Save For Later

Improve Your Web Design Coding Skills

Save For Later

Take your web design skills to the next level by exploring the fundamentals of web code, and learn how to build your beautiful designs into reality.

In this learning path,

  • Learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS to build modern web experiences.
  • Expand the interactivity of your designs with JavaScript and modern front-end development.
  • Explore modern web coding best practices.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 31
Instructors James Williamson, Christina Truong, Joe Chellman, Ray Villalobos, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Justin Schwartzenberger
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Adjunct Faculty - Modern Languages View $14k

Freelance Columnist - Modern Southern Belle $28k

Supervisor Adjunct Professor, Department of Modern Languages $37k

Columnist - Modern Southern Belle $38k

Modern Language Teacher $53k

Onassis Lecturer of Modern Greek $53k

Simonson Modern Jazz Instructor $60k

Account Executive - Modern Marketing $76k

Assistant Adjunct Modern Dance Instructor $82k

Assistant Professor, Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages $106k

Associate Adjunct Professor, Department of Modern Languages $111k

Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures $115k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Web Development Foundations: Web Technologies

You use it every day, for banking, researching, shopping, and social media, but do you really know how the web works? In this course, author James Williamson introduces the...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

HTML Essential Training

HTML is the programming language that powers the web. And like any language, once you master it, you can begin to create your own content, whether that's simple websites or...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training 1

CSS is a stylesheet language that allows you to control the appearance of your webpages. In this hands-on course—the first installment in an ongoing series—Christina Truong...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training 2

Once you're familiar with the basics of CSS, you're ready to expand your skillset and tackle more challenging concepts. In this course—the second installment in a series—bolster...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language that allows you to control the appearance of your webpages. In this hands-on course, Christina Truong demonstrates the...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

JavaScript for Web Designers

Web designers can improve their skill sets and job prospects by getting comfortable with JavaScript. It's the only scripting language for client-side programming—for doing things...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

JavaScript: Enhancing the DOM

The Document Object Model (DOM) is at the core of every HTML page. In order to develop dynamic HTML pages, a front-end developer needs to understand how JavaScript connects to and...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

JavaScript Essential Training

JavaScript is a scripting language of the web. As the web evolves from a static to a dynamic environment, technology focus is shifting from static markup and styling—frequently...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Angular Essential Training

Angular was designed by Google to address challenges programmers face building complex, single-page applications. This JavaScript framework takes care of the back end so you can...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 31
Instructors James Williamson, Christina Truong, Joe Chellman, Ray Villalobos, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Justin Schwartzenberger
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Adjunct Faculty - Modern Languages View $14k

Freelance Columnist - Modern Southern Belle $28k

Supervisor Adjunct Professor, Department of Modern Languages $37k

Columnist - Modern Southern Belle $38k

Modern Language Teacher $53k

Onassis Lecturer of Modern Greek $53k

Simonson Modern Jazz Instructor $60k

Account Executive - Modern Marketing $76k

Assistant Adjunct Modern Dance Instructor $82k

Assistant Professor, Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages $106k

Associate Adjunct Professor, Department of Modern Languages $111k

Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures $115k

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