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The #1 German Course Highlights: 17 Hours - FULL HD Course / Exercises after each lesson / Subtitles in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Romanian, Turkish and Hindi / Interactive Board / Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson / Best Value for Money / Full Lifetime access / 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee

We are top Udemy instructors in the Language category. Our language courses have been taken by over 120,000 happy students from 192 countries.

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The #1 German Course Highlights: 17 Hours - FULL HD Course / Exercises after each lesson / Subtitles in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Romanian, Turkish and Hindi / Interactive Board / Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson / Best Value for Money / Full Lifetime access / 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee

We are top Udemy instructors in the Language category. Our language courses have been taken by over 120,000 happy students from 192 countries.

Complete German Beginner to Intermediate Course ( The interactive board and the subtitles help the visual learners and the immersion method used for teaching German accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken German and the fluency.

The available subtitles make it the best choice for English, Spanish, Italian or any other non-native German speakers.The course starts from basics and includes free .pdf support and practice tests / quizzes.Deutsch lernen.

This course includes:

  • This German course includes: FULL HD Video Lessons presented on an Interactive Board

  • This German course includes: Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson

  • This German course includes: Video Captions in English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Turkish and Romanian (new: Hindi subtitles available starting from 20.12.2018)

  • Coming Soon: Video Captions in other languages

  • This German course includes: Everyday situations presented in German

  • This German course includes: Listening and speaking practice

  • This German course includes: An easy way to understand the German grammar

  • This German course includes: Testing and improving your knowledge using exercises and dictation

  • This German course includes: Testing and improving your knowledge using quizzes

  • This German course includes: Future Updates

  • This German course includes: Full Lifetime access

  • This German course includes: 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee

  • This German course includes: Access on computer, mobile and TV

We recommend you to continue with our other German courses:

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Intermediate (B1)In this "Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Intermediate" (B1) course the native German speaking teacher covers the following topics: German vocabulary, German grammar rules (intermediary-advanced), German pronunciation, German syntax, famous Germans, a brief history of Germany, German dialects, German writing and many teaching German exercises. The interactive board helps the visual learners and the method used for teaching accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken German and the fluency. The course is ideal for learning German (intermediate level B1) and includes free .pdf support and practice tests / quizzes. Deutsch lernen.


German Language: Complete German Course - Upper Intermediate (B2)In this "German Language: Complete German Course - Upper Intermediate" (B2) course the native German speaking teacher covers the following topics: German vocabulary, writing a personal / formal / business letter, writing an application, writing a CV, conducting a job interview, interview tips and questions, etiquette at the workplace, house order, German states, cultural particularities in Germany / Austria / Switzerland. Deutsch lernen.

Over 50,000 people from 150 countries enrolled in our courses from December 2016

This German course integrates the innovative and up-to-date teaching techniques with the valuable help of our expert teachers, who designed the lessons as short and intense e-learning sessions.

Each German lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context, creating the perfect environment to learn German.

Downloadable .pdf file for the lessons included in this German course.

This German course for beginners offers you video courses that are tailored to incorporate various methods into teaching and accommodate different learning styles, so that they can be a perfect fit for each student, regardless of their knowledge level or of what they have learnt in schools.

If you still wonder why this German course?

For at least 3 reasons:

1. First and foremost, each lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context. The communication is adapted to each student and to real-life situations, in a friendly and easy manner.

2. Second, the students can learn German at their own pace, and in order to enhance their concentration and comfort level, the subtitles are available either in the students’ native language or in the language they want to learn.

3. And last but not least, the students can measure their performance and progress by doing tests and dictation exercises, helping you review the vocabulary and refine your German grammar.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • The #1 german course. start speaking real, grammatically correct german fluently, effortlessly and confidently today.
  • Improve your listening and german comprehension skills through ear training and visual learning thanks to the native german speaking teacher, interactive board, subtitles and included .pdf materials.
  • Be confident regarding your german skills (a1, a2, a2+ levels) by lots of practice after every lesson. understand and use familiar everyday expressions.
  • Reach your german language goals now and in the future, increasing your opportunities for both personal and professional success.
  • By the end of the course, you will build and develop your practical communication skills in german speaking, writing, reading and, of course, your fluency and grammatical accuracy.


Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

In this introductory video you will learn about the fact that in this course we will start from the absolute beginner level and will advance to the intermediate level of the German language.

You will learn Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Skills. This course is visually supported by images and soon you will have the option to use subtitles in many different languages. During this course the teacher will use an Interactive Board, you will have the option to download each lesson as .pdf, the topics will be based on everyday situation presented in German and you will also be able to test your knowledge by doing tests and dictation exercises. Good luck! 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

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Learn German - The Alphabet

Grammar + Vocabulary - In this lesson you will learn to pronounce certain combinations of letters, like diphthongs or consonant combinations, which will help you have a conversation or read correctly in German.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Pronouncing certain combinations of letters

Vocabulary - In this lesson you will learn how to introduce yourself to others and have a basic conversation regarding names, age or birthplace. The lesson ends with a very useful dictation.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Introduce yourself and others

Vocabulary - This lesson teaches the students to greet and to say good-bye in German. In this lesson you will also learn how and when to use the formal or the familiar form of “you.”

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Greet someone - say good-bye to someone
Learn German - The Gender – the Articles

Grammar + Vocabulary - This lesson will teach you how to tell where you come from and how to ask someone the same thing. You will learn to talk about countries, cities, spoken languages and more.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Where do you come from?

Vocabulary - This simple lesson is very pleasant as it teaches you to ask and answer about the spoken languages. Sooner than you think you will be able add German to your list. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - What languages do you speak?

Vocabulary - It was about time to learn to count in German. This lesson covers the numbers from zero to twenty in German. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The numbers until 20

Vocabulary - This lesson continues with the numbers to 100. Very easy!

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The numbers until 100

Grammar - As the title says, you will learn the personal pronouns and conjugation of the verbs "to be" and "to have", which are the most important verbs in German. Once you know these, you will be able to form sentences in German easily. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

The personal pronouns and conjugation of the verbs "to be" and "to have"

Grammar - This is the first lesson which deals with the conjugation in the present. At the end of the lesson the students can complete a very brief test, before advancing to the second part of this subject. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The conjugation in the present part 1

Grammar - This is the second part of the lesson about the conjugation in the present in German. At the end of the lesson the students will also complete a brief test. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The conjugation in the present part 2

Grammar - The last part of the lesson regarding the conjugation in the present in German. In this lesson you will learn some of the most important regular and irregular verbs in German, by using tables with the conjugation in the present.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The conjugation in the present part 3

Recap - In this lecture you will find a dictation exercise. This exercise will help you recap the things you learned so far.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Recap dictation

Grammar + Vocabulary - The possessive pronoun in German is the subject of this lesson, in which you will find grammar tables together with easy to understand examples. At the end of the lesson you will find a dictation exercise. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The possessive pronoun

Vocabulary - A very simple and pleasant lesson, teaching the students the main German words used regarding the family. There is also a simple dictation exercise, so you can be sure you learned the words and how to pronounce them correctly in German.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The Family

Vocabulary - This lesson focuses on teaching the students to express detailed information about the person and personal data. The lesson contains both an exercise and a dictation exercise. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - More detailed information about the person / personal data

Grammar + Vocabulary - Who doesn't like good food or going shopping? This lesson will teach you the main German words about these activities. You will learn about vegetables, fruits, drinks, milk products, meat and others, together with quantities and the places where you can buy them. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The food / Going shopping

Vocabulary - In the previous lesson we learned about food and shopping, so this lesson will focus on the prices. The dictation exercise at the end of the lesson is to male sure you master the things you learned in this lesson about prices and quantities. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The price / How much does it cost?

Grammar - Learn to ask questions using the German question words with W and the Yes / No, by using simple to understand examples.  To repeat what you just learned you have a dictation exercise at the end of the lesson. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The question words with W / The Yes / No questions

Vocabulary - In this lesson the students will learn to tell the time and the days of the week. The instructor is using very easy to understand day to day examples which will help you memorize the vocabulary.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The times of the day / The days of the week

Vocabulary - In this lesson you will learn things related to the daily routine, regular activities which are done in different moments of the day.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The daily routine

Vocabulary - A lesson about the place where we spend most of the time, which is our home, even if it is an apartment or a house.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The apartment

Vocabulary - Perhaps you will need at some moment to be able to buy or rent a home. This lesson comes in handy when this situation occurs, by teaching you how to read or publish a real estate announcement.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The real estate announce

Vocabulary - The furniture is an important aspect in our daily lives, therefore this lesson is dedicated to this subject. By using images and clear examples, you will build your vocabulary regarding the things inside your home.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The furniture / The interior equipment

Grammar + Vocabulary - In this lesson you will learn the plural in German, together with some more vocabulary. Different examples are being used, so the grammar part is quite enjoyable.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The plural

Grammar - An introductory lesson about the grammatical gender in German. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The gender / the grammatical gender

Vocabulary - This lesson teaches you the vocabulary regarding country information, with things like area, population, capitals or touristic attractions. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Country information

Grammar -  You will learn the negation in German using "nicht" and "kein" and when to use one or the other.

German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The negation with "nicht" and "kein"

Grammar - Another German grammar lesson, this time about the separable and non-separable verbs. 

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Separable and non-separable verbs

Vocabulary - It is time to learn the colors in German. There are images of different colors so you can learn their name. Also, there is a brief test so you can see how well you know the colors and how you can use this in a real situation.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - The colors

Vocabulary - An important lesson, because it teaches the students about the weather, the temperature or the seasons of the year. 

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - The weather

Vocabulary - Learn about what you like the most. The lesson about hobbies is interesting and complex. The vocabulary teaches you about activities, sports, dancing, music, movies, books, food or even sleeping. These being just a few subjects covered in this lesson. 

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Hobbies

Vocabulary - In this lesson you will learn about cooking using different methods, ingredients and the units of measure.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Let's cook

Exercise - This is a dictation exercise, useful for the students in order to be able to write correctly in German.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Repeat Dictation

Test - This test will measure your knowledge of the German language you learned so far and help you understand what are the subjects you need to pay more attention to.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Test

Test - The second part of our German language test, which will measure your knowledge of the German language you learned so far and help you understand what are the subjects you need to pay more attention to.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Test - Part 2

Grammar - In this lesson you will learn more about the syntax in German language, so you can easily build correct sentences.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - The syntax

Grammar - Introduction to the cases Nominative, Genitive, Dative and Accusative in German. Learn the basics about the cases in order to be able to advance developing your German language skills.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Introduction to the cases

Grammar - In this lesson you will learn the Perfect in German language and also have a small recap regarding the verbs "sein" and "haben".

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - The Perfect

Grammar - Learning about the Participle II is the subject of this lesson, ending with a very small test.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - The Participle II

Exercise - After learning the Perfect and the Participle II, it is now the time to do some exercises for both of them. Surely you will have good results.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Exercises for Participle II and Perfect

Vocabulary - You will learn the vocabulary about occupations and work environment, which is an important subject for anyone.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Occupations and work environment

Vocabulary - After learning about jobs and work environment, it is logically to learn about understanding a job advertisement. This lesson has the vocabulary needed so you find the perfect job. Don't forget to add German language skills to your resume!

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Understanding a job advertisement

Grammar - This lesson is an introduction to the prepositions using easy to understand examples.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - Introduction to the prepositions

Vocabulary - In this lesson you learn the words related to travelling, including verbs and adjectives.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners

Learn German - When traveling

Vocabulary – In our German course we try to cover as much as possible practical areas of German language. This lecture will help you learn how to easily fill out a form in German.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Fill out a form

Vocabulary – Learn about the body parts in German, with easy to memorize images shown on the interactive board.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - The body parts

Vocabulary – Learning about health and sickness in German language is very useful for situations when one might need medication, a doctor or when going to the hospital.

Learn German: German Course for Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)

Learn German - Health and sickness

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops basic proficiency in four core language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing in German
Provides a strong foundation for developing basic proficiency in German (A1-A2 levels)
Taught by experienced and skilled German language teachers
Offers a flexible and convenient learning experience with lifetime access
Provides valuable exercises and dictation tasks for practice and reinforcement
Designed for self-paced learning, allowing learners to progress at their own speed

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Reviews summary

Beginner-friendly german course

According to students, this German course is a welcoming and comfortable learning experience, even for beginners. The engaging instructor is supportive and motivating without being pushy. Learners appreciate the clear and well-paced lessons.
Clear and well-paced lessons.
Supportive and motivating instructor.
"The teacher is nice..."
"He motivates to learn without pushing you."
Suitable for learners with no prior knowledge.
"Even if you don't know the language from the beginning, don't be scared."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners with these activities:
Practice your German vocabulary
Reinforces vocabulary learned in class by engaging the student in spaced repetition of words and phrases.
Browse courses on German Vocabulary
Show steps
  • Create a list of the vocabulary words and phrases that you have learned in your course so far.
  • Use a flashcard app or website to practice the vocabulary.
  • Review the vocabulary regularly, at least once a day.
Practice your German grammar
Reinforces grammar constructs learned in class through hands-on exercises strengthening knowledge of rules and sentence structure.
Browse courses on German Grammar
Show steps
  • Complete the grammar exercises in your course textbook.
  • Find additional grammar exercises online or in a workbook.
  • Review the grammar rules regularly, at least once a week.
Watch German movies or TV shows
Enhances listening comprehension, exposes students to colloquialisms and everyday speech, and improves cultural understanding.
Browse courses on German Culture
Show steps
  • Find a German movie or TV show that interests you..
  • Watch the movie or TV show with German subtitles.
  • Look up any words or phrases that you don't understand.
  • Summarize the movie or TV show in your own words.
Four other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all seven activities
Read a German novel
Provides exposure to authentic German and encourages reading comprehension, building vocabulary, and refining grammar understanding while appreciating German literary works.
Show steps
  • Choose a German novel that is appropriate for your level.
  • Read the novel slowly and carefully, paying attention to the vocabulary and grammar.
  • Look up any words or phrases that you don't understand.
  • Summarize each chapter of the novel in your own words.
Write a German essay
Integrates and applies grammatical structures and vocabulary acquired throughout the course, enhancing writing fluency and developing critical thinking skills through argumentation and expression of ideas.
Show steps
  • Choose a topic for your essay.
  • Brainstorm your ideas and create an outline.
  • Write a draft of your essay.
  • Revise and edit your essay.
Contribute to a German language learning community
Provides avenues to impart knowledge and aid the broader German-learning community while reinforcing concepts and solidifying acquired skills.
Browse courses on German Language
Show steps
  • Find a German language learning community online.
  • Introduce yourself and share your knowledge.
  • Answer questions and help other learners.
Create a German language learning portfolio
Provides a comprehensive overview of progress and achievements throughout the course, encouraging self-reflection and documentation of acquired skills and knowledge.
Browse courses on German Language
Show steps
  • Gather your work from the course, including assignments, projects, and reflections.
  • Organize your work into a portfolio.
  • Write a reflective essay that summarizes your learning journey.

Career center

Learners who complete Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
German Interpreter
German Interpreters are responsible for converting spoken or written German to English, or vice versa. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners will help you build a foundation in German language and culture, which is essential for success in this role. The course will also help you develop the skills necessary for interpreting, such as listening comprehension, speaking fluency, and cultural awareness.
German Translator
German Translators convert written German to English, or vice versa. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners will help you build a foundation in German language and culture, which is essential for success in this role. The course will also help you develop the skills necessary for translating, such as reading comprehension, writing fluency, and cultural awareness.
German Teacher
German Teachers instruct students in the German language and culture. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners will help you build a foundation in German language and culture, which is essential for success in this role. The course will also help you develop the skills necessary for teaching, such as lesson planning, classroom management, and assessment.
German Language Specialist
German Language Specialists use their knowledge of the German language and culture to support a variety of organizations and businesses. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners will help you build a foundation in German language and culture, which is essential for success in this role. The course will also help you develop the skills necessary for working in a variety of settings, such as business, government, and education.
International Business Consultant
International Business Consultants advise businesses on how to operate in international markets. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in working with German-speaking clients or partners. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a global business environment, such as cultural awareness, negotiation skills, and market research.
Foreign Service Officer
Foreign Service Officers represent the United States abroad. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in working in German-speaking countries. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a diplomatic setting, such as cultural awareness, negotiation skills, and public speaking.
Journalists write, edit, and publish news stories. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in reporting on German-speaking countries or issues. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a newsroom, such as research, writing, and interviewing.
Lawyers advise clients on legal matters and represent them in court. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in practicing law in German-speaking countries or for those who work with German-speaking clients. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a legal setting, such as legal research, writing, and public speaking.
Doctors diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in practicing medicine in German-speaking countries or for those who work with German-speaking patients. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a medical setting, such as medical terminology, patient care, and cultural awareness.
Engineers design, build, and maintain machines, structures, and systems. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in working in German-speaking countries or for those who work with German-speaking clients. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in an engineering setting, such as technical writing, problem solving, and teamwork.
Scientists conduct research and develop new knowledge. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in working in German-speaking countries or for those who work with German-speaking colleagues. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a scientific setting, such as research methods, data analysis, and scientific writing.
Social Worker
Social workers help people in need. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in working with German-speaking clients or in German-speaking communities. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a social work setting, such as counseling, case management, and advocacy.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts help businesses improve their operations. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in working with German-speaking clients or in German-speaking companies. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a business analysis setting, such as process mapping, data analysis, and presentation skills.
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Managers oversee the human resources function of an organization. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in working with German-speaking employees or in German-speaking companies. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a human resources setting, such as recruiting, training, and employee relations.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers develop and execute marketing campaigns. The Learn German Language: Complete German Course for Beginners may be useful for those interested in working with German-speaking customers or in German-speaking markets. The course will help you develop the skills necessary for working in a marketing setting, such as market research, campaign development, and social media marketing.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners.
This dictionary comprehensive resource for German-English translation. It includes over 100,000 words and phrases, and provides clear and concise definitions. It good resource for anyone who needs to translate German text into English.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the German language as it is spoken and written today. It covers all the major aspects of German grammar, vocabulary, and usage. It good resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the German language.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the history of Germany. It covers all the major periods of German history, and provides insights into the social and cultural factors that have influenced the country's development. It good resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the history of Germany.
Provides a comprehensive overview of German cinema. It covers all the major periods of German cinema, and provides insights into the social and cultural factors that have influenced the country's film industry. It good resource for anyone who wants to learn more about German cinema.
Provides a comprehensive overview of German literature. It covers all the major periods of German literature, and provides insights into the social and cultural factors that have influenced the country's literary tradition. It good resource for anyone who wants to learn more about German literature.
Provides a comprehensive overview of German philosophy. It covers all the major periods of German philosophy, and provides insights into the social and cultural factors that have influenced the country's philosophical tradition. It good resource for anyone who wants to learn more about German philosophy.
Provides a comprehensive overview of German music. It covers all the major periods of German music, and provides insights into the social and cultural factors that have influenced the country's musical tradition. It good resource for anyone who wants to learn more about German music.
Provides a comprehensive overview of German science. It covers all the major periods of German science, and provides insights into the social and cultural factors that have influenced the country's scientific tradition. It good resource for anyone who wants to learn more about German science.


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