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Pilar López García, Marta Miret García, Itziar Leal Leturia, Yolanda Sánchez Carro, and Hilario Blasco Fontecilla

El suicidio es un grave problema de salud pública. Más de 800.000 personas se suicidan cada año, lo que representa una muerte cada 40 segundos. El suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en el grupo de edad comprendido entre los 15 y los 29 años.

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El suicidio es un grave problema de salud pública. Más de 800.000 personas se suicidan cada año, lo que representa una muerte cada 40 segundos. El suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en el grupo de edad comprendido entre los 15 y los 29 años.

El suicidio se puede prevenir. Una de las principales medidas encaminadas a la prevención del suicidio es la formación del personal sanitario en aspectos relacionados con la identificación del riesgo de suicidio y el manejo de la ideación suicida.

El principal factor de riesgo para cometer suicidio son las enfermedades mentales, principalmente la depresión y los trastornos por consumo de alcohol y abuso de sustancias. La detección y el tratamiento tempranos de la depresión y de los trastornos por consumo de alcohol y sustancias son fundamentales para la prevención del suicidio, así como el contacto de seguimiento con quienes han tratado de suicidarse y el apoyo psicosocial en las comunidades.

Hay edades en las que el riesgo de suicidio se incrementa considerablemente, de modo particular en la adolescencia y en la ancianidad. Es importante reconocer las señales que pueden estar asociadas con un mayor riesgo de suicidio en estas edades así como los factores de riesgo relacionados con el suicidio tanto en los adolescentes como en personas de edad avanzada.

Este MOOC pretende proporcionar los conocimientos básicos para poder manejar situaciones de riesgo de suicidio, así como para evaluar el riesgo de suicidio que presenta una persona.

Para ello ofrece una metodología que combina la evidencia científica sobre el suicidio con casos clínicos que nos acercan a la realidad de la exploración de una persona con riesgo de suicidio y del manejo de dichos casos.

Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar los conocimientos básicos en un área de una gran importancia clínica y muchas veces desconocida por profesionales de la salud, para dotarles de herramientas para manejar adecuadamente estos casos y de esta forma disminuir el riesgo de suicidio.

La prevención del suicidio es posible, pero es fundamental la formación en este campo y especialmente la formación de profesionales que entran en contacto con pacientes que pueden presentar riesgo de suicidio en algún momento de sus vidas. La adquisición de conocimientos para poderlo identificar y manejar adecuadamente, evitará que las cifras de suicidio aumenten en el mundo y podremos contribuir a su prevención.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Conocer los principales factores de riesgo de suicidio.
  • Aprender a evaluar el riesgo de suicidio.
  • Saber manejar el riesgo de suicidio.
  • Entender el riesgo de suicidio en adolescente y ancianos.
  • Conocer estrategias para la prevención del suicidio.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Ayuda a los estudiantes a identificar y manejar situaciones de riesgo de suicidio, una habilidad esencial para los profesionales de la salud
Profundiza en el riesgo de suicidio en la adolescencia y en la tercera edad, grupos de edad con mayor riesgo
Proporciona estrategias de prevención del suicidio, un conocimiento crucial para reducir las cifras de suicidio en el mundo
Combina evidencia científica con casos clínicos, ofreciendo a los alumnos una comprensión práctica de la evaluación y manejo del riesgo de suicidio
Forma a los alumnos en un área clínica esencial a menudo no abordada por los profesionales de la salud, equipándolos para manejar adecuadamente los casos de riesgo de suicidio
Impartido por instructores expertos en el campo, lo que garantiza la relevancia y precisión de la información proporcionada

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Por 5 razones: respuestas ante el suicidio with these activities:
Re-Familiarize Yourself with Mental Health Conditions
Review the key mental health conditions that can increase the risk of suicide, such as depression and substance abuse.
Browse courses on Mental Health
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  • Identify and Describe the Most Common Mental Health Conditions Associated with Suicide
  • Study the Symptoms and Diagnostic Criteria for the Identified Mental Health Conditions
  • Review Case Studies to Understand the Presentation of These Conditions in Real-World Scenarios
Review risk factors associated with suicide
Reviewing possible risk factors for suicide will help you be more aware of what signs to look for during the interactions with your patients.
Show steps
  • Read and understand chapter 2 of the course material PDF
  • List down the risk factors you learned from the reading.
  • Give examples of each risk factor listed
  • Share your output to the course forum.
Explore online resources on suicide risk assessment
Enhance your understanding of suicide risk assessment by seeking out and following tutorials that provide practical guidance and examples.
Browse courses on Suicide Risk Assessment
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  • Search for online tutorials on suicide risk assessment using platforms like Coursera, edX, or YouTube
  • Identify reputable sources that provide evidence-based information
  • Follow the tutorials and complete any interactive exercises or assessments
Five other activities
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Practice assessing suicide risk
Being able to properly assess the risk of suicide is an important skill every medical professional should have.
Browse courses on Suicide Risk Assessment
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  • Watch the videos provided in module 3
  • Read the articles about risk assessment provided in the module
  • Follow along with the practice exercises included in the module
Discuss suicide prevention strategies with peers
Engage in discussions with fellow learners or peers to exchange perspectives, share experiences, and collectively explore effective suicide prevention strategies.
Show steps
  • Form or join a study group or online forum dedicated to suicide prevention
  • Prepare discussion topics based on course materials or current events related to suicide prevention
  • Actively participate in discussions, sharing your insights and listening to the perspectives of others
  • Reflect on the key takeaways from the discussions and incorporate them into your own understanding of suicide prevention
Conduct mock suicide risk assessments
Gain practical experience in suicide risk assessment by participating in mock scenarios that simulate real-life situations.
Browse courses on Suicide Risk Assessment
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  • Identify a partner or group of peers to practice with
  • Develop scenarios that present different levels of suicide risk
  • Take turns扮演 the roles of the assessor and the person being assessed
  • Use standardized assessment tools and follow best practices
  • Provide feedback to each other and discuss the rationale behind the assessments
Develop a suicide prevention plan for a specific population
Apply your knowledge of suicide prevention strategies by creating a tailored plan for a specific population at risk.
Show steps
  • Identify a specific population that is at risk for suicide
  • Research evidence-based suicide prevention strategies
  • Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the strategies, interventions, and resources available to the population
  • Present your plan to a group of peers or experts for feedback
  • Revise and finalize your plan based on the feedback received
Volunteer at a suicide prevention hotline or crisis center
Make a meaningful contribution to suicide prevention by volunteering your time to provide support and assistance to those in need.
Show steps
  • Research suicide prevention hotlines or crisis centers in your area
  • Complete any required training and background checks
  • Commit to a regular volunteer schedule
  • Provide emotional support, crisis intervention, and referrals to callers
  • Engage in self-care practices to maintain your own well-being

Career center

Learners who complete Por 5 razones: respuestas ante el suicidio will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Suicide Prevention Specialist
Suicide Prevention Specialists work with people who are at risk for suicide. They provide support, counseling, and resources to help people stay safe. This course may be helpful for Suicide Prevention Specialists because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Counseling Psychologist
Counseling Psychologists provide therapy and counseling to individuals and families. This course may be helpful for Counseling Psychologists because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Crisis Counselor
Crisis Counselors provide support and counseling to people who are experiencing a crisis, such as a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, or the death of a loved one. This course may be helpful for Crisis Counselors because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Psychologists are mental health professionals who provide therapy and counseling to individuals and families. This course may be helpful for Psychologists because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. This course may be helpful for Psychiatrists because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Psychologists provide therapy and counseling to individuals and families. This course may be helpful for Clinical Psychologists because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Psychotherapists provide therapy and counseling to individuals and families. This course may be helpful for Psychotherapists because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Adolescent Counselor
Adolescent Counselors provide support and counseling to adolescents who are struggling with mental health issues. This course may be helpful for Adolescent Counselors because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide in adolescents, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
School Counselor
School Counselors provide mental health services to students in elementary, middle, and high schools. This course may be helpful for School Counselors because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Geriatric Social Worker
Geriatric Social Workers help older adults and their families navigate the challenges of aging. This course may be helpful for Geriatric Social Workers because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide in older adults, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Nurses provide a variety of medical and emotional care to patients in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings. This course may be helpful for Nurses because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Mental Health Counselor
Mental Health Counselors work with people with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. They help clients cope with a variety of challenges, including depression, anxiety, grief, and relationship problems. This course may be helpful for Mental Health Counselors because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Social Worker
Social Workers help people navigate a variety of social and emotional challenges, including mental health issues, poverty, and homelessness. This course may be helpful for Social Workers because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Marriage and Family Therapist
Marriage and Family Therapists help couples and families navigate a variety of challenges, including mental health issues, relationship problems, and communication issues. This course may be helpful for Marriage and Family Therapists because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.
Substance Abuse Counselor
Substance Abuse Counselors help people overcome addiction to drugs and alcohol. This course may be helpful for Substance Abuse Counselors because it provides an overview of the risk factors for suicide, as well as strategies for assessing and managing suicide risk.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Por 5 razones: respuestas ante el suicidio.
Explores the psychology of suicide, providing insights into the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of people who consider or attempt suicide. It valuable resource for understanding the inner workings of the suicidal mind.
Provides a practical guide to suicide prevention, covering topics such as risk assessment, intervention, and postvention. It valuable resource for professionals and laypeople alike.
This report provides a global perspective on suicide prevention, including information on the prevalence of suicide, risk factors, and prevention strategies. It valuable resource for understanding the global burden of suicide and for developing effective prevention strategies.
Presents a comprehensive theory of suicide, arguing that suicide is the result of a combination of psychological pain, perceived burdensomeness, and thwarted belongingness. It valuable resource for understanding the underlying causes of suicide.
Este libro explora la psicología del suicidio, proporcionando información sobre los pensamientos, sentimientos y motivaciones de las personas suicidas.
Esta guía proporciona a los médicos un marco paso a paso para evaluar y manejar el riesgo de suicidio.


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