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Jason Teteak

Attention: Public Speakers

Finally, You’ll Have a Proven, Step-By-Step Hands-On Plan To…

…TRIPLE Your Audience

10,000 speakers around the globe use this rock-solid formula to spread their ideas and triple their audience.

Ordinary presenters just don’t get it….

Recently I attended a presentation and watched two audience members walk out…

“It wasn’t anything special…lost me early on,” said the 1st.

The 2nd said: “It was boring…didn’t have all the answers.”

Once you lose your audience, it’s nearly impossible to get them back.

Read more

Attention: Public Speakers

Finally, You’ll Have a Proven, Step-By-Step Hands-On Plan To…

…TRIPLE Your Audience

10,000 speakers around the globe use this rock-solid formula to spread their ideas and triple their audience.

Ordinary presenters just don’t get it….

Recently I attended a presentation and watched two audience members walk out…

“It wasn’t anything special…lost me early on,” said the 1st.

The 2nd said: “It was boring…didn’t have all the answers.”

Once you lose your audience, it’s nearly impossible to get them back.

None of us can stand boring presentations with little excitement…

… or presenters that talk too fast, are monotone and use lots of ums and filler words.

We hate bad subject material that’s too easy and presenters that talk down to us.

We all want to connect to the people in the room…

…To touch audiences more emotionally and give them good advice.

But, if you’re boring and give boring presentations, then they don’t care about what you’re presenting.

You’re not looked at as a SME (subject matter expert).

It’s not uncommon to look out and 5 or 10 minutes in, see folks starting to drift away and to watch their attention spans wither.

Even though you know getting them involved and captivated is absolutely going to help you, it may be hit or miss for you right now.

You may have a fear of screwing up…

…with bigger audiences, smaller audiences or even 1-on-1 conversations.

You may have complicated content or you don’t know where to start….

…many of the best speakers often have to re-engineer their presentations because the content they have to deliver changes fast…

…it can be challenging when contemplating writing (or re-writing) your script, and handling a presentation with 50 slides when it could have been 3.

You may get nervous beforehand…

…even if it’s nothing seeded that keeps you up at night, you still get nervous before a lot of presentations.

Even if you’re not nervous inside, you may worry about SHOWING nervousness…

You may just want to be more comfortable at public speaking.

That’s because

When you can make a good impression quickly and

You can do something special…

…you can touch emotions and go BIG.

A Few Questions BEFORE You Present:

  • Do you know how to guarantee you’re telling your audience exactly what they want to know?

  • Have you identified your presentation personality style, and do you know how to use it to entertain your audience by being yourself?

  • Have you dialed in your messaging to make sure you’ll deliver a flawless presentation without relying on a script?

  • What if your audience isn’t listening? Do you have a plan for engagingand re-engaging your listeners?

  • Most importantly…are you absolutely certain your entire audience will take action when you’re done?

“If You Answered ‘No’ To Any of These Questions, Then You Need Presentation Bootcamp”

FACT: Businesses Need Presenters (…Who Actually Know What They’re Doing)

I’m not going to sell you on the importance of presentations.

If you’re here, you already know what presentations can do for your business:

  • Triple your employee and customer engagement…

  • Gain credibility, connect to people in the room…

  • Touch emotions, spread ideas and make the content exciting…

In other words, presentation skills increase engagement and lowers turnover: The lifeblood of any business.

So that’s why businesses need great presenters.

There’s just one problem: Most so called “presenters” don’t know what they’re doing.

That’s where you come in.

As a Public Speaking and Presentations Specialist, you are uniquely qualified to help businesses convert presentations into engagement, learning and a change in behavior.

More specifically, in this master class, you’ll learn:

  • How to create content that makes your audience crave everything you say…(Do this right and you’ll see them motivated to take action. )

  • Stay calm and in control in front of every audience and overcome nervousness and anxiety when presenting…

  • Coordinate what you say and what your audience sees for a flawless delivery…

  • Entertain and amuse your audience in a style that’s true to you…

  • Make the audience feel safe, make them feel good and make them laugh…

  • Master your body language by taking a strong stance in the sweet spot, master eye contact and keep your body still when needed…

  • Identify the pain points and pleasure points of your audience and how your takeaways relieve the pain points and enhance pleasure points…

  • Organize your material to make it easy for you to deliver and for your audience to follow…

  • Read your audience for maximum impact so you can make all listeners feel your message is meant just for them…

  • Develop your core content by defining your tasks, solving the mysteries and keeping things simple…

  • Manage your pace and deliver a presentation that ends on time, every time…

  • Create and use visuals and pictures that make complex ideas clearer and more memorable by adding impact to your presentation…

  • Integrate your words, blueprint, handout and visuals to make a compelling final presentation product…

  • Elicit questions and provide answers even when you have none, and still making people feel safe to ask a questions…

  • Captivate your audience within the first 5 minutes by getting them to trust, believe and listen to you…

  • How to create a title for your presentation that motivates your audience to attend your presentation in the first place…

  • Persuade your audience with the words you choose by minimizing fillers, eliminating deceptive words and finding alternatives to negative or controlling words…

  • How to identify exactly what your audience wants to know (and why they want to know it)…(HINT: this lets you present the “how” you’re going to give it to them.)

  • Find your optimal pace, volume and tone of voice and master your inflections to create dynamic effects…

  • Create opening slides that assure your audience they are in the right place and reminds them what they are going to hear…

  • Speak with confidence and credibility and show audience members they can trust what you say…

  • Easily engage your audience and stay on topic so their minds never wander with recall questions, leading questions, relevance questions and expertise questions….

  • Use the “agree and see if you’re right” technique to address every learning style…

  • Remain in charge no matter what’s happening by rewarding only positive behaviors…

  • The exact steps to make your takeaways specific and actionable in seven words or less…

  • Show your presentation was worthwhile and move your audience to respond with enthusiasm…

  • …and much, MUCH more.

Are You A “Doer”…or Just a “Talker?” (or…Why You Might Want To Take this Course)

Let’s face it: Presentation Experts are a dime a dozen.

So how do you separate those who “walk the talk” from the ones who merely…


And at Rule the Room, it was our problem, too. You see, we don’t just teach presentation best practices, we actually

Sure, over the last 10 years, we’ve observed and analyzed over 10,000 speakers (including the top 100 TED talks of all time).

But, we’ve also personally given over 10,000 talks of our own to over

We aren’t researchers. We aren’t journalists.

We’re business owners training employees (and training influencers to train employees) to achieve their full potential at work, convert belief into practice, and make retaining our employees a priority.

In other words:

We call it “Ruling the Room”, and here it is…

Your Expertise + Our Rule the Room Method = IMPACT.

THAT makes you an We built this course to train our own presenters, but in the spirit of “open sourcing” our business (which is what Rule the Room is all about) we’re now making this certification and training available to the world.

In short, we’re making it available to YOU…

What Is the Public Speaking and Presentation Bootcamp Workshop?

A Tested and Proven RecipePresentation Bootcamp gives you a proven, step-by-step plan for creating, delivering and managing your presentations and public speaking. It takes you all the way from creating a customized, memorable presentation, to feeling more prepared and confident, to engaging and entertaining even the most challenging audience, and beyond. We didn’t invent the presentation, but we have perfected it. And now, we’re giving it to you…

Move From “Ok” to Rock Star. Imagine moving from “Ok” to Instead of your audience saying, “It wasn’t anything special, was boring, and didn’t have all the answers, they say: “It was awesome, credible, dynamic, exciting, engaging, special, amazing, commanding, professional and polished.” Presentation Bootcamp will give you the exact recipes, techniques and skills to spread your ideas and triple your audience.

Your Presentation Will Write Itself.Do you know exactly what you should say in your opener or closing? What about your agenda and core content? What about your slideshow? You don’t have to guess. During the Presentation Bootcamp, you’ll present your content and find out if your audience wants to hear what you have to say before you spend a lot of energy preparing or waste a lot of time on content creation. Then, you’ll learn EXACTLY what to say, and how (and why) to say it so can deliver a seamless message that gets action and applause…

Gain Instant Credibility and ConnectionEveryone wants to know how to get up in front of an audience and connect with it—right away. Presentation Bootcamp will show you how. Using the Rule the Room principles, you will get an immediate response that will be unlike any you have experienced. The rustling will stop. People will come to attention. Eyes will be fixed on you. That’s because you will be using techniques most presenters have no idea about but that will win over even the toughest audience. You may even be surprised to find you’re enjoying yourself.

Getting Your First Standing Ovation…And Beyond. Presentations don’t have to be boring. Once you lose your audience, it’s nearly impossible to get them back. But if you touch emotions, get interaction and laughter, and keep them engaged and listening to the point where they want to take action, then you can connect with people in the room, be looked at as a SME, and go for bigger and bigger conferences…

How Does It Work?

The Complete Public Speaking and Presentation Bootcamp is a 16 hour online workshop, that’s divided into three parts…

Part 1 (Create): Content Creation ( You’ll create core content that is exactly what your audience wants to hear, put it into a form that makes it easy for you to deliver, and present it in an attractive slideshow.

  • Create Welcome and Introduction

  • Prepare an Irresistible Menu

  • Create Your Core Content

  • Map Out Your Message

  • Add Variety to Your Visuals

  • Create Action Items

Part 2 (Convey): Delivery Skills

In part 2, you will create an immediate and powerful impression on your audience by standing in the right place, working the room with your body and convincing with your words, and your voice. You’ll learn the techniques that will make you project a calm and confidence under any circumstances.

  • Convey Welcome and Introduction

  • Start with a Killer Opener

  • Command With Your Body

  • Convince With Your Voice

  • Overcome Your Presentation Fears

  • Appear Confident and Credible

  • Convey Action Items

Part 3 (Captain): Audience Management, Engagement, Laughter

In part 3, you’ll keep them engaged and laughing using your genuine personality style, and feeling that what you’re presenting is specifically for them. You’ll show expertise, keep to your timetable, respond well to every question, defuse any distractions and end on such a high note that they applaud you.

  • Captain Welcome and Introduction

  • Keep the Audience Captivated

  • Make Your Presentation Enjoyable

  • Tailor Your Approach

  • Stay on Schedule

  • Answer Any Question

  • Minimize Distractions

  • Close to Applause

  • Captain Action Items

By the time we’re finished, you’ll have an amazing presentation, PLUS all the skills you need to deliver that presentation with confidence and genuine engagement.

Most Importantly, You’ll Know How to Create And Deliver A Presentation That Can Change People’s Behavior.

Public Speaking Bootcamp: Reviews

“I have been to several seminars on public speaking and giving presentations, including Dale Carnegie training. I truly went into this thinking that I couldn't possibly learn anything new, but I found myself scribbling notes like a mad woman during the presentation. I quickly realized that these were tips and techniques that I had never heard before, and that I could use immediately upon my return to the office.”

- Joey Monson-Lillie - Human Resources Manager

“The number of things that you take away from one of Jason’s presentations, there’s just so many things, you can’t count them because it’s going to be different for every person. He might teach something that a few people in the room already know, but for the rest of the room it’s brand new knowledge for them and so the vast breadth of information that he teaches the entire audience is perfect because you know you are always going to come away with a lot of information.”

- Brad Grzesiak - Co-Founder and CEO – Bendyworks

“Jason’s techniques break down speaking fundamentals that can make anyone a more powerful and relatable speaker. His tips have revolutionized my presentations at large conferences, and internally to PerBlue employees.”

- Justin BeckCEO - PerBlue

"Every piece of advice you give has a very clear, direct follow-up action: if you want to get better at x (and by the way, doing x makes your presentations better), do y. The "y" you specify is never vague but instead very precise and obvious, thereby making your advice practical, unlike most given on the topic."

Alex Jamar - Project Manager

“Your class was one of the most useful that I have taken. Not only did you teach me how to give an outstanding presentation, you also demonstrated how to do so. This has been so useful as a project manager that I will likely take it again in order to refine my skills.”

John Dickens - Project Manager

"Honestly, this was one of the most helpful classes in my career and I think your presentation skills training was at the core of what made the class so effective. You model the skills that we want to obtain, and I think that helps a lot of different learning styles. I liked this class so much I tell my team members and ACs to attend this class anyways.”

Rachel Goldsmith - Implementation Services

"I’ve had amazing teachers throughout my life, but few were as engaging and informative as Jason. I was blown away after seeing just one of his presentations – if you’re lucky enough to have the same opportunity, do not pass it up.”

Will Brooks - Quality Assurance

"I figured Jason Teteak might have a few new tricks—but not much that I hadn’t heard before. I was wrong. Jason integrates the latest research on presenting, learning, and audience dynamics with a captivating style that plays with the ironic fact that he is doing presentations… about presentation skills. And therein lies the secret to this marvelous program."

- Philip Deloria - Professor and Associate Dean, University of Michigan

“Your presentation training helped me immensely understand that people love presentations when they are learning what they want to know. After taking your presentation training into account, I know how to design a course that will empower the end user by teaching them what they want to know – things that will make them happy, successful, or more efficient. The fun part is, while you are teaching them what they want to know, you can sneak the things in that they need to know. There is so much more I can learn from your training as well, and I know this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Tucker Morris - MCTS–System Engineer

"It's pretty simple. Jason Teteak walks the talk. In this day and age, finding a true thought leader amongst many is the key to getting to new levels. Listening to Jason and benefitting from his teachings will take you to that new level you seek. He is cutting edge, extremely practical and connects in a way that is motivating, informing and memorable. Some of the biggest benefits received from Jason are tactics, ideas and methods that are immediately implementable. Watch Jason’s program before your competition does."

- Al Lautenslager - Best-selling Author, Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days

What You’ll Get

When you enroll in Presentation Bootcamp Parts 1, 2 and 3, you’ll receive instant access to:

  • The Presentation Skills Mastery Course

  • 22 Core Modules

  • 65 Video Lessons

  • 86 Page Presentation Content Creation Learner Workbook

  • 79 Page Presentation Delivery Learner Workbook

  • 119 Page Presentation Audience Management Learner Workbook

  • 19 Practical “Your Turn” Assignments

  • 3 Review Quizzes (One for Each Learner Workbook)

About Your Instructor

Jason Teteak is the Founder and CEO of Rule the Room Public Speaking. Jason first made a reputation in the medical training industry, where he was known as “the Epic trainer of trainers.” In response to many requests, he began to offer personalized services and quickly developed a following as a private public speaking and presentations coach and training consultant whose clientele includes elite institutions, universities, and top corporations.

In 20 years of working as a trainer and a public speaking/trainer/soft skills coach, he has helped more than 15,000 professionals to “Rule the Room” and has appeared before more than 200,000 people. He’s won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring public speaking and presentation skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques. Or as he puts it “No theoretical fluff”.

He founded Rule the Room Public Speaking with a mission to DOUBLE the impact of 10,000 speaking professionals in the next 5 years. The Rule the Room Public Speaking team, under Jason’s management, has flipped the model and changed the approach to great public speaking and presentations for even the most seasoned veterans.

Rule The Room Public Speaking and Presentations Bootcamp Is Different

Sure, you can probably find other “public speaking and presentation” trainings and certifications that cover similar topics, but Rule the Room Public Speaking and Presentation Bootcamp is unique because it’s built and taught by real public speakers who actually present and speak and observe, coach and train thousands of public speakers to mastery.

In other words, we aren’t “researchers” sharing “theoretical fluff”. We’re in-the-trenches public speakers who despise untested theory and believe that the best way to learn public speaking techniques is to actually get up and teach in front of a real audience. And that's exactly what this program does. If that sounds like something that fits you, then welcome. You’re in the right place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: “How will this Rule the Room Public Speaking Bootcamp help me?”

A: It depends on who you are…..

If you’re a business owner, this course is a great way to learn presentation skills yourself. It’s also a great way to train and certify members of your own team and get them up to speed in half the time on the latest classroom training trends and best practices.

If you’re a consultant, this certification is a practical way to show that you are a Presentation Skills Specialist, which could help you attract better, higher-paying clients, boost their ROI and efficiency, and lower turnover, safety and security concerns.

If you’re a student, this certificate can set you apart from other graduates who may have a business or education degree, but don’t have the specialized skills that employers today are looking for.

If you’re an employee or training professional, this certificate can make you more valuable to your company, which can get you that raise or promotion you may deserve (but don’t have a reason to request).

Q: “How valuable is this Rule the Room Public Speaking Bootcamp?”

A: The bootcamp itself is highly valuable if your goal is to set yourself apart from the competition. What’s even MORE valuable than any course is the knowledge and understanding you’re going to gain when you take this class and pass all the tests. You will know public speaking and presentations.

Q: “When do I have to finish the class?”

A: You can go at whatever pace suits you best. You’ve got a lot of other things going on in your life, so just because you enroll in the workshop doesn’t mean you need to complete it right away. In fact, you can start and finish the workshop whenever you want. Either way, we’re going to be there with you every step of the way to ensure you’re successful and can get finished.

Q: “How soon can I finish the class?”

A: The Presentation Bootcamp Mastery class is in three parts. You will need the three courses on Udemy to complete the 16 hours of video training, so if you are dedicating yourself full time to it, you could probably finish in 3 days, but we don’t recommend that. Instead, we recommend you take 7 – 14 days (if you can give your full attention to the material. If you only have a little bit of time each day, then you should dedicated 4 – 6 weeks to completion.

Q: “How certain can I be that I will be finish?”

A: It’s never a guarantee. If it was, then our bootcamp wouldn’t mean anything. Instead, it does mean something, and because of that, you’re going to have to work at this thing. When you do finish, you can be certain that it will actually mean something. The class and the activities are both going to challenge you, but rest assured we make everything simple, easy to understand, and quick to learn.

Q: How hard is the bootcamp?

A: You can liken our bootcamp to the story of “goldilocks and the three bears” – not too hot and not too cold. In other words, it's hard enough that you need to study and know your stuff, but we don’t make it hard just to be difficult. We make the bootcamps as hard as they need to be to make sure you know how to “Rule the Room”. We believe learning doesn’t happen until a behavior change occurs, so to preserve the integrity of these bootcamps, we have made the course challenging and the questions specific to our proprietary Rule the Room Public Speaking and Presentations techniques, methodologies and recipes. Don’t expect to pass the course just because you have taken other trainings or certification courses in the past. This training is different, and the bootcamps will reflect those differences.

Q: Do you offer grants or financial aid for your programs?

A: At this time, no grants or financial aid programs are available. The good news is that we have priced all our workshops and trainings so that they are affordable to everyone, especially compared to similar public speaking and presentation programs and workshops.

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to create core content, takeaways, titles and actionable tasks that makes your audience crave everything you say and motivates them to take action.
  • Stay calm and in control in front of every audience and overcome nervousness and anxiety when presenting…
  • Coordinate what you say and what your audience sees for a flawless delivery…
  • Entertain and amuse your audience in a style that’s true to you…
  • Make the audience feel safe, make them feel good and make them laugh…
  • Master your body language by taking a strong stance in the sweet spot, master eye contact and keep your body still when needed…
  • Identify the pain points and pleasure points of your audience and how your takeaways relieve the pain points and enhance pleasure points…
  • Organize your material to make it easy for you to deliver and for your audience to follow…
  • Read your audience for maximum impact so you can make all listeners feel your message is meant just for them…
  • Develop your core content by defining your tasks, solving the mysteries and keeping things simple…
  • Manage your pace and deliver a presentation that ends on time, every time…
  • Create and use visuals and pictures that make complex ideas clearer and more memorable by adding impact to your presentation…
  • Integrate your words, blueprint, handout and visuals to make a compelling final presentation product…
  • Elicit questions and provide answers even when you have none, and still making people feel safe to ask a questions…
  • Captivate your audience within the first 5 minutes by getting them to trust, believe and listen to you…
  • How to create a title for your presentation that motivates your audience to attend your presentation in the first place…
  • Persuade your audience with the words you choose by minimizing fillers, eliminating deceptive words and finding alternatives to negative or controlling words…
  • How to identify exactly what your audience wants to know (and why they want to know it)…(hint: this lets you present the “how” you’re going to give it to them.)
  • Find your optimal pace, volume and tone of voice and master your inflections to create dynamic effects…
  • Create opening slides that assure your audience they are in the right place and reminds them what they are going to hear…
  • Speak with confidence and credibility and show audience members they can trust what you say…
  • Easily engage your audience and stay on topic so their minds never wander with recall questions, leading questions, relevance questions and expertise questions….
  • Use the “agree and see if you’re right” technique to address every learning style…
  • Remain in charge no matter what’s happening by rewarding only positive behaviors…
  • The exact steps to make your takeaways specific and actionable in seven words or less…
  • Show your presentation was worthwhile and move your audience to respond with enthusiasm…
  • …and much, much more!
  • Show more
  • Show less


You’re about to learn how to create a customized, memorable presentation; feel more prepared and confident; and engage and entertain even the most challenging audience.
Read more

This program dives deeply into the strategies, techniques and tools you need to create an effective presentation. You'll learn how to attract your audience to the presentation with content they won't be able to resist, and keep them there by subtly revealing to them the underlying emotional reasons they should want it. This program will help you create core content that is exactly what your audience wants to hear, put it into a form that makes it easy for you to deliver, and present it in an attractive visual show.

Be certain your audience will crave what you have to say

To engage your audience members, the theme of your presentation must appear to have value to them and be in line with their goals. It is essential you know what specific topics will be of interest. The best way is to ask them.

Now comes the unique element of your presentation: when you tell them the whys.

The whats—the takeaways—offer practical advice that appeals to people's conscious needs. The whys meet their subconscious needs. They eliminate or minimize anything that is causing anxiety, frustration, disappointment, or conflict, and they enhance whatever brings them pleasure.

By defining the way you'll relieve their pain points and satisfy their pleasure points, you tell your audience why they'd want your presentation. I then asked Brad to form a sentence naming each takeaway (the what) that summarized the reason they'd want it (the whys) and hinted at the way to achieve it (the how). The audience can't resist the bait. That's why I call those suggestions the hooks.

Make it easy for you to deliver and for your audience to follow

Go through the takeaways one by one. Begin by asking yourself, “Does the audience know how to do this?” This is unlikely, of course, since if the audience already knew how to make those takeaways happen, they wouldn't be at your presentation.

For example, when I asked Brad if he felt his audience would understand how to put his takeaway “Solve complex math problems” into practice, he said no. So I told him that he would have to come up with tasks—procedures or actions that make the takeaways possible.

You must do the same. I suggest that a presenter come up with about three tasks for each takeaway. You describe the tasks in exactly the same way you described the takeaways.

The example is the final level of the task hierarchy. A good presenter gets to it as quickly as possible. It is the most powerful way to ensure that your audience knows how to do what you suggest. The examples are very important because they're the solutions to the mysteries.

Don't overwhelm your audience with material. Try to keep your presentation to around five agenda items per hour, ideally ten minutes each but no shorter than six and no longer than thirteen.

Coordinate what you say and what your audience sees

These assure the audience they're in the right place (because the title is onscreen) and remind them what they're going to hear. You add the rest. This is what continues to hook your audience—when they have to listen to you to get the answer to their mystery.

The highlighted agenda slides serve mostly as placeholders so the audience knows what's about to be discussed. The task slides summarize the main tasks involved in making the takeaway actionable, but you supply the details and describe subtasks and sub-subtasks as necessary.

One summary slide, the next-to-last slide. It repeats the agenda to remind the audience of what they just got. And one final slide, which confirms that the presentation is over. It expresses thanks and gives contact information, and remains onscreen after you have left the stage.

Make your visuals clearer and more memorable

There are many sources for pictures on the web. Search “stock photos” and a large number of sites will pop up. Look for up-to-date information about specific sites where you can find images available for a minimal fee or no fee. Read the information and licensing terms carefully. Copyright law governs the use and alteration of images. The words “royalty-free” mean you might pay a flat fee to use the image but you will not have to pay for each copy or use. The words “copyright-free” usually indicate that there is no charge for use and that you may be able to modify the image as you wish.

There is no shortage of books on how to manipulate the text and the visuals on your PowerPoint slides, and I think you may find them useful. Here, I will point out only the essential points to keep in mind and share a few of the techniques I find most useful in making attractive, effective slides.

Words alone aren't always the best way to make your point. Illustrations allow you to present a lot of information at once.

Before I began to address one group about giving presentations, I had overheard them debate the value of handouts, so I addressed the topic during my opening. “You may not be convinced of the value of handouts,” I said, “but I ask that each of you take one. Within fifteen minutes, at least half of you will be taking copious notes.”

Once you've finished the course, you can obtain your Udemy Certificate of completion. To learn how to do so click here: https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/229603868-How-to-Download-Your-Certificate-of-Completion

Or get your Rule the Room certification by passing the complete exam. Find your exam here: https://ruletheroomtrainthetrainer.com/certification-tests/ and use promo code: Udemy90 to get 90% off the exam price!

Public Speaking and Presentations Bootcamp Pro (Part 1 of 3) Quiz

This program offers you the principles and tools that can help you do many things, among them attract your audience to the presentation with content they won’t be able to resist, and keep them there by subtly revealing to them the underlying emotional reasons they should want it. This program will help you create core content that is exactly what your audience wants to hear, put it into a form that makes it easy for you to deliver, and present it in an attractive visual show.

To get results, you have to act on that advice.

Take a few minutes to think about where you would like to make changes. Write down the top ten areas in which this program has shown you ways to improve your presentation content creation. Since research and my own experiences indicate that people can focus only three goals at a time, I suggest you choose the three you want to incorporate in your life first. Start working on those, and once you have achieved them, work on the next three. Continue until you have achieved them all.

Begin by going over the Your Turns for Each of the Main Sections of this program below. Then Dedicate at least an hour per week for twelve weeks in a row to practice.

Remember, presenters aren’t born; they’re made. You have all the tools at your disposal with a unique set of practical examples to make them happen for you. I have seen these efforts pay off for thousands of people with whom I’ve worked, and you will have that same experience.

You can Rule the Room.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Emphasizes the development of core content that aligns with audience interests and needs, making the course highly relevant and engaging
Provides extensive training in delivery skills, covering techniques for establishing credibility, commanding attention, and overcoming presentation anxieties
Offers practical strategies for audience engagement, including laughter, personalization, and tailoring content to specific audiences
Covers essential presentation fundamentals, such as topic selection, agenda creation, and visual design, providing a solid foundation for effective presentations
Emphasizes the importance of pain point identification and pleasure point enhancement in creating audience-centric and impactful presentations
Focuses on actionable takeaways and clear communication techniques, ensuring that learners can immediately apply what they learn

Save this course

Save The Complete Public Speaking Certification Program (Part 1) to your list so you can find it easily later:


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in The Complete Public Speaking Certification Program (Part 1) with these activities:
Compile and Organize Course Materials
Establish a systematic approach to organizing and reviewing course materials, including notes, assignments, and presentations, to enhance your understanding and retention.
Browse courses on Document Management
Show steps
  • Create a dedicated folder or notebook for course materials.
  • Develop a consistent note-taking system during lectures and presentations.
  • Regularly review and summarize your notes to reinforce learning.
Organize a Study Group with Classmates
Create a supportive learning environment by forming a study group with classmates to discuss course content, share ideas, and provide feedback on presentations.
Browse courses on Collaborative Learning
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  • Reach out to classmates and invite them to join a study group.
  • Establish regular meeting times and a dedicated study space.
  • Take turns presenting and receiving feedback on each other's work.
Watch Online Tutorials on Presentation Software
Enhance your mastery of presentation software by exploring online tutorials that provide step-by-step guidance on using its various features and design capabilities.
Show steps
  • Identify the presentation software you will be using.
  • Search for online tutorials specific to that software.
  • Follow the tutorials to learn about the software's features and best practices for presentation design.
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Read the Book "Presentation Skills Master Class" by Jerry Weissman
Gain valuable insights and practical guidance on presentation skills from an industry expert to build a solid foundation for this course.
Show steps
  • Purchase or borrow the book "Presentation Skills Master Class" by Jerry Weissman.
  • Set aside dedicated reading time each day to make progress.
  • Take notes and highlight key concepts as you read.
Read the Book "The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs" by Carmine Gallo
Learn from the presentation techniques of a legendary communicator to enhance your ability to connect with audiences and deliver impactful presentations.
View Talk Like TED on Amazon
Show steps
  • Purchase or borrow the book "The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs" by Carmine Gallo.
  • Set aside dedicated reading time each day to make progress.
  • Take notes and highlight key concepts as you read.
Engage in Role-Playing Exercises to Practice Delivering Presentations
Improve your presentation delivery skills by actively participating in role-playing exercises where you can receive feedback and practice techniques.
Browse courses on Delivery Skills
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  • Find a partner or group of classmates to practice with.
  • Assign roles and take turns delivering presentations.
  • Provide constructive feedback on each other's delivery, focusing on strengths and areas for improvement.
Prepare a 5-Minute Presentation on a Topic of Your Choice
Apply the presentation principles learned in this course by creating and delivering a concise presentation on a topic that interests you.
Show steps
  • Choose a topic that aligns with your personal or professional interests.
  • Research and gather relevant information to support your presentation.
  • Outline your presentation structure with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Practice delivering your presentation aloud to refine your delivery and timing.

Career center

Learners who complete The Complete Public Speaking Certification Program (Part 1) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:

Reading list

We haven't picked any books for this reading list yet.


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