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Brad Traversy

Welcome to "MERN Stack Front To Back". In this course, we will build an in-depth full-stack social network application using Node.js, Express, React, Redux and MongoDB along with ES6+. We will start with a blank text editor and end with a deployed full-stack application. This course includes...

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Welcome to "MERN Stack Front To Back". In this course, we will build an in-depth full-stack social network application using Node.js, Express, React, Redux and MongoDB along with ES6+. We will start with a blank text editor and end with a deployed full-stack application. This course includes...

  • Building an extensive backend API with Node.js & Express

  • Protecting routes/endpoints with JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

  • Extensive API testing with Postman

  • Integrating React with our backend in an elegant way, creating a great workflow

  • Building our frontend to work with the API

  • Using Redux for app state management

  • Creating reducers and actions for our resources

  • Creating many container components that integrate with Redux

  • Testing with the Redux Chrome extension

Creating a build script, securing our keys and deploy to Heroku using Git

UPDATE: The entire course was updated to use React Hooks, Async/Await and better overall code.


This is NOT an "Intro to React" or "Intro to Node" course. It is a practical hands-on course for building an app using the incredible MERN stack. I do try and explain everything as I go so it is possible to follow without React/Node experience but it is recommended that you know at least the basics first.

This is a project-based course, which means the entire course is building one large project. The project is called DevConnector and allows users to register and login to create a profile. They can add a resume of jobs and education and link all of their social networks.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Build a full stack social network app with react, redux, node, express & mongodb
  • Create an extensive backend api with express
  • Use stateless jwt authentication practices
  • Integrate react with an express backend in an elegant way
  • React hooks, async/await & modern practices
  • Use redux for state management
  • Deploy to heroku with a postbuild script


Welcome To The Course
A Look At The Course Project
Environment & Setup
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Link To Project Files
Express & MongoDB Setup
MongoDB Atlas Setup
Install Dependencies & Basic Express Setup
Connecting To MongoDB With Mongoose
Route Files With Express Router
User API Routes & JWT Authentication
Creating The User Model
Request & Body Validation
User Registration
Implementing JWT
Custom Auth Middleware & JWT Verify
User Authentication / Login Route
Profile API Routes
Creating The Profile Model
Get Current User Profile
Create & Update Profile Routes
Get All Profiles & Profile By User ID
Delete Profile & User
Add Profile Experience
Delete Profile Experience
Add & Delete Profile Education
Get Github Repos For Profile
Post API Routes
Creating The Post Model
Add Post Route
Get & Delete Post Routes
Post Like & Unlike Routes
Add & Remove Comment Routes
Getting Started With React & The Frontend
A Look At The The UI / Theme
Link To Theme Building Series On YouTube
React & Concurrently Setup
Clean Up & Initial Components
React Router Setup
Register Form & useState Hook
Request Example & Login Form
Redux Setup & Alerts
The Gist Of Redux
Creating a Redux Store
Alert Reducer, Action & Types
Alert Component & Action Call
React User Authentication
Auth Reducer & Register Action
Load User & Set Auth Token
User Login
Logout & Navbar Links
Dashboard & Profile Management
Protected Route For Dashboard
Profile Reducer & Get Current Profile
Starting On The Dashboard
CreateProfile Component
Create Profile Action
Edit Profile
Add Education & Experiences
List Education & Experiences
Delete Education, Experiences & Account
Profile DIsplay
Finish Profile Actions & Reducer
Display Profiles
Addressing The Console Warnings
Starting On The Profile
ProfileTop & ProfileAbout Components
Profile Experience & Education Display
Displaying Github Repos
Profile State Issue & Fix
Posts & Comments
Post Reducer, Action & Initial Component
Post Item Component
Like & Unlike Functionality
Deleting Posts
Adding Posts
Single Post Display
Adding Comments
Comment Display & Delete
Prepare & Deploy
Install Heroku CLI
Prepare For Deployment
Deploy To Heroku
Issues, Added Features, etc
About This Section
Not Found Page & Theme Workaround

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches Redux, a core skill for state management in React applications
Taught by Brad Traversy, who is recognized for their work in web development
Develops skills in building full-stack social network applications with MongoDB, React, Redux, and Node.js
Covers React Hooks, Async/Await, and other modern practices
Assumes basic knowledge of React and Node.js

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Reviews summary

Brad traversy's mern stack course

According to students, Brad Traversy is an engaging teacher who presents complex topics in a clear and understandable way. The course is well-received, with students highly recommending it.
Brad Traversy is an engaging instructor.
"Man, Brad is amazing."
Brad Traversy explains complex topics in a clear and understandable way.
"Man, Brad is amazing...He explains things in about as clear of terms as anyone can explain them."
"I'm still confused most of the time but I like going back and listening a second time."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in MERN Stack Front To Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js with these activities:
Review Node.js Basics
Review Node.js concepts and syntax to strengthen your understanding of the backend framework used in this course.
Browse courses on Node.js
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  • Revisit Node.js tutorials or documentation
  • Set up a practice Node.js project for experimentation
  • Experiment with Node.js modules and methods
Build a Simple Express.js Server
Create a basic Express.js server to gain hands-on experience with the core backend technology of this course.
Show steps
  • Follow a guided tutorial on building an Express.js server
  • Set up a development environment with Node.js and Express.js
  • Build a simple route and handle requests
Join a Study Group or Online Forum
Collaborate with peers to discuss course concepts and share knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of the material.
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  • Identify relevant study groups or online forums
  • Participate in discussions and ask clarifying questions
  • Contribute to the group by sharing your insights and expertise
Four other activities
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MongoDB CRUD Operations Practice
Perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a MongoDB database to solidify your understanding of data persistence.
Browse courses on MongoDB
Show steps
  • Set up a MongoDB database and connect to it using Mongoose
  • Create a simple data model and perform create, read, update, and delete operations
  • Explore MongoDB aggregation and filtering techniques
Create a React-Redux Todo App
Build a simple Todo application using React and Redux to gain practical experience with the frontend framework and state management.
Browse courses on React
Show steps
  • Follow a guided tutorial on building a React-Redux Todo app
  • Set up a development environment with React, Redux, and related tools
  • Implement Todo creation, deletion, and filtering
Develop a Mini Social Media App with CRUD Functionality
Create a mini social media application that implements CRUD operations to reinforce your understanding of the full-stack development process.
Show steps
  • Design a schema for a social media platform
  • Implement user registration, login, and profile management
  • Enable users to create, read, update, and delete posts
Attend a Workshop on Advanced React Techniques
Enhance your React skills by attending a workshop that covers advanced concepts and best practices.
Browse courses on React
Show steps
  • Identify and register for a relevant workshop
  • Attend the workshop and actively participate in discussions
  • Apply the acquired knowledge to your own React projects

Career center

Learners who complete MERN Stack Front To Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Full-Stack Developer
As a Full Stack Developer, you would be responsible for both the front-end and back-end development of web applications. This course can help you build a solid foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for full-stack development. You will learn how to use React for the front-end, Redux for state management, Node.js for the back-end, and MongoDB for data storage. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Full Stack Developer.
Front-End Developer
As a Front End Developer, you would be responsible for the design and development of the user interface of web applications. This course can help you build a strong foundation in React, which is a popular choice for front-end development. You will learn how to use React to create interactive and user-friendly web applications. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Front End Developer.
Back-End Developer
As a Back End Developer, you would be responsible for the development and maintenance of the server-side of web applications. This course can help you build a strong foundation in Node.js, which is a popular choice for back-end development. You will learn how to use Node.js to create RESTful APIs and handle data storage. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Back End Developer.
Software Engineer
As a Software Engineer, you would be responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of software applications. This course can help you build a strong foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for software development. You will learn how to use React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to create scalable and reliable software applications. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Software Engineer.
Web Developer
As a Web Developer, you would be responsible for the development and maintenance of websites. This course can help you build a strong foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for web development. You will learn how to use React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to create interactive and user-friendly websites. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Web Developer.
DevOps Engineer
As a DevOps Engineer, you would be responsible for the development and maintenance of software applications. This course can help you build a strong foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for DevOps. You will learn how to use React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to create scalable and reliable software applications. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful DevOps Engineer.
Data Scientist
As a Data Scientist, you would be responsible for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. This course can help you build a strong foundation in data analysis and visualization. You will learn how to use MongoDB to store and manage data, and how to use React and Redux to create interactive data visualizations. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Data Scientist.
UI/UX Designer
As a UI/UX Designer, you would be responsible for the design and development of the user interface of web applications. This course can help you build a strong foundation in React, which is a popular choice for UI/UX design. You will learn how to use React to create interactive and user-friendly web applications. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful UI/UX Designer.
Product Manager
As a Product Manager, you would be responsible for the development and management of software products. This course can help you build a strong foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for product development. You will learn how to use React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to create scalable and user-friendly software products. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Product Manager.
Database Administrator
As a Database Administrator, you would be responsible for the management and maintenance of databases. This course can help you build a strong foundation in MongoDB, which is a popular choice for database management. You will learn how to use MongoDB to store and manage data, and how to optimize database performance. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Database Administrator.
Technical Writer
As a Technical Writer, you would be responsible for the creation and maintenance of technical documentation. This course can help you build a strong foundation in React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB. You will learn how to use these technologies to create clear and concise technical documentation. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Technical Writer.
Quality Assurance Analyst
As a Quality Assurance Analyst, you would be responsible for testing and evaluating software applications. This course can help you build a strong foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for software development. You will learn how to use React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to test and evaluate software applications. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Quality Assurance Analyst.
Business Analyst
As a Business Analyst, you would be responsible for the analysis and improvement of business processes. This course can help you build a strong foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for business process improvement. You will learn how to use React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to create and improve business processes. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Business Analyst.
Project Manager
As a Project Manager, you would be responsible for the planning, execution, and closure of projects. This course can help you build a strong foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for project management. You will learn how to use React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to plan, execute, and close projects. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Project Manager.
IT Support Specialist
As an IT Support Specialist, you would be responsible for providing technical support to users. This course can help you build a strong foundation in the MERN stack, which is a popular choice for IT support. You will learn how to use React, Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful IT Support Specialist.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in MERN Stack Front To Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js.
Great resource for those who want to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript before diving into React. It covers topics such as data types, functions, and object-oriented programming.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Node.js, a popular JavaScript runtime environment. It covers topics such as Node.js architecture, modules, and networking.
Comprehensive guide to MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. It covers topics such as MongoDB architecture, data modeling, and query optimization.
Will help you learn about the good parts of JavaScript.


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