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Pat Parra

It doesn't matter if you've never even thought of learning how to freestyle rap or don't know how to begin rapping, as this step by step program unlocks the freestyle rapping skills you've always had inside of you...

UPDATE: Version 3.0 is out now. The entire freestyle course has been reshot and made to feel even more like a real rap cypher to help you feel prepared to rap in public when you are ready. My friend Dion and I are both here for you on video supporting you as you go through this unique back and forth rap training on video.

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It doesn't matter if you've never even thought of learning how to freestyle rap or don't know how to begin rapping, as this step by step program unlocks the freestyle rapping skills you've always had inside of you...

UPDATE: Version 3.0 is out now. The entire freestyle course has been reshot and made to feel even more like a real rap cypher to help you feel prepared to rap in public when you are ready. My friend Dion and I are both here for you on video supporting you as you go through this unique back and forth rap training on video.

Humbled to be able to say that this course is the number one rap course on Udemy for 3 years in a row and has now helped over 1,627 people start freestyle rapping in less than 10 minutes.

The New Training "Eight Steps To Rapping Like A Pro" has just beed added to this course. This new training will show you how to legally steal the rap skills from a few of your favorite rappers...

Combine them...

And make their rap skills your own.

After going through this new addition, which is an extra half hour of HD video content...

You will be able to rap better whenever you want by going through these steps with the latest top rappers in the world...

Also the course has been reshot and reorganized to help user comprehension and rap flow...

While this course started as just a Freestyle Rapping and Rap Writing Course...

It has now become the only program you need to go from complete beginner to pro level rapper faster than anything else...

Freestyle Rapping is the art of improvising lyrics on the spot. It will help you rap better, perform more confidently, and naturally write amazing rap lyrics.

Freestyle rapping can also help with songwriting for any genre of music, getting in a creative 'flow state', and public speaking.

This class will teach anyone how to freestyle rap within 7 minutes guaranteed.

This course will get you freestyle rapping even if:

  • You have no musical skill
  • You've never rapped before
  • You've tried freestyle rapping and failed
  • You've never even thought of rapping
  • You don't have any rhythm
  • You think you can't do it
  • You've seen and tried everything...

This Freestyle Rapping course is for:

  • Beginners - people who have never freestyle rapped before
  • You if you want to become a dope rapper
  • Fans of Hip Hop and Rap music
  • People who want to learn how to rap better with better flow.
  • People who want to get in touch with a creative flow that helps all creative activity come more naturally...
  • Musicians of any genre looking to get a powerful new songwriting tool that will help them write lyrics and get into a creative flow a lot faster
  • Teachers interested in "tricking" their friends and students into freestyle rapping.

This Program Will Teach You How To Freestyle Rap In Minutes So You Can:

  • Rap better
  • Be a more respected rapper
  • Improve your rap voice
  • Have limitless flow, vocabulary, and subject matter
  • Share your story
  • Inspire others to express themselves too
  • Immediately express whatever you are thinking and feeling
  • Have fun on long car trips with friends
  • Create songs out of thin air whenever you want
  • Turn your surroundings into a rap
  • Improve the ability to think on your toes
  • Build confidence in your voice and rap skills

This Udemy course will teach you how to freestyle rap in less than 10 minutes and then teach you how to write quality song lyrics using your new freestyle rapping skills.

You can also use the simple steps to teach your friends how to rap so you can rap together on long car trips, have rap battles together or just quickly get some "stuff" off your chest...

You can practice freestyle rapping using the included hip hop beats or free rap beat instrumentals found on youtube.

This course is the only proven freestyle method that has a 100% success rate with 100's of students.

I accidentally came up with the 4 step process in college when a girl in my co-op asked how she could start freestyling...

We went through 4 simple small steps to make sure she was successful and it worked...

She ended up freestyle rapping better than I did my first time...

Since then...

I've been teaching college, high school and elementary school students how to rap for over ten years and I'm super excited to finally release this freestyle rap method to the world...

I used the songwriting skills taught in this course to make 100's of hiphop, r&b and rock music songs.

When I was 16 I asked my friend Mark to teach me how to rap and he gave me two golden rules...

1. When starting out don't worry about rhyming


2. Don't stop if you mess up.

These two golden rules and Marks' encouragement got me to start freestyle rapping which led me to writing 100's of songs and opening me up to express myself creatively in all forms.

The truth is, if you can just follow these two rules then you don't need this course.

I've added four more magic steps to these two golden rules, and a lot of advanced rap and songwriting training as a bonus to make it easier for people to start freestyle rapping fast.

And If you would like some extra support to get started and get access to the 4 magic steps that have now taught over 1,247 people how freestyle rap with a 100% success rate...

...then this course is for you.

Freestyle rapping has been such an amazing songwriting tool for me and I credit it for helping me open up to writing folk, guitar, electronic and hip hop songs.

In college, whenever I was feeling down about girls not liking me, my friends and I would just get together around our dj homies (Dj Phatrick) turn tables and start freestyling.

It always helped me laugh at myself and about the situations I got myself into.

There is nothing like the immediate release of emotion that comes with the ability to freestyle rap.

With freestyle rapping the more vulnerable and honest you can be, the more healing and release you will get from the practice.

I went from being a super insecure, severely depressed, sweaty palm nerd, to a confident, friendly and smooth nerd because of freestyle rapping.

Thanks for checking out my course and I sincerely hope it helps you.

What makes these steps unique, is that it allows you to combine the skills of a few of your favorite rappers and add their skills to your own rapping ability.

What's cool about this is that every time you go through these steps with a new rapper you really like, you'll get even better and add even more skills to your rap game.

I've also added the following new videos:

  1. How to find your rap voice
  2. How To Rap Fast
  3. The Importance Of A Rap Alter Ego and Rap Name
  4. And much more advanced training coming soon...

Be sure to take advantage of Udemys new pricing structure while it lasts as this course is normally $297 as new content is added every month.

As long as you buy this how to rap and freestyle pro course today, you won't have to pay more later and you will still get all the updates for life...

You also get to ask me questions inside the course members area and request new content any time you want...

In fact you can even check out the discussions and tips I've been giving my current students in the members area as well.

So the course is very interactive and it helps everyone if you do have any questions.

I look forward to helping you bring out the rap and freestyle skills you've always had inside of you.

And thanks again for checking out his page,


ps. Be sure to take advantage of Udemys new price while it lasts as this course is normally priced $297

pss. This course is guaranteed to get you freestyle rapping and help you rap better or you get 100% of your money back, so all of the risk is on my shoulders to help you get amazing rap skills fast. You risk nothing by learning how to freestyle rap today.

Psss. I look forward to hearing your freestyle raps.

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • You will be able to freestyle rap like a pro
  • You will be able to write amazing lyrics
  • You will know how to rap like a pro
  • You will be able to freestyle rap like a pro without having to practice for years or study 100's of rappers.
  • You will be able to write amazing lyrics intuitively without having to know music theory and without having to study a dictionary.
  • You will be able to freestyle rap for over a minute.
  • You will be able to freestyle rap so you can be a more respected rapper.
  • You will be able to get stuff off your chest immediately with freestyle rapping
  • You will be able to activate a creative flow state with freestyle rapping
  • By the end of the course you will know how to freestyle rap and write lyrics to songs.
  • You will be able to improvise lyrics on the spot.
  • You will gain an awesome songwriting tool to help you get through writers block.
  • You will feel more open creatively
  • Show more
  • Show less


You will learn how best to take this complete rap course in this section. You will also learn how you can download your bonus content.

This is the story about how I got started freestyle rapping. The reason I am teaching this course is because learning how to rap freestyle got me into naturally writing and performing songs in various genres of music. My hope is that this course will help you break through writers block and show you how to use your freestyle rap lines to write your own songs. With the help of this freestyle course you should be able to freestyle songs any time you want.

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New Updated Freestyle Rap training free bonus. Read the lecture for your bonus.

Important update and the keys to success with this full advanced rap program.

By the end of this section you will know how to freestyle rap.

Intro to The Freestyle Rap For All Course. Find the ebook, audio book version, and a few downloadable beats included below....

Materials needed:

1. Something to read (Book, Magazine, Newspaper etc.)

2. An open mind

Here are some extra tips to make sure you are successful with "The Four Magic Steps".

1. Take a deep breath and relax. This stage is all about having fun and getting into a flow state.

2. Remember do NOT skip ahead. The surprise element is key to being successful for your first time. So go in order and let the steps surprise you.

3. These steps may feel simple and even silly but they are very powerful when done in order.

4. For best results, go through these steps every day for two weeks. The first time don't worry about rhyming. After your first time you can start slowly adding more and more rhymes and pushing your skill.

Have Fun!

To start to freestyle you only need one thing before going through 4 step process. It's something you can find in any household.

You can finally get started with the four steps to start freestyle rapping within the next 10 minutes. 3 different ways of taking the course. E-book, Audio Book, or Videos. You choose. Find the E-book and audio book attached along with a few beats to practice with.

Materials you need to get started:

1. An open mind

2. Something to read (any random magazine or book).

Warning: Do not drive while taking this course for the first time. You'll understand why as you go through the course. Later on it will be awesome to drive and freestyle but not your first time going through the lesson.

Step 3: The third step to start freestyle rapping

This is the fourth and final step to get you freestyle rapping for your first time.

In this lecture we're going to talk about how writing raps before learning how to freestyle rap can actually hurt your ability to freestyle. We're also going to give you a simple solution to make sure you are successful at freestyle rapping even if you started out writing raps.

Why This Works: The Psychology Behind The Four Steps

What are the two golden rules two follow when first learning

how to freestyle rap?


A popular question I get is...

How do I know I'm ready for the advanced freestyle rap training?

This video will answer that question and show you what you need to look out for to know that you're ready for the advanced skills. 

You will learn the top 3 advanced freestyle rap skills to make you a better freestyle rapper than most people on the radio
Bonus Challenge 1: Rhyming
Bonus Challenge 2: Fantasy
Bonus Challenge 3: One Breath (Advanced)
Bonus 4: Overview and Combining The Three Main Skills To Be An Awesome Rapper

Quick quiz to find out if you've learned the 3 skills to make you sure you have an advantage over other rapprs.

This section is all about strengthening your confidence in your voice, rap flow and delivery. We will go through a variety of fun repeat after me exercises over hip hop beats to get you more confident

Learn the number 1 skill for sounding like a pro at rapping in this video.

Experience how allowing yourself to experiment with your rap voice to the most extremes will give you complete vocal confidence. 

Learn how to improve your rap flow by experimenting with this simple exercise. 

Melodic Rapping Is The Future (Melody Vocal Exercise)

Learn the importance of recording your rap power vocal exercises to learn how to improve your skills in the fastest way possible. 

You will know how to take rap skills from your favorite rappers and make them your own.

Here is the first rap song I wrote for myself after going through the 3 steps you are going to experience in this program. I first learned to freestyle (step 1), then I learned how to deliver and flow raps like a pro (step 2: "8 Steps To Rapping Like The Pros", then I learned the principles for how to write great rap lyrics using the page splitter method (Step 3: Advanced Lyric Writing Section). My hope is that you will learn how to write, flow and deliver raps as good and better than me after going through this training. 

Step 1: The First Step In "Hijacking" Pro Rap Skills Fast
Step 2: Step Two In Jacking The Rap Skills Of Your Favorite Rappers

Quick quiz on the steps so far to make sure you understand why you're doing each step to rap at a pro level.

Step 3: The Third Step To Rapping Like A Pro
Step 4: The Fourth Step To Rapping Like The Pros
Step 5: Stealing Pro Level Rap Skills
Step 6: Fine Tuning Your Rap Skills
Step 7: Making The Pro Rap Skills Your Own
Step 8: Repeat For Versatility In Your Flows
Recap Of The 8 Steps
How To Rap Fast

In this video I show you a quick example of how you can learn how to rap fast using youtube as your tool.

The 3 Pillars of Great Lyrics Writing and 3 Methods Of Writing Great Rap Lyrics Using Freestyle Rapping

Learn how to write raps by asking yourself three important questions while writing your lyrics and verses.

We will discuss three ways of writing raps to help your flow when delivering your lyrics and to help you break through writers block.

Here we will get deeper into scatting and how you can use it to make sure your raps flow well.

Learn techniques used by Lil Wayne and ASAP Rocky to write your high quality raps using freestyling.

My favorite method is to combine all three rap writing methods to have put out high quality lyrics in your songs. This method will work for any genre of music and will help you write awesome song lyrics.

You should now know three different methods of writing raps to create amazing song lyrics for your songs. These methods will work for any genre of music.

Bonus Pro Rap Tips To Learn How To Rap Faster Without Getting Stuck

In this lecture we're going to discuss how most professional rappers write their raps with scatting. We will go over a couple of examples and then you will be invited to try it out yourself. The practice of scatting also helps to make you more comfortable freestyle rapping.

In this video you will learn how to find your own rap voice and how to improve your rap voice if you are feeling bored with your current rap vocal delivery.

The Importance Of A Rap Alter Ego and Name

You can freestyle rap without ever running out of words to say by following the tips in this video.

This video discusses the best rap app to use to improve your vocal delivery, freestyle skills, and your written raps.

Live RAW And UNCUT Freestyle Rap Class Case Studies

Here is a RAW Uncut video of the full live class freestyle rap class I did at Empire Seven Studios with two random strangers who were walking by my friends art gallery.

Some people may want to watch this to see how complete beginners do with going through the 4 steps for the first time.

You will be able to write lyrics with your new freestyle rapping skills.
Writing Method One: Page Set Up For Great Songs
Writing A Verse Live Using Freestyle Rapping

This bonus lesson was requested by a student who wanted to know the importance of recording down the flows that come to you as they come.

Case Study 1: Color Me
Case Study 2: Blindness
These are a collection of video reviews by current freestyle rap students.

Parth reviews how to freestyle rap, rap like a pro and write great rap lyrics. He also discusses our freestyle rap group and his personal benefits from the program.

Aaron Freestyle Rap Review

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Learn How To Freestyle Rap, Rap Like A Pro, And Write Lyrics with these activities:
Review Rhyme Schemes and Poetic Devices
Strengthen your understanding of rhyme schemes and poetic devices to enhance your lyric writing and freestyle skills.
Show steps
  • Research common rhyme schemes like AABB, ABAB, and ABCB.
  • Identify examples of alliteration, assonance, and consonance in existing rap lyrics.
  • Practice writing short verses using different rhyme schemes and poetic devices.
Review 'The Rhyming Dictionary' by Clement Wood
Expand your rhyming vocabulary and improve your lyric writing by using a rhyming dictionary.
Show steps
  • Familiarize yourself with the organization of the dictionary.
  • Use it to find rhymes for specific words or phrases.
  • Experiment with different types of rhymes, such as perfect rhymes, near rhymes, and slant rhymes.
Review 'How to Rap: The Art and Science of Hip-Hop' by Paul Edwards
Gain a deeper understanding of rap techniques and styles by studying this comprehensive guide.
View How to Rap on Amazon
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on flow and delivery.
  • Analyze the examples provided in the book.
  • Apply the techniques to your own freestyle and lyric writing.
Four other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all seven activities
Freestyle Over Different Beats
Improve your freestyle skills by practicing over a variety of hip-hop beats with different tempos and styles.
Show steps
  • Find instrumental hip-hop beats online.
  • Freestyle for 5-10 minutes over each beat.
  • Record yourself and listen back to identify areas for improvement.
Write and Record a Short Rap Verse
Solidify your lyric writing skills by crafting and recording a short rap verse on a topic of your choice.
Show steps
  • Choose a topic or theme for your verse.
  • Write 16 bars of lyrics, focusing on rhyme, rhythm, and wordplay.
  • Record your verse using a microphone or recording app.
  • Listen back and make any necessary revisions.
Participate in a Rap Cypher
Enhance your freestyle skills and gain confidence by participating in a rap cypher with other rappers.
Show steps
  • Find a local rap cypher or open mic night.
  • Prepare a few freestyle verses or written lyrics.
  • Listen to other rappers and provide constructive feedback.
  • Take turns rapping and engaging with the other participants.
Create a Rap Persona
Develop a unique rap persona to enhance your stage presence and creative expression.
Show steps
  • Choose a rap name and develop a backstory for your persona.
  • Create a distinct style and image for your persona.
  • Write lyrics and freestyle in character as your persona.
  • Practice performing as your persona in front of a mirror or audience.

Career center

Learners who complete Learn How To Freestyle Rap, Rap Like A Pro, And Write Lyrics will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Learn How To Freestyle Rap, Rap Like A Pro, And Write Lyrics.
Comprehensive guide to the art and science of rapping. It covers a wide range of topics, including flow, delivery, wordplay, and storytelling. It features insights from many famous rappers and useful reference for aspiring and experienced rappers alike. It provides a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of rap, complementing the practical exercises in the course.
Comprehensive resource for finding rhymes. It can be a valuable tool for lyric writing, helping you to expand your vocabulary and find creative rhymes. While not essential, it can speed up the lyric writing process and inspire new ideas. It is most useful as a reference tool when you are stuck on a particular rhyme.


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