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Digital Transformation for Leaders

Save For Later

Digital transformation is an ongoing force in business today. But what is it exactly and how can leaders navigate it? In this learning path, business leaders can understand the larger context for this massive change and strategy effort, begin to see where their company lies along the continuum, and discover how best to navigate through the complex terrain long term. This path complements the

In this learning path,

  • Understand the essentials of digital transformation.
  • Identify where your company is along the continuum of digital transformation.
  • Discover what you need to do to bring your organization up to speed.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 10
Instructors Peter High, John Mancini, Gary Bolles, Anil Gupta, Anil Gupta, Haiyan Wang, Haiyan Wang, Charlene Li, Brad Cleveland, Phil Gold, Chris DallaVilla
Language English
Subjects Business IT & Networking Data Science Personal Development

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Transformation Coach $38k

School Transformation Facilitator $53k

Transformation Specialist $70k

District Transformation Leader $76k

Senior Accountant/Transformation $82k

IT Strategy and Transformation Analyst $101k

Digital Transformation - Program Manager $120k

HR Transformation Consultant $133k

Data Transformation Analyst 3 $137k

Transformation Project Leader $141k

ERP Business Transformation $164k

Finance Transformation $165k

Courses in this Learning Path

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 10
Instructors Peter High, John Mancini, Gary Bolles, Anil Gupta, Anil Gupta, Haiyan Wang, Haiyan Wang, Charlene Li, Brad Cleveland, Phil Gold, Chris DallaVilla
Language English
Subjects Business IT & Networking Data Science Personal Development


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Transformation Coach $38k

School Transformation Facilitator $53k

Transformation Specialist $70k

District Transformation Leader $76k

Senior Accountant/Transformation $82k

IT Strategy and Transformation Analyst $101k

Digital Transformation - Program Manager $120k

HR Transformation Consultant $133k

Data Transformation Analyst 3 $137k

Transformation Project Leader $141k

ERP Business Transformation $164k

Finance Transformation $165k

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