Save For Later

Become a Web Developer

Save For Later

Kick-start your career building powerful and attractive apps and sites. This learning path will provide you with the foundational skills you need to begin mastering the core technologies to become a web developer, from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and much more!

  • Create pages, sites, and applications people will want to find and explore.
  • Build interfaces users will enjoy.
  • Support interaction with users and the network by adding logic.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 36
Instructors James Williamson, Carrie Dils, Christina Truong, Simon Allardice, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Ray Villalobos, Kevin Skoglund
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Building Coordinator 2 $30k

Career Counselor, Career Connections $59k

Career Counselor, Career Services $63k

Building Official 1 2 $64k

Building Inspector 1 2 $65k

Building Inspector 1 2 3 $68k

Building Material $70k

Building Inspector 4 $74k

Building Cleaner $75k

Building Scientist $84k

In - building PM $104k

In Building Engineer $109k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

HTML Essential Training

HTML is the programming language that powers the web. And like any language, once you master it, you can begin to create your own content, whether that's simple websites or...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Introduction to CSS (You were viewing this course)

Once you have learned the basics of HTML, it's time to start exploring Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the language that makes HTML look great in the browser. This course gives you...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training 1

CSS is a stylesheet language that allows you to control the appearance of your webpages. In this hands-on course—the first installment in an ongoing series—Christina Truong...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training 2

Once you're familiar with the basics of CSS, you're ready to expand your skillset and tackle more challenging concepts. In this course—the second installment in a series—bolster...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language that allows you to control the appearance of your webpages. In this hands-on course, Christina Truong demonstrates the...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Programming Foundations: Fundamentals

This course provides the core knowledge to begin programming in any language. Simon Allardice uses JavaScript to explore the core syntax of a programming language, and shows how...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

JavaScript Essential Training

JavaScript is a scripting language of the web. As the web evolves from a static to a dynamic environment, technology focus is shifting from static markup and styling—frequently...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Web Development Foundations: Full-Stack vs Front-End

Do you want to become a web developer? Nowadays, web development isn't one job. There is a range of technologies and career options to explore. The core responsibilities are split...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Git Essential Training

The course shows how to use Git, the popular open-source version control software, to manage changes to source code and text files. Using a step-by-step approach, author Kevin...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Workflow Tools for Web Developers

Web developers don't have to do everything by hand. There are many tools and frameworks that can make your workflow more productive and efficient—helping you code faster and...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 36
Instructors James Williamson, Carrie Dils, Christina Truong, Simon Allardice, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Ray Villalobos, Kevin Skoglund
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Building Coordinator 2 $30k

Career Counselor, Career Connections $59k

Career Counselor, Career Services $63k

Building Official 1 2 $64k

Building Inspector 1 2 $65k

Building Inspector 1 2 3 $68k

Building Material $70k

Building Inspector 4 $74k

Building Cleaner $75k

Building Scientist $84k

In - building PM $104k

In Building Engineer $109k

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