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Vishwas Lele

The Microsoft Power Platform is one of the fastest-growing low-code platforms for building high productivity PaaS applications, and Common Data Service (CDS) is an integral part of the Power Platform. This course will teach you the basics of CDS.

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The Microsoft Power Platform is one of the fastest-growing low-code platforms for building high productivity PaaS applications, and Common Data Service (CDS) is an integral part of the Power Platform. This course will teach you the basics of CDS.

At the core of any low-code development platform, like the Power Platform, is the ability to secure and easily store and manage data used by business applications. This is where Common Data Service (CDS) comes in. In this course, Introduction to Common Data Service (CDS), you will learn the skills you need to work effectively with CDS. First, you’ll learn about the critical use cases and the high-level architecture of CDS in the context of the overall PowerApps Platform. Next, you’ll explore CDS' capabilities like entities, relationships, auditing, annotations, REST API, business rules, and workflow. Finally, you’ll learn about the security, governance, and integration aspects of CDS. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational knowledge of CDS that will help immensely as you move forward and use CDS in your low-code applications.

What's inside


Course Overview
Why PowerApps and CDS?
CDS Essentials
Security, Governance, and Integration
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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores CDS, which is standard in industry low-code development
Taught by Vishwas Lele, who are recognized for their work in low-code development
Develops skills for working with CDS in low-code applications
Builds a foundational knowledge of CDS for low-code development
Covers critical use cases for CDS in low-code development
Examines CDS' high-level architecture in the PowerApps Platform
Teaches CDS' capabilities like entities, relationships, auditing, annotations, REST API, business rules, and workflow
Covers security, governance, and integration aspects of CDS

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Introduction to Microsoft Dataverse ( previously Common Data Service) with these activities:
Review SQL Basics
Brushing up on SQL basics will strengthen your understanding of data management concepts, which are essential for working with CDS.
Browse courses on SQL
Show steps
  • Review SQL syntax and commands
  • Practice writing basic SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries
  • Try out some SQL exercises or tutorials
Organize course notes and resources
Improve your ability to locate and retrieve important information by organizing course materials effectively.
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  • Create a central repository for lecture notes, assignments, and other course materials.
  • Use folders, tags, or a note-taking app to categorize and organize the materials.
  • Review your organized materials regularly to enhance retention and recall.
Review Relational Database Concepts
Solidify your understanding of relational databases including tables, constraints, relationships, and SQL queries.
Browse courses on Relational Databases
Show steps
  • Review the main concepts of relational databases.
  • Practice creating and manipulating tables and relationships.
  • Practice writing SQL queries to retrieve and update data.
20 other activities
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Review SQL Fundamentals
Review SQL fundamentals to establish a strong foundation for working with Common Data Service (CDS).
Browse courses on Structured Query Language
Show steps
  • Review basic SQL syntax (SELECT, FROM, WHERE)
  • Practice writing simple SQL queries
Review database theory
Familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of databases to enhance your understanding of CDS's data storage and management capabilities.
Browse courses on Database Theory
Show steps
  • Revise key database concepts like data modeling, normalization, and indexing.
  • Practice writing basic SQL queries to retrieve, filter, and manipulate data.
Join a study group
Collaborate with peers to reinforce concepts, discuss ideas, and gain diverse perspectives.
Show steps
  • Find or create a study group with classmates or online forums.
  • Set regular meeting times to discuss course topics and assignments.
  • Actively participate in discussions, sharing your insights and learning from others.
Create and Manage CDS Entities
Hands-on practice with creating and managing CDS entities will help you develop a deeper understanding of CDS's data modeling capabilities.
Show steps
  • Create a new CDS environment
  • Define a few simple entities with attributes and relationships
  • Create and manage records within your entities
  • Explore the different types of relationships you can create between entities
Create a data model diagram
Reinforce your understanding of CDS's entity-relationship model by creating a visual representation of a data model.
Show steps
  • Identify the key entities and relationships involved in a business scenario.
  • Use a diagramming tool to represent the entities and their relationships.
  • Review the diagram to ensure it accurately reflects the data structure.
Explore CDS Security Features
Deepen your understanding of CDS security by following tutorials that cover authentication, authorization, and access control.
Browse courses on Data Security
Show steps
  • Find tutorials on CDS security features.
  • Follow the steps in the tutorials to implement security measures.
  • Test the security measures to ensure they work as expected.
Complete Microsoft's CDS Hands-on Lab
Follow Microsoft's hands-on lab to gain practical experience with CDS.
Show steps
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions in the lab
  • Create and manage entities, relationships, and fields
  • Configure security and permissions for CDS
Create and Configure CDS Entities
Sharpen your skills in creating and configuring CDS entities by completing practice exercises that test your understanding of data types, relationships, and business rules.
Browse courses on Data Modeling
Show steps
  • Create a new CDS entity.
  • Add fields and define data types.
  • Establish relationships with other entities.
  • Define business rules to enforce data integrity.
Create and Query CDS Entities
Practice creating and querying CDS entities to reinforce understanding of data modeling and retrieval.
Show steps
  • Create custom entities with fields and relationships
  • Write SQL queries to retrieve and filter data from CDS
  • Use CDS SDK or tools to interact with entities programmatically
Practice CDS entity management
Deepen your proficiency in working with CDS entities through hands-on exercises.
Show steps
  • Create and modify entities, attributes, and relationships using the CDS interface.
  • Configure properties like data types, required fields, and lookup relationships.
  • Practice bulk operations and data imports to manage large datasets.
Build a Simple PowerApp Using CDS
Applying your knowledge of CDS to build a simple PowerApp will help you see how CDS can be used in real-world applications.
Show steps
  • Design the user interface of your PowerApp
  • Connect your PowerApp to CDS
  • Display and manipulate data from CDS within your PowerApp
  • Publish and share your PowerApp
Design a CDS Schema
Apply your knowledge of CDS entities and relationships to design a comprehensive schema that meets the requirements of a specific business scenario.
Browse courses on Data Modeling
Show steps
  • Gather requirements from stakeholders.
  • Identify the entities and relationships needed.
  • Create a conceptual schema diagram.
  • Implement the schema in CDS.
Assist Peers in CDS Projects
Engage with peers, answer their questions, and provide guidance to enhance understanding and build confidence.
Show steps
  • Join online forums or study groups related to CDS
  • Monitor discussions and offer assistance to peers
  • Collaborate on projects and provide feedback
Explore CDS security features
Enhance your knowledge of CDS security mechanisms to ensure the safety of your data.
Show steps
  • Review Microsoft's documentation on access control, field-level security, and data encryption.
  • Follow step-by-step tutorials to implement security measures in your CDS environment.
  • Test your security configurations to verify their effectiveness.
Create a simple CDS application
Apply your CDS knowledge to build a practical application, solidifying your understanding.
Show steps
  • Define the scope and requirements of your application.
  • Design and create the CDS entities and relationships.
  • Develop user interfaces (e.g., forms, views) to interact with your data.
  • Test and refine your application until it meets the desired functionality.
Answer Questions on CDS Forums
Engage with fellow learners and demonstrate your understanding of CDS by answering questions and providing guidance on online forums.
Browse courses on Knowledge Sharing
Show steps
  • Join a CDS community forum.
  • Monitor the forum for questions related to CDS.
  • Compose thoughtful and informative responses to questions.
Build a Simple CDS Application
Develop a real-world application using CDS to solidify practical skills and demonstrate proficiency.
Show steps
  • Define the application's purpose and functionality
  • Design the data model and create CDS entities
  • Implement business logic using workflows or Power Automate
  • Create a user interface using Power Apps or other tools
  • Test and deploy the application
Contribute to CDS Open Source Projects
Enhance your understanding by contributing to open-source projects related to CDS.
Show steps
  • Identify CDS-related open-source projects on platforms like GitHub
  • Fix bugs, add features, or improve documentation
  • Collaborate with other developers and contribute to the community
Contribute to a CDS Open Source Project
Deepen your understanding of CDS and contribute to the community by participating in open source projects that enhance the platform.
Browse courses on Community Involvement
Show steps
  • Identify a CDS open source project to contribute to.
  • Review the project documentation and codebase.
  • Suggest improvements or contribute new features.
Participate in CDS Hackathon
Challenge yourself by participating in a hackathon to solve real-world problems using CDS.
Show steps
  • Form a team or work individually
  • Identify a problem statement and develop a solution
  • Create a CDS application or solution
  • Submit your project and present it to a panel of judges

Career center

Learners who complete Introduction to Microsoft Dataverse ( previously Common Data Service) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Architect
A Data Architect designs and manages the architecture of data systems. This course may be useful for a Data Architect as it provides a deep understanding of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage, organization, and security. An understanding of this platform can help Data Architects design and manage data systems that meet the needs of their organization.
Software Engineer
A Software Engineer designs, develops, and tests software systems. This course may be helpful for a Software Engineer as it provides hands-on experience with Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for secure and efficient data storage and management. An understanding of this platform can help Software Engineers design, develop, and test software systems that effectively use data.
Data Engineer
A Data Engineer builds and maintains data pipelines that move data between different systems. This course may be helpful for a Data Engineer as it provides hands-on experience with Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage, organization, and integration. An understanding of this platform can help Data Engineers build and maintain data pipelines more effectively.
Information Architect
An Information Architect designs and manages the structure and organization of information systems. This course may be useful for an Information Architect as it introduces the capabilities of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage, organization, and security. An understanding of this platform can help Information Architects design and manage information systems more effectively.
Software Architect
A Software Architect designs and builds the architecture of software systems. This course may be helpful for a Software Architect as it provides a deep understanding of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage, organization, and security. An understanding of this platform can help Software Architects design and build software systems that effectively use data.
Database Administrator
A Database Administrator is responsible for maintaining and administering databases. This course may be helpful for a Database Administrator as it provides hands-on experience with Microsoft Dataverse, a platform designed for secure and efficient data storage and management. An understanding of this platform can help Database Administrators manage and maintain data more effectively.
A Developer designs, builds, and tests software systems. This course may be helpful for a Developer as it provides hands-on experience with Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for secure and efficient data storage and management. An understanding of this platform can help Developers build and test software systems that effectively use data.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst collects, cleans, and analyzes data to identify trends and patterns. This course may be helpful for a Data Analyst as it introduces the capabilities of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage and organization. An understanding of this platform can help Data Analysts organize and analyze data more effectively.
IT Consultant
An IT Consultant provides advice and guidance to organizations on how to use information technology to meet their business needs. This course may be useful for an IT Consultant as it provides a broad overview of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage, organization, and security. An understanding of this platform can help IT Consultants provide advice and guidance on how organizations can use data to their advantage.
Product Manager
A Product Manager is responsible for the development and marketing of a product. This course may be helpful for a Product Manager as it provides insight into the capabilities of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage, organization, and security. An understanding of this platform can help Product Managers develop and market products that effectively use data.
Systems Analyst
A Systems Analyst studies an organization's needs to create a plan for meeting those needs. This course may be useful for a Systems Analyst as it provides a broad overview of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage, organization, and security. An understanding of this platform can help Systems Analysts design and implement solutions that meet the needs of their organization.
Quality Assurance Analyst
A Quality Assurance Analyst tests and evaluates software systems to ensure that they meet quality standards. This course may be helpful for a Quality Assurance Analyst as it provides hands-on experience with Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for secure and efficient data storage and management. An understanding of this platform can help Quality Assurance Analysts test and evaluate software systems that effectively use data.
Project Manager
A Project Manager plans, executes, and closes projects. This course may be useful for a Project Manager as it provides a broad overview of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for data storage, organization, and security. An understanding of this platform can help Project Managers manage projects that involve data more effectively.
Application Developer
An Application Developer is responsible for developing and modifying applications that run on handheld devices or computers. This course may be helpful for an Application Developer as it provides a foundational knowledge of Microsoft Dataverse, which is a low-code data platform used to build applications. An understanding of this platform can help Application Developers store and manage data, create business rules, and implement workflow.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst studies an organization's needs to create a plan for meeting those needs. This course may be useful for a Business Analyst as it introduces the capabilities of Microsoft Dataverse, a platform that allows for secure data storage and management. An understanding of this platform can help Business Analysts design and implement solutions that meet the needs of their organization.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Introduction to Microsoft Dataverse ( previously Common Data Service).
Provides a comprehensive overview of Microsoft Power BI. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Power BI and how to use it to build business intelligence dashboards.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Microsoft SharePoint. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about SharePoint and how to use it to build business websites.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Microsoft Azure. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Azure and how to use it to build cloud computing solutions.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Microsoft SQL Server. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about SQL Server and how to use it to build database management systems.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Microsoft Visual Studio. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Visual Studio and how to use it to build software development environments.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Microsoft Windows. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Windows and how to use it to build operating systems.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Microsoft Office. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Office and how to use it to build office productivity applications.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Microsoft Excel. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel and how to use it to build spreadsheets.


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