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Charles Aylward

Kickstart your programming journey with our Developer Bootcamp designed specifically for beginners. Learn to code using C#, one of the most powerful and versatile languages in the industry. This hands-on course covers all the essential programming concepts, from basic syntax to advanced object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, SOLID principles and how to store and retrieve data from a SQLite database. You'll dive into strings, numbers, arrays, list collections, conditional logic, functional programming, exception handling, and more, gaining the skills to build real-world applications. You'll also learn how to use GitHub by using Git from your local PC to a remote repository. You'll also learn some advance topics regarding security, how to implement authentication and authorization, unit testing and TDD, and how to write API's and essentials regarding hosting a web application.

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Kickstart your programming journey with our Developer Bootcamp designed specifically for beginners. Learn to code using C#, one of the most powerful and versatile languages in the industry. This hands-on course covers all the essential programming concepts, from basic syntax to advanced object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, SOLID principles and how to store and retrieve data from a SQLite database. You'll dive into strings, numbers, arrays, list collections, conditional logic, functional programming, exception handling, and more, gaining the skills to build real-world applications. You'll also learn how to use GitHub by using Git from your local PC to a remote repository. You'll also learn some advance topics regarding security, how to implement authentication and authorization, unit testing and TDD, and how to write API's and essentials regarding hosting a web application.

By the end of this course, you'll create a fully functional web application using ASP.NET Core, complete with database integration and image handling. Whether you're aiming to start a career in software development or simply want to learn a new skill, this bootcamp provides the foundation you need to succeed.

No prior programming experience is required—just bring your enthusiasm to learn. Join us and transform your ideas into working code.

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Learn software development 101 fundamentals and information technology basics
  • Learn programming basics using the c# language (strings, numbers, conditional logic, loops, lists, arrays, objects, classes, methods., etc.)
  • Learn how to create a web application with a database using asp dotnet core and sqlite
  • Learn about oop, such as encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction and polymorphism
  • Learn advance techniques such as version control, unit testing, apis, authentication and authorization, and hosting web apps


History of Information Technology and Software Development

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Journeys and roles within IT
Software Development 101
Introduction to Software Development 101
Definition and importance of software development
Basic Understanding of Software
Role of Software in Various Industries
Fundamental Concepts in Software Development
Programming Languages
Development Environments such as IDE and Editors
Basic Programming Constructs
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Basic Algorithms and Problem Solving
Testing and Debugging
Web Development Basics
Introduction to Mobile Development
Database Fundamentals
Security in Software Development
Basics of networking and protocols
Introduction to Infrastructure
DevOps: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Code Reviews and Documentation Standards

Test your knowledge of software development 101 theory

Learn the basics and theory about C#, the history and how it evolved to the latest versions
Introduction to this section of understanding C#
History of C# by Microsoft
Key Concepts of C# - OOP, Type-Safe, managed code, modern features and more
What is .NET MAUI?
The .Net Framework Architecture
Theory - Installing the .Net Tools and System Requirements

To install the .NET SDK on Windows, you can follow these steps:

1.Check System Requirements: Before you begin, ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for the .NET SDK. You can find the requirements on the official Microsoft documentation. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download

2.Download the .NET SDK: Visit the official .NET download page at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download and select the SDK version you want to install. Click on the "Download x64" (or x86 if you are using a 32-bit system) link.

3.Run the Installer: Once the installer is downloaded, run the executable file to start the installation process.

4.Follow the Installation Wizard: The installation wizard will guide you through the process. You may be prompted to accept the license agreement, choose the installation location, and select optional components. Follow the on-screen instructions.

5.Install Visual Studio Code (Optional): If you prefer using a lightweight code editor, you can install Visual Studio Code. It's not mandatory, but it provides a great development environment for .NET projects.

6.Verify Installation: After the installation is complete, open a new command prompt or PowerShell window and run the following command to verify that the SDK is installed:

7.bashCopy code

8.dotnet --version

9.This command should display the installed .NET SDK version.

1.Download Visual Studio Code: Go to the official Visual Studio Code website at https://code.visualstudio.com/. Click on the "Download for Windows" button.

2.Run the Installer: Once the installer is downloaded, run the executable file to start the installation process.

3.Follow the Installation Wizard: The installation wizard will guide you through the process. You can choose the installation location and whether you want to add "Open with Code" and "Add to PATH" options. Follow the on-screen instructions.

4.Open Visual Studio Code: After the installation is complete, you can open Visual Studio Code. You can find it in the Start menu or on the desktop if you chose to create shortcuts during installation.

5.Install Extensions (Optional): Visual Studio Code supports extensions that enhance its functionality. You can install extensions for different programming languages, themes, and tools. Open the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window (or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X). Search for extensions and click the install button.

1.- .NET Extension Pack

2.- C# for Visual Studio Code

3.- C# Dev Kit extension

6.Verify Installation: Once Visual Studio Code is open, you can verify the installation by checking the version. Open the integrated terminal (View > Terminal or use the shortcut Ctrl+ backtick), and type:

7.bashCopy code

8.code --version

9.This command should display the installed Visual Studio Code version.

Install Extensions (Optional): Visual Studio Code supports extensions that enhance its functionality. You can install extensions for different programming languages, themes, and tools. Open the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window (or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X). Search for extensions and click the install button.

1.  .NET Extension Pack

2.  C# Dev Kit extension

1. Opening VS Code:

•After installation, open Visual Studio Code.

3. Basic Interface:

•Familiarize yourself with the VS Code interface:

Explorer: File navigation on the left.

Search: Search for files and text.

Source Control: Version control (Git).

Run and Debug: Run and debug your code.

Extensions: Install and manage extensions.

4. Creating/Opening a Project:

•Use the "File" menu to create a new file or folder or open an existing project folder.

5. Editing Code:

•Use the main editor to write and edit code.

•VS Code supports syntax highlighting and auto-completion for various languages.

6. Terminal:

•Access the integrated terminal using Ctrl + backtick (Ctrl+` ).

•Run commands and scripts directly within VS Code.

7. Extensions:

•Explore and install extensions from the Extensions view (icon on the sidebar or Ctrl+Shift+X).

•Common extensions include language support, debuggers, and tools for specific frameworks.

8. Integrated Git:

•If your project is under version control, use the Source Control view to manage Git operations.

9. Run and Debug:

•Create a launch.json configuration for debugging.

•Use the "Run and Debug" view to start debugging sessions.

10. Settings:

•Adjust VS Code settings in the "Settings" view (icon on the sidebar or Ctrl+,).

•Configure global and workspace-specific settings.

11. Shortcuts:

•Learn useful keyboard shortcuts to enhance your productivity.

•Access the Keyboard Shortcuts reference (Ctrl+K Ctrl+S).

12. Themes and Color Themes:

•Customize the appearance of VS Code with different themes.

•Install themes from the Extensions view.

13. IntelliSense:

•Take advantage of intelligent code completion with IntelliSense.

14. Extensions Marketplace:

•Explore the Extensions Marketplace for a wide range of extensions to enhance your development experience.

15. Update VS Code:

•Regularly check for updates by clicking on the gear icon in the bottom left and selecting "Check for Updates."

This is a basic guide to get you started with Visual Studio Code. As you work with it, you'll discover additional features and capabilities that suit your specific development needs. The VS Code documentation is also an excellent resource for in-depth information: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs.

Questions regarding C# introduction
Learn how to use Strings within your C# Code
Introduction to C# using Strings
Introduction to C# Basics
C# Basics - Agenda for this String section
Introduction to Strings

We will create a quick simple “Hello World” app in C#, printing “Hello World” to the screen

Use the “HelloWorld” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 1-HelloWorld.zip)

  • Define a new String

  • Call the variable myName

  • Set the variable to your name. E.g. “Charles”

  • Print out the variable to the screen

Use the “2-HelloWorld-String1” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 2-HelloWorld-String1.zip)

  • Create 2 string variables, firstFriend and secondFriend

  • Set firstFriend to John and secondFriend to Lisa

  • Print out the two variables to the screen by writing it to the console using a single line as shown in the Sample

Use the “3-HelloWorld-String2” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 3-HelloWorld-String2.zip)

The following sample will trim the Hello World string 3 different ways:

  • Trim spaces to the start

  • Trim spaces at the end

  • Trim all space in the front and end of the String

Use the “4-HelloWorld-String3” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 4-HelloWorld-String3.zip)

We’ll use the Replace method to replace “Hello” with “Greetings”

We’ll also change the Case of the string to upper and lower cases as shown in the Sample code

Use the “5-HelloWorld-String4” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 5-HelloWorld-String4.zip)

  • Create a app to search for words in a string

  • Create a String variable called songLyrics

  • 1st search for goodbye in songLyrics, then search for greetings in songLyrics

Use the “6-HelloWorld-String5” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 6-HelloWorld-String5.zip)

The String Challenge:

  • There are two similar methods, StartsWith and EndsWith that also search for sub-strings in a string. These find a substring at the beginning or the end of the string. Try to modify the previous sample to use StartsWith and EndsWith instead of Contains. Search for "You" or "goodbye" at the beginning of a string. Search for "hello" or "goodbye" at the end of a string.

  • Note - Watch your punctuation when you test for the text at the end of the string. If the string ends with a period, you must check for a string that ends with a period.

  • You should get true for starting with "You" and ending with "hello" and false for starting with or ending with "goodbye".

Use the “7-HelloWorld-StringChallenge” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 7-HelloWorld-StringChallenge.zip) attached as a Resource to this lecture.

C# Basics using Strings Questions
Learn how to use numbers within your C# program
Introduction to Numbers Section

Here's a list of the common numeric types in C#:

1. Integral Types:

1.Integral types in C# are used to represent whole numbers.

2. Floating-Point Types:

Floating-point types in C# are used to represent real numbers with a fractional part.

3. Decimal Type:

The decimal type in C# is used for precise decimal floating-point arithmetic. It's suitable for financial calculations and scenarios requiring high precision

Here's a list of the common numeric types in C#:

Integral Types:

sbyte (signed byte): Represents 8-bit signed integers (-128 to 127).

byte (unsigned byte): Represents 8-bit unsigned integers (0 to 255).

short (signed short): Represents 16-bit signed integers (-32,768 to 32,767).

ushort (unsigned short): Represents 16-bit unsigned integers (0 to 65,535).

int (signed integer): Represents 32-bit signed integers (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647).

uint (unsigned integer): Represents 32-bit unsigned integers (0 to 4,294,967,295).

long (signed long): Represents 64-bit signed integers (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807).

ulong (unsigned long): Represents 64-bit unsigned integers (0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615).

Floating-Point Types:

Floating-point types in C# are used to represent real numbers with a fractional part. They include:

float: Represents 32-bit single-precision floating-point numbers. Suitable for a wide range of values with limited precision.

double: Represents 64-bit double-precision floating-point numbers. Offers higher precision compared to float.

Decimal Type:

The decimal type in C# is used for precise decimal floating-point arithmetic. It's suitable for financial calculations and scenarios requiring high precision:

decimal: Represents a 128-bit decimal data type. It provides high precision (28-29 significant digits) and a wide range (±1.0 x 10^(-28) to ±7.9 x 10^(28)).

Using multiple integers and adding values to a single integer


Use the “NumbersSample” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 1-Numbers.zip)

Create the int: a, b, and add a + b to c, and the write it to the console.

  • Mathematics operations with rules consistent with the rules you learned in mathematics.

  • Multiplication and division take precedence over addition and subtraction

Use the “NumbersSample” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 2-Numbers.zip)

You've seen the basic numeric types in C#: integers and doubles. There's one other type to learn: the decimal type. The decimal type has a smaller range but greater precision than double. Let's take a look:

decimal min = decimal.MinValue;

decimal max = decimal.MaxValue;

Console.WriteLine($"The range of the decimal type is {min} to {max}");

Use the “NumbersSample” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 3-Numbers.zip)

  • Write code that calculates the area of a circle whose radius is 2.50 centimeters. Remember that the area of a circle is the radius squared multiplied by PI.

  • One hint: .NET contains a constant for PI, Math.PI that you can use for that value. Math.PI, like all constants declared in the System.Math namespace, is a double value. For that reason, you should use double instead of decimal values for this challenge.

  • Answer: +- 19.63………

The solution is in the next lecture.

Use the “NumbersChallenge” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 4-Numbers_Challenge.zip)

C# basics using Numbers
Learn how to code in C# using Arrays
Introduction to this Arrays Section
  • Intro to Arrays

  • Single-dimensional arrays

  • Multidimensional arrays

  • Jagged arrays

  • Implicitly typed arrays

  • The Array Challenge

  • Sequence of like elements

  • Access an element via its index

  • The index is its ordinal position

  • The first element in the array is at index 0

  • E.g. int[] array = new int[5];

Use the “ArraysSample” App (code example in resources of this lecture - 1-Arrays.zip)

  • Arrays can have more than one dimension

  • For example, you can have two-, three- or four-dimensional arrays

Sample: Create the following sample code in a new project and run the app. (Sample code is in 2-Arrays.zip in this lectures resources)

  • In Jagged arrays, the elements are arrays, possibly of different sizes

  • Also called an "array of arrays"

Sample code is in 3-Arrays.zip in this lectures resources

  • The type of the array instance is inferred from the elements specified in the array initializer

  • Rules: Also apply to implicitly typed arrays

(Sample code is in 4-Arrays.zip in this lectures resources)

Write code to create a Product List, with name a price, and a Shopping cart, and print out the product list, and Shopping Cart with a total price.

  • Product List:

    • Create two arrays to store the names and prices of five products.

      • Use the following products: "Apple", "Banana", "Milk", "Bread", "Eggs“

      • Use the following Prices: 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 1.5, 2.5 (Note, do not use $ signs in the Array)

    • Display the list of products and their prices. Add $ sign to the output

  • Shopping Cart:

    • Add an arrays for Shopping cart with values assign to it by entering its number that associate with the product.

    • Simulate adding three products to the shopping cart. E.g. "Apple", "Milk", "Bread",

    • Display the selected products and their total cost.

The Arrays Challenge - The Solution
C# Basics - Using Arrays Questions
Learn how to manipulate code by using conditional logic in C#
Introduction to the Conditional Logic Section

In all languages, you can use the if statement to confirm or check if a decision is valid

If the condition is true, you can execute a statement or perform any action

You can use various operands to compare two or more types.

1.Relational Operators:

  • == : Equal to

  • != : Not equal to

  • > : Greater than

  • < : Less than

  • >= : Greater than or equal to

  • <= : Less than or equal to

2.Logical Operators:

  • && : Logical AND

  • || : Logical OR

  • ! : Logical NOT

Bitwise Operators:

  • & : Bitwise AND

  • | : Bitwise OR

  • ^ : Bitwise XOR

  • ~ : Bitwise NOT

  • << : Left shift

  • >> : Right shift

4.Equality and Inequality Operators:

  • == : Equal to

  • != : Not equal to

5.Assignment Operators:

  • = : Assignment operator (be careful not to confuse this with the equality operator ==)

6.Ternary Conditional Operator:

  • condition ? true_expression : false_expression : This operator evaluates a condition and returns one of two expressions depending on whether the condition is true or false.

7.Grouping Parentheses:

  • ( and ) : Parentheses are used to group expressions and control the order of evaluation.

Create the sample code in a new project and run the app. (Sample code is in 1_ConditionalLogic.zip in this lectures resources)

To execute different code in both the true and false branches, you create an else branch that executes when the condition is false.

Check sample 1 and 2. Sample 1 will work, but rather use Sample 2, because it uses better indentation and allow users to add multiple statement if the condition is true and multiple statements if the condition is false.

Create the sample code in a new project and run the app. (Sample code is in 2_ConditionalLogic.zip in this lectures resources)

  • A switch statement in C# is a control flow statement that allows for a variable to be tested against a list of values (cases).

  • Each case is a branch, and the variable being switched on is checked for each case.

  • When a match is found, the corresponding block of code is executed.

  • If no match is found, an optional default case can be executed.

Sample code is in 3_ConditionalLogic.zip in this lectures resources

Loops are an integral part of programming

Use loops to repeat statements to be executed more than once

Sample code is in 4_ConditionalLogic.zip in this lectures resources

The Do While loop executes the code first, and then checks the condition

Sample code is in 5_ConditionalLogic.zip in this lectures resources

For Loop is another commonly used loop statement

Sample code is in 6_ConditionalLogic.zip in this lectures resources

All type of loops can be nested inside another loop

Create the sample code in a new project and run the app. (Sample code is in 7_ConditionalLogic.zip in this lectures resources)

The Challenge - Combine conditions and loops
Combine conditions and loops - The Solution
C# Basics - Conditional Logic Questions
Learn how to use list collections using C#
Introduction to the list collection section
  • What is Generics in C#

  • Create lists

  • Modify list contents

  • Search and sort lists

  • Lists of other types

  • Challenge

  • A way to design classes, structures, interfaces, methods, and delegates

  • Placeholder for the data types

  • This is the way to define generics: generic<T>

  • generic = class, structure, interface, methods or delegates

    • T = data type, such as string, int, double, etc. or a class that represents an instance of an object


List<T>: Represents a strongly typed list of objects.

Example: List<int> intList = new List<int>();

Dictionary<TKey, TValue>: Represents a collection of key/value pairs.

Example: Dictionary<string, int> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, int>();

Queue<T>: Represents a first-in, first-out (FIFO) collection of objects.

Example: Queue<string> queue = new Queue<string>();

Stack<T>: Represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) collection of objects.

Example: Stack<double> stack = new Stack<double>();

A generic list type is represented by the List<T> class

It is part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace. You need to add a reference, by use the using command to use the library.

E.g. using System.Collections.Generic;

Create the sample code in a new project and run the app. Don’t forget the using (Sample code is in 1_ListCollection.zip in this lectures resources)

One important aspect of this List<T> type is that it can grow or shrink, enabling you to add or remove elements.

Step 1. Complete Sample 1 and add it to a new project. Run this and store the results.

Step 2. Add the second part

(Sample code is in 2_ListCollection.zip in this lectures resources)

C# allows you to search for items in a list

The IndexOf method searches for an item and returns the index of the item. If item is not in the list, IndexOf will return -1.

Step 1. Complete Sample 1 and add it to a new project. Run this and store the results.

Step 2. Add the second part

(Sample code is in 3_ListCollection.zip in this lectures resources)

Let’s use a list of number, using int

Complete Sample as per video and add it to a new project. Run this and store the results. (Sample code is in 4_ListCollection.zip in this lectures resources)

  • See if you can put together some of the concepts from this and earlier lessons.

  • Expand on what you've built so far with Fibonacci Numbers. (Use the previous project)

  • Try and write the code to generate the first 20 numbers in the sequence. (As a hint, the 20th Fibonacci number is 6765.)

The solution is available on the resources of this lecture. 5_ListCollection_Challenge.zip

C# Basics using List Collection Questions
Learn functional programming in C# such as pattern matching, casting, using as operators and null checks
Introduction to the functional programming section
  • Pattern matching and casting

  • Explicit Casting

  • Using as Operator

  • Null Checks

  • Using Key Value Pairs

  • Challenge

Pattern matching provides a safer and more expressive way to perform type casting

Casting is the process of converting a variable from one type to another.

In C#, there are two types of casting: explicit casting and the as operator.

The is operator checks if an object is of a certain type and, at the same time, can introduce a new variable of that type for further use.

Create the sample code in a new project and run the app. (Sample code is in 1_FuncProgram.zip in this lectures resources)

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Save Developer Bootcamp C# and ASP.NET Core to your list so you can find it easily later:


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Developer Bootcamp C# and ASP.NET Core with these activities:
Review Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles
Reinforce your understanding of OOP concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, which are fundamental to C# development.
Show steps
  • Review the definitions of the four pillars of OOP: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction.
  • Find examples of each pillar in existing C# code.
  • Write short code snippets that demonstrate each concept.
LeetCode Easy Problems in C#
Sharpen your problem-solving skills and C# syntax by tackling beginner-friendly coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode.
Show steps
  • Create a LeetCode account and familiarize yourself with the platform.
  • Filter problems by difficulty (Easy) and language (C#).
  • Solve at least three problems, focusing on strings, arrays, and basic algorithms.
  • Review solutions and discuss alternative approaches.
Read 'C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 – Modern Cross-Platform Development'
Deepen your understanding of C# and .NET Core by reading a comprehensive guide that covers modern development practices.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters related to the topics covered in the course.
  • Try out the code examples and exercises in the book.
  • Take notes on key concepts and techniques.
Four other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all seven activities
Build a Simple Console Application
Apply your C# knowledge by creating a console application that solves a practical problem, such as a calculator or a simple game.
Show steps
  • Define the scope and features of your console application.
  • Design the user interface and input/output methods.
  • Implement the core logic using C# syntax and OOP principles.
  • Test and debug your application thoroughly.
Create a C# Cheat Sheet
Consolidate your understanding of C# syntax and concepts by creating a cheat sheet for quick reference.
Show steps
  • Identify the key C# concepts and syntax you want to include.
  • Organize the information in a clear and concise format.
  • Include examples and explanations for each concept.
  • Share your cheat sheet with other learners for feedback.
Read 'CLR via C#'
Gain a deeper understanding of the .NET runtime environment and how C# code is executed.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters related to memory management, garbage collection, and threading.
  • Experiment with the code examples and observe the behavior of the CLR.
  • Research and understand the concepts discussed in the book.
Contribute to a C# Open Source Project
Gain practical experience and collaborate with other developers by contributing to an open-source C# project on GitHub.
Show steps
  • Find a C# open-source project on GitHub that interests you.
  • Read the project's documentation and contribution guidelines.
  • Identify a bug or feature you can work on.
  • Submit a pull request with your changes.

Career center

Learners who complete Developer Bootcamp C# and ASP.NET Core will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Junior Application Developer
A junior application developer is responsible for writing and maintaining code for software applications. This course helps build a foundation in C#, which is a primary language used in application development. The course covers essential programming concepts, including object oriented programming principles that are crucial for designing robust applications. Furthermore, the course teaches how to store and retrieve data from a database which is a skill that every application developer needs to master. Understanding Git for version control, as covered in this course, is vital for working in collaborative development environments. The bootcamp's practical approach to building a web application will give aspiring application developers a head start in their careers.
Software Developer
Software developers create, test, and maintain software applications. This course is valuable as it provides a comprehensive introduction to C#, a widely used language in the software industry. The course covers everything from basic syntax to advanced object oriented programming principles, as well as SOLID principles. The course would be helpful in learning how to work with databases, unit testing, and version control. By learning how to build a fully functional web application, software developers will gain the practical skills needed to succeed in this field.
Web Developer
Web developers create and maintain websites and web applications. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to C# and ASP.NET Core, which are widely used in web development. The course's emphasis on security and implementing authentication and authorization is directly applicable to creating secure web applications. Learning how to write Representational State Transfer application programming interfaces and essentials regarding hosting a web application will be beneficial to anyone interested in becoming a web developer. By creating a fully functional web application using ASP.NET Core, participants gain practical experience that directly translates to real-world web development projects.
Software Engineer
Software engineers design, develop, and test software systems. This course may be useful because it helps build a solid foundation in programming fundamentals using C#, a versatile language used in various software applications. The course covers essential topics such as object oriented programming (OOP), SOLID principles, and database integration, all of which are critical for software engineering. The course also introduces advanced topics like unit testing, test driven development, and version control (Git), which contribute to the creation of high quality software. This course's hands-on approach, culminating in the development of a web application, will improve the skills needed to become a software engineer.
Backend Developer
Backend developers focus on the server-side logic and databases that power applications. This course may be useful because it will show how to store and retrieve data from a database using SQLite, a valuable skill for backend development. The course also covers essential security aspects, including authentication and authorization. The course also teaches how to write representational state transfer application programming interfaces, which are essential for backend developers. The course's focus on ASP.NET Core will help teach building robust backend systems.
Full-Stack Developer
Full stack developers work on both the front-end and back-end of web applications. This course will be useful for those wanting to become full stack developers because it provides a foundation in C# and ASP.NET Core, enabling the development of complete web applications. The course also covers the basics of front end development. The course's hands-on project, creating a fully functional web application, provides experience in both front end and back end development, making it a good starting point to becoming a well rounded full stack developer.
Application Architect
Application architects design the structure and components of software applications. This course may be useful because it helps build a strong understanding of object oriented programming and SOLID principles, which are critical for designing scalable applications. The course also touches on security aspects like authentication and authorization, which application architects must consider. The course also teaches how to write representational state transfer application programming interfaces. The course's hands on experience in building a web application provides valuable insights into the practical considerations of application design.
Database Administrator
Database administrators manage and maintain databases, ensuring data integrity and performance. This course may be helpful because it introduces how to store and retrieve data from SQLite databases. The course provides a foundation in database integration, which is essential for database administrators. The course's inclusion of exception handling will give database administrators the tools to manage database errors.
Quality Assurance Engineer
Quality assurance engineers are tasked with ensuring the quality of software through testing and validation. This course may be valuable due to its coverage of unit testing and test driven development. Learning these testing methodologies helps build a foundation in creating robust and reliable software which is crucial for a Quality Assurance Engineer. The course's emphasis on identifying and addressing potential issues early in the development process aligns with the core responsibilities of a quality assurance role.
Systems Analyst
Systems analysts evaluate and improve computer systems. This course may be useful as it provides broad exposure to software development concepts. The course touches on various key aspects of software development, from programming fundamentals to database integration and security, providing a systems analyst with a good overview of the software development process.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps engineers automate and streamline the software development process. This course may be useful because it teaches version control using Git and touches on continuous integration and continuous deployment concepts. Understanding Git is important for collaborative development and code management. The course's introduction to hosting web applications aligns with the DevOps' goals of automating deployment.
Technical Project Manager
Technical project managers oversee software development projects and ensure they are completed on time and within budget. This course may be helpful as it provides a broad understanding of the software development process. This course's coverage of programming languages, software development life cycle, testing, and version control can provide valuable context for managing technical projects.
IT Support Specialist
IT support specialists provide technical assistance to computer users. This course may be useful as it introduces fundamental programming concepts and software development practices and information technology basics. Understanding basic programming and software development concepts can assist IT support specialists. The course's overview of software development can bridge the gap between technical issues and their underlying causes, which is essential for effective troubleshooting.
Data Scientist
Data scientists analyze data to extract meaningful insights and trends. This course may be helpful if it provides a basic understanding of programming logic and data manipulation. Knowledge of programming fundamentals, particularly working with data structures like arrays and lists, which this course covers, can be applied to data analysis tasks.
Technology Consultant
Technology consultants advise organizations on how to use technology to meet their goals. This course may be helpful if it provides a general understanding of software development principles and technologies. The course may provide background knowledge for technology consultants who need to assess and recommend software solutions.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Developer Bootcamp C# and ASP.NET Core.
Provides a comprehensive guide to C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0, covering everything from language basics to building cross-platform applications. It's a valuable resource for understanding the latest features and best practices in C# development. This book is useful as a reference text and for expanding on the course material. It is commonly used as a textbook at academic institutions.
Delves into the inner workings of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), providing a deep understanding of how C# code is executed. It's an excellent resource for advanced learners who want to optimize their code and understand the underlying platform. This book is more valuable as additional reading than it is as a current reference. It is commonly used by industry professionals.


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