6. Access to justice and social reintegration
Start Here
In this section, we will identify the objectives, structure, evaluations, and orientation material of the course. We will review the objectives that you will achieve after successfully completing the course; we will share the link to the participant’s guide, a document that we suggest you consult frequently, as it will be your navigation guide for the course; you will identify the way you will be evaluated and you will get to know the instructors of the course and the design team. To finish, we invite you to answer an initial survey.
1. Citizen security as public policy
In this module, we will look at the overall picture of crime and violence in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the relevance of actions taken to prevent them. First, we will establish the extent of crime in the region by comparing international figures, the characteristics of victims and their aggressors, and levels of victimization and insecurity perception. Second, we will look at the most frequent explanations given for crime. Third, we will discuss those strategies for crime control and prevention that have achieved results, those that have failed, and those that are promising.
2. Governance and management
In this module, we will review the concepts of governability, governance, and institutionality and how they work in practice, looking at coordination mechanisms at the national and local levels, and across sectors, and considering the key principles of coordination, transversality, comprehensiveness, and focus.
3. Information and evaluation systems
In this module, we will discuss the relevance of using information for decision-making and citizen security public policy. We will discuss the different types of sources of information and the concepts of diagnostics, monitoring, and evaluation. The different types of indicators used to measure results at the different phases of program implementation will be explained. Characteristics of the different methods for evaluating citizen security programs will be described, along with their suitability and viability.
4. Prevention of youth violence and violence against women
In this module, we will explore the different concepts associated with violence prevention in vulnerable populations, detailing the various groups considered vulnerable. Specifically, we will go into depth on the theories, different approaches, and modalities for addressing and intervening to prevent violence against women and youth crime and violence. For both groups, we will discuss promising experiences and evaluation systems that are appropriate for these types of programs.
5. Police modernization
This module covers international standards and institutional frameworks for access to criminal justice, focusing on vulnerable groups and promising practices in justice access, alternative conflict resolution, restorative justice, and criminal mediation. It also addresses theoretical models and frameworks for the social reintegration of incarcerated individuals, highlighting successful reintegration practices and evaluation systems, including measures of criminal recidivism.
7.1 Final steps