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Laith Harb

In this course we will take you from a React 18 novice to a job ready engineer. This course is loaded with practical projects and examples so that you can truly understand and utilize React 18 in great depth.

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In this course we will take you from a React 18 novice to a job ready engineer. This course is loaded with practical projects and examples so that you can truly understand and utilize React 18 in great depth.

We will be building five projects, each one getting more and more complex. We will end this course by building an Netflix clone with features like payments and user authentication. By the end of this course, you should have multiple practical example to show off your knowledge.

Here are a list of thing you will learn in this course:

  • The difference between pure Vanilla JS and React 18

  • How to utilize the all the different React hooks

  • Conditional rendering and mapping through a list of elements

  • Fetching data from an external API and handling the success, loading and error states

  • Handling user authentication

  • Building a Postgres database to handle complex relations

  • Utilizing TypeScript for bug free code

  • All the important ways to handle state (useState, useContext, useReducer, Redux Toolkit)

  • Handling subscriptions payments with Stripe

  • Scroll based pagination with the Observer Intersection API

  • Optimizing performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders

I really hope you enjoy this course and learn a ton from it.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Best practices for building a react 18 frontend application
  • Utilizing the hooks & redux toolkit within a react project
  • Identifying when to use a state management solution
  • Handling user authentication and payments


A Little Setup
Why We Care About React?
What is React
Read more
Building an App With Vanilla JS
Discussing the Annoyances We Faced
Building the Same App With ReactJS
The Fundamentals of React
Creating a React App
Exploring the Files and Folders
State and Event Handling
Diving Deeper into React
Project Intro
Class vs ClassName
Building the JSX Structure
Listing Out Everything We Need to Work On
Two Way Binding
Defining an Array State
Iterating Through the List to Render Elements
The Key Prop
Computing the Quantity
Conditionally Render JSX Elements
Deleting an Item
Two Way Binding a List Item
The useEffect Hook
Built it Yourself
Project Introduction
A Cleaner and DRYer Way of Two Way Binding
Input Validation and Conditional Styling
Storing Store List and Map Through List to Render Elements
Installing Dependencies
Computing a New State
Components for Maintainability and Reusability
Building the JSX Structure for the Home Page
Dividing Our JSX into Components
Passing Props to Components
Page Routing and Navigation
Understanding Routing
How React Renders Content to the Browser (CSR vs SSR)
Installing react-router-dom
Defining Our Routing Rules
Adding Another Page to Our App
Nested Routes for Common Elements
Link Based Navigation
Defining Dynamic Routes
The useParams Hook for Extracting the Params
The useNavigate Hook for Programmatic Navigation
Fetching Data From an API
Where Will the Data Come From
Fetching Data From an API With Our React App
Iterating Through the Fetched Data
Encapsulating the Fetch Logic in a Custom Hook
Handling a Loading State
Handling an Error State
Querying for Data by Keyword
A Quick Fix
Another Custom Hook
Traversing and Rendering the Data
The Children Prop
Building the Recipe Info Component
Potentials Issues With the State We Defined
The useReducer Hook
Advanced Navigation Topics
Adding Query Params
Handling Error State with an Error Message
A 404 Error Page
More Nested Pages
Passing Data to an Outlet With useOutletContext
Wrapping Things Up
Deploying the Application
Viewing Our Deployment
Other React Hooks
React Has Many Hooks
The useRef Hook
Building a Mini Project With useState
Improving Performance With useRef
Referencing Elements with useRef
The useMemo Hook
Memo and Props
The useCallback Hook
React with TypeScript
An Intro to TypeScript
Creating a TypeScript React App
A Quick TypeScript Lesson
Exploring the Starter Code
State with TypeScript
Props with TypeScript
Params with TypeScript
Installing Packages with TypeScript
Tailwind Integration with React
Major Project Introduction
Tailwind Integration
Building the NavBar
Building the Home Page
Building the Login Page
Building the Plans Page

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Well suited for beginners in React 18
Suitable for learners who aspire to be a React 18 engineer
Practical projects and examples to enhance understanding and utilization of React 18
Covers a comprehensive range of topics essential for React 18 development, including hooks, state management, and payments handling
Course by Laith Harb, a recognized expert in React 18
May require some prior programming experience to fully benefit from the course

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Review HTML
Reinforce your understanding of HTML by revisiting the basics to prepare for the more advanced concepts covered in the React course.
Browse courses on HTML
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  • Review HTML syntax and structure
  • Create a simple web page using HTML
  • Explore different HTML elements and their usage
Create a Comprehensive Study Guide
Facilitates a holistic review and synthesis of course content to enhance comprehension and retention.
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  • Gather all course notes, assignments, quizzes, and exams
  • Review the materials and identify key concepts, definitions, and examples
  • Organize the materials into a logical structure, such as by topic or chapter
Review JavaScript Fundamentals
Refresh your knowledge of basic JavaScript concepts, such as variables, data types, operators, and control flow, to strengthen your foundation for learning React.
Browse courses on JavaScript
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  • Revisit JavaScript syntax and semantics
  • Create simple JavaScript programs to practice basic concepts
  • Explore JavaScript object-oriented features
Seven other activities
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Show all ten activities
Build a Password Strength Meter
Builds a UI component requiring combination of UI and logic to test understanding.
Browse courses on Conditional Rendering
Show steps
  • Create a simple form with an input field for the password
  • Add a state variable to store the password strength
  • Implement a function to calculate the password strength based on the length, presence of uppercase, lowercase and special characters
  • Update the state variable based on the calculated strength
  • Render the password strength as a UI element
Complete React Tutorial for Beginners
Follow a comprehensive React tutorial to grasp the core concepts and get hands-on experience building simple React applications.
Show steps
  • Find a reputable React tutorial or course
  • Work through the tutorial, completing all exercises and projects
  • Build a small React application on your own to apply what you've learned
Solve React Coding Challenges
Challenge yourself by solving React coding challenges to strengthen your understanding of React concepts and improve your problem-solving skills.
Browse courses on Front-End Development
Show steps
  • Find a platform or repository offering React coding challenges
  • Attempt to solve challenges of varying difficulty levels
  • Review solutions and learn from your mistakes
Explore the React Router Tutorial
Provides interactive and step-by-step guidance to reinforce concepts of navigation and routing.
Browse courses on Routing
Show steps
  • Go through the official React Router tutorial
  • Follow along with the examples and build a simple single-page application
Attend a React Workshop
Offers hands-on practice and expert guidance to refine skills and expand knowledge.
Show steps
  • Find a local or online React workshop
  • Attend the workshop and actively participate in the exercises
  • Ask questions and engage with instructors and fellow participants
Contribute to an Open-Source React Project
Enhance your learning by contributing to an open-source React project, allowing you to collaborate with others, learn from experienced developers, and deepen your understanding of the React ecosystem.
Browse courses on Front-End Development
Show steps
  • Find an open-source React project that aligns with your interests
  • Identify a feature or bug that you can contribute to
  • Fork the repository and make changes to the codebase
  • Submit a pull request and work with the maintainers
Write a Blog Post on React Best Practices
Share your knowledge and reinforce your understanding by writing a blog post on best practices for React development, providing valuable insights to the community.
Show steps
  • Research and gather information on React best practices
  • Organize your thoughts and outline the structure of your blog post
  • Write the content, providing clear and concise explanations
  • Proofread and edit your blog post for clarity and accuracy

Career center

Learners who complete The Modern React 18 Bootcamp - A Complete Developer Guide will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Front-End Web Developer
Front End Web Developers are responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of website interfaces. This course provides a thorough foundation in React, a popular front end framework, and emphasizes the construction of complex, interactive web applications. This course can help you build a strong portfolio of practical projects to showcase your skills.
Web Developer
As a Web Developer, you will design, create, and maintain websites and web applications. This course will help you build a strong foundation in React, a popular front end framework, and emphasizes the construction of complex, interactive web applications. This course can help you build a strong portfolio of practical projects to showcase your skills.
React Developer
React Developers specialize in building user interfaces and components for web applications using the React framework. This course is designed to take you from a React novice to a job-ready engineer, covering essential concepts such as hooks, state management, and data fetching. By completing the projects in this course, you will gain hands-on experience in building complex, real-world React applications.
User Interface (UI) Designer
UI Designers are responsible for the visual design and user experience of websites and applications. This course provides a strong foundation in React, a popular front end framework used by many UI Designers to build interactive and visually appealing user interfaces. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to design and implement beautiful and user-friendly web applications.
Full-Stack Developer
Full Stack Developers are responsible for both the front end and back end of web applications. While this course focuses on the front end with React, it also touches on back end concepts such as database management and user authentication. By completing this course, you will gain a well-rounded understanding of full stack development and be able to build complete, end-to-end web applications.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, test, and maintain software systems. While this course focuses on front end development, it also provides a solid foundation in computer science fundamentals. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to build complex, scalable software applications.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for the overall vision and roadmap of a product. While this course focuses on the technical aspects of front end development, it also provides insights into the product development process. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the role of technology in product development and be able to communicate more effectively with technical teams.
Project Manager
Project Managers plan, execute, and close projects. While this course focuses on the technical aspects of front end development, it also covers project management skills. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to manage and deliver successful projects.
Freelancers work independently on a variety of projects. While this course focuses on the technical aspects of front end development, it also covers freelancing and business skills. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to start and run a successful freelance business.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to solve business problems. While this course focuses on the front end, it also covers data fetching and manipulation techniques. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of how data is used in the real world and be able to apply this knowledge to your own work.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts bridge the gap between business and technology. While this course focuses on the technical aspects of front end development, it also provides insights into the business side of software development. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of how technology can be used to solve business problems.
Consultants provide advice and expertise to businesses and organizations. While this course focuses on the technical aspects of front end development, it also covers consulting and communication skills. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to start and run a successful consulting business.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create documentation for software and other technical products. While this course focuses on the technical aspects of front end development, it also covers writing and communication skills. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to create clear and concise technical documentation.
Entrepreneurs start and run their own businesses. While this course focuses on the technical aspects of front end development, it also provides insights into the entrepreneurial mindset. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of how to start and run a successful business.
Teachers educate students in a variety of subjects. While this course focuses on the technical aspects of front end development, it also covers teaching and communication skills. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to teach front end development concepts to others.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Modern React 18 Bootcamp - A Complete Developer Guide.
Provides a comprehensive overview of React. It covers everything from the basics of React to advanced topics such as Redux and React Native. (Prerequisites: Intermediate JavaScript knowledge)
Provides a deep dive into the good parts of JavaScript. It covers topics such as data structures, algorithms, and design patterns. (Prerequisites: Basic JavaScript knowledge)
Provides a comprehensive guide to Django. It covers everything from the basics of Django to advanced topics such as RESTful web services and Django REST Framework. (Prerequisites: Intermediate Python knowledge)
Provides a comprehensive guide to Flask. It covers everything from the basics of Flask to advanced topics such as RESTful web services and Flask-SQLAlchemy. (Prerequisites: Intermediate Python knowledge)
This handbook offers a comprehensive overview of React, including its core concepts, advanced techniques, and best practices. It useful reference for both beginners and experienced React developers.
Provides a deep dive into JavaScript, the programming language upon which React is built. It offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to JavaScript concepts, syntax, and best practices.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices of designing and building data-intensive applications. It covers topics such as data modeling, storage, processing, and analysis, which are essential for building scalable and reliable React applications that handle large amounts of data.


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