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Become a WordPress Developer

Unlock the full power of WordPress and go beyond "just a blog platform" by learning how to code completely custom WordPress powered sites.

Updated for 2019: A new 3 part lesson on coding our own custom block type for the new "Gutenberg" Block Editor in WordPress.

I've spent the last 12 years studying WordPress, PHP, and JavaScript and now I'm here to teach you everything I know. Come along on this journey with me and become a WordPress developer.

Together we will build a website for a fictional university and along the way we will:

  • Install WordPress on your personal computer so you have a private playground copy of WordPress to practice and experiment with

  • Get introduced to the PHP language (this is what powers WordPress)

  • Set Up a New Theme (You'll learn how to convert any HTML template into a living breathing WordPress theme)

  • Create Custom Post Types and Custom Fields

  • Relate pieces of content with each other (e.g. a professor and a program)

  • Learn the basics of (object-oriented) JavaScript

  • Leverage the

This course may be brand new, but this isn’t my first time teaching. I’ve led training sessions for Fortune 500 companies and I’ve already helped over 17,000 people on Udemy and received the following feedback:

"Brad definitely has some of the best techniques to embed the lesson into your mind… hands down these are the best tutorials I have had the opportunity to view."

"Presentation is concise without being tedious… you honestly feel that you have a thorough understanding of the subject."

"…[Brad] explained the process. Not memorize this or that, he explained the process. If you're looking to take a course to understand the foundations of creating websites, look no further."

Become highly valuable and relevant to the companies that are hiring WordPress developers; in one convenient place alongside one instructor. If you're ready to begin coding custom websites - I'll see you on the inside.

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Rating 4.6 based on 1,998 ratings
Length 35.5 total hours
Starts On Demand (Start anytime)
Cost $12
From Udemy
Instructor Brad Schiff
Download Videos Only via the Udemy mobile app
Language English
Tags Web Development Development

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What people are saying

step by step

Brad implements a feature or function an enhances it together with you step by step.

I also found that can work good as a reference cause he is showing step by step.

you will be guided so good step by step.

Very well explained and is a step by step process.

It doesn't assume knowledge but takes you step by step.

Step by step.

Everything is explained step by step ... thank you!

AWESOME cause it goes step by step, it does not assume I know anything.

Very easy to follow step by step very useful !

This course showed me step by step how to build a complete custom Wordpress website.

I was also impressed by how the sections were built up step by step, starting with what we already knew and the simple code we had already written, and then introducing new methods and revealing how it all came together into the more complex code that performed the more complex tasks.

Easy to understand and follow step by step.

you will understand everything even if you are a beginner because of the way the instructor teaches you "step by step from the basics to the depth" , his language is very clear and understood , and he is also direct to the point , he doesn't waste time showing you useless details , by a practical way the instructor teaches you how to build a Wordpress theme from scratch !

Excellent step by step instructions and explanations.. Great learning experience.

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so far so good

So far so good, learning A LOT.

I'm following the course with that in mind and, so far so good, haven't had a need to post any questions.

So far so good.

So far so good!

Очень интересно ) смотрится на одном дыхании ) Спасибо So far so good easy to follow It’s good so far.

On chapter 2, so far so good.

so far so good, the teaching is good and your explanations of the concepts are easy to crasp Easy to understand so far so exciting!

so far so good Damn... Brad you are an exceptional instructor.

Cheers Very good instructor So far so good.

So far so good Teacher is moving at a nice pace, and the language he uses is intelligent but easy to understand Very good explanation Good structure, clear voice, step by step, amazing content!

So far so good, just started!

so far so good This is exactly what I was looking for!

Great started in youtube hooked on this teaching style thank you sir So far so good..

So far so good Excellent course so far and I am learning lots The tutor is excellent so far, you can hear his passion and he has a nice delivery.

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looking forward

Looking forward to taking more of his work.

You have helped me build a website securing my future in my field and make a name for my self,I'm looking forward to buy all of your courses cuz dude you are awesome, you changed my life, thank you.

I am a retired programmer who worked with PHP and JavaScript before, but am looking forward to seeing how to use these in WordPress.

Looking forward to having this sink in!

Looking forward to learning!

And I am looking forward to learning this and creating a awesome custom website for my business!

Thanks Brad for a fantastic course, I'm looking forward to the Javascript course coming in 2019.

Learning a lot, and looking forward to learning more.

Brad, you surely are a born teacher, bud, keep on the great work and I'm surely looking forward to having more courses with you!

If a course is being considered in the future, I am looking forward to a follow up course on Gutenberg and WordPress.

), looking forward to it!

Looking forward learning from you in the next courses!

More than that, the workflow that Brad introduced has really helped me step up my game, and I am looking forward to continuing on in his other course to learn more about Git and how to set up a workflow to really let my projects take off.

Looking forward to your next course!

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highly recommend this course

I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in diving into WordPress development.

I would highly recommend this course to anybody wanting to get into WordPress theme development.

Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone that desires developing WordPress themes.

Very highly recommend this course.

For anyone who considers himself or herself a beginner in this topic, or perhaps even someone intermediate, I highly recommend this course!

I highly recommend this course!!

I highly recommend this course.

With no doubt this is the best Wordpress course, has exceeded my expectations, Brad is a great professor and very knowledgeable about Wordpress and Web Development in General, I highly recommend this course if you know HTML and CSS, because the course is focus in Wordpress and Jquery.

I highly recommend this course for anyone getting started with WordPress development.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone who knows a little PHP and JavaScript Brad effectively uses his charming and witty demeanor to turn a subject that can seem tedious & challenging into a treat.

I highly recommend this course!

I'm not sure I've ever had this much fun taking a course, so with all that I've said above, I'd highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to grow their WP theme dev skills.

I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn how to create Wordpress websites using code.

I feel very comfortable saying that I would highly recommend this course if you want to learn WordPress and how to create your own custom themes.

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rest api

I especially enjoyed the Rest API sections of the course and hope to take Brad's advice and learn one of the modern JS libraries like Angular or React to make a front end for WP I pretty much base my learning around what Brad is teaching, I have so many lightbulb moments on things I thought I already knew pretty well.

learning about using the wp rest api is just what I needed!

The rest api (json) changed the way I think about web dev.

I particularly enjoyed the sections on automated workflow, Gulp, Virtualbox and Vagrant , building custom REST API's, Post type relationships and Deployment.

i like the experience of learning with his tutorial and looking forward to his new javascript tutorial it's very beginning of the course, and i think it may be get just better and better : ) It is a very very good course that includes a lot of coding, and an indepth presentation of REST API a modern faature of wp.

My main intent was actually getting to understand the WordPress flavor of the REST API, and that was covered well.

I'm taking this course to fill in any gaps in my knowledge and learn some of the more advanced development techniques with the Wordpress Rest API.

Learning about the WordPress Rest API has opened my eyes to new possibilities.

So much good WordPress knowledge here and forward looking with REST API!

Learned a lot from this course, especially about wp rest api.

what i really liked about this course that now we have a perfect way to know how wordpress is working how wordpress rest api works and how to handle it , but in the same time there is some topic i really wanted the author to cover.

It teaches not only pop and wordpress, but also javaScript, and REST API.

I'm not able to work on more difficult tasks that require JavaScript, REST API, etc.

He goes into modern Javascript and advanced topics like REST API.

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local by flywheel

I had some issues during local by flywheel installation and it will be a good practice to say hardware requirement are needed to I really really like this guy so far.

I am just starting this course and installing local by flywheel is new to me.

Just getting started, decided that I would switch to local by flywheel after many years of using xampp.

I did have some trouble installing Local by Flywheel because of my anti-virus and vpn.

But, on this course, there are some details that are left out... for someone novice like me, that's a big deal, and I had to search (google) which took time that I could have used to proceed with the lesson (like the Wordpress user, Wordpress password, and Wordpress email address for local by flywheel...

If you do this course, just install local by flywheel, the VV method is not explained well enough for it to be a viable option.

非常仔細的教學,尤其是特別開一堂課教安裝及設定「Virtulbox&Vagrant」,感恩!! 我的Wacom平板電腦系統中因為沒有VT-X/AMD-x,所以無法安裝「Local by Flywheel」。我花了一整晚爬文找影片都沒有找到解決問題的方法,最後只好嘗試看看安裝「Virtulbox&Vagrant」,竟然裝成功了!! 但是我又要重新爬文找影片來學如何設定「Virtulbox&Vagrant」,後來想說還是先將這堂課聽完再繼續爬文,沒想到講師竟然已經安排好了下堂課專門來教安裝及設定「Virtulbox&Vagrant」,真是非常感謝!! For now, it's simply the best course I've followed here on Udemy: the teacher is great, explains very well and in a way that keeps me interested.

Really enjoying the course helps me get a better understanding of wordpress over all love the look of local by flywheel.. well explained comprehensible and so far an interesting course.

I love that you are using local by flywheel.

I have a lot of issues already with the software being used for examples and demonstration "Local by Flywheel".

Local by Flywheel is great!

The presentation is very good and clear, but its a bit of a pain that local by flywheel is not available for Linux .

Great explanation Local by Flywheel is amazing!

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custom post types

A lot of the course was spent on coding complicated repetitive things with very unclear practical value, like all the different custom post types.

I signed up due that the course covers a lot of information on theme development, custom post types, custom fields.

You also get a good insight on how Wordpress is structured and creating custom post types.

Starting with only a HTML/CSS template and with very few plugins build a custom theme with custom post types and javascript to add interactive controls and access the REST API plus much more.

Custom post types, Google map, User roles and permission was the most fun parts & pieces of cake.

The course has provided me with a deep understanding of how the backend of Wordpress hangs together, and has fantastic examples of powerful features – such as Custom Post Types, Custom Queries, REST API use and Custom REST API creation.

I mainly bought this course to learn custom post types and their relationships but this course gone beyond my expectations.

extending the REST API) Some duplicate steps, like creating the different custom post types could be done as assignments to the users.

last thing i want to say for people who will take this course: if you want to know a lot about wordpress features and how to create custom post types that course is for you , but if you want to know how to use plugins and you are expecting that you will be able to use any plugin in your website or know how to add any feature to your website that is not that course you are looking for.

Great to learn what the actual use is for mu-plugins & why you want to add the php code for custom post types there Very helpful course... Amazing tutorial, I really enjoy all your course BRAD, you are really a TALENTED TEACHER.

I learned about creating custom queries and making custom post types.

Instructor is very easy to understand and is keeps my motivation going to keep learning I've done enough Wordpress dev to need to go through the first half of the course but purchased this so that I could get a handle on custom post types.

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real world

Looks like the author certainly has good experience as all the topics are directly relevant in the real world.

Brad is an amazing teacher i have bought his other courses and i'm actually understanding coding MUCH EASIER, I like the way he incorporates his lessons to real world applications.

So practical, so applicable to the real world that is not even describable.

Although it is not possible to memorize every single detail and function used, it teaches the workflow and thought patterns to apply in any real world website development.

The instructor REALLY knows what he is talking about and explains things in real world terms in real world situations.

One of the only few advanced wordpress courses I have found that is actually applicable to the real world.

As a WordPress developer myself, I learned a lot of stuff that I can now use in real world projects.

He teaches by doing and giving real world examples for you to follow along.

I thought Brad's approach to introduce the lessons in a way you would attack a real world problem was awesome.

The course is rich in detail and contains a lot of valuable information that can be used for a real world project right from the start.

The teaching is very clear, easy going, real world applicable this rate i won't stop,this guy is a master at what he does This is the third course that I bought from Brad and it did not disappoint me.

Finaly i found good teacher, who explain every detail very good Nice and simple, This is exactly what I was looking for Very good overview and real world examples Great and interesting course... For beginners just as much as for people not entirely new to programming.

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highly recommended


using FacetWP or Isotope.js, jQuery sortable with linked columns, multistep pages etc Highly recommended!

Highly recommended.

Highly recommended Everything was just fine, but when I began with the jquery section, I was stuck and I could not continue with that part Very clear and well paced.

Highly recommended!

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web developer job

Great lecturer, although I knew that already from his GIT a Web Developer Job course.

It makes a really good companion to Brad's "Git a Web Developer Job" course.

I took Brad's course "Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow" and it was a lot of fun.

I am also enrolled in his "Git a Web Developer Job" and I highly recommend both.

Well explained I actually have purchased this course without thinking cause Brad is such an amazing instructor - but it turned out I never get enough time to finish it cause I got a job after completing his other course "Git a web developer job"... lol Amazing content as always!

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takes his time

The instructor takes his time to explain everything and repeats past concepts which helps to remember during the course since Wordpress is a big subject.

Brad takes his time (but not too much) in outlining and explaining new concepts in a very easily understood format.

Brad is a great instructor, he takes his time and explains everything so clearly...I'm looking for other courses that he teaches...amazing As the course runs, the author solves the doubts and questions that I have as a learner, and that helps the learning experience flow I am a very experienced instructional designer and Computer Science teacher and your instructor for this course is a total pro.

He takes his time to carefully and clearly explain each step.

Very clear, easy to follow even cross platform The instructor is very detailed and takes his time explaining what could be a complicated topic!

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google maps

The part that doesn't work for a lot of people that take the course is the Google Maps portion.

The first thing Mr Schiff should have done is to make it very clear that there is a Google Maps API issue that isn't mentioned until lesson 47.

(2) Google maps.

Some of the content is out dated... Google maps does not work the same as it does in the lectures and it prevents the student from being able to do much of the remaining practice work for the campuses section.

Also the entire section 12 is problematic because of the big changes on the google maps api.

As the Google API is no longer free to use these lessons are moot unless you sign up for a Google Maps trial.

Improvement points: - Google Maps API Nowadays getting an API key for Google Maps requires setting up a billing account and provide credit-card data.

Some information is also slightly outdated, for example Google Maps now require your credit card information if you want to use it on your website even for a practice.

Needs updating for google maps.

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile.

Power Production Technician $43k

Power System Sales $68k

power delivery $74k

Data Power $74k

Power Analyst $82k

Full Member $84k

Power Electronics Engineer 2 3 $85k

Instrumentation/Power Engineer $88k

Power Engineer 2 $93k

Critical Power $102k

Electrical Engineer-Power Systems (LNG Power Plant) $106k

Nuclear Power $110k

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Rating 4.6 based on 1,998 ratings
Length 35.5 total hours
Starts On Demand (Start anytime)
Cost $12
From Udemy
Instructor Brad Schiff
Download Videos Only via the Udemy mobile app
Language English
Tags Web Development Development

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