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Become a React Native Developer

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React Native lets you apply your web development skills to create native iOS and Android apps. While React Native helps you cross the web/native boundary, there's a lot of detail that differs from traditional web development approaches. Learn key techniques for creating efficient React Native apps.

In this learning path,

  • Move from React web development to React Native development.
  • Create attractive, native-looking apps for iOS and Android.
  • Grow beyond React Native itself to incorporate other tools.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 16
Instructors Alex Banks, Samer Buna, Emmanuel Henri, Linton Ye
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Coordinator, Content Strategy, Native $44k

Admissions Counselor / Native American Liaison $48k

Native English Instructor $50k

Android native $54k

High School Native Language Tutor $57k

React JS & Node JS Developer $60k

Native American Studies Instructor $65k

Node/React Developer $69k

Assistant Native Teacher Program/Grant Coordinator/Instructor $71k

Assistant Native American Outreach Coordinator $73k

React Js Developer (React Exp is Mandatory) $76k

Professor of Speech communications/Accent Reduction for non-native speakers $111k

Courses in this Learning Path

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Starts Course Information

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Learning React Native

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React Native Ecosystem and Workflow

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Building Material Design Apps on Android with React Native (You were viewing this course)

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 16
Instructors Alex Banks, Samer Buna, Emmanuel Henri, Linton Ye
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Coordinator, Content Strategy, Native $44k

Admissions Counselor / Native American Liaison $48k

Native English Instructor $50k

Android native $54k

High School Native Language Tutor $57k

React JS & Node JS Developer $60k

Native American Studies Instructor $65k

Node/React Developer $69k

Assistant Native Teacher Program/Grant Coordinator/Instructor $71k

Assistant Native American Outreach Coordinator $73k

React Js Developer (React Exp is Mandatory) $76k

Professor of Speech communications/Accent Reduction for non-native speakers $111k

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