an engineer to write a component a single time, but in many different places.

Is React a framework or library?

Frameworks provide an opinionated approach to building an entire application. Libraries, on the other hand, assist in building a single aspect of an application. With this in mind, React is a library. It assists engineers in presenting HTML in the browser. React has no opinions on how data is fetched, how styling is applied, or how the app is deployed or built.

Is React worth learning?

Yes, React is worth learning. There are a couple of reasons. The first one is that React is in high demand in the software development job market and has been for a few years. If you learn to code in React and can do it well, you will increase your chances of finding a job. This alone is another reason it is worth learning. Website users no longer will settle for old-fashioned sites that won't update without a page reload. React’s method of dynamically updating the HTML of a web page fits these users' needs and improves their experience. React has also been around a few years and has stood the test of time. A large portion of websites, both small and large, use React as a frontend framework.

Is React hard to learn?

Every technology or programming language has a learning curve, and React is no different. But it is easy to learn if you are dedicated and determined to create frontend web applications. To make learning React simpler, you should stick to the basics of React before you add any extra libraries, as that will only complicate your learning experience in the beginning. Since React is a Javascript framework, a solid grounding in Javascript will give you a head start. With this knowledge, the unique concept of JSX, React's templating language, and the way React uses state will be much easier to grasp.

What is the difference between React Native and ReactJS, and which one should I learn?

React, or React.JS, is a front-end Javascript library for building UI components for the web. If you are interested in web development, React is the perfect library to learn to create interactive, dynamic single-page apps, or even full-scale web applications. React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications for both the Android phone and Apple's iPhone. React Native is still React, which means the syntax and workflow for building applications are basically the same, but the generated components are different. In React, web components are generated. In React Native, the generated components interact with a phone's native APIs. If your focus is web development, then you should learn React. If you want to build mobile applications, it is best to learn React first and become familiar with the technology before you try React Native.

Why is React so popular?

There are many reasons why React is popular. One reason is that Facebook developed it. The social proof is that if it is good enough for Facebook, one of the most popular social networks on the web, it should be good enough for other applications. React also solved many of the past issues that developers had with developing single-page applications (SPAs). React came out when SPAs were becoming popular, and all the existing frameworks to build them made development complicated and prone to bugs. One feature that makes it better than past libraries is that React is relatively easy to use. Its components are reusable, plus React's use of the virtual DOM makes it very performant. React should remain popular in the future as each new release brings new features and performance improvements.

This course is going to take you from the beginning to a further level. Please save you learn ambition and if you have questions contact with me.

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Dive in now “Typescript & React JS Course with React & Typescript Project".

Typescript and ReactJS course helps you understand React JS & Type script in detail with real Typescript React Projects

We offer full support, answering any questions.

See you in the TypeScript and React course.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Typescript is a programming language that helps developers turn medium-sized javascript projects and prototypes into large-scale ones.
  • Typescript is a syntactical superset of javascript, any javascript program is also a valid typescript program.
  • Microsoft introduced typescript to solve this scalability problem. typescript is often referred to as javascript with type .
  • Typescript is better suited than javascript for large applications, but it requires a foundational knowledge of javascript to use.
  • Typescript is mainly associated with development careers. typical job titles for typescript developers include senior developer, front end developer.
  • Typescript is a superset of javascript. as its name suggests, typescript adds optional static typing to the javascript language.
  • Javascript is a text-based computer programming language used to make dynamic web pages.
  • Developers use typescript when they need to scale up their javascript development.
  • Developers with an understanding of typescript (which implies skill in javascript) might work in a wide range of fields building applications for both server-si
  • Learn how to define variables using data types in type script
  • Learn what typescript (typescript react react typescript type script typescript node nodejs typescript angular typescript )for is and why we should use it
  • Use the different types of variable prefixes like let and const in typescript.
  • Understand what typescript (typescript angular typescript react three js jest threejs) really it is about and how works
  • React, or react js, is a front-end javascript library for building ui components for the web. if you are interested in web development, react is the perfect lib
  • React is worth learning. there are a couple of reasons. the first one is that react is in high demand in the software development job market
  • React encourages engineers to write code using a functional programming approach. engineers create components, which are normal javascript functions
  • React is an open-source javascript frontend library. some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do.
  • React is an essential javascript framework for web development. it is the most popular framework for developing web, mobile, and desktop app user interfaces.
  • A runtime system is a platform where a software program runs. it’s essentially an environment housing the collection of software and hardware that allows an app
  • This is the full react js course. you will learn react js, redux, hooks and context
  • This course is the best way to learn complete react js
  • You will learn react js with hands-on examples
  • Dive in reactjs
  • Learn how to create single page web application with reactjs
  • Learn components, props, states and component life cycle methods in react js
  • Create reusable react components
  • Learn sending request to an api and fetch data
  • User inputs, forms and events in react
  • Routing with react router
  • Learn to create multi-page web app with react-router-dom
  • Manage the data of our application with the redux library
  • We will learn how to perform asynchronous operations with redux thunk
  • Create context with class-based component
  • Learn to consume context with context consumer
  • Learn how to consume context with static contexttype
  • How to manipulate context data in class-based components
  • Learn the most important hook functions like, usestate, useeffect, usereducer and usecontext
  • Learn how powerfull when we use context and hooks together
  • Learn how to easily build the largest and most advanced react applications
  • Learn routing with nodejs
  • Frameworks provide an opinionated approach to building an entire application.
  • Show more
  • Show less


Learn react: React js, reactjs, react project, react projects, react, react js projects, react js project, react.js, reactjs projects, reactjs project, frontend or full stack development
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In this lesson, we will explain why we need a library or framework when developing applications with JavaScript.

React or react.jsIn this lesson we will define React. We will explain React features one by one.

In this video, I want to start to address a couple of questions that I think you might have.

react js: In this lesson, we will explain the advantages of developing applications with React.

What is React?

React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook. The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web. But if that was all React did, it would be little more than a template library. Developers define components in React by using an HTML-like syntax called JSX. These encapsulated components manage their own state, making it simple to pass rich data to a component and keep the state of the application and its components out of the Document Object Model (DOM). These features give React components the ability to react dynamically and efficiently to changes in their state. A set of simple components in React can be composed into either simple single-page applications or large, complex web applications.

Typescript course helps you understand Typescript in detail with hands-on Typescript & React Typescript projects


react from scratch: In this lesson we will look at the difference between React and pure JavaScript.

How does React work?

React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions. These functions return information to tell React what content should be displayed on the screen. The real power of React comes from the ability to nest or compose these functions inside of one another. This nesting ability encourages code reuse and allows an engineer to write a component a single time, but in many different places.

complete react js web developer es6 build 10 projects: .In this lesson, we will install the tools we will use while developing applications with React.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

react project: In this lesson, we will examine the React official documentation site.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

In this lesson we will try to use React in an application without an easy installation tool.

In this lesson we will learn create-react-app, an easy setup command that I use when developing an application with React.

react or reactjs projects: learn reactjs from scratch

learn reactjs from scratch:In this lesson, we will learn how to develop a single page application with React. For this, we will explain the logic in index.js.

In this lesson, we will explain the errors you may encounter as you develop an application with React for the first time. We will teach you how to interpret these errors.

Is React a framework or library?

Frameworks provide an opinionated approach to building an entire application. Libraries, on the other hand, assist in building a single aspect of an application. With this in mind, React is a library. It assists engineers in presenting HTML in the browser. React has no opinions on how data is fetched, how styling is applied, or how the app is deployed or built.

reactjs projects: In this lesson we will create a component. Then we will learn how to use this component in our application.

What is the difference between React Native and ReactJS, and which one should I learn?

React, or React.JS, is a front-end Javascript library for building UI components for the web. If you are interested in web development, React is the perfect library to learn to create interactive, dynamic single-page apps, or even full-scale web applications. React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications for both the Android phone and Apple's iPhone. React Native is still React, which means the syntax and workflow for building applications are basically the same, but the generated components are different. In React, web components are generated. In React Native, the generated components interact with a phone's native APIs. If your focus is web development, then you should learn React. If you want to build mobile applications, it is best to learn React first and become familiar with the technology before you try React Native.

react js: learn react js from scratch with hands-on projects:

In this lesson we will examine the structure of JSX. We will talk about the properties of the JSX field.

Node.js is essential to developing real-time applications in JavaScript, and has been instrumental in the development of websites like eBay and PayPal. Node is designed around an event loop, which allows for easy management of asynchronous functions. This makes it a popular environment for modern developers working on chat and gaming apps.

real world react project:In this lesson we will create more components. Then we will learn how to nest these components.

What is React?

React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook. The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web. But if that was all React did, it would be little more than a template library. Developers define components in React by using an HTML-like syntax called JSX. These encapsulated components manage their own state, making it simple to pass rich data to a component and keep the state of the application and its components out of the Document Object Model (DOM). These features give React components the ability to react dynamically and efficiently to changes in their state. A set of simple components in React can be composed into either simple single-page applications or large, complex web applications.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

react js projects: In this tutorial we will learn how to perform JavaScript related operations in React components.

Whether you’re interested in adding React to your existing dev skillset, or you want to develop full-stack web apps by using tools like NodeJS, Redux, and MongoDB in conjunction with React, Udemy has a comprehensive selection of courses to choose from.

In this lesson, we will learn the different perspectives that React and pure JavaScript bring to the concept of separation of concerns.

React js from scratchIn this tutorial we will learn how to do styling with React.

How does React work?

React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions. These functions return information to tell React what content should be displayed on the screen. The real power of React comes from the ability to nest or compose these functions inside of one another. This nesting ability encourages code reuse and allows an engineer to write a component a single time, but in many different places.

learn react or react js from scratch:In this lesson we will learn the concept of props. We will learn how to manage data exchange between props and components.

React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions. These functions return information to tell React what content should be displayed on the screen. The real power of React comes from the ability to nest or compose these functions inside of one another. This nesting ability encourages code reuse and allows an engineer to write a component a single time, but in many different places.

react or react js: In this lesson we will explain the concept of props and data flow through diagrams.

What is the difference between React Native and ReactJS, and which one should I learn?

React, or React.JS, is a front-end Javascript library for building UI components for the web. If you are interested in web development, React is the perfect library to learn to create interactive, dynamic single-page apps, or even full-scale web applications. React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications for both the Android phone and Apple's iPhone. React Native is still React, which means the syntax and workflow for building applications are basically the same, but the generated components are different. In React, web components are generated. In React Native, the generated components interact with a phone's native APIs. If your focus is web development, then you should learn React. If you want to build mobile applications, it is best to learn React first and become familiar with the technology before you try React Native.

react or react js: In this lesson, we will learn how to render lists with React.

What is the difference between React Native and ReactJS, and which one should I learn?

React, or React.JS, is a front-end Javascript library for building UI components for the web. If you are interested in web development, React is the perfect library to learn to create interactive, dynamic single-page apps, or even full-scale web applications. React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications for both the Android phone and Apple's iPhone. React Native is still React, which means the syntax and workflow for building applications are basically the same, but the generated components are different. In React, web components are generated. In React Native, the generated components interact with a phone's native APIs. If your focus is web development, then you should learn React. If you want to build mobile applications, it is best to learn React first and become familiar with the technology before you try React Native.

In this lesson we will learn how to render lists conditional on a condition.

In this tutorial we will continue to see the conditional rendering that we learned in the previous tutorial.

In this lesson we will do conditional rendering in JSX domain with ternay method.

In this lesson we will see how to use data captured as props in a component. In this tutorial we will learn how to open incoming data.

In this lesson we will learn how to use container elements in JSX.

In this lesson, we will learn how to give a className dynamically in the JSX area.

React JS Quiz

In this lesson, we will cover the topics we will see in the chapter.

react js from scratch: One of the more challenging things to do when you are a beginner in the world of React is to decide whether to use a class-based component or a functional. I want to give you a quick overview on the differences between functional components and class-based components.

Node.js is essential to developing real-time applications in JavaScript, and has been instrumental in the development of websites like eBay and PayPal. Node is designed around an event loop, which allows for easy management of asynchronous functions. This makes it a popular environment for modern developers working on chat and gaming apps.

reactjs from scratch: In this lesson we will start an application that we will use to learn the concepts of state and event. We will complete the static part of the application.

Node.Js is a server environment built for fast and easily scalable network applications. It was built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime and uses an event-driven, non-blocking model that makes it the best fit for applications that run on distributed devices and need to run in real-time. By using JavaScript, node.Js can be put to work by many software developers familiar with JavaScript. Because the code is open-source, you can also use it on any platform (Mac OS, Windows, or Linux). Node.js is the architecture for creating websites and real-time applications because it’s easy for teams to learn, and it’s fast. Examples of applications that use node.Js include video conferencing apps, chat servers, eCommerce software, and collaborative online gaming.

In this lesson, we will give events to buttons. Thus, we will start using events in React.

Why is React so popular?

There are many reasons why React is popular. One reason is that Facebook developed it. The social proof is that if it is good enough for Facebook, one of the most popular social networks on the web, it should be good enough for other applications. React also solved many of the past issues that developers had with developing single-page applications (SPAs). React came out when SPAs were becoming popular, and all the existing frameworks to build them made development complicated and prone to bugs. One feature that makes it better than past libraries is that React is relatively easy to use. Its components are reusable, plus React's use of the virtual DOM makes it very performant. React should remain popular in the future as each new release brings new features and performance improvements.

react js free: 

In this lesson we will discuss the concept of state through reflection.

React or React js: In this lesson we will create our first state using useState.

React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions. These functions return information to tell React what content should be displayed on the screen. The real power of React comes from the ability to nest or compose these functions inside of one another. This nesting ability encourages code reuse and allows an engineer to write a component a single time, but in many different places.

In this lesson, we will talk about the pitfalls of manually changing the state value.

In this lesson, we will create buttons that allow the application page to have a drop-down structure.

In this lesson, we will talk about React Developer Tools, an efficient tool that we can use while developing applications with React.

In this lesson, we will learn how to update the state value in a more guaranteed way.

react or react js: In this lesson we will introduce the application we will develop.

Is React a framework or library?

Frameworks provide an opinionated approach to building an entire application. Libraries, on the other hand, assist in building a single aspect of an application. With this in mind, React is a library. It assists engineers in presenting HTML in the browser. React has no opinions on how data is fetched, how styling is applied, or how the app is deployed or built.

react js:In this lesson, we will create the components and page layout that we will use in our application.

Is React worth learning?

Yes, React is worth learning. There are a couple of reasons. The first one is that React is in high demand in the software development job market and has been for a few years. If you learn to code in React and can do it well, you will increase your chances of finding a job. This alone is another reason it is worth learning. Website users no longer will settle for old-fashioned sites that won't update without a page reload. React’s method of dynamically updating the HTML of a web page fits these users' needs and improves their experience.

react js, learn react js from scratch with hands on projects:

In this lesson we will render a list using fake data. Thus, we will also take care of the visual part of our application.

React or react js with real-world project: In this lesson we will start using the form component on the main page to enter data.

React is an essential Javascript framework for web development. It is the most popular framework for developing web, mobile, and desktop app user interfaces.

In this lesson, we will turn the elements we use in the form such as input and select into controlled elements.

In this lesson we will talk about the intricacies of directing state. We will explain the importance of file structure when creating a state.

In this lesson, we will explain the lifting state up method that we will often use when using state.

In this lesson, we will delete a product in the list. We will use event to do this.

In this lesson, we will learn how to cross off a product in a list when the shopping is completed.

In this lesson, we will use the number of products in our list and the number of completed products to create the footer widget.

In this lesson, we will sort according to the order entered from the input and according to the completed product status.

React js from scratch: In this lesson we introduce our application.

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites.

react js: learn react js from scratch with hands on projects

In this lesson, we will start a project from scratch. Then we will delete the parts we will not use. We will finish the lesson by creating the file structure.

JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

react developer: In this lesson we will create the static structure of our components. Thus, the skeleton of our application will be formed.

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware..

react or react js project:In this lesson, we will pull the data that we have created. Thus, the main body of our application will be formed.

React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions. These functions return information to tell ReactJS what content should be displayed on the screen. The real power of React.js comes from the ability to nest or compose these functions inside of one another. This nesting ability encourages code reuse and allows an engineer to write a component a single time, but in many different places.

react js and react project:In this lesson, we will use the data we captured in the previous lesson. We will create card structures with this data.

Frameworks provide an opinionated approach to building an entire application. Libraries, on the other hand, assist in building a single aspect of an application. With this in mind, React is a library. It assists engineers in presenting HTML in the browser. React has no opinions on how data is fetched, how styling is applied, or how the app is deployed or built.

In this lesson we will see the life cycle of a class-based component structure. We will learn that there are separate hooks used in each section.

This is the video that we are going to start talking about handling user events and fetching data from an API and we're going to build a new application to better understand those topics.

React is an essential Javascript framework for web development. It is the most popular framework for developing web, mobile, and desktop app user interfaces.

react projects:In this lesson, we will start learning the Class-Based component structure through a counter example.

Whether you’re interested in adding React to your existing dev skillset, or you want to develop full-stack web apps by using tools like NodeJS, Redux, and MongoDB in conjunction with React, Udemy has a comprehensive selection of courses to choose from.

In this lesson, we will learn how to use events in the Class-Based component structure.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

In this lesson, we will talk about the differences between Class-Based component structure and Functional component structure.

How does React work?

React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions. These functions return information to tell React what content should be displayed on the screen. The real power of React comes from the ability to nest or compose these functions inside of one another. This nesting ability encourages code reuse and allows an engineer to write a component a single time, but in many different places.


learn react or react js: In this lesson, we will start explaining the useEffect hook.

Each aspect of creating websites and applications entails a unique set of skills. Udemy offers a host of courses to bring you up to speed on modern front-end, back-end, and fullstack web development practices and skills.

react and web development:In this lesson, we will start using the features of the useEffect hook through the counter example.

The world of web development is as wide as the internet itself. Much of our social and vocational lives play out on the internet, which prompts new industries aimed at creating, managing, and debugging the websites and applications that we increasingly rely on.

Web development is a broad description of the tasks and technologies that go into creating a website. It can be as simple as making a static text-based website or as elaborate as developing an interactive dynamic website. You can break web development into two different categories: frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side). Frontend code executes on the user's computer. This can include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Backend code runs on the server — this commonly includes communicating with a database and often involves languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP. Web development does not necessarily include the design process — it focuses on code. A web designer builds wireframes to mockup their vision for a website and then shares that with a developer. The developer is responsible for writing the code that implements the design.

react js: In this lesson, we will learn how the useEffect hook will act when a state is included in the dependency array.

The world of web development is as wide as the internet itself. Much of our social and vocational lives play out on the internet, which prompts new industries aimed at creating, managing, and debugging the websites and applications that we increasingly rely on.

Web development is a broad description of the tasks and technologies that go into creating a website. It can be as simple as making a static text-based website or as elaborate as developing an interactive dynamic website. You can break web development into two different categories: frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side). Frontend code executes on the user's computer. This can include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Backend code runs on the server — this commonly includes communicating with a database and often involves languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP. Web development does not necessarily include the design process — it focuses on code. A web designer builds wireframes to mockup their vision for a website and then shares that with a developer. The developer is responsible for writing the code that implements the design.

reactjs: In this lesson, we will learn how to use the return field in useEffect. This field becomes active after the component is removed from the dom tree.

The world of web development is as wide as the internet itself. Much of our social and vocational lives play out on the internet, which prompts new industries aimed at creating, managing, and debugging the websites and applications that we increasingly rely on.

Web development is a broad description of the tasks and technologies that go into creating a website. It can be as simple as making a static text-based website or as elaborate as developing an interactive dynamic website. You can break web development into two different categories: frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side). Frontend code executes on the user's computer. This can include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Backend code runs on the server — this commonly includes communicating with a database and often involves languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP. Web development does not necessarily include the design process — it focuses on code. A web designer builds wireframes to mockup their vision for a website and then shares that with a developer. The developer is responsible for writing the code that implements the design.

reactjs or react: In this lesson, we will learn how to pull data from an API source with useEffect and useState hooks. In React applications, useEffect and useState are hooks that are often used together. This binary allows us to make React components more dynamic.

The world of web development is as wide as the internet itself. Much of our social and vocational lives play out on the internet, which prompts new industries aimed at creating, managing, and debugging the websites and applications that we increasingly rely on.

Web development is a broad description of the tasks and technologies that go into creating a website. It can be as simple as making a static text-based website or as elaborate as developing an interactive dynamic website. You can break web development into two different categories: frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side). Frontend code executes on the user's computer. This can include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Backend code runs on the server — this commonly includes communicating with a database and often involves languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP. Web development does not necessarily include the design process — it focuses on code. A web designer builds wireframes to mockup their vision for a website and then shares that with a developer. The developer is responsible for writing the code that implements the design.

react projects:In this lesson, we will perform a data extraction using useEffect and useState again. We will start using the incoming data.

Why is React so popular?

There are many reasons why React is popular. One reason is that Facebook developed it. The social proof is that if it is good enough for Facebook, one of the most popular social networks on the web, it should be good enough for other applications. React also solved many of the past issues that developers had with developing single-page applications (SPAs). React came out when SPAs were becoming popular, and all the existing frameworks to build them made development complicated and prone to bugs. One feature that makes it better than past libraries is that React is relatively easy to use. Its components are reusable, plus React's use of the virtual DOM makes it very performant. React should remain popular in the future as each new release brings new features and performance improvements.

Learning Node.js is a great way to get into backend web development, or expand your fullstack development practice. With Udemy’s hands-on Node.js courses, you can learn the concepts and applications of this wildly useful JavaScript runtime.

react or react js:In this lesson, we will create the component structure using the incoming data. We will do styling.

Why is React so popular?

There are many reasons why React is popular. One reason is that Facebook developed it. The social proof is that if it is good enough for Facebook, one of the most popular social networks on the web, it should be good enough for other applications. React also solved many of the past issues that developers had with developing single-page applications (SPAs). React came out when SPAs were becoming popular, and all the existing frameworks to build them made development complicated and prone to bugs. One feature that makes it better than past libraries is that React is relatively easy to use. Its components are reusable, plus React's use of the virtual DOM makes it very performant. React should remain popular in the future as each new release brings new features and performance improvements.

Learning Node.js is a great way to get into backend web development, or expand your fullstack development practice. With Udemy’s hands-on Node.js courses, you can learn the concepts and applications of this wildly useful JavaScript runtime.

In this lesson, we will learn how to use axios, a 3rd party data extraction library. We will also use the async-await structure and try-catch block in this data extraction process.

React Quiz

React js: In this lesson, we will explain what we will do in the section.

What is React?

React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook. The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web. But if that was all React did, it would be little more than a template library. Developers define components in React by using an HTML-like syntax called JSX. These encapsulated components manage their own state, making it simple to pass rich data to a component and keep the state of the application and its components out of the Document Object Model (DOM). These features give React components the ability to react dynamically and efficiently to changes in their state. A set of simple components in React can be composed into either simple single-page applications or large, complex web applications.

Learn react js from scratch: In this lesson, we will learn to manipulate HTML tags by referencing them. We'll do this in pure JavaScript.

What is React?

React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook. The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web. But if that was all React did, it would be little more than a template library. Developers define components in React by using an HTML-like syntax called JSX. These encapsulated components manage their own state, making it simple to pass rich data to a component and keep the state of the application and its components out of the Document Object Model (DOM). These features give React components the ability to react dynamically and efficiently to changes in their state. A set of simple components in React can be composed into either simple single-page applications or large, complex web applications.

What is React?

React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook. The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web. But if that was all React did, it would be little more than a template library. Developers define components in React by using an HTML-like syntax called JSX. These encapsulated components manage their own state, making it simple to pass rich data to a component and keep the state of the application and its components out of the Document Object Model (DOM). These features give React components the ability to react dynamically and efficiently to changes in their state. A set of simple components in React can be composed into either simple single-page applications or large, complex web applications.

advanced react js:In this lesson, we will learn why we should use the useRef hook when referencing HTML tags. We will also explain other operations that can be done with the useRef hook.

react js: In this lesson, we will reference HTML elements with useRef this time.

Whether you’re interested in adding React to your existing dev skillset, or you want to develop full-stack web apps by using tools like NodeJS, Redux, and MongoDB in conjunction with React, Udemy has a comprehensive selection of courses to choose from.

Learn react js:In this lesson, we will explain what a custom hook means. We will explain why we need to create a custom hook.

React is an essential Javascript framework for web development. It is the most popular framework for developing web, mobile, and desktop app user interfaces.

react router: In this lesson we will make a counter example. In this example, we will create functions in the custom hook that allow the values to decrease and increase as the button is clicked.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

React JS:In this lesson, we summarize what will be covered in the chapter.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

React js: In this lesson, we will talk about what react router is and why we should use it.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

React js: In this lesson, we will create an application without a react router. We will make our application ready for react router use.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

In this lesson, we will add the react router to our application and start using it. We will create the page structure of our application.

In this lesson, we will create a menu section to quickly switch pages within the application. Here we will use Link and NavLink for page transition.

In this lesson, we will learn the concepts of server side rendering and client side rendering.

In this lesson we will create a project from scratch. We will create the components we will use in the project.

In this lesson, we will create the content of our components. Then we will do the styling operations.

In this lesson, we will continue creating the content of our components. We will create the route structure of our application. Then we will do the styling operations.

In this lesson, we will create a page containing all personnel information.

In this lesson we will learn how to create dynamic pages. Within this created structure, we will perform the page transition with the useNavigate hook.

In this lesson, we will learn how to send data to dynamically created pages. To do this, we will use the useLocation and useParams hooks.

In this lesson, we will create a visual of the dynamically created personnelDetail page.

In this lesson, we will explain the difference between page switching with the useNavigate hook and Link. We will explain in what situation they will be used.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Builds on existing JavaScript knowledge, which allows developers to scale up their projects and find errors during compile time rather than at run time
Covers React, a popular front-end JavaScript library used for building user interfaces and dynamic single-page applications, which is highly sought after in the industry
Explores TypeScript, which adds optional static typing to JavaScript, potentially improving code maintainability and scalability for large projects, which is a common need
Includes hands-on projects with React and TypeScript, which allows learners to apply their knowledge and build a portfolio, which is essential for job applications
Requires foundational knowledge of JavaScript, which may pose a barrier for beginners without prior experience in web development, so learners should take a JavaScript course first
Covers class-based components in React, which are still relevant but less common than functional components with hooks in modern React development, so learners should focus on hooks

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Typescript & React JS Course with React & Typescript Project with these activities:
Review JavaScript Fundamentals
Reinforce your understanding of JavaScript fundamentals, as TypeScript builds upon it. This will make learning TypeScript syntax and concepts easier.
Browse courses on JavaScript Fundamentals
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  • Review data types, variables, and operators.
  • Practice writing functions and control flow statements.
  • Familiarize yourself with DOM manipulation.
Review 'Effective TypeScript'
Deepen your understanding of TypeScript best practices and common pitfalls. This will help you write more robust and maintainable React applications.
View Effective Typescript on Amazon
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  • Read through the book, focusing on sections relevant to React development.
  • Try out the examples and exercises provided in the book.
  • Take notes on key concepts and best practices.
TypeScript Type Definition Exercises
Improve your ability to define complex types in TypeScript. This will help you write more type-safe and maintainable code.
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  • Find online resources with TypeScript type definition exercises.
  • Practice defining types for various data structures and scenarios.
  • Review your solutions and compare them to the provided answers.
Four other activities
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Build a Simple To-Do App with React and TypeScript
Apply your knowledge of React and TypeScript by building a practical application. This will solidify your understanding of components, state management, and type safety.
Show steps
  • Set up a new React project with TypeScript.
  • Define the data structure for a to-do item using TypeScript interfaces.
  • Implement components for adding, displaying, and completing to-dos.
  • Manage the to-do list state using React hooks.
Write a Blog Post on React Hooks and TypeScript
Consolidate your learning by explaining React Hooks and TypeScript to others. This will force you to think critically about the concepts and identify any gaps in your knowledge.
Show steps
  • Choose a specific aspect of React Hooks and TypeScript to focus on.
  • Research the topic thoroughly and gather examples.
  • Write a clear and concise blog post explaining the concept.
  • Include code snippets and examples to illustrate your points.
Review 'Programming TypeScript'
Gain a deeper understanding of TypeScript's advanced features and how to apply them in complex projects. This will enhance your ability to build robust and scalable React applications.
Show steps
  • Read the book, focusing on advanced topics like generics and decorators.
  • Experiment with the code examples and try to adapt them to your own projects.
  • Take notes on key concepts and techniques.
Contribute to a React TypeScript Open Source Project
Gain real-world experience by contributing to an open-source project that uses React and TypeScript. This will expose you to different coding styles, project structures, and collaboration workflows.
Show steps
  • Find a React TypeScript open-source project on GitHub.
  • Read the project's documentation and contribution guidelines.
  • Identify a bug or feature that you can contribute to.
  • Submit a pull request with your changes.

Career center

Learners who complete Typescript & React JS Course with React & Typescript Project will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
User Interface Developer
User Interface Developers specialize in creating the visual elements and interactive components that users interact with on websites and applications. This course provides a strong foundation in React, a leading UI library. Learning how to build dynamic UI components in React, as taught in the course, will be invaluable for a user interface developer. This course teaches how to create interactive interfaces with React which will be essential for their work. The course also covers TypeScript, which will help in building robust and scalable UIs, essential for modern applications.
UI Engineer
A UI Engineer focuses on developing the user interface of applications. This course is extremely beneficial for a UI engineer because it provides expertise in React, a leading JavaScript library used for building UIs. The course teaches how to create reusable and dynamic UI components with React, which is a critical skill for a UI engineer. This course will also help a UI engineer build mastery of TypeScript, which can improve the reliability and scalability of their code. The course provides experience with React's component-based architecture and state management which will greatly help in UI engineering.
Front-End Software Engineer
A Front End Software Engineer specializes in the development of the user interfaces of an application. This course will be very helpful for a front end software engineer, who are expected to be proficient with building front end user interfaces with JavaScript libraries like React. The course provides hands-on experience with using React and TypeScript to build dynamic user interfaces. In this course, you will also understand how to use React components, manage state, manage routing, and use React hooks. The skills learnt in this course are essential for a front end software engineer.
Frontend Developer
A Frontend Developer builds user interfaces for websites and applications, often using JavaScript libraries such as React. This course provides hands-on experience with React and TypeScript, equipping you with the tools to create dynamic and interactive web components. Proficiency in React is essential for a frontend developer, and this course will help you learn how to create single-page web applications and manage UI components using React, while also gaining experience with TypeScript for better tooling at any scale. This course introduces you to the concepts of React such as JSX, components, states, props, events, and routing.
Web Developer
Web Developers create and maintain websites. This course can help a web developer learn the essential skills of React and TypeScript. It directly addresses the need for interactive and dynamic user interfaces, which are standard in modern web development. The course covers building single-page applications with React, which is a vital skill for any web developer. Additionally, understanding TypeScript, as covered in the course, can help build and manage large-scale JavaScript projects. This course covers the use of React hooks, state management, and component lifecycle methods.
Web Application Engineer
A Web Application Engineer focuses on the development of web-based applications. This course is highly relevant for a web application engineer, as it teaches the use of React to build dynamic and interactive frontends. This course covers how to create components, manage application state, and perform asynchronous operations, which are essential for developing modern web applications. Having hands-on experience with TypeScript, as the course provides, will help in building large scale web applications. In particular, knowledge of hooks and contexts will be highly useful.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design and develop software solutions. This course will help a software engineer build expertise in frontend technologies, specifically React and TypeScript. A software engineer can use React to build user interfaces and TypeScript to manage larger projects with static typing, which are crucial skills in developing interactive web applications. Furthermore, a software engineer will benefit from this course's focus on practical projects and understand how to create components and manage application state using React's features. The course also covers how to integrate React with APIs, which is essential for a software engineer's day to day work.
Application Developer
Application Developers are responsible for creating and maintaining software applications. This course will be helpful for an application developer to gain expertise in React and TypeScript, which are used to build UIs. This course teaches how to create reusable components and how to handle states and events. An application developer should take this course to learn how to build dynamic single-page applications. The course emphasis on practical projects using both React and Typescript will be highly beneficial.
JavaScript Developer
A JavaScript Developer specializes in developing applications using JavaScript. The knowledge of TypeScript and React which is taught in this course would be essential for a JavaScript developer. The course focuses on converting JavaScript projects into larger scale projects using the strong type system of TypeScript. It also delves into building user interfaces with the React library. This course would enable a JavaScript developer to build complex user interfaces. You will also learn to use JSX as a syntax extension for Javascript.
Full-Stack Developer
A Full Stack Developer is proficient in both frontend and backend technologies. This course would be useful for a full stack developer looking to enhance their skills in building dynamic and interactive user interfaces using React. This course focuses on the frontend development using TypeScript and React. It teaches how to create components, manage state, and perform data fetching, all essential skills for a full stack developer. The course gives you experience in React's component-based architecture which improves code maintainability.
Technical Trainer
A Technical Trainer educates others on technical topics. This course can help a technical trainer gain the practical skills necessary to teach others about React and TypeScript. This course provides a deep understanding of both these technologies, and it can help a trainer gain the hands-on skills necessary to develop and teach about modern web development. It will also be helpful for a technical trainer to understand the fundamental concepts of both React and TypeScript. You will learn how to create components, manage state, perform data fetching, and integrate React with APIs.
Mobile Application Developer
Mobile Application Developers build applications for mobile devices, and this course may be useful for those who wish to explore React Native. React Native, which is built on top of React, is used for building mobile applications. This course provides comprehensive training in React and TypeScript, which can help mobile developers understand the fundamentals of React, and its component based architecture. Also, learning about JavaScript with TypeScript can help in building robust mobile applications. This course helps in building a strong foundation in React, and will be useful for a mobile application developer.
Technology Consultant
A Technology Consultant provides expert advice on technology solutions. This course can be helpful for a technology consultant who needs to understand the use of JavaScript technologies and frameworks like React. By taking this course, a consultant can improve their knowledge of building scalable applications with TypeScript. The course enhances the ability to understand how the use of React and TypeScript can benefit the architecture of a web application and help in making better technological decisions. This course helps in understanding React's component based architecture and data management, which can be very helpful for a technology consultant.
Solutions Architect
A Solutions Architect designs and oversees the implementation of technology solutions. This course may be beneficial for a solutions architect that needs to understand how React and TypeScript can be used to develop modern web applications. The course can improve knowledge of the technical architecture of a frontend system and how React components can be integrated to build robust and scalable solutions. Specifically, the course helps in understanding the way React is used to manage asynchronous operations with Redux thunk. This knowledge is valuable for a solutions architect when designing and overseeing complex application development projects.
Software Architect
A Software Architect designs the high-level structure of software systems. This course may be helpful for a software architect to understand the architecture of modern web applications built using React and TypeScript. This course will provide a deeper understanding of React's component based architecture, and how to manage state and routing. The skills taught in this course will enhance the ability of the software architect to guide development teams. The course provides insights into how to create reusable components and manage application data effectively.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Typescript & React JS Course with React & Typescript Project.
Provides in-depth guidance on writing idiomatic and effective TypeScript code. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic types to advanced patterns. It is particularly useful for understanding how to leverage TypeScript's type system to improve code quality and maintainability. This book valuable resource for anyone looking to master TypeScript.
Offers a comprehensive guide to TypeScript, covering everything from basic syntax to advanced features. It's particularly helpful for understanding how TypeScript can be used to build large, scalable JavaScript applications. The book provides practical examples and real-world scenarios to illustrate key concepts. It great resource for developers who want to take their TypeScript skills to the next level.


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