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Jose Salvatierra and Teclado by Jose Salvatierra

Welcome to the Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python. In this course, you'll learn how to build and deploy dynamic websites using Python, Flask, Mongo

If you want to share your projects online and become a full stack web developer, you're in the right place. I will teach you the latest and most popular technologies, including Python 3.10, Flask

I won't teach you jQuery or Bootstrap since those are old technologies. Instead, I focus on giving you a solid HTML and CSS foundation, so that you can be truly independent, and build anything you want.

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Welcome to the Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python. In this course, you'll learn how to build and deploy dynamic websites using Python, Flask, Mongo

If you want to share your projects online and become a full stack web developer, you're in the right place. I will teach you the latest and most popular technologies, including Python 3.10, Flask

I won't teach you jQuery or Bootstrap since those are old technologies. Instead, I focus on giving you a solid HTML and CSS foundation, so that you can be truly independent, and build anything you want.

I'll help you write many real-world projects that test your skills and build your understanding. By the end of the course, you'll be able to design and code any feature on any website.

This course beats attending any live bootcamp or workshop because I've put hundreds of hours into planning, recording, and editing. Plus you get lifetime access, and I provide outstanding support—I answer dozens of questions every day.

Why learn Flask?

Flask is a microframework for web development, written in Python.

It's lightweight and simple, so you can start using it straight away. As you go through the course and learn more about it, you'll realize it's also really powerful.

Flask provides everything we need for building websites: a good way to organize our apps, helpers for user authentication, a large selection of plugins and extensions to do dozens of other things, and much more.

What you'll learn.

Here's an overview of what you'll learn in this course:

  • A super-strong HTML 5 and CSS 3 foundation

  • How to plan your software projects and make them successful

  • Design websites using design software like Figma

  • Semantic HTML, and how to code in HTML like a professional

  • Build backend applications with Flask and Python

  • Make your HTML websites dynamic with Flask and Jinja2

  • Become a CSS professional: learn about flex, grid, CSS animations, and much more

  • Store and retrieve data with MongoDB on the Cloud

  • Deploy your web applications (using both free and paid solutions)

  • Implement user authentication on your Python and Flask websites

  • Much, much more.

  • But most importantly, learn to code from a professional software developer, and like a professional software developer

I won't cover JavaScript in detail, but that's because you just don't need it. With Later on, you can always learn JavaScript for extra functionality. Trying to learn JavaScript and Python together leads to problems, and everything becomes a bit more difficult than it has to be.

If you already know a little bit about programming (with Python or any other language), you're ready to start this course. Also, I've included a complete Python Refresher section to help you get up to speed with Python if you don't know it well already.

Other students are loving the course.

"Jose is a Master of the Art of Programming. This course is truly underrated. He goes straight to the point, yet flesh out all the Gotchas. Introduces current best practices in Web dev. An easy 5 for this course. " - Olayemi Akinsanya

"Great course, learned loads, really great for OOP and for web development. Really fun, can't wait to start my own projects now. " - Joshua Shallow

"A well organized and very useful course. Thank you, Jose. " - Leonid Bushman

Feel free to look through the preview videos of this course to see if it's a good fit for you.

Remember I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can join me for an entire month, risk-free, and decide whether to keep going or not.

I'll see you on the inside.

Jose Salvatierra

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Build complete, dynamic websites for your freelance projects or business
  • Design, develop, and deploy full-stack web apps using flask, python, html, and css
  • Create your own portfolio website to showcase all your projects
  • Become a true html and css professional without the need for complicated javascript, or stop-gap solutions like bootstrap and jquery
  • Publish your websites online with heroku for free
  • Connect your python applications to a mongodb database on the cloud
  • Allow your users to sign up and log in to your applications
  • Change the content of your web app's pages dynamically depending on the user that is logged in


Welcome to this Course!
Welcome to the course!
Curriculum overview
Access the code and e-book here!
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How to install Python on your computer
How to install your IDE
A Full Python Refresher

This is a short introductory video to this section. I'm really excited to guide you through this Python refresher course!

This lecture has a link to all the Python code we'll write in this section. Use it to check your code as you write it, or to refresh your memory!

Let's look at variables in Python. Variables are just names for values, which we can reuse and reset.

Python is a dynamic typed language, which means variables don't need be constrained to a specific type.

Creating variables (Python 3.10)
String formatting in Python
Getting user input
Asking users for input (Python 3.10)
Writing our first Python app

In this lecture we look at three essential data structures in Python: lists, tuples, and sets.

A list is an ordered collection of items.

A tuple is an immutable ordered collection of items.

A set is an unordered collection of unique items.

In this fascinating video, we look at advanced set operations: calculating items which are in two sets, or items which are in one set but not another.

Booleans in Python

This video explores how to create programs which can change depending on some input. For example, we might ask the user if they want to continue or not.

This makes use of boolean comparisons, such as:

  • 1 == 1 (which is True)

  • 5 > 5 (which is False)

The boolean comparisons we have available in Python are many:

  • ==

  • !=

  • >, <, <=, >=

  • is

  • is not

  • in

  • not in

The "in" keyword in Python
If statements with the "in" keyword
If statements (Python 3.10)

Loops allow us to repeat things over and over. This video explores two different types of loop in Python: for loop and while loop.

List comprehension is a relatively unique thing to Python.

It allows us to succinctly use a for loop inside a list to generate values. These values then end up in the list.

For example, [x for x in range(10)] generates a list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].

Dictionaries are an extremely useful thing in Python.

They are akin to sets, but instead of being a set of unique values, they are a set of unique keys, and each has a value associated with it.

Destructuring variables

In this video, let's look at methods in Python by creating some examples. Creating methods is simple, you just need the one keyword: def.

Function arguments and parameters
Creating functions (Python 3.10)
Default parameter values
Functions returning values
Lambda functions in Python
Dictionary comprehensions

*args and **kwargs are truly fascinatingly confusing. For eons, they have annoyed Python learners.

To this I say no more!

They're just a way of passing arguments.

Unpacking keyword arguments

Objects are the natural progression from dictionaries. Instead of just holding data, objects hold another special type of data: methods.

A method is a function which operates on the object calling it. Thus, an object can use its own values to calculate outputs of methods. Very cool.

Magic methods: __str__ and __repr__

In many instances, we don't want our methods to be solely referencing the object which calls them. Sometimes, we want to reference the class of the object. Other times, we don't need either the object or the class.

@classmethod and @staticmethod are two decorators (looking at that shortly!) which extend the capabilities of methods.

Classes in Python can also inherit from one another. This essentially means that a class contains all of the properties and methods of the class it inherits from—but with the added bonus that it can have more.

Class composition
Type hinting in Python 3.5+
Imports in Python
Relative imports in Python
Errors in Python
Custom error classes

Not only we can pass values from one method to another, but we can also pass functions.

This is not used very often, but it can sometimes yield very powerful methods in very few lines of code.

One of the most confusing aspects of Python for learners is the concept of decorators.

These are things we can place on top of function definitions which allow us to extend the function by executing code before and after the function.

They are extremely powerful when used well!

The 'at' syntax for decorators
Decorating functions with parameters

In this video we look at advanced decorators in Python, which is decorators that take arguments.

This amplifies the decorator's usefulness, although also makes them slightly more contrived.

Mutability in Python
Mutable default parameters (and why they're a bad idea)
Website Basics
How do websites and the internet work?
Front end vs. Back end development
Key web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
The Browser Inspector: using the developer tools
Page structure with HTML
Elements: the basic components of HTML
Write your first HTML element
Reminder: where to find code and notes
A full example: HTML and CSS
Some of the most common HTML elements
Common HTML Elements
What are HTML content categories?
HTML content categories
Nesting elements in HTML
Starting our first HTML project
Which HTML elements can't be nested?
An overview of HTML container elements
A detailed look at HTML attributes
The class and id HTML attributes
Adding images to our project
What is semantic HTML?
Document-level annotations in HTML
Document-level annotations
Completing our HTML project with document-level annotations
The best HTML resource: MDN
Page style with CSS
How to link a CSS file
Linking CSS files
Basic CSS selectors: targeting specific elements
How colours work: RGB, Hexadecimal, and HSL
Colours in CSS
Colours in CSS: text and background
Starting to write our project's CSS file
Inheritance in CSS
What properties can't be inherited?
The CSS Box Model
CSS Box Model
Overview of CSS units
Working with spacing in our project
Descendent selectors in CSS
What is specificity in CSS?
BEM: a simpler approach to CSS targeting
Project 1: Micro Blog (design+site)
Overview of this section's project
Access the finished code here
From our YouTube channel: How to start a new software project
Step 1: becoming a user

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explored technologies that are industry standard, like Flask, Python, and MongoDB
Taught the latest version of Python, Python 3.10, which indicates currency
Taught relevant skills that can be used for personal growth, freelance projects, or professional development, including designing, developing, and deploying websites
Teaches core tools and technologies used in modern full-stack web development
Curriculum is very thorough, with a solid foundation in HTML 5, CSS3, and Python backed up with a Python refresher, and expanding into MongoDB, database deployment, and user authentication
Provides 30-day money-back guarantee, which shows confidence in the course

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python in 2024 with these activities:
Mentor a junior developer
Mentoring a junior developer will help you to solidify your understanding of Flask and to share your knowledge with others.
Browse courses on Flask
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  • Find a junior developer to mentor.
  • Meet with your mentee regularly.
  • Provide guidance and support to your mentee.
Review HTML and CSS
Reviewing HTML and CSS will help you to refresh your knowledge of these essential web development technologies.
Browse courses on HTML
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  • Review the HTML and CSS documentation.
  • Complete the HTML and CSS exercises.
Watch the Flask tutorials
Watching the tutorials will help you to learn the basics of Flask and to get started with building your own web applications.
Browse courses on Flask
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  • Watch the Flask tutorial series on the Udemy website.
  • Watch the Flask tutorial series on the YouTube channel.
Six other activities
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Join a study group
Joining a study group will allow you to connect with other students, share your knowledge, and get help with your studies.
Browse courses on Flask
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  • Find a study group to join.
  • Attend the study group meetings.
  • Participate in the discussions.
Read 'Flask Web Development'
This book will provide you with a solid foundation in Flask and Python, which will be essential for success in this course.
Show steps
  • Read the first three chapters of the book.
  • Create a simple Flask application.
  • Deploy your application to the web.
Complete the Flask exercises
Completing the exercises will help you to practice your skills and to identify areas where you need more improvement.
Browse courses on Flask
Show steps
  • Complete the exercises in the Flask documentation.
  • Complete the exercises in the course exercises.
Write a blog post about Flask
Writing a blog post will help you to solidify your understanding of Flask and to share your knowledge with others.
Browse courses on Flask
Show steps
  • Choose a topic for your blog post.
  • Research your topic.
  • Write your blog post.
  • Publish your blog post.
Build a personal website
Building a personal website will allow you to practice your skills and apply what you're learning in this course.
Browse courses on Web Development
Show steps
  • Plan the structure and design of your website.
  • Create the HTML and CSS for your website.
  • Add Flask functionality to your website.
  • Deploy your website to the web.
Contribute to a Flask open-source project
Contributing to a Flask open-source project will allow you to learn from others and to contribute to the Flask community.
Browse courses on Flask
Show steps
  • Find a Flask open-source project to contribute to.
  • Read the project documentation.
  • Make a contribution to the project.

Career center

Learners who complete Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python in 2024 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:

Reading list

We haven't picked any books for this reading list yet.


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