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Logophilia Education

The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass will enable you to find the first step towards being the best student that you can be; enjoy what you study, rather that memorise; & never feel inferior as a student again.

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The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass will enable you to find the first step towards being the best student that you can be; enjoy what you study, rather that memorise; & never feel inferior as a student again.

Subjects are written in books, which are written in words. The study of words is called Vocabulary, which should be the most fundamentally important subject (tool) provided to all students, before they read any subject. There are 81 countries in the world that have English as an official or an unofficial language. There are no schools (that we know) that teach English Vocabulary & Terminology as the most important subject. This leads to students studying for the utilitarian purpose of exams-performance, resorting to the malpractice of rote-memorising.

There are many ways to teach Vocabulary. All, but one, lead to shallow-memory creation practices. In order to study Vocabulary in depth, students need to study word-formation. Word-formation deals with the methods of making & breaking words, which comes under the subject of Etymology - the study of the origins of words.

Logophilia has structured multiple experiential Etymology programmes to teach Vocabulary as the most fundamental subject that should be be taught before other subjects. Students of Logophilia are called Logophiles. Logophiles understand that the value of education is far beyond the shallow consequence of exam-writing. They read without fear, appreciate what they study, remember their learnings effortlessly, & make great choices about the subjects that they truly like, becuase they fear no subjects.

About Logophilia & the Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass

Logophilia Education (estd. 2010 by Dhruv Raj Sharma) is the only Etymology Education organisation in the world. Since 2010, we have educated students from 57 countries online, & 60 schools and 21 universities through classroom programmes. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass has been modelled on the Logophilia Logic of English Words Programme - which is the most-selling programme in Logophilia. The classroom version of the Logic of English Words Programme had had more than 100 runs, before inspiring the making of the Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass. What you shall be studying is a highly refined, and much more elaborate, version of the Logic of English Words Programme.

Studying with Logophilia is an experience that comes with multiple takeaways. Some of the one's we like are mentioned below. Once you have completed the programme, do tell us which of these came about for you.

+ You will learn how to unlock 7400+ words.+  You will learn terminology from at least 20 different subjects, making you an interdisciplinary learner.+  You will learn how to spell better.+  You will be able to pronounce better (for these, and related words).+  Your recall will improve. So, no more, “Umm, what was that word?”.+  You will be able to derive definitions by simply breaking up words. Your dependence on dictionaries and textbooks will decrease dramatically. +  You will find coaching and preparatory classes to be redundant, & quite frankly, insulting.

In the Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass, here’s what you should expect

+  You'll learn How to be a Super-Student.

+  You'll learn 7400+ English words.

+  This will make you enjoy what you read/study considerably more than regular students. (Please note, this is an introductory programme. The enjoyment of studies will manifest itself much more after you have studied more detailed Logophilia vocabulary programmes (e.g. the Logophilia Mastery Subscription).

+  You'll find it easy to understand how to derive definitions from words themselves. (For e.g. photosynthesis is mostly taught in books through a 2-paragraph definition. In reality, it is a 4-part word - photo + syn + the + sis - i.e. light + together + to place + process. A smart student will notice that a very practical definition is available in the word through finding the meaning of these parts, & would be able to appreciate the book-definition with much greater ease, and without the need for memorisation.)

+  You'll be able to appreciate seemingly difficult concepts with great ease.

+  You may start to discover that you don't need to memorise your studies as much as you did earlier. (This, too, is a pro-feature. Will happen much more after the Logophilia Mastery Subscription.)

+  You may even find yourself looking forward to exams, because you're great at studying.

The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass is designed to be a fully immersive experience. There are multiple components to this Programme. It’s not just watching video lessons that will make this Course come alive. Follow these Study Guidelines to get the full value that we have designed for you.

1. WATCH the videos2. ASSESS your vocabulary progress3. REFLECT on your growth: whenever you learn a new root, ask yourself a. "What other words can I think of from this root?".b. "Which subject do these words belong to?". For example, the root dyn (Greek, meaning “power”) will give you: dynamic (Psychology),dynasty (Political Science), dynamite (Chemistry), dyne (Physics),dynamo (Mechanics),aerodynamics (Engineering),thermodynamics (branch of Physics),and so forth.

Studying like this will help you make connections across the terms that you learn, and will add much-needed depth to your learning.

Dive into the world of Etymology and watch yourself become the best student you can be. Love,Logophilia

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • You'll learn how to be a super-student.
  • You'll learn 7400+ english words.
  • You'll learn the science of how to learn english vocabulary.
  • You'll learn the method of making and breaking words.
  • You'll learn how to study without memorising.
  • You'll learn how to understand the logic of english words.
  • You'll learn how a few roots lead to hundreds of words.
  • You'll learn how no subject is “difficult”.
  • You'll learn how you can master any subject by getting great at the vocabulary of that subject.
  • You'll learn how never to feel inferior as a student, & how to enjoy studying.
  • You'll learn how etymology education is such a powerful, and vital, ability for every student.
  • You'll learn how studying through etymology makes you great in vocabulary, spelling, & pronunciation, all at the same time.
  • Show more
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Introduction to the Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass
The Logophilia Language Talk & Introductory Essentials
The Logophilia Language Talk | The What, Why, & How of Vocabulary Learning!
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How to use this course
How to Beast-mode your Learning while studying with Logophilia!
The Logophilia English Testing Service - Pre

How to Take this Assessment ↓

1. There are 30 questions in total with four options each.

2. For each question, choose the option that carries the best definition of the word.

3. Choose only one answer for each question.

4. Mark your answer by clicking on the correct option.

5. Each question carries one mark for a correct answer.

6. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

7. You cannot change your answer once you have clicked on the chosen option.

8. Students scoring 75% or more, across all quizzes, are eligible, & may request Logophilia, for a Logophilia Merit Certificate.

How to Take this Assessment ↓

1. There are 30 questions in total with four options each

2. For the following options, please choose the one that carries the correct answer

3. Choose only one answer for each question

4. Mark your answer by clicking on the correct option

5. Each question carries one mark for a correct answer

6. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer

7. You cannot change your answer once you have clicked on the chosen option

8. Students scoring 75% or more, across all quizzes, are eligible, & may request Logophilia, for a Logophilia Merit Certificate.

Main Vocabulary Curriculum | Basic Greek
Explainer Video | Languages That Make English
Additional Lesson Etymology Basics | Basic Greek Parts
Additional Lesson Etymology Basics | Parts of Words
Greek Root #1
Basic Greek Root | Chron
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Chronicle"
Additional Lesson Etymology Basics | The Suffix | - ic
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Synchronise"
The Beat Down! | Welcome to Logophilia Pitaee
Explainer Video | What is Logophilia Pitaee?

How to Take this Recognition Assessment ↓

1. You will find questions with four options each.

2. For the following definitions, please choose the word that you think best brings out the definition expressed.

3. Choose only one answer for each question.

4. Each question carries one mark for a correct answer.

5. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

6. You cannot change your answer once you have clicked on the chosen option.

7. Students scoring 75% or more, across all quizzes, are eligible, & may request Logophilia, for a Logophilia Merit Certificate.

Greek Root #2 & #3
Basic Greek Roots | Macro - Micro
Greek Root #4
Basic Greek Root | Morph
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Metamorphosis"
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Mesopotamia"
Greek Root #5
Basic Greek Root | Poly
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Polynomial"

This is a roots-quiz. We are not testing your words-knowledge. We are testing how many roots you can now recognise. All the best! 

How to Take this Roots-Recognition Assessment ↓

1. You will find questions with four options each.

2. For the following meaning, please choose the root that you think best brings out the concept.

3. Choose only one answer for each question.

4. Each question carries one mark for a correct answer.

5. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

6. You cannot change your answer once you have clicked on the chosen option.

7. Students scoring 75% or more, across all quizzes, are eligible, & may request Logophilia, for a Logophilia Merit Certificate.

You think you know everything?


How to Take this Recognition Assessment ↓

1. You will find questions with four options each.

2. For the following definitions, please choose the word that you think best brings out the definition expressed.

3. Choose only one answer for each question.

4. Each question carries one mark for a correct answer.

5. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

6. You cannot change your answer once you have clicked on the chosen option.

7. Students scoring 75% or more, across all quizzes, are eligible, & may request Logophilia, for a Logophilia Merit Certificate.

This is a comprehension-quiz. We are not testing your ability to recall word-meanings here. We are testing how easily you can now recognise a word when found in a particular context. All the best!

How to Take this Assessment ↓

1. You will find words written in bold form, ALL CAPS, embedded in a sentence.

2. For each, you will get 4 options. Please choose the definition that you think best brings out the meaning of the word, in the given context.

3. Choose only one answer for each question.

4. Each question carries 1 mark for a correct answer.

5. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

6. You cannot change your answer once you have clicked on the chosen option.

Basic Greek Root | Soph
Greek Root #6
Basic Greek Root | Pan
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Panorama"
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Panacea"
Greek Root #7
Basic Greek Root | Metr; Meter
Understanding More Parts of Words
Additional Lesson Etymology Basics | Interfix
Additional Lesson Etymology Basics | The Stem
Additional Lesson Etymology Basics | The Meaningless, (Silent) "E"
Greek Root #8
Basic Greek Root | Neo
Additional Lesson Explainer Video | How to Understand "The 6 Noble Gases"
Greek Root #9
Basic Greek Root | Andr
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Neanderthal"
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Economics"
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Androgen"
Greek Root #10
Basic Greek Root | Gynae
Greek Root #11
Basic Greek Root | Pyr
Greek Root #12
Basic Greek Root | Astr
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Protozoa"
Greek Root #13
Basic Greek Root | Paed
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Paediatrician"
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Encyclopaedia"
Greek Root #14
Basic Greek Root | Somat
Greek Root #15
Basic Greek Root | Gam
Greek Root #16
Basic Greek Root | Theo
The Logophilia Pitaee


How to Take this Vocabulary Assessment ↓

1. You will find questions with four options each.

2. For the following definitions, please choose the word that you think best brings out the definition expressed.

3. Choose only one answer for each question.

4. Each question carries one mark for a correct answer.

5. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

6. You cannot change your answer once you have clicked on the chosen option.

7. Students scoring 75% or more, across all quizzes, are eligible, & may request Logophilia, for a Logophilia Merit Certificate.

Greek Root #17
Basic Greek Root | Onym
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Anonymous"
Greek Root #18
Basic Greek Root | Path
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Homoeopathy"
Greek Root #19
Basic Greek Root | Bibli
Greek Root #20
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Philosophy"
Greek Root #21
Basic Greek Root | Miso
Greek Root #22
Basic Greek Root | Anthropo
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Anthropophagous"
Greek Root #23
Basic Greek Root | Phil
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Philip"
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Philadelphia"
Additional Wordbreak Lesson | How to Understand "Philanderer"
Greek Root #24
Basic Greek Root | Ology
The Beat down | It's all Greek to us!


How to Take this Recognition Assessment ↓

1. You will find questions with four options each.

2. For the following definitions, please choose the word that you think best brings out the definition expressed.

3. Choose only one answer for each question.

4. Each question carries one mark for a correct answer.

5. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

6. You cannot change your answer once you have clicked on the chosen option.

7. Students scoring 75% or more, across all quizzes, are eligible, & may request Logophilia, for a Logophilia Merit Certificate.

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass: Super Vocabulary Primer with these activities:
Word Origins: The Hidden Histories of English Words from A to Z
Supplement the course material with a detailed exploration of word etymologies.
View Word Origins on Amazon
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of 'Word Origins: The Hidden Histories of English Words from A to Z'.
  • Read the introduction to understand the book's scope and methodology.
  • Explore entries for words related to course topics.
  • Take notes on interesting etymological facts and connections.
Review Basic Grammar Concepts
Strengthen foundational grammar knowledge to better understand how words function within sentences.
Browse courses on Parts of speech
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  • Identify areas of grammar where you feel less confident.
  • Review relevant grammar rules and examples online or in a textbook.
  • Complete practice exercises to reinforce your understanding.
Create Flashcards for Greek Roots
Reinforce learning of Greek roots by creating flashcards for memorization and quick recall.
Show steps
  • Gather a list of Greek roots covered in the course.
  • Create a flashcard for each root with its meaning and example words.
  • Review the flashcards regularly to improve retention.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Peer Review of Etymological Analyses
Deepen understanding by collaboratively analyzing word etymologies with peers.
Show steps
  • Form a study group with classmates.
  • Choose a set of words from the course material.
  • Independently analyze the etymology of each word.
  • Meet to compare analyses and discuss any discrepancies.
Create a Visual Guide to Word Formation
Improve retention by creating a visual aid that illustrates the process of word formation from roots and affixes.
Show steps
  • Choose a visual format (e.g., infographic, mind map, diagram).
  • Select key roots and affixes from the course.
  • Visually represent how these elements combine to form different words.
  • Add examples and definitions to clarify the process.
Etymological Dictionary Project
Solidify knowledge by creating a personal etymological dictionary of words learned in the course.
Show steps
  • Select a format for your dictionary (e.g., digital document, physical notebook).
  • For each word, research and record its etymology, including root words and historical usage.
  • Organize the dictionary alphabetically or by root word.
  • Add illustrations or diagrams to enhance understanding.
An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
Expand knowledge with a classic etymological dictionary.
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of 'An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language'.
  • Familiarize yourself with the dictionary's structure and abbreviations.
  • Use the dictionary to research the etymology of words encountered in the course.
  • Compare the dictionary's entries with the course material to deepen your understanding.

Career center

Learners who complete Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass: Super Vocabulary Primer will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
A Lexicographer compiles and edits dictionaries. This course helps a Lexicographer by providing a foundation in etymology and word formation. Lexicographers need a deep understanding of the history and evolution of words. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass, with its focus on etymology and the origins of words, provides Lexicographers with a solid foundation. Lexicographers may need advanced degrees. The study of language will help in describing obscure terms.
An Editor needs a strong command of vocabulary and language. Editors are responsible for reviewing and revising written material to ensure clarity, accuracy, and consistency. This course can help an Editor by expanding their vocabulary and deepening their understanding of word origins. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass emphasizes the study of word-formation and etymology, providing a framework for Editors to analyze and refine text with precision. The course's focus on breaking down words and understanding their roots helps Editors in their daily tasks.
A Linguist studies language and its structure. Linguists often go on to teach, research, or work with machine learning and natural language processing. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass helps Linguists by providing a foundation in etymology and word formation. Linguists typically require advanced degrees. The study of language roots and the ability to dissect words are both useful skills for a Linguist. A deeper understanding of word formation can give the Linguist insight into the evolution of language.
A Copywriter crafts persuasive and engaging content for marketing and advertising. This course can help a Copywriter by expanding their vocabulary and sharpening their understanding of language. Copywriters must be able to choose the right words to capture attention and drive action. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass, by focusing on etymology and the structure of words, helps Copywriters develop a more nuanced understanding of language and its persuasive power. This course enables Copywriters to communicate effectively.
A Proofreader reviews written text to identify and correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. A strong vocabulary and understanding of language are vital for accuracy. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass can greatly benefit a Proofreader by expanding their knowledge of word origins and structures. This course provides a Proofreader insight into the patterns and rules of language. By recognizing these patterns, a Proofreader can improve the accuracy of their edits.
Teachers educate students in a variety of subjects. This course can help a Teacher by expanding their vocabulary and deepening their understanding of language. Teachers must be able to explain complex concepts clearly and concisely. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass emphasizes etymology and word formation, providing Teachers with the tools. Studying etymology can improve a Teacher's ability to explain concepts effectively. The course also helps in student comprehension.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create clear and concise documentation for complex products and services. This course can help a Technical Writer by enhancing their vocabulary and improving their understanding of technical terminology. Technical Writers need to explain complicated concepts in a way that is easy for users to understand. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass can be particularly helpful, as it focuses on etymology and the origins of words, which is useful for understanding technical jargon. A Technical Writer benefits from this background.
Speech Writer
A Speech Writer crafts compelling and impactful speeches for public figures. This course can help a Speech Writer by expanding their vocabulary and deepening their understanding of language. Speech writing demands skillful use of rhetoric and precise language to resonate with an audience. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass, with its emphasis on etymology and word structure, provides Speech Writers with the tools to craft speeches that are both eloquent and persuasive. A Speech Writer will benefit from analyzing the structure of language.
Translators convert written or spoken material from one language to another. This course can help a Translator by building a strong comprehension of vocabulary and the nuances of language. A Translator needs to understand the subtle differences between words and phrases. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass, with its focus on etymology and word origins, can help Translators better understand the meaning and connotations of words. It also prepares a translator for advanced work.
Curriculum Developer
Curriculum Developers design educational materials and programs. This course can help a Curriculum Developer by deepening their understanding of language and vocabulary. A Curriculum Developer benefits from a strong foundational knowledge of language. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass emphasizes etymology and word formation. With this knowledge, a Curriculum Developer will be able to explain concepts clearly. The course focuses on teaching students how to learn effectively.
A Journalist communicates information clearly and concisely. This course can help a Journalist by enhancing their understanding of vocabulary and language. Journalists must be able to quickly grasp and convey complex topics. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass, with its emphasis on etymology and word-formation, helps Journalists dissect language and understand the nuances of different words. This course may be useful for Journalists who wish to improve their communication skills and broaden vocabulary.
Grant Writer
Grant Writers need to articulate a clear and persuasive case for funding. This course can help a Grant Writer by improving their vocabulary and understanding of language structure. A Grant Writer needs to use precise language to convey complex ideas. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass focuses on vocabulary building and etymology, which can help Grant Writers craft compelling narratives that resonate with potential funders. The course may be useful in helping them understand the nuances of language and how to use it effectively.
Public Relations Specialist
A Public Relations Specialist manages an organization's communication with the public. This course may help a Public Relations Specialist by improving their vocabulary and language skills. Public Relations Specialists must be able to craft clear and persuasive messages. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass may be useful, as it focuses on vocabulary building and the nuances of language. The course may improve one's ability to influence and persuade.
Librarians assist patrons in finding information and resources. This course may help a Librarian by expanding their vocabulary and understanding of language. Librarians need to be familiar with a wide range of subjects and terminology. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass, with its emphasis on etymology and vocabulary building, enhances Librarian's ability to navigate diverse fields of knowledge. The course can also improve a Librarian's recall.
Content Strategist
Content Strategists plan and oversee the creation and distribution of content across various platforms. This course may help Content Strategists by enhancing their understanding of language and vocabulary. Content Strategists need to be able to understand how language impacts different audiences. The Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass, with its focus on language structure and etymology, can broaden a Content Strategist's perspective on language and its effects. It also may increase sensitivity to different words.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Logophilia Vocabulary Masterclass: Super Vocabulary Primer.
Provides a comprehensive exploration of the etymological roots of a wide range of English words. It aligns perfectly with the course's focus on understanding word formation and origins. Reading this book will give students a broader and deeper understanding of the history and evolution of the English language, enriching their vocabulary learning experience.
This dictionary classic reference work in the field of etymology. It provides detailed information on the origins and historical development of English words. While more suitable for advanced learners, it can serve as a valuable resource for students seeking a deeper understanding of word histories and linguistic connections. It is best used as a reference tool for specific words of interest.


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