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Healthcare Organization Operations

Save For Later

Healthcare Foundations for Administrative Careers

The healthcare tetralogy specialization is intended for anyone interested in healthcare organization as practiced in the United States. A range of healthcare organizations are discussed (e.g., medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and public health). The specialization is particularly useful to anyone working in the healthcare industry who either has: 1) a developing interest in the issues important to the administration of healthcare organization operations; or 2) some expertise, but wishes an overview or refresher of the issues. However, those who do not work in the healthcare industry, but who interact with healthcare organizations of any type as patients/consumers will also find the specialization informative. Through the four courses in the specialization, you will cover many aspects of healthcare organization operations including the relationship between healthcare organizations and the health system as well as health care delivery, business process management, and quality improvement within healthcare organizations. Upon completion of the specialization, those who interact with healthcare organizations as patients/consumers will have a better understanding of the issues involved in the effective administration of healthcare organizations and operations. Those working in the healthcare industry, upon completion of the specialization, will be better able to contribute to the effective administration of the healthcare organization’s operations.

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From Rutgers the State University of New Jersey via Coursera
Hours 4
Instructor Margaret Kilduff, Ph.D.
Language English
Subjects Science Business

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Freelance Healthcare $35k

Healthcare Trainee $39k

Healthcare Collector $39k

Healthcare IT administrator $51k

Healthcare Lender $64k

Healthcare 4 $69k

Healthcare Facilitator $80k

Analyst, Healthcare $87k

Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor of Management and Organizations $104k

Healthcare IT $105k

Program Manager, Accountable Care Organizations $122k

Senior Program Manager, Accountable Care Organizations $150k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Healthcare Organizations and the Health System

Have you ever been in a healthcare waiting room and thought about how the organization could be more efficient? For example, have you found yourself thinking about how to reduce...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Health Care Delivery in Healthcare Organizations

Have you ever needed health care and thought that there must be better ways to get or deliver health care? For example, have you found yourself thinking that there should be a way...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Business Process Management in Healthcare Organizations

Have you ever needed to resolve a billing or other issue with a healthcare organization and thought that there must be a better, more efficient, and more customer-friendly way to...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey



Quality Improvement in Healthcare Organizations

Have you ever though that healthcare quality could be improved - either where you get health care treatment or where you delivery health care? Have you ever thought that there...

Coursera | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey




Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

From Rutgers the State University of New Jersey via Coursera
Hours 4
Instructor Margaret Kilduff, Ph.D.
Language English
Subjects Science Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Freelance Healthcare $35k

Healthcare Trainee $39k

Healthcare Collector $39k

Healthcare IT administrator $51k

Healthcare Lender $64k

Healthcare 4 $69k

Healthcare Facilitator $80k

Analyst, Healthcare $87k

Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor of Management and Organizations $104k

Healthcare IT $105k

Program Manager, Accountable Care Organizations $122k

Senior Program Manager, Accountable Care Organizations $150k

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