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Dans ce cours d'une heure, basé sur un projet, vous apprendrez les bases d'ISTIO, vous apprendrez à l'installer dans un cluster Kubernetes pour créer, gérer et superviser des applications.

A la fin de ce projet guidé, vous serez en mesure de:

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Dans ce cours d'une heure, basé sur un projet, vous apprendrez les bases d'ISTIO, vous apprendrez à l'installer dans un cluster Kubernetes pour créer, gérer et superviser des applications.

A la fin de ce projet guidé, vous serez en mesure de:

- Installer ISTIO dans un cluster Kubernetes

- Déployer des applications et les intégrer au service mesh ISTIO

- Externaliser les services d'applications avec les composants d'ISTIO

- Implémenter l'observabilité du service mesh avec KIALI et le traçage avec Jaeger

- Implémenter le monitoring du sevice mesh avec Prometheus et Grafana

- Sécuriser les communication entre services au sein du service Mesh en implémentant le MTLS

- Désinstaller complètement ISTIO d’un cluster kubernetes

Ce projet guidé est recommandé spécialement aux personnes aspirant aux métiers de DevOps et SRE ou les personnes pratiquant ces métier et aussi à toute personne expérimentée dans l'orchestration de conteneurs avec Kubernetes et qui souhaitent découvrir et prendre en main ISTIO. Il vous donnera une compréhension de base suffisante du fonctionnement de ISTIO pour son intégration dans un cluster Kubernetes.

Une connaissance préalable de l'orchestrateur de conteneurs Kubernetes est donc recommandée pour bien réaliser ce projet guidé.

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Présentation du projet
Dans ce cours d'une heure, basé sur un projet, vous apprendrez les bases d'ISTIO, vous apprendrez à l'installer dans un cluster Kubernetes pour créer, gérer et superviser des applications. Ce projet guidé est recommandé spécialement aux personnes aspirant aux métiers de DevOps et SRE ou les personnes pratiquant ces métier et aussi à toute personne expérimentée dans l'orchestration de conteneurs avec Kubernetes et qui souhaitent découvrir et prendre en main ISTIO. Il vous donnera une compréhension de base suffisante du fonctionnement de ISTIO pour son intégration dans un cluster Kubernetes. Une connaissance préalable de l'orchestrateur de conteneurs Kubernetes est donc recommandée pour bien réaliser ce projet guidé.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
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Ce cours s'adresse aux personnes aspirant aux métiers de DevOps et SRE ainsi qu'aux personnes expérimentées dans l'orchestration de conteneurs avec Kubernetes qui souhaitent découvrir et prendre en main ISTIO
Il donne une compréhension de base suffisante du fonctionnement de ISTIO pour son intégration dans un cluster Kubernetes
Il est recommandé d'avoir une connaissance préalable de l'orchestrateur de conteneurs Kubernetes pour bien réaliser ce projet guidé

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO with these activities:
Désinstaller complètement Istio d'un cluster Kubernetes
Comprendre comment désinstaller Istio vous aidera à maintenir et à dépanner vos clusters Kubernetes.
Browse courses on Istio
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  • Arrêter tous les composants Istio
  • Supprimer les ressources Istio du cluster
  • Vérifier que Istio a été complètement désinstallé
Lire la documentation officielle Istio sur les concepts de base
Comprendre les concepts de base d'Istio améliorera votre compréhension du cours.
Browse courses on Istio
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  • Visiter le site officiel d'Istio
  • Lire les sections Documentation et Concepts fondamentaux
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Career center

Learners who complete Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Kubernetes Administrator
Kubernetes Administrators are responsible for the management and maintenance of Kubernetes clusters. They must have a deep understanding of Kubernetes and its components. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" can help you build a foundation in ISTIO, a service mesh technology that can be used to extend the capabilities of Kubernetes. By learning how to use ISTIO, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to manage and maintain Kubernetes clusters more effectively.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers are responsible for bridging the gap between development and operations teams. They must have a strong understanding of both software development and systems administration. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" can help you build a foundation in ISTIO, a service mesh technology that can be used to automate the deployment and management of microservices. By learning how to use ISTIO, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to work effectively as a DevOps Engineer.
Site Reliability Engineer
Site Reliability Engineers are responsible for the reliability and performance of websites and applications. They must have a deep understanding of systems administration and performance engineering. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" can help you build a foundation in ISTIO, a service mesh technology that can be used to improve the reliability and performance of microservices. By learning how to use ISTIO, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to work effectively as a Site Reliability Engineer.
Software Architect
Software Architects are responsible for the design and architecture of software systems. They must have a deep understanding of software development principles and best practices. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" can help you build a foundation in ISTIO, a service mesh technology that can be used to design and implement scalable, reliable, and secure software systems. By learning how to use ISTIO, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to work effectively as a Software Architect.
Cloud Architect
Cloud Architects are responsible for the design and management of cloud-based systems. They must have a deep understanding of cloud computing technologies, as well as the ability to design and implement scalable, reliable, and secure systems. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" can help you build a foundation in ISTIO, a service mesh technology that can be used to manage and secure microservices in a cloud environment. By learning how to use ISTIO, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to design and implement cloud-based systems that are scalable, reliable, and secure.
Cloud Engineer
Cloud Engineers are responsible for the design and implementation of cloud-based systems. They must have a deep understanding of cloud computing technologies, as well as the ability to design and implement scalable, reliable, and secure systems. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" can help you build a foundation in ISTIO, a service mesh technology that can be used to manage and secure microservices in a cloud environment. By learning how to use ISTIO, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to design and implement cloud-based systems that are scalable, reliable, and secure.
Software Developer
Software Developers are responsible for the design, development, and testing of software applications. They must have a deep understanding of software development principles and best practices. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Software Developers who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Software Developers can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to develop more scalable, reliable, and secure software applications.
Systems Administrator
Systems Administrators are responsible for the management and maintenance of computer systems. They must have a deep understanding of operating systems and systems administration tools. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Systems Administrators who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Systems Administrators can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to manage and maintain more scalable, reliable, and secure systems.
Network Engineer
Network Engineers are responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of computer networks. They must have a deep understanding of networking technologies and protocols. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Network Engineers who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Network Engineers can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to design and implement more scalable, reliable, and secure networks.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists are responsible for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. They must have a deep understanding of statistics, machine learning, and data analysis tools. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Data Scientists who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Data Scientists can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to collect, analyze, and interpret data more effectively.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts are responsible for the analysis of business processes and systems. They must have a deep understanding of business principles and practices. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Business Analysts who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Business Analysts can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze business processes and systems more effectively.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for the development and management of products. They must have a deep understanding of product development principles and practices. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Product Managers who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Product Managers can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to develop and manage products more effectively.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers are responsible for the creation of technical documentation. They must have a deep understanding of technical writing principles and best practices. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Technical Writers who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Technical Writers can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to create more effective technical documentation.
Quality Assurance Analyst
Quality Assurance Analysts are responsible for the testing and validation of software applications. They must have a deep understanding of software testing principles and best practices. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Quality Assurance Analysts who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Quality Assurance Analysts can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to test and validate software applications more effectively.
Information Security Analyst
Information Security Analysts are responsible for the protection of information systems and data. They must have a deep understanding of information security principles and best practices. The course "Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO" may be useful for Information Security Analysts who are interested in learning about service mesh technologies. By learning how to use ISTIO, Information Security Analysts can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to protect information systems and data more effectively.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Créer un Service Mesh avec ISTIO.
Ce livre fournit un guide complet de Kubernetes pour les débutants et les utilisateurs expérimentés. Il couvre des sujets tels que l'architecture, la gestion des clusters et la sécurité.
Ce livre fournit un guide détaillé de la conception et de la mise en œuvre d'applications de gestion de données à grande échelle. Il peut être utile pour comprendre les principes de base des architectures de données distribuées.
Ce livre fournit un ensemble de meilleures pratiques pour la gestion et l'exploitation de clusters Kubernetes. Il couvre des sujets tels que la sécurité, la mise à jour et la surveillance.
Ce livre fournit un ensemble de modèles pour la conception et la mise en œuvre d'applications microservices. Il peut être utile pour comprendre les principes de base de la conception d'applications distribuées.
Ce livre fournit un guide pratique de Prometheus, un système de surveillance open source pour les applications cloud natives. Il couvre des sujets tels que l'installation, la configuration, l'écriture de requêtes et la création de tableaux de bord.


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