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Professor William Kuskin

يمكن لبعض أنواع التواصل إحداث تأثير يُبدع عرضًا تقديميًا مميزًا. حتى الخطاب القصير يمكنه أن يُحفز الأشخاص لتغيير المعتقدات التي عافى عليها الزمن أو اتخاذ الخطوات اللازمة، ويمكن أن تؤدي طريقة الحديث الإيجابية إلى تحويل شخص عادي إلى قائد.\n\n في هذه الدورة التدريبية، يقدم البروفيسور ويليام كوسكين سلسلة من الفيديوهات والتمارين العملية لكيفية مخاطبة الجمهور وتقديم العروض التقديمية بصورة ناجحة.

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يمكن لبعض أنواع التواصل إحداث تأثير يُبدع عرضًا تقديميًا مميزًا. حتى الخطاب القصير يمكنه أن يُحفز الأشخاص لتغيير المعتقدات التي عافى عليها الزمن أو اتخاذ الخطوات اللازمة، ويمكن أن تؤدي طريقة الحديث الإيجابية إلى تحويل شخص عادي إلى قائد.\n\n في هذه الدورة التدريبية، يقدم البروفيسور ويليام كوسكين سلسلة من الفيديوهات والتمارين العملية لكيفية مخاطبة الجمهور وتقديم العروض التقديمية بصورة ناجحة.

تتألف الدورة التدريبية من أربعة موضوعات — التحكم في الخوف، وإبداع صيغة عرض مبتكرة، واستخدام اللغة الجسدية والشفهية، وكيفية توقع سريان الأمور في القاعة — بحيث تصبح قادرًا على اكتشاف قوتك الذاتية باعتبارك متحدثًا يستطيع تقديم عروض تقديمية رائعة.

لا تعتمد العروض التقديمية الناجحة على الأسنان الناصعة أو الصوت الجهوري أو العدد الكبير من كاتبي النصوص. ولكن تعتمد بشكل كبير على نفس المهارات اللازمة للكتابة التجارية الناجحة وتصميم الجرافيك ألا وهي: الوضوح وحُسن تصميم العرض والمراجعة المتأنية. ولذلك تستهدف هذه الدورة التدريبية تمكينك من اكتشاف قوتك الداخلية فيما يتعلق بكونك متحدثًا ومن ثَمّ تقديمها للعالم. وبانتهاء هذه الدورة التدريبية، ومن خلال بعض التمارين، ستتمكن من المشاركة في أى فعالية وإدارة القاعة على النحو الذي تريد.

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البدء في مخاطبة الجمهور
يتناول ويليام في هذه الوحدة العنصر الوحيد الذي يجعل من مخاطبة الجمهور أمرًا صعبًا ألا وهو الخوف. وعلى عكس كتابة مذكرة أو تصميم مجموعة شرائح، فإن تقديم خطاب يضعك في مواجهة حقيقية مباشرة أمام الجمهور.يغلب على مخاطبة الجمهور الخوف من الإصدار الفوري للأحكام والرفض الدائم. ومع ذلك، فإن مهارات الكتابة والتصميم هي نفسها مهارات مخاطبة الجمهور والتي هي: الوضوح وحُسن تصميم العرض والمراجعة المتأنية وفوق .كل ذلك القدرة على السرد. يمكنك التغلُّب على خوفك بتطبيق هذه المهارات، لتتمكن من تبوُّء مركز الصدارة بين الجماهير
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شكل العرض التقديمي الناجح
مثل الوحدة الثانية والتي تتناول الكتابة التجارية، فإن هذه الوحدة تركز على الشكل العملي للعروض التقديمية الناجحة. أنشأ ويليام هذا الهيكل التنظيمي ومن ثَمّ قسمه إلى عناصر من وحدات، لذلك يمكن إبداع أكثر العروض التقديمية تعقيدًا بسهولة ومراجعتها بفعالية وتقديمها بثقة. ليس هناك مخطط واحد يتناسب مع جميع الأغراض، وليس هناك مجموعة قواعد صارمة قادرة على إظهار شخصيتك وإطلاق العنان لتألُّقك، ولهذا ذهب ويليام إلى أبعد من تلك المعادلة الأساسية وسيعلمك المُكوِّن الأساسي الذي يُمكِّنك من مخاطبة الجمهور، ألا وهو الإبداع.
درِّب نفسك
جميعنا جلس أمام عروض تقديمية ذات محتوى قوي ولكننا لم نستفد شيئًا. يصبح من الصعب أحيانًا معرفة سبب فشل المتحدث في توصيل رسالته.والسر يكمن في الممارسة. ومع ذلك فإن الممارسة صعبة، لأن أساليب التدريب السيئة ينتج عنها عرض تقديمي ممل، على عكس العرض التقديمي الحماسي والعاطفي والمتمتع بالخبرة الذي تريد تقديمه لجمهورك.في الوحدة الثالثة، يُعيد ويليام من جديد تعريف مفهوم الممارسة على أنها عملية ديناميكية تندمج فيها اللغة الجسدية والشفوية، ومن ثَمّ يعلمك كيفية تركيز لغتك لإظهار أسلوبك المؤثر والحماسي. تتعلم في الوحدة الثالثة كيف يمكن أن تتحكم في حماسك وتنشره وقتما تريد.
اندمج مع العالم
لا خوف بعد الآن. لقد استخدمت الصيغة اللازمة لكتابة خطاب واضح، وقمت بذلك من خلال المُكوِّن السري "الإبداع". لقد تدربت وأتقنت مهارات لغة الجسد ولغة الخطاب لديك. ومع ذلك، فإن قاعة المؤتمرات أو المحاضرات تُعد ساحة لا يمكن التنبؤ بما سيحدث فيها، حيث يمكن أن يحدث بها قدر لا يمكن السيطرة عليه من المتغيرات: مثل تخطيط المكان والمزاج العام للجمهور ومدى تعقيد الأسئلة، فتلك الأسس لا يمكن أبدًا التحضير لها بشكل تام مطلقًا. كيف تصبح مستعدًا للحديث على المسرح؟ تتعلم في آخر وحدة "العروض التقديمية الناجحة" كيفية توقُّع الأمور على المسرح، حتى تكون مرنًا وخفيف الحركة وواثقًا بنفسك.إنها توضح بعبارات بسيطة كيفية التعامل مع المقاطعات وكذلك المواقف الشبيهة بالتصرُّفات العدائية، لتتمكن في نهاية الدورة التدريبية ليس فقط من أن تصبح مخاطبًا للجمهور، بل صاحب شخصية قوية.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Introduces learners to the fear of public speaking, which is a common and understandable fear
Provides learners with a structured framework for organizing and delivering successful presentations
Teaches learners techniques for effective body language and verbal communication
Prepares learners for the unexpected by teaching them how to anticipate and respond to audience questions and reactions

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Reviews summary

Effective presentation skills

This highly-rated course provides a step-by-step method to craft, rehearse, and deliver clear, persuasive presentations. It is a good course for those who want to improve their communication and public speaking skills or learn how to make captivating slide decks.
Learn how to adapt your presentation to different scenarios.
"you learn how to anticipate what can happen on stage, so that you can be flexible, agile, and confident."
Learn clear writing techniques to make presentations and slide decks easy to understand.
"I've learned many, many scientific techniques to master it ."
"you can discover your inner strength as a speaker and deliver stellar presentations."
"You learn in unit three how your enthusiasm can be controlled and unleashed at will."
Learn a repeatable structure to organize complex presentations.
"William has created this organizational framework and broken it up into individual unit pieces, so the most complex presentations can be easily created, practiced effectively, and presented with confidence."
"it is possible to create captivating presentations with ease, rehearse them effectively, and deliver them with confidence."
Learn practice techniques to improve body language and vocal delivery.
"William redefines practice as a dynamic process in which body language and vocal delivery come together, and teaches you to focus your language to reflect your passion and persuasive style."
Learn strategies for fielding tough questions after your presentation.
"it clarifies in simple terms how to deal with interruptions as well as seemingly hostile behaviors, so when you complete the course, you will not only be a speaker, but a strong character."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in (Successful Presentation) العرض التقديمي الناجح with these activities:
Review Public speaking core concepts
Preparing your mind for what's ahead makes learning more effective
Browse courses on Communication
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  • Review basic principles of effective communication
  • Practice delivering a short speech in front of a mirror or with a friend
Review basic storytelling techniques
Preparing your mind for what's ahead makes learning more effective
Browse courses on Storytelling
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  • Read articles or watch videos on basic storytelling techniques
  • Practice telling a short story to a friend or family member
Review public speaking techniques
Start by reviewing previous course notes or by watching online videos on public speaking.
Browse courses on Public Speaking
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  • Identify the types of public speaking
  • Practice delivering a speech
  • Seek feedback from peers or a mentor
Four other activities
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Follow tutorials on crafting a compelling narrative
This will help you gain deeper insights into the elements and techniques of effective storytelling.
Browse courses on Storytelling
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  • Identify reputable online resources offering tutorials on storytelling
  • Watch and engage with the tutorials
  • Apply the techniques in practice
Participate in mock presentations
This will allow you to gain experience and receive feedback on your delivery and content.
Browse courses on Public Speaking
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  • Find opportunities to present in front of an audience
  • Prepare thoroughly for your presentation
  • Deliver your presentation with confidence
Create a video or audio recording of your presentation
This will give you an opportunity to reflect on your performance and identify areas for improvement.
Browse courses on Public Speaking
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  • Decide on the format of your recording
  • Record your presentation
  • Review and assess your recording
Organize a discussion group on public speaking techniques
This will provide a platform for sharing insights, exchanging feedback, and enhancing understanding.
Browse courses on Public Speaking
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  • Invite a group of peers to participate
  • Prepare discussion topics
  • Facilitate the discussion and encourage active participation

Career center

Learners who complete (Successful Presentation) العرض التقديمي الناجح will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Speechwriters craft persuasive and engaging speeches for politicians, business leaders, and other public figures. This course on Successful Presentations would be highly beneficial for aspiring speechwriters. It provides a detailed understanding of the principles of effective communication and persuasion, which are essential skills for writing impactful speeches. The course also covers techniques for structuring a speech, using language effectively, and delivering it with confidence. With its comprehensive approach to the art of public speaking, this course can help speechwriters develop the skills they need to excel in their field.
Public Relations Specialist
Public relations specialists manage the public image of organizations and individuals. This course on Successful Presentations would be valuable for those interested in public relations. It provides a foundation in the principles of effective communication, media relations, and crisis management. The course also covers strategies for building and maintaining positive relationships with key stakeholders. With its emphasis on developing strong communication skills, this course can help public relations specialists enhance their ability to effectively represent their clients and organizations.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers develop and execute marketing campaigns to promote products or services. This course on Successful Presentations would be beneficial for marketing managers. It provides a strong foundation in the principles of marketing communication, including target audience identification, message development, and media selection. The course also covers techniques for measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. With its focus on developing effective communication strategies, this course can help marketing managers enhance their ability to reach and engage their target audiences.
Event Planner
Event planners organize and manage events, such as conferences, weddings, and corporate functions. This course on Successful Presentations would be useful for those interested in event planning. It provides a foundation in the principles of event management, including venue selection, vendor management, and budget planning. The course also covers strategies for promoting an event and managing logistics on-site. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and organizational skills, this course can help event planners enhance their ability to plan and execute successful events.
Sales Representative
Sales representatives sell products or services to businesses or individuals. This course on Successful Presentations would be beneficial for sales representatives. It provides a foundation in the principles of sales communication, including customer relationship management, negotiation, and closing techniques. The course also covers strategies for developing a sales pitch and overcoming objections. With its focus on developing effective communication and persuasion skills, this course can help sales representatives enhance their ability to build relationships with customers and close deals.
Customer Service Representative
Customer service representatives provide assistance to customers with inquiries or complaints. This course on Successful Presentations would be useful for customer service representatives. It provides a foundation in the principles of effective communication, including active listening, empathy, and problem-solving. The course also covers strategies for handling difficult customers and maintaining a positive attitude. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and interpersonal skills, this course can help customer service representatives enhance their ability to resolve customer issues and provide excellent customer service.
Technical Writer
Technical writers create instruction manuals, technical reports, and other documents that explain complex technical information. This course on Successful Presentations would be beneficial for technical writers. It provides a foundation in the principles of technical communication, including audience analysis, information organization, and style. The course also covers strategies for using visuals and writing for different audiences. With its focus on developing clear and effective communication, this course can help technical writers enhance their ability to create user-friendly and informative documentation.
Grant Writer
Grant writers prepare and submit grant proposals to secure funding for projects or organizations. This course on Successful Presentations would be beneficial for grant writers. It provides a foundation in the principles of grant writing, including proposal development, budget preparation, and evaluation. The course also covers strategies for identifying funding opportunities and building relationships with potential funders. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and persuasion skills, this course can help grant writers enhance their ability to write compelling proposals and secure funding for their projects.
Instructional Designer
Instructional designers develop and deliver educational materials and training programs. This course on Successful Presentations would be useful for instructional designers. It provides a foundation in the principles of instructional design, including learner analysis, content development, and evaluation. The course also covers strategies for using technology to enhance learning. With its emphasis on developing effective communication and teaching skills, this course can help instructional designers enhance their ability to create engaging and effective learning experiences.
Human Resources Manager
Human resources managers oversee the human resources function of an organization, including employee recruitment, training, and development. This course on Successful Presentations would be beneficial for human resources managers. It provides a foundation in the principles of human resources management, including workforce planning, performance management, and employee relations. The course also covers strategies for developing and implementing HR policies and programs. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and interpersonal skills, this course can help human resources managers enhance their ability to effectively manage the human resources function.
Journalists gather, analyze, and report on news and current events. This course on Successful Presentations would be useful for journalists. It provides a foundation in the principles of journalism, including newsgathering, interviewing, and writing. The course also covers strategies for using social media and other digital tools to report on the news. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and research skills, this course can help journalists enhance their ability to uncover and report on important stories.
Lawyers advise clients on legal matters and represent them in court. This course on Successful Presentations would be beneficial for lawyers. It provides a foundation in the principles of legal communication, including legal writing, oral advocacy, and negotiation. The course also covers strategies for building a strong case and presenting it effectively in court. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and persuasion skills, this course can help lawyers enhance their ability to represent their clients and achieve successful outcomes.
Politicians hold elected office and make decisions that affect the public. This course on Successful Presentations would be beneficial for politicians. It provides a foundation in the principles of public speaking, including speechwriting, delivery, and persuasion. The course also covers strategies for building a strong political platform and communicating effectively with constituents. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and leadership skills, this course can help politicians enhance their ability to connect with voters and effectively represent their interests.
Teachers instruct students in a variety of academic subjects. This course on Successful Presentations would be useful for teachers. It provides a foundation in the principles of effective teaching, including lesson planning, classroom management, and assessment. The course also covers strategies for using technology to enhance learning. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and interpersonal skills, this course can help teachers enhance their ability to create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students.
Consultants provide advice and expertise to businesses and organizations. This course on Successful Presentations would be beneficial for consultants. It provides a foundation in the principles of consulting, including client relationship management, problem-solving, and proposal writing. The course also covers strategies for building a strong consulting practice and marketing your services. With its emphasis on developing strong communication and persuasion skills, this course can help consultants enhance their ability to win new clients and deliver successful projects.

Reading list

We've selected 13 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in (Successful Presentation) العرض التقديمي الناجح.
Provides insights into the speaking techniques of famous TED speakers. It offers practical tips on how to structure your presentation, engage your audience, and deliver a memorable speech.
Analyzes the presentation style of Steve Jobs, one of the most successful presenters in history. It reveals the techniques he used to connect with his audience and persuade them to believe in his vision.
Provides a comprehensive guide to creating effective presentations. It covers topics such as visual design, storytelling, and audience engagement.
Explores the nature of charisma and provides practical tips on how to develop it. It is helpful for anyone who wants to improve their communication and interpersonal skills.
Challenges the stereotype that introverts are not good at public speaking. It provides insights into the strengths of introverts and offers tips on how they can use their unique qualities to deliver effective presentations.
Provides a step-by-step guide to explaining complex ideas in a clear and concise way. It is helpful for anyone who wants to improve their communication skills and make their presentations more effective.
Comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to improve their presentation skills. It covers topics such as planning, preparation, delivery, and visual aids.
Comprehensive guide to creating effective presentations. It covers topics such as visual design, storytelling, and audience engagement.
Humorous look at the pitfalls of bad presentations. It offers practical tips on how to avoid common mistakes and create presentations that are engaging and effective.
يقدم هذا الكتاب لمحة عامة عن الأخطاء النفسية التي يعاني منها المتحدثون. ويقدم رؤى حول كيفية التغلب على الخوف وبناء الثقة والتواصل مع جمهورك.


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