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Branch and Cut

Branch and Cut, a widely used technique in combinatorial optimization, is an effective way to solve hard optimization problems. Branch and Cut has been used to tackle some of the most complex combinatorial optimization problems, like scheduling and resource allocation, to name a few examples. For these complex problems that involve discrete variables, Branch and Cut provides a way to obtain optimal or near-optimal solutions efficiently.

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Branch and Cut, a widely used technique in combinatorial optimization, is an effective way to solve hard optimization problems. Branch and Cut has been used to tackle some of the most complex combinatorial optimization problems, like scheduling and resource allocation, to name a few examples. For these complex problems that involve discrete variables, Branch and Cut provides a way to obtain optimal or near-optimal solutions efficiently.

What is Branch and Cut

Branch and Cut is an iterative algorithm that alternates between a branching step and a cutting step. In the branching step, Branch and Cut creates new subproblems by branching on a variable. In the cutting step, Branch and Cut adds cutting planes to the formulation to eliminate some of the feasible solutions. This process continues until no more branching or cutting can be performed. Branch and Cut is a powerful technique that can be used to solve a wide variety of combinatorial optimization problems. It is particularly effective for problems that have a large number of feasible solutions.

Why Learn Branch and Cut

Branch and Cut is a valuable technique to learn because it can help you solve a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems. These problems arise in all areas of operations research, including scheduling, logistics, and finance. Branch and Cut is also a powerful tool for solving integer programming problems. Integer programming problems are often used to model real-world problems, such as production planning, network design, and portfolio optimization. Learning Branch and Cut can give you the skills you need to solve these complex problems more effectively.

How Online Courses Can Help You Learn Branch and Cut

There are several online courses that can help you learn Branch and Cut. These courses typically provide an introduction to the basic concepts of Branch and Cut, as well as more advanced topics such as cutting plane generation and branching strategies. Online courses can be a great way to learn Branch and Cut because they offer flexibility and convenience. You can learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. Online courses also provide a great way to connect with other students and learn from experienced instructors.

Careers That Use Branch and Cut

Branch and Cut is used by professionals in a variety of fields, including operations research, logistics, and finance. Some of the careers that use Branch and Cut include:

  • Operations Research Analyst
  • Logistics Manager
  • Financial Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • Management Consultant

These professionals use Branch and Cut to solve a wide range of problems, such as scheduling, logistics, and financial planning.

Tools, Software, and Resources

There are a number of software tools and resources that can be used to implement Branch and Cut algorithms. These tools include:

  • Gurobi
  • SCIP

These tools can be used to solve a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems. They provide a variety of features, such as cutting plane generation, branching strategies, and optimization algorithms.


There are a number of projects that you can pursue to further your learning of Branch and Cut. These projects can involve implementing Branch and Cut algorithms, solving real-world problems, or developing new cutting planes. Some examples of projects include:

  • Implementing a Branch and Cut algorithm in a programming language
  • Solving a real-world problem using Branch and Cut
  • Developing a new cutting plane for a particular problem

These projects can help you gain a deeper understanding of Branch and Cut and its applications.


Branch and Cut is a powerful technique that can be used to solve a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems. Branch and Cut is a valuable technique for anyone who wants to solve complex optimization problems. There are a number of online courses that can help you learn Branch and Cut. These courses can provide you with the skills you need to solve complex problems more effectively. Branch and Cut is used by professionals in a variety of fields, including operations research, logistics, and finance. There are also a number of tools and resources that can be used to implement Branch and Cut algorithms.


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Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Branch and Cut.
This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of integer programming and combinatorial optimization, including a detailed discussion of branch-and-cut algorithms.
This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of combinatorial optimization topics, including branch-and-cut algorithms, approximation algorithms, and network flows.
This specialized book focuses on the theory and applications of cutting planes in integer programming, which are an essential component of branch-and-cut algorithms.
This advanced textbook provides a comprehensive overview of polyhedral combinatorics, which is the mathematical foundation for cutting planes and branch-and-cut algorithms.
This advanced textbook provides a deep dive into the mathematical foundations of polyhedral combinatorics and integer programming, which are closely related to branch-and-cut algorithms.
This textbook introduces approximation algorithms, which can be used to find good solutions to NP-hard optimization problems, including combinatorial optimization problems that can be solved using branch-and-cut algorithms.
Focuses on the traveling salesman problem, which classic combinatorial optimization problem that can be solved using branch-and-cut algorithms.
This introductory textbook provides a basic overview of integer programming, including a brief discussion of branch-and-cut algorithms.
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