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Alex Tapscott and Don Tapscott

오늘날은 대형 중개기관에서 우리 경제에 대한 신뢰를 확립하고 금전과 자산의 이동, 보관, 배분을 통제합니다. 하지만 현재 이러한 상황은 비효율적인 문제로 가득합니다. 본 강좌에서는 현재 처해 있는 다양한 문제를 다루고 암호자산, 스마트 계약, 새로운 신원 시스템, 새로운 금융 비즈니스 모델을 통해 이러한 과제를 극복할 수 있는 방법을 살펴봅니다. 또한, 블록체인 기술이 어떻게 개인, 기업가 및 기업이 공정한 경쟁의 장을 만들고, 그들이 창출하는 가치를 함께 만드는 데 필요한 도구를 제공하여 힘을 실어주는지 알아봅니다. 본 강좌를 마치면 현재 우리가 살고 있는 세상보다 더 빠르고 더 공정하며, 중앙 집중화 방식에서 벗어난 미래를 가져오는 데 블록체인 트랜잭션이 어떤 도움을 줄 수 있는지, 그 이유와 방법을 배우게 될 겁니다.

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블록체인은 가치를 위한 최초의 네이티브 디지털 매체입니다. 그 결과, 종이 기반 아날로그 자산에서 디지털 자산으로, 인류 역사상 가장 큰 부의 변혁을 목격하고 있습니다. 이번 단원에서는 암호화폐, 프로토콜 토큰, 대체 불가능 토큰(NFT), 스테이블코인, 증권형 토큰, 거버넌스 토큰, 거래소 토큰, 자연자산 토큰, 중앙은행 디지털화폐(CBDC)라는 아홉 가지 종류의 암호화폐 자산을 배우게 됩니다.
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스마트 계약
이번 단원에서는 스마트 계약의 정의 및 원리에 대해 알아봅니다. 블록체인 기반 스마트 계약을 통해 개인 및 조직이 어떻게 거래 비용을 절감하고 제삼자 중개기관의 필요성을 최소화하며, 생산성, 보안, 개인정보 보호를 향상하는 방법에 대해 살펴보겠습니다.
이메일, 건강 보험 또는 은행 계좌와 같은 대규모 중앙 집중식 시스템에 액세스하려면 다양한 식별자(예: 정부 발급 신분증, 개인 비밀번호, 생체 인식 데이터)를 제공해야 합니다. 하지만 식별자 기반 시스템은 행정적으로나 철학적으로도 문제가 많습니다. 이번 단원에서는 식별자 기반 시스템의 다섯 가지 문제점을 살펴보고 블록체인에 배포된 분산 자기주권신원 시스템이 이러한 문제를 어떻게 해결할 수 있는지 알아봅니다.
금융에 대한 재고
현재의 글로벌 금융 시스템은 비효율성, 비균형 발전, 기이한 모순으로 가득합니다. 블록체인 기술은 금융 서비스에 엄청난 변화를 가져올 가능성을 품고 있습니다.이번 단원에서는 블록체인 기술이 금융 서비스 산업의 핵심 기능에 어떤 변화를 가져오는지, 개인 및 조직이 가치를 창출하고 관리하는 방법에 대한 진짜 선택권을 어떻게 제공하는지 알아봅니다.

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블록체인, 암호자산, 분산자기주권신원, 금융 서비스의 미래에 관심 있는 사람들에게 좋습니다
초보자와 중급자 모두에게 적합합니다
블록체인 산업의 선도적인 전문가인 알렉스와 돈 탭스콧이 강의합니다
실제 사례와 예제를 통해 개념을 명확하게 설명합니다
현재 금융 시스템의 문제점과 블록체인이 제공하는 잠재적 해결책을 탐구합니다
블록체인 개발자, 금융 전문가, 기업가, 투자가에게 유용합니다

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  • 코드 검토 및 디버깅
블록체인 워크숍 참석
워크숍 참석은 블록체인 기술에 대한 실제적인 지식과 경험을 얻을 수 있는 좋은 기회입니다.
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블로그 게시물을 작성하면 블록체인의 주요 개념에 대한 이해를 깊게 하고 글쓰기 능력을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
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응용 프로그램을 제작하면 블록체인 기술을 실제적 프로젝트에 적용할 수 있는 능력을 테스트할 수 있습니다.
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  • 코드 작성 및 테스트
  • 응용 프로그램 배포

Career center

Learners who complete 블록체인 트랜잭션 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Blockchain Consultant
As a Blockchain Consultant, you will be responsible for advising clients on blockchain technology. You may also be responsible for developing blockchain solutions, conducting due diligence, and providing advice on investment decisions. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.
Blockchain Architect
As a Blockchain Architect, you will be responsible for designing and developing blockchain solutions. You will work with stakeholders to understand their business needs and design and develop blockchain solutions that meet those needs. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.
Blockchain Project Manager
As a Blockchain Project Manager, you will be responsible for planning, executing, and managing blockchain projects. You will work with stakeholders to understand their business needs and develop and implement blockchain solutions that meet those needs. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.
Cryptocurrency Fund Manager
As a Cryptocurrency Fund Manager, you will be responsible for managing a cryptocurrency fund. You will invest in a variety of cryptocurrencies. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, digital assets, and decentralized applications.
Digital Asset Fund Manager
As a Digital Asset Fund Manager, you will be responsible for managing a digital asset fund. You will invest in a variety of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other digital collectibles. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, digital assets, and decentralized applications.
Smart Contract Engineer
As a Smart Contract Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining smart contracts. You will work with blockchain developers to integrate smart contracts into blockchain-based applications. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.
Investment Banker
As an Investment Banker, you will be responsible for advising clients on mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, and other financial transactions. You may also be responsible for developing financial models, conducting due diligence, and providing advice on investment decisions. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, digital assets, and decentralized applications.
Financial Analyst
As a Financial Analyst, you will be responsible for analyzing financial data and providing insights to clients. You may also be responsible for developing financial models, conducting due diligence, and providing advice on investment decisions. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, digital assets, and decentralized applications.
Venture Capitalist
As a Venture Capitalist, you will be responsible for investing in early-stage technology companies. You will work with entrepreneurs to help them develop and grow their businesses. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, digital assets, and decentralized applications.
Private Equity Investor
As a Private Equity Investor, you will be responsible for investing in private companies. You will work with management teams to help them grow their businesses. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, digital assets, and decentralized applications.
Hedge Fund Manager
As a Hedge Fund Manager, you will be responsible for managing a hedge fund. You will invest in a variety of assets, including stocks, bonds, and commodities. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, digital assets, and decentralized applications.
Digital Asset Manager
As a Digital Asset Manager, you will be responsible for managing digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other digital collectibles. You may also be responsible for developing investment strategies, managing risk, and providing advice to clients. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, digital assets, and decentralized applications.
Cryptocurrency Analyst
As a Cryptocurrency Analyst, you will be responsible for analyzing cryptocurrency markets and providing insights to clients. You may also be responsible for developing trading strategies, managing risk, and providing advice on investment decisions. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized applications.
Cryptocurrency Trader
As a Cryptocurrency Trader, you will be responsible for buying and selling cryptocurrencies on exchanges. You may also be responsible for developing trading strategies, managing risk, and providing advice to clients. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized applications.
Blockchain Developer
As a Blockchain Developer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining blockchain-based applications. Developing these applications involves developing smart contracts, designing decentralized applications, and researching new blockchain technologies. This course may be useful for you because it provides a foundation in blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 블록체인 트랜잭션.
Collection of writings by Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin. It provides insights into the original vision and ideas behind the development of blockchain technology.
Explores the transformative potential of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies, discussing its applications in areas such as supply chain management, healthcare, and governance.
Explores the broader implications of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology on the global economy and financial system.
Provides a practical guide to the use of blockchain technology in business contexts, exploring its implications for various industries and business models.
Provides insights into the world of cryptoassets, including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It is helpful for understanding the investment and trading aspects of blockchain technology.
Provides a historical account of the early days of Bitcoin and the personalities involved in its development.
Provides a practical guide to investing in cryptocurrencies, covering topics such as trading strategies, risk management, and regulatory considerations.


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