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Antennas for Wireless Communications

Anastasis Polycarpou

This course provides an in-depth analysis of different types of antennas ranging from simple dipoles and monopoles mounted on conducting ground to more complex wire antennas such as loops, Yagi-Uda and helical antennas, to aperture antennas, horns, and microstrip patches. The course starts with the definition and thorough explanation of important performance parameters of antennas (power radiated, directivity, gain, efficiency, etc.) which form the basis for the analysis and performance evaluation of an antenna design. Other topics such as antenna arrays (uniform and nonuniform excitation), software simulation, and measurements are also covered. Most concepts and design procedures are explained through exercises and numerical examples.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Evaluate antenna performance based on acceptable metrics
  • Design modern antennas for various applications (e.g., for handset mobile devices, satcom, etc.)
  • Analyze antennas to obtain important figures of merit (e.g. directivity, efficiency, power radiated, etc.)
  • Understand the operation and performance of different types of antennas used in today's communications
  • Acquire knowledge on antenna measurements and experimental setups
  • Use of commercial software for the analysis and design of antennas
  • Design antenna arrays based on desired performance characteristics



This is an introduction to the course emphasizing on the usefulness of antennas, objectives and learning outcomes of the course, and the targeted audience.

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To calculate important performance parameters of antennas such as directivity, gain, efficiency, radiation patterns, etc.. They will also be able to use equivalent circuits for Tx and Rx antennas.

The antenna is introduced and treated as a transducer. Emphasis is placed on possible mismatch between the feed line and the antenna, thus creating a reflection coefficient. The Standing Wave Ratio is defined, and the antenna is modeled using simple equivalent circuits based on the transmitting and receiving modes.

In here, we define radiation patterns and their types (directional, omnidirectional), as well as the principal cuts of a pattern, what are sidelobes and beamwidths (HPBW, FNBW), how to calculate them, and the three different regions of an antenna.

In this Lecture, we present the spherical coordinate system first, and then, we define important antenna parameters such as radiated power density, radiated power, radiation intensity, the half-power beamwidth and the first-null beamwidth.

A step-by-step procedure on how to calculate the directivity of an antenna is presented and explained. Approximate formulas widely used in industry for the quick and easy calculation of directivity for directional and omnidirectional patterns are also provided.

In here, we explain with every detail the terms Efficiency, Gain, Beam Efficiency, and Bandwidth. These are very important antenna figures of merit that every antenna engineer must be familiar with. The difference between gain and directivity is also clarified.

The concept of Polarization is explained through examples and pictures. There are three types of antenna polarization: linear, circular and elliptical, as well as two senses of rotation: left hand (LH) and right hand (RH). The antenna polarization loss factor (PLF) is also defined.

We present the equivalent circuit of an antenna in the transmitting mode and explain the input impedance of the antenna including a loss term. The efficiency of the antenna is explained based on the power delivered to the radiation resistance of the antenna. We also define important terms such as equivalent length and equivalent area of the antenna. At last, we present the Friis Transmission equation which is widely used to calculate the received power at the terminals of the receiving antenna knowing the characteristics of both receiving and transmitting antennas, the operating wavelength and the distance between them.

This quiz aims to examine knowledge on antenna fundamentals

To use basic mathematics (Calculus level) in order to calculate the radiated fields by any type of antenna.

We introduce the vector potentials A and F, and calculate the radiated fields by any type of antenna using the governing electric and magnetic current sources on the surface of the antenna. Simplification of the results is implemented for the far-field region of the antenna. We also discuss reciprocity and duality principles.

To explain the operation of wire antennas such as the short and finite-length dipole and be able to use knowledge acquired from earlier lectures in order to calculate important performance parameters.

We use the auxiliary vector potential and a constant current density along the length of the infinitesimal dipole to calculate the radiated fields in all field regions of the antenna. Important antenna parameters such as the radiation resistance are also calculated.

We use the auxiliary vector potential formulation and a given current density to calculate the radiated fields by a short dipole and a finite-length dipole. Important performance parameters such as radiation patterns, radiation resistance, input impedance, radiated power, and directivity are calculated based on knowledge acquired from earlier lectures.

Here, we explain the use of image theory for an electric/magnetic dipole on top of an infinite electric/magnetic ground plane. We use the auxiliary potential formulation to calculate the radiated fields by an infinitesimal dipole on top of an infinite electric conducting plane. We also calculate the radiated fields by a quarter-wave monopole above a ground. Then, we consider the case of a horizontal dipole above a ground, as well as the case of a lossy ground. Earth ground has a profound effect on the radiation patterns of a dipole antenna. This is Part A.

Here, we explain the use of image theory for an electric/magnetic dipole on top of an infinite electric/magnetic ground plane. We use the auxiliary potential formulation to calculate the radiated fields by an infinitesimal dipole on top of an infinite electric conducting plane. We also calculate the radiated fields by a quarter-wave monopole above a ground. Then, we consider the case of a horizontal dipole above a ground, as well as the case of a lossy ground. Earth ground has a profound effect on the radiation patterns of a dipole antenna. This is Part B.

This quiz will test the knowledge of the student on basic principles of straight wire antennas.

To explain the operation of loop antennas and know how to calculate important performance parameters of these antennas. Students will also be able to design loop antennas based on certain requirements

Introduction of loop antennas and their characteristics and applications. Use of cylindrical coordinates and the auxiliary vector potential formulation for the derivation of the radiated fields by a small circular loop with a constant current density along its length. Derivation of important antenna figures of merit such as radiation efficiency and directivity.

Analysis of large circular loop with uniform current density along its circumference. Derivation of the radiated fields in the far-field region and calculation of radiation resistance, directivity, and maximum effective aperture.

Here, we analyze the radiation properties of a circular loop with nonuniform current along its circumference. We present important antenna parameters and various parametric studies as well as a design method. The design method is illustrated through an example. We also consider polygonal loop antennas and the ferrite loop antenna widely used in portable transistor receivers.

To calculate the Array Factor of a given antenna topology and to know how to properly design a linear or planar array of radiating elements based on certain requirements.

We provide examples and various applications of antenna arrays, as well as their usefulness in the area of wireless communications. This is simply an introduction to arrays and their impact on our lives.

We provide the analysis and operation of a simple two element array illustrating the effect of the array factor (due to the topology) on the overall radiation pattern of the antenna. The impact of certain parameters, such as the excitation phase shift and the spacing between the two elements, is explained and demonstrated through examples and pictures.

In this lecture, we explain how to obtain the array factor of an N-element linear array and how to obtain important antenna performance parameters such as half-power beamwidth, sidelobe maxima, sidelobe level, and the position of the pattern nulls and maxima. We also consider different orientations of the array; i.e., along the x-axis, y-axis, or z-axis.

Here, we present three important types of linear arrays namely the Broadside array, the Ordinary End-fire array, and the Phased or Scanning array. Important expressions for the characterization of these arrays, as well as the corresponding radiation patterns are presented and discussed.

The description of a special type of end-fire array, namely the Hansen-Woodyard end-fire array, is provided. This type of array provides improved directivity values compared to the ordinary end-fire array. The design conditions required for such an array are provided and explained.

The directivity of an N-element linear array is calculated using knowledge acquired from earlier lectures. We also present an approach for the design of an array based on a set of constraints. The design approach is illustrated through an example. We also explain how to obtain the total radiated field for different orientations of the linear array.

Introduction of nonuniform arrays. Application of nonuniform arrays starts with the binomial type. Important performance characteristics of the binomial design are discussed and pointed out.

Important characteristics of the non-uniform Dolph-Chebyshev array and calculation of important figures of merit (e.g. Directivity). We also present and illustrate through an example a procedure on how to design a Dolph-Chebyshev array based on certain constraints (e.g., sidelobe level).

We introduce planar arrays and explain how to derive the array factor using the knowledge acquired from linear arrays. We also explain how phased planar arrays work by correlating the radiation pattern to the progressive phase shift along the x- and y-directions.

To demonstrate knowledge of the operation of helical antennas and identify and two important modes of operation. In addition, they should be able to calculate important parameters and perform a design

We present the axial and normal modes of a helical antenna as well as a design procedure through examples. Circular polarization is also emphasized including matching of the antenna to a feeding transmission line.

To understand and be able to explain the operation of a Yagi-Uda antenna including its applications and major characteristics. They should also be able to design a Yagi-Uda antenna.

Here, we discuss major characteristics and potential applications of this type of antenna. The performance of this antenna is illustrated through a number of parametric studies by altering geometrical parameters. A design procedure is explained in detailed and illustrated through an example.

To calculate important figures of merit and to explain the impact of various geometrical parameters on its operation. To be able to design a patch antenna for a given frequency and substrate.

We present important characteristics of patch antennas including applications, advantages and disadvantages. We also introduce the transmission-line model which is widely used for the design and analysis of microstrip patch antennas printed on low-loss substrates.

A design procedure is introduced for the rectangular patch antenna. The design is illustrated through an example. The input impedance and power radiated by the patch are calculated based on the slot self and mutual conductance derived using the transmission-line model.

The cavity model is used for the analysis of the rectangular patch antenna. Based on this model, the magnetic current densities are obtained on the surrounding walls, which are used to calculate the radiated fields based on the auxiliary vector potential formulation presented in earlier lectures.

The directivity and beamwidth of a rectangular patch antenna are computed based on the radiated fields obtained using the cavity model. Simple expressions are provided for the directivity and beamwidth.

Introduction of the circular patch antenna and use of the cavity model in cylindrical coordinates for the calculation of the radiated fields and important figures of merit; e.g., directivity. A design procedure is demonstrated through an example.

Discussion of important figures of merit of circular patch antennas such as input impedance, quality factor, bandwidth and efficiency. We also discuss coupling between patch antennas printed on the same substrate with a given separation.

In this lecture, we present techniques commonly used in the design of circularly polarized patch antennas. We also present popular feed networks for an array of patch antennas. Matching of the feed network to the input impedance of the patch elements is highly important. Scanning arrays of patch elements and blind spots due to strong reflections are also discussed.

To analyze and obtain important performance parameters of aperture antennas.

Use of the Equivalence Principle, the Image Theory and the Auxiliary Vector Potential formulation for the derivation of the radiated fields of a rectangular aperture in an infinite conducting screen. The aperture may be placed in the xy-plane, the xz-plane or the yz-plane.

The radiated fields by a rectangular aperture obtained in the previous lecture are used in order to calculate important antenna figures of merit such as directivity, beamwidth, sidelobe level, and aperture efficiency.

In here, we use cylindrical coordinate system to derive the radiated fields by a circular aperture in an infinite conducting ground plane. The principal E- and H-plane patterns are explicitly given. Important figures of merit, such as directivity, HPBW, FNBW, sidelobe level, are provided. The Babinet's principle is also illustrated through an example.

To derive the radiated fields and other important performance parameters of horn antennas. To design horn antennas based on certain constraints and performance characteristics.

Introduction to horn antennas, their advantages and applications, and the approach used for the analysis of an E-plane sectoral horn antenna. Exercises are provided in order to better understand the concepts. Computation of radiation patterns, beamwidths, and directivity.

Analysis of an H-plane sectoral horn, and use of examples for better understanding of the concepts. Computation of radiation patterns, beamwidths, and directivity.

Analysis and discussion of pyramidal horn antennas. Calculation of radiation patterns and important performance characteristics.

In this lecture, we present a procedure on how to design a feasible pyramidal horn antenna. Then, we briefly discuss circular horns and corrugated horns. Emphasis is placed on the design of corrugations in order to mitigate diffractions from the E-plane walls and reduce sidelobe level and spill-over energy.

To demonstrate knowledge of the most important measurement techniques for input impedance , radiation patterns, and gain.

In this section, we present experimental methods used to measure important antenna parameters inside the laboratory or anechoic chamber. Such measurements include input impedance, return loss, S-parameters, radiation patterns, gain, directivity, etc.

Simulate antennas using a commercial software
Dipole simulation

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops a strong foundation for those seeking to become antenna engineers
Takes a professional approach to antenna engineering
Covers unique perspectives and ideas about antenna engineering that may add color to other topics and subjects
Offers a comprehensive study of science, math, and technology regarding antenna engineering
Requires students to come in with extensive background knowledge first
Explicitly requires learners to have access to additional items and goods that are not readily available in a typical household or in a library

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Career center

Learners who complete Antennas for Wireless Communications will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Antenna Engineer
Antenna engineers design and develop antennas for a variety of applications, including cellular and satellite communications, radar, and navigation. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, including topics such as antenna performance parameters, antenna arrays, and antenna measurements. These skills are essential for antenna engineers who need to be able to design and optimize antennas for specific applications.
Radar Engineer
Radar engineers design and develop radar systems, including antennas, transmitters, and receivers. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which is essential for radar engineers who need to be able to design and optimize radar systems for specific applications. Topics covered in this course, such as antenna performance parameters, antenna arrays, and antenna measurements, are all relevant to the work of radar engineers.
Satellite Communications Engineer
Satellite communications engineers design and develop satellite communications systems, including antennas, transmitters, and receivers. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which is essential for satellite communications engineers who need to be able to design and optimize satellite communications systems for specific applications. Topics covered in this course, such as antenna performance parameters, antenna arrays, and antenna measurements, are all relevant to the work of satellite communications engineers.
RF Engineer
RF engineers design and develop radio frequency systems, including antennas, transmitters, and receivers. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which is essential for RF engineers who need to be able to design and optimize RF systems for specific applications. Topics covered in this course, such as antenna performance parameters, antenna arrays, and antenna measurements, are all relevant to the work of RF engineers.
Wireless Communications Engineer
Wireless communications engineers design and develop wireless communications systems, including antennas, transmitters, and receivers. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which is essential for wireless communications engineers who need to be able to design and optimize wireless communications systems for specific applications:
Microwave Engineer
Microwave engineers design and develop microwave systems, including antennas, transmitters, and receivers. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which is essential for microwave engineers who need to be able to design and optimize microwave systems for specific applications.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Engineer
EMC engineers design and develop products that meet electromagnetic compatibility regulations. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which is essential for EMC engineers who need to be able to design and optimize products to meet EMC regulations. Topics covered in this course, such as antenna performance parameters, antenna arrays, and antenna measurements, are all relevant to the work of EMC engineers.
Research Scientist
Research scientists conduct research in a variety of fields, including antenna design. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which may be useful for research scientists who need to be able to design and optimize antennas for their research.
Product Design Engineer
Product design engineers design and develop new products. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which may be useful for product design engineers who need to be able to design and optimize products that include antennas.
Teachers teach students in a variety of subjects, including science and engineering. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which may be useful for teachers who need to be able to teach these topics to their students.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers develop and implement marketing campaigns. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which may be useful for marketing managers who need to be able to develop and implement marketing campaigns for products and services that include antennas.
Technical Writer
Technical writers write technical documentation, including user manuals and technical reports. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which may be useful for technical writers who need to be able to write about these topics.
Sales Engineer
Sales engineers sell technical products and services. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which may be useful for sales engineers who need to be able to sell products and services that include antennas.
Business Analyst
Business analysts analyze business processes and make recommendations for improvements. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which may be useful for business analysts who need to be able to analyze business processes that involve antennas.
Project Manager
Project managers manage projects from start to finish. This course provides a strong foundation in antenna theory and design, which may be useful for project managers who need to be able to manage projects that include antenna design.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Antennas for Wireless Communications.
Provides a comprehensive treatment of phased array antennas, covering both theory and practical design techniques. It valuable resource for antenna engineers and researchers who are working on phased array systems.
This comprehensive handbook valuable resource for antenna engineers and designers. It covers a wide range of topics, including antenna theory, design, and measurement techniques. While it is not a textbook, it can serve as a useful reference for students who want to learn more about antennas.
This textbook provides a comprehensive treatment of antenna theory and design. It is well-written and easy to follow, making it a good choice for students who are new to the subject. It covers a wide range of topics, including antenna fundamentals, radiation patterns, and antenna arrays.
Provides a modern treatment of antenna design, with a focus on numerical techniques. It covers a wide range of topics, including antenna modeling, optimization, and fabrication. It good choice for students who want to learn about the latest advances in antenna design.
Highly regarded reference for antenna theory and design. It is comprehensive and well-written, providing thorough treatment of many topics covered in the course. While it is more advanced than the course, it can be a valuable resource for students who want to delve deeper into the material.
Provides a clear and concise introduction to electromagnetics and waves. It covers a wide range of topics, including electrostatics, magnetostatics, and wave propagation. It good choice for students who are new to the subject.


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