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Machine Learning on Google Cloud

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Learn machine learning with Google Cloud

What is machine learning, and what kinds of problems can it solve? How can you build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale without writing a single line of code? When should you use automated machine learning or custom training? This course teaches you how to build Vertex AI AutoML models without writing a single line of code; build BigQuery ML models knowing basic SQL; create Vertex AI custom training jobs you deploy using containers (with little knowledge of Docker); use Feature Store for data management and governance; use feature engineering for model improvement; determine the appropriate data preprocessing options for your use case; use Vertex Vizier hyperparameter tuning to incorporate the right mix of parameters that yields accurate, generalized models and knowledge of the theory to solve specific types of ML problems, write distributed ML models that scale in TensorFlow; and leverage best practices to implement machine learning on Google Cloud. > By enrolling in this specialization you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <

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From Saint Petersburg State University, Google Cloud, National Research Tomsk State University via Coursera
Hours 153
Instructors Alla L Lapidus, Павел Добрынин, Екатерина Черняева, Михаил Райко, Николай Вяххи, Google Cloud Training, Mikhail Rayko, Нина Александровна Агапова (Nina A. Agapova), Нина Александровна Агапова
Language Russian, English
Subjects Science Data Science Programming IT & Networking Languages

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Feature Engineering

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Machine Learning in the Enterprise (You were viewing this course)

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Coursera | Google Cloud




Saint Petersburg State University, Google Cloud, National Research Tomsk State University

From Saint Petersburg State University, Google Cloud, National Research Tomsk State University via Coursera
Hours 153
Instructors Alla L Lapidus, Павел Добрынин, Екатерина Черняева, Михаил Райко, Николай Вяххи, Google Cloud Training, Mikhail Rayko, Нина Александровна Агапова (Nina A. Agapova), Нина Александровна Агапова
Language Russian, English
Subjects Science Data Science Programming IT & Networking Languages


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Research Scientist-Machine Learning $55k

Cloud Architect - Azure / Machine Learning $75k

Watson Machine Learning Engineer $81k

Machine Learning Software Developer $103k

Software Engineer (Machine Learning) $116k

Applied Scientist, Machine Learning $130k

Autonomy and Machine Learning Solutions Architect $131k

Applied Scientist - Machine Learning -... $136k


Machine Learning Engineer 2 $161k

Machine Learning Scientist Manager $170k

Machine Learning Scientist, Personalization $213k

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