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Abhishek CSEPracticals, Shiwani Nigam, and Ekta Ekta

There are already innumerable courses/tutorials on the internet/Udemy which teach almost every aspect of C programming language. All those courses sound the same, talk the same and deliver more or less the same knowledge. How is this course different from others?

The intention of this course is to make you ready for System programming Technical interviews, interview level - from Beginner to Intermediate. This course is for (future) Developers, not for testers or System Administrators.

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There are already innumerable courses/tutorials on the internet/Udemy which teach almost every aspect of C programming language. All those courses sound the same, talk the same and deliver more or less the same knowledge. How is this course different from others?

The intention of this course is to make you ready for System programming Technical interviews, interview level - from Beginner to Intermediate. This course is for (future) Developers, not for testers or System Administrators.

I choose to create this course to fill the gap between novice/beginner and intermediate/Advanced Programmers. This course assumes that you are at least above average in programming (in any programming language, but preferable in C/C++) - know memory allocations, all kinds of loops, function calls, pointers etc.  In this course, I won't teach C/C++ (there are already many courses on it online) but would teach programming techniques and low-level details regarding how C program works behind the scenes - All topics are very important from an interview point of view. My Target is to grow this course into Linux/C Bible.

Yet, I always feel, you need to outsmart your fellow colleagues in this era of stiff competition, and therefore, I tried this attempt to present you the wisdom and knowledge which is of utmost importance for a programmer. I have seen though students could write good C/C++ programs, yet they lack the clarity on how one should write better organized, Manageable, extensible, and programmable codes in the form of libraries. For example, Students are too good at competitive programming, yet do not know how to write a simple Makefile, the reason being, Academics do not teach and students do not care to learn.

In this course, I will cover the topics related to creating Linux System Libraries (release 1) with Advanced language-agnostic Programming Concepts (release 2) which can be well applied if you happen to become a programmer in other languages tomorrow. 

The Concepts like MultiThreading, Thread-Synchronization, Socket Programming, IPCs, etc demand a separate course on each topic altogether. Currently, I have a course on IPC, pls check it out. These topics are out of scope for this course.

The Course shall be delivered into two Releases :

     Release 1 Building and Managing a Library:  This covers the basics regarding how one should create and organize his code as a Library.

     Release 2 Memory Management Concepts:  This covers Advance concepts on Linux Memory Management specifically. Please check the Table of Contents for more info.

Why you should *NOT* do this course?

1. Please Excuse this course if you are the ultimate beginner in C programming .

2. There is no point of doing this course if you don't like hitting the keyboard, and are lazy enough to watch lecture VDOs only

3. If you want everything cooked and served on your plate.

Course Pre-requisite :

  • Above Beginners Level in C/C++ programming

  • Good to have basic OS knowledge

  • Zeal to excel and Code

No Third-Party libraries

Whatever logic you implement, you need to implement it from scratch. Like all my other courses, this course does not suggest taking the help of any third-party library to get the jobs done. The use of external libraries completely defeats the purpose of the course.

Warning: This course has auto system-generated subtitles which may not be perfect. Please disable subtitles at your convenience.

Curriculum :

Release 1 Building and Managing a Library

Section 1 : Introduction to Libraries

  • What is Library

  • Relationship between Library and Application

  • Ex : Doubly linked list as a Library

  • Quick Compilation Steps

  • Summary

Section 2 : Header Files

  • Relationship between Source and header files

  • Text Substitution Method

  • Text Substitution Method - Example and Demo

Section 3 : Preprocessing Directives

  • Problem of Duplicate inclusion of Hdr files

  • Pre-processing Directives

  • Solution to Duplicate inclusion of Hdr files

Section 4 : Correct way of Using Structures and Functions

  • Structures - Define and Use thumb Rule

  • Functions - Declare and Use thumb rule

  • The problem of Recursive Dependency

  • A solution to Recursive Dependency

Section 5 : Creation of Static and Dynamic Libraries

  • Resuming with Doubly Linked List Library

  • Quick Creation of Static and Dynamic Libraries

  • Linking with Static Library

  • Linking with Dynamic Library

Section 7: Understanding four stages of Compilation

  • Four stages of C/C++ Compilation

  • How Dynamic Library works ?

  • Dynamic Linking : Linking with Dynamic Library

  • Comparison - Static Vs Dynamic Linking

Section 8 : Building using a Makefile

  • What are Makefiles and why do we need it

  • Functions of Makefile

  • Makefile Dependency tree

  • Steps of Writing a Makefile

  • Assignment on Makefile

Section 9 : Run-time Programmable libraries

  • What are Programmable Libraries?

  • Steps to Program the libraries

  • Registering of the callbacks with Libraries

    • key_match callback

    • comparison_fn callback

  • Delegation of Application-specific operations to Libraries

Section 10 : Writing Iterators using Macros

  • What are Iterative Macros ?

  • Why we need Iterative Macros ?

  • How to Write Iterative Macros - For Trees and Linked Lists

  • Exercises

Section 11 : Glue Based Libraries and Data structures

  • What are the Glue Based Libraries?

  • Introducing Glthreads - A Glued LinkedList

  • Glthreads Vs Traditional Linked List

  • Structure field offset

  • GLThread Operations

  • Code Walk

  • GLThread Benefits 

Section 12 : Bit Level Programming

  • Logical Operators

  • Implementing BIT manipulating C macros

  • Using Enums as Bits

  • Bit Pattern Matching

  • BitMaps

Release 2 Memory Management Concepts

Section 13 : Memory Layout of Linux Process

  • Virtual Memory Basics 

  • Memory Layout of Linux Process 

  • Example: Memory Layout of Linux Process 

  • Exercise on size command 

Section 14 : Stack Memory Management

  • Stack Memory Basics and Contents 

  • Stack-Overflow and Prevention 

  • Stack Memory Corruption 

  • Common Cpu Registers

  • Procedure Call Mechanism - Step by Step

  • Purpose of Base Pointer register (ebp) 

  • Procedure Return Mechanism - Step by Step

  • Lab session 

Section 15 : Heap Memory Management

  • Introduction and Goals

  • How Malloc Works

  • Top of Heap Memory region - break pointer

  • Heap Memory Mgmt Sys Calls - brk and sbrk

  • Meta and Data Blocks

  • How free() works

  • Block Splitting

  • Block Merging

  • Memory Illness - Problem of Fragmentation

Section 16 : Concept of Paging

  • Introduction to Paging

  • Byte Addressable Memory

  • 32 bit and 64 bit Machine Architecture

  • Address Bus and Data bus         

  • Physical Vs Virtual Address

  • Physical Memory Frames        

  • Virtual Address Composition

  • Page Table

  • Paging In Action

  • Shared Physical Memory

Section 17 : Multilevel Paging

Section 18 : Demand Paging

Section 19 : Memory Management for Multi-threaded Process

The intention of this course is to make you ready for System programming Technical interviews from beginners to upto 8-9 yrs of experience.

Q. What are the frequently asked questions by interviewers in a technical round when someone writes C/C++/System Programming language on their resume?

Answer : If i am interviewer, what questions i would ask depends on his no of years of experience in C.

1–3 yrs of experience — I would have asked:

  1. Double pointers

  2. design a Macro to return the size of the structure

  3. Two Dimensional Arrays, passing and returning arrays from a fn

  4. Different stages of C program compilation

  5. how fork() works

  6. What are various ways to debug memory corruptions.

  7. various IPCs

  8. Heap and Stack memory-based Question

4–6 yrs of experience - I would have asked:

  1. How memory is allocated by the OS

  2. Internal and external fragmentation, what can be done to avoid it

  3. System calls, strace()

  4. Trade-of of one IPC over other

  5. various ways to communicate with kernel and comparison

  6. Data (De)Serialization in C

  7. RPC in C

  8. callbacks advanced application

  9. typedef Vs #define

  10. Generic programming in C using macros

  11. Thread Synchronization

  12. Heap and Stack memory-based Question

7+ yrs of experience - I would have asked

  1. Have you designed any system module to solve any problem

  2. Design thread library 0 what functionalities would you incorporate in and how?

  3. What are Dos and Dont’s for writing a robust and flexible library

  4. How to write generic code in C

  5. Various ways to implement timers in C, and comparison of approaches

  6. How do Interrupts work ?

  7. IPCs and comparison

  8. How would you convert a C code to C++ and vice versa

  9. How to write a tool to detect memory leaks Or garbage collection

  10. Design your own memory allocation tool. Why would you write your own memory allocation scheme?

  11. When to go for Multi-process design over Multi-threaded design and vice versa

  12. How ValGrind tool works

  13. In production code, would you favor recursive but simple logic, Or Nonrecursive but complex logic, and why?

If you analyze the pattern,

Candidate with 1–3 yrs of experience, I would choose to ask more of a direct and straightforward Questions.

Candidate with 4–6 yrs of experience, I would choose to ask more advanced technical C Question plus some comparison of approaches based Questions

Candidate with 7+ yrs of experience, I would choose to ask more of a design and Analysis based Question.

Note that, since the Question pertains to C and System Programming, so I have not mentioned Data structures and Algorithms.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Learn advance programming concepts in c/c++
  • Develop and integrate c/c++ libraries
  • Automate build process using makefile
  • Use of function pointers as callbacks
  • Static and dynamic libraries and linking
  • Compilation process of a gcc compiler
  • Organize the code into header and source files
  • Understanding memory allocations, heap memory management, memory leaks
  • Stack memory, stack overflow, stack corruption, stack registers
  • Paging concepts and page tables
  • Concept of tlvs


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This Lecture is for those who are absolute beginners with Linux and have no prior knowledge with Linux Installation. This course do not demands user to use Linux OS. All Assignments can be done on Windows platform also, however, it is recommended to use Linux for Development work. Please switch if you are still stuck with windows.

Pls go through this tutorial which will tour you through the Linux installation steps and supporting softwares. Those who are already using Linux can safely skip this Section.

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Following the path to the sources discussed in this course.

Quick Compilation Steps
Understanding Header Files
What are Header Files and their Purpose ?
Relationship between Source and Header Files
Text Substitution
Text Substitution Example
Text Substitution Demonstration
Preprocessing Directives
Problem Of Duplicate Inclusion of Header Files
What are Pre-processing Directives ?
Solution to Duplicate Inclusion of Hdr files using Preprocessing Directives
Correct Way of Using Structures and Functions
Structure Definitions and Use
Function Declaration and Use
Recursive Dependency
Solution to Recursive Dependency
Quick Creation of Static and Dynamic Libraries
Resuming with Doubly Linked List Library
Static and Dynamic Libraries - Quick Creation
Linking with Static Library
Linking with Dynamic Library
Very Important for Interview.
4 Stages of Compilation Process
Stage 1 of 4 - Preprocessing stage
Stage 2 of 4 - Compilation Stage
Stage 3 of 4 - Assembler Stage
Stage 4 of 4 - Linking Stage
Build Project using Makefiles
Introducing Makefile
Makefile Analogy - Dependency Tree
Makefile Assignment - part1
Makefile Assignment - part2
Final Makefile
Programmable Libraries - Generics
Revisiting DLL
Problem Statement
Solution - Responsibility Delegation
Using Programmable DLL Library - Code Walk
Search Callback Summary
Comparison Callback
Comparison Callback Demo
Coding Assignment
Why we need TLVs ?
An Easy way to Iterate over Data structures

Learn how to Write Iterative Macros. This Section is specially for students who don't see Iterative macros until they start working professionally. Professional would find this section obvious, hence, can skip it.

For loop Semantics
Iterative Macros For LinkedList
Iterative Macros for Binary Trees
Tree Iterators Prerequisites
Tree Iterators Implementation
Learn the concept of Glue based Data structures
Glthreads Definition
Difference - Traditional Vs Glue Based DLL
Structure Field Offset
GLNode Insertion
API to insert a glthread node in a glthread list
GLThread Iteration
GLNode Removal
Code Walk - Demo
Traditional List Problems
GLThread Benefits
Opaque Pointers
Typical Library Design
Solution Strategy
Bit Programming
Introduction to Bit Programming
XOR Operator
Using Bits as Flags
Using Enums as Bits
Assignment on Bit Programming
Bit Pattern Matching
Bit Pattern Matching Steps
BitMap APIs and Implementation
Assignment on BitMaps
Machine Endianness
Program to find Machine Endianness
System Programming is closely tied to Networking - So lets us understand the most common problem occur when two machines exchange data with each other over the network.
TLVs Introduction
Why we need TLVs - Another scenario
Understanding TLVs

Let us assume in this lecture,  that 32 bit system has 4 B integer, and 64 bit  system has 8 B integer. Though it is not true ...

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts with these activities:
Review C/C++ Pointers
Reinforce your understanding of pointers in C/C++ to prepare for the course's advanced memory management topics.
Browse courses on Pointers
Show steps
  • Review pointer arithmetic and memory allocation.
  • Practice pointer-based data structure implementations.
  • Work through examples of common pointer errors.
Create a Cheat Sheet for System Calls
Improve your recall of important system calls by creating a concise cheat sheet.
Show steps
  • List the most frequently used system calls.
  • Include a brief description of each system call's purpose.
  • Add examples of how to use each system call.
Read 'Understanding the Linux Kernel'
Gain a deeper understanding of the Linux kernel to better grasp the system programming concepts taught in the course.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters related to memory management and process scheduling.
  • Take notes on key concepts and data structures.
  • Relate the book's content to the course's syllabus.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Practice Makefile Creation
Master Makefile creation to streamline the build process for your system programming projects.
Show steps
  • Create Makefiles for various C projects with dependencies.
  • Experiment with different Makefile features (variables, functions).
  • Debug Makefile errors and optimize build times.
Implement a Simple Dynamic Array Library
Solidify your understanding of memory management and library creation by building a dynamic array library in C.
Show steps
  • Design the API for your dynamic array library.
  • Implement functions for creating, resizing, and freeing the array.
  • Write unit tests to ensure the library's correctness.
  • Create a Makefile to build the library.
Write a Blog Post on Memory Layout
Reinforce your understanding of memory layout by explaining the different memory regions in a Linux process.
Show steps
  • Research the different memory regions (text, data, heap, stack).
  • Create diagrams to illustrate the memory layout.
  • Write a clear and concise blog post explaining each region.
  • Include examples of how each region is used.
Study 'Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment'
Deepen your knowledge of UNIX system programming concepts with this comprehensive guide.
Show steps
  • Focus on chapters related to process management and file I/O.
  • Work through the examples provided in the book.
  • Compare the book's approach to the course's teachings.

Career center

Learners who complete Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Kernel Developer
Kernel Developers work on the core of an operating system, responsible for managing the system's resources and providing services to applications. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course is remarkably relevant to this role. Kernel development requires deep knowledge of memory management, system calls, and low-level programming. This course directly addresses these areas. A Kernel Developer benefits from the course's focus on C/C++ programming, library creation, Makefiles, and memory allocation techniques. These skills are essential for writing and maintaining kernel modules and device drivers. The course covers heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs. The knowledge gained from this course enables a Kernel Developer to optimize kernel performance and ensure system stability. The course prepares someone to confidently design and implement kernel-level features.
Operating Systems Developer
An Operating Systems Developer works on the core software that manages computer hardware and provides services for applications. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course may be extremely relevant to this role. Operating Systems Developers must have a deep understanding of memory management, system calls, and low-level programming, all of which are addressed in this course. The course's focus on C/C++ programming, library creation, and Makefiles directly aligns with the skills needed to develop and maintain operating system components. The course's coverage of topics like heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs will help an Operating Systems Developer design and optimize operating system kernels and device drivers. An Operating Systems Developer who has mastered the material in this course would be well equiped to tackle the challenges of operating system development, including memory management, process scheduling, and device driver interaction.
Systems Programmer
Systems Programmers develop and maintain system software, including operating systems, compilers, and utilities. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course is directly relevant to this career. A Systems Programmer should find the course's focus on C/C++ programming, library creation, and Makefiles highly valuable. The course covers topics such as static and dynamic libraries, function pointers, and memory management. This is all essential knowledge for systems programming. The course's exploration of heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs will help a Systems Programmer understand and optimize system-level performance. The course also prepares someone to design and implement efficient system software components.
Systems Engineer
A Systems Engineer bridges the gap between hardware and software, ensuring that computer systems function efficiently and reliably. This role often involves working with operating systems, system architecture, and low-level programming, making the "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course highly relevant. A systems engineer needs to understand how to create and manage libraries, automate build processes using Makefiles, and understand memory allocation, all of which are covered in this course. A systems engineer who has taken this course would be well-prepared for technical interviews covering Linux system programming and design. The course's coverage of memory management concepts, including heap and stack memory, stack overflow, and paging, further enhances a systems engineer's ability to design robust and efficient systems. The course's focus on practical coding and avoiding third-party libraries will help a systems engineer develop a deep understanding of system-level programming.
Device Driver Developer
A Device Driver Developer creates software that enables operating systems to interact with hardware devices. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course may be highly beneficial for aspiring device driver developers. Device Driver Developers need a strong understanding of system programming, memory management, and hardware interfaces. A Device Driver Developer leverages this course's coverage of C/C++ programming, library creation, and Makefiles which are essential skills for writing device drivers. The course's emphasis on memory management, including heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs, is particularly valuable as device drivers often work directly with hardware memory and must manage resources efficiently. Understanding the material in this course will prepare an engineer to write robust and efficient device drivers that ensure seamless communication between hardware and software.
Firmware Engineer
Firmware Engineers develop the low-level software that controls hardware devices. These engineers often work closely with embedded systems and need a strong understanding of system programming. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course is highly applicable as it covers essential topics such as C/C++ programming, library creation, and memory management. A Firmware Engineer uses Makefiles to automate build processes, understands function pointers for callback mechanisms, and works with static and dynamic libraries. This course covers these aspects comprehensively and helps Firmware Engineers write efficient and reliable code for embedded devices. The course's emphasis on avoiding third-party libraries and implementing logic from scratch is particularly valuable as Firmware Engineers often need to develop custom solutions for specific hardware. The course's coverage of memory management concepts, including heap and stack memory, is crucial for Firmware Engineers working with resource-constrained devices.
Embedded Systems Engineer
Embedded Systems Engineers design, develop, and test software for embedded systems, which are computer systems with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course may be particularly beneficial due to its focus on system programming in C/C++, library creation, and memory management. The course's coverage of topics like Makefiles, function pointers, and static and dynamic libraries helps build a strong foundation for embedded systems development which often involves working with limited resources and custom hardware. An Embedded Systems Engineer with this background understands how to write efficient and reliable code for resource-constrained environments. The course's emphasis on avoiding third-party libraries and implementing logic from scratch reinforces the skills needed to develop custom solutions for embedded systems. The course's memory management topics, including heap and stack memory, are critical for embedded systems where memory is often limited.
Compiler Developer
Compiler Developers design and implement compilers, which translate source code from high-level programming languages into machine code. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course can be useful for aspiring compiler developers. Compiler Developers must have a strong understanding of system programming, memory management, and low-level code generation. This course's coverage of C/C++ programming, library creation, and Makefiles may help build a foundation for compiler development. Compiler Developers may find the course's exploration of memory management, including heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs, useful for understanding how compilers allocate and manage memory during the compilation process. The course can make the journey from understanding the theory of compilation to practical implementation smoother.
Performance Engineer
Performance Engineers analyze and optimize software systems to improve their speed, efficiency, and scalability. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course may be helpful for this role. Performance Engineers need a strong understanding of system programming, memory management, and low-level optimization techniques. This course's coverage of C/C++ programming, library creation, and Makefiles provides a helpful context for performance analysis. Topics like heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs are also relevant. The course may prove particularly useful for Performance Engineers who need to understand memory allocation patterns, identify memory leaks, and optimize memory usage in Linux systems.
Software Architect
Software Architects are responsible for the high-level design and structure of software systems. While the "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course may not directly focus on architectural design principles, it can be helpful for Software Architects who need a deeper understanding of system-level programming and how software interacts with the underlying operating system. The course's coverage of C/C++ programming, library creation, and Makefiles provides a useful context for making architectural decisions related to system integration and performance. Topics like heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs may also inform architectural choices related to memory management and resource allocation. The course could help a Software Architect make informed decisions about system-level aspects of software design.
Technical Lead
A Technical Lead guides a team of software developers, providing technical expertise and ensuring the successful delivery of projects. The "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course may contribute to the technical skillset of a lead. Technical Leads with a strong understanding of system programming principles can better guide their teams in developing efficient and reliable software. The course's coverage of C/C++ programming, library creation, and Makefiles could be valuable for Technical Leads who need to oversee system-level development tasks. Understanding topics like heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs may help a Technical Lead make informed decisions about system architecture and resource allocation.
Application Developer
Application Developers create software applications for various platforms, such as desktop, web, and mobile. While the "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course focuses on system-level programming, it may be valuable for Application Developers who want a deeper understanding of how their applications interact with the operating system. The course's coverage of C/C++ programming, library creation, and Makefiles provides a helpful context for understanding the underlying system. Topics like heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs may also give insight into how applications manage memory and resources. This course may help an application developer write more efficient software.
Site Reliability Engineer
The Site Reliability Engineer ensures the dependability, scalability, and efficiency of software systems within live settings. While the "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course emphasizes system-level programming, it could provide SREs a deeper understanding of the underlying system. The course's exploration of C/C++ programming, library creation, and usage of Makefiles provides a helpful framework for troubleshooting and optimizing system performance. Understanding topics such as heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs can offer insights into how applications handle memory and resources, which are critical for maintaining system stability and scalability. The course may be useful for SREs who require insight into system behaviour.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers focus on automating and streamlining the software development lifecycle, emphasizing teamwork between development and operations teams. While the "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course concentrates on system-level programming, it could offer DevOps engineers a deeper understanding of the operating system. The course's exploration of C/C++ programming, library creation, and usage of Makefiles establishes a framework for DevOps engineers creating and managing build and deployment pipelines. Understanding topics like heap and stack memory, paging, and TLVs could aid DevOps engineers who oversee system performance and resource allocation.
QA Engineer
Quality Assurance Engineers are responsible for verifying the quality and reliability of software through rigorous testing and analysis. While the "Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" course focuses primarily on system level programming and techniques, it could nonetheless benefit QA engineers by providing a deeper understanding of how system software functions at a low level. A better understanding of memory management is crucial for QA Engineers who want insight into system behavior.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts.
Classic resource for UNIX system programming. It covers a wide range of topics, including file I/O, process control, and interprocess communication. It is highly recommended for anyone serious about system programming on Linux. This book provides additional depth to the course material and is commonly used as a textbook at academic institutions and by industry professionals.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the Linux kernel's internal workings. It is particularly useful for understanding the memory management and process management concepts covered in the course. While not required, reading this book will provide a deeper understanding of the underlying system and enhance your ability to write efficient and robust system programs. This book is commonly used as a reference by system programmers.


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