Save For Later

Agile Development

Save For Later

Drive to Value with Agile Methods

In this Specialization, you'll gain an understanding and appreciation of the principles and practice of agile management. You'll learn to coordinate all aspects of the agile development process, including running design sprints, managing teams, and fostering a culture of experimentation. In the final Capstone Project, you'll apply what you've learned to guide a real-world software development project to successful completion. UVA Darden

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From University of Virginia via Coursera
Hours 128
Instructor Alex Cowan
Language English
Subjects Programming Art & Design Business

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Coordinator, GAIN Program $61k

Senior Certified Health Coach/Gain Health Lose Weight $66k

Java Developer/Gain and Loss $74k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Agile Meets Design Thinking (You were viewing this course)

Despite everyone's good intentions, hard work and solid ideas, too many teams end up creating products that no one wants, no one can use, and no one buys. But it doesn't have to...

Coursera | University of Virginia



Running Product Design Sprints

Typically, clients and managers don't want to pay for design (or strategy) -- they want ‘results’! Too often, this leads to solutions that just don’t make sense and aren’t...

Coursera | University of Virginia



Managing an Agile Team

While agile has become the de facto standard for managing digital innovation teams, many wonder if they’re doing it ‘right’. Twitter is full of jokes about how teams say they do...

Coursera | University of Virginia



Hypothesis-Driven Development

To deliver agile outcomes, you have to do more than implement agile processes- you have to create focus around what matters to your user and constantly test your ideas. This is...

Coursera | University of Virginia



Agile Development in Practice (Project-centered Course)

This project-centered course provides a guided opportunity for you to practice your agile development skills. Using the venture design process that frames the four courses in this...

Coursera | University of Virginia




University of Virginia

From University of Virginia via Coursera
Hours 128
Instructor Alex Cowan
Language English
Subjects Programming Art & Design Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Coordinator, GAIN Program $61k

Senior Certified Health Coach/Gain Health Lose Weight $66k

Java Developer/Gain and Loss $74k

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