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AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02)

Prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Exam (SAA-C02),

Preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) exam? This course is part of a nine-part series—completely updated for 2020—that prepares you to ace the critical qualifying exam. In this course, review a key subject covered on the test: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), the networking layer for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Instructor Tom Carpenter begins by providing an overview of creating and configuring VPCs, and then dives into a deeper discussion of networking infrastructure, including VPC peering. Plus, learn how AWS security groups work in tandem with network address translation (NAT) and gateways to secure your VPC.


  • 1. Amazon VPC Applications
  • 2. VPC Peering
  • 3. Amazon VPC Security
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Length 1h 30m
Starts On Demand (Start anytime)
Cost $29/month (Access to entire library- free trial available)
From LinkedIn Learning
Instructor Tom Carpenter
Download Videos Only via the LinkedIn Learning mobile app
Language English
Tags Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Administration Amazon VPC

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Rating Not enough ratings
Length 1h 30m
Starts On Demand (Start anytime)
Cost $29/month (Access to entire library- free trial available)
From LinkedIn Learning
Instructor Tom Carpenter
Download Videos Only via the LinkedIn Learning mobile app
Language English
Tags Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Administration Amazon VPC

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