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Animals and Society

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Animals matter for human existence in so many ways that it is difficult to imagine the entity we call “society” without them. They figure heavily in our language, food, clothing, family structure, economy, education, entertainment, science, recreation, and other areas of social life. In this specialization, we will investigate a range of topics, many of them controversial. Although this is a sociology course, the field of human-animal studies is interdisciplinary. Many of the suggested readings come from fields outside of sociology, but this specialization emphasizes their sociological relevance throughout each course.

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From University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera
Hours 56
Instructor Leslie Irvine
Language English
Subjects Social Sciences Art & Design Humanities

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Wealth Management and Retirement Subject Matter Advisor Consultant $78k

Field Service Veterinarian, Companion Animals $100k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Animals, Self, and Society

This course explores how animals and people are situated within the web of structures and connections known as “society.” Module 1 considers some of the key symbolic roles that...

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder



Animals and Institutions (You were viewing this course)

This course explores animals within the context of the functional relationships that sociologists call “institutions.” We first examine the use of animals in laboratory science....

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder



The Changing Status and Perception of Animals

In this course, we explore how mainstream understandings of animals and human-animal relationships have changed in recent years. Module 1 focuses on the roles of animals in human...

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder




University of Colorado Boulder

From University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera
Hours 56
Instructor Leslie Irvine
Language English
Subjects Social Sciences Art & Design Humanities


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Subject Matter Specialist (PP&E) $51k

Regulatory, Economics, & Environment Subject Matter Experts $69k

Hadoop Subject Matter Specialist $75k

Wealth Management and Retirement Subject Matter Advisor Consultant $78k

Field Service Veterinarian, Companion Animals $100k

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