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Become a C# Developer

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C# is Microsoft's primary programming language, and is a key skill needed by all developers working with Microsoft tools. Whether you are new to programming or new to the Microsoft ecosystem, this learning path will give you the foundation you need for developing applications using Visual Studio and other key Microsoft tools.

  • Understand the syntax of C#.
  • Learn the key elements of object-oriented programming.
  • Master application development concepts.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 13
Instructors Bruce Van Horn, David Gassner, Reynald Adolphe
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Primary BLS Instructor $48k

Dietitian (Home Based Primary Care) $49k

Primary Grade Teachers $51k

Coordinating Teacher-Primary Classroom At Center for Autism $53k

Freelance Soloist, Vocal Instructor and Primary Piano Instructor $57k

Primary Care Team Nurse $61k

Primary Education $61k

Primary Instructor of EMS $65k

Primary Care Staffing Specialist $67k

Primary Information Security Officer $75k


Senior Configuration Management Specialist, Primary Manager $114k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

C# Essential Training: 1 Syntax and Object Oriented Programming

Get started in Microsoft application development by learning C#. Fast, capable, and productive, C# combines the best features of C++ and Java—with none of the reference counting...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

C# Essential Training: 2 Flow Control, Arrays, and Exception Handling (You were viewing this course)

Get started in Microsoft application development by learning C#. Fast, capable, and productive, C# combines the best features of C++ and Java—with none of the reference counting...

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On Demand

Code Clinic: C# (2014)

Many successful programmers know more than just a computer language. They also know how to

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Learning C# Algorithms

Understanding algorithms is a key requirement for all programmers. Algorithms give programs a set of instructions to perform a task. Expand your knowledge of common C# algorithms...

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C# Design Patterns: Part 1

Implementing design patterns in C# keeps code clean, concise, and easy to maintain.Using design patterns establishes consistency that helps developers build and modify code safely...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Nail Your C# Developer Interview

Applying for C# programming jobs? Find out what questions to expect in your C# or .NET developer interview and how to answer them to demonstrate mastery of key concepts. Reynald...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 13
Instructors Bruce Van Horn, David Gassner, Reynald Adolphe
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Primary BLS Instructor $48k

Dietitian (Home Based Primary Care) $49k

Primary Grade Teachers $51k

Coordinating Teacher-Primary Classroom At Center for Autism $53k

Freelance Soloist, Vocal Instructor and Primary Piano Instructor $57k

Primary Care Team Nurse $61k

Primary Education $61k

Primary Instructor of EMS $65k

Primary Care Staffing Specialist $67k

Primary Information Security Officer $75k


Senior Configuration Management Specialist, Primary Manager $114k

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