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Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine en Español

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En la especialización Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine, aprenderá a implementar soluciones mediante Google Kubernetes Engine, o GKE, incluidas las tareas de compilación, programación, balanceo de cargas y supervisión de cargas de trabajo. También aprenderá a descubrir servicios, administrar el control de acceso y seguridad basados en funciones, y proporcionar almacenamiento persistente para estas aplicaciones.

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From Google Cloud via Coursera
Hours 1
Instructor Google Cloud Training
Language Spanish, English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking Art & Design

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Solutions Engineer (Google Apps) $77k

SMB Sales, Google for Work - Latin America Lead $79k

Google Ads Quality Analyst $86k

Account Executive, Google for Work Manager $86k

Freelance Assistant Production Coordinator; Vanguard, Yahoo Buzz, Google Current $93k

Fiber Engineering Curriculum Specialist, Google Fiber Education $131k

Head of Alliance Partnerships, Google Cloud Go-to-Market Partnerships $132k

Technical Program Manager - Project Glass, Google[X] $193k

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Google Cloud

From Google Cloud via Coursera
Hours 1
Instructor Google Cloud Training
Language Spanish, English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

IT Support Agent @ Google [X] 3 $47k

Google Trusted Photographer -Business View $50k

Google Specialist Manager $54k

Google Cloud Engineer $57k

Solutions Engineer (Google Apps) $77k

SMB Sales, Google for Work - Latin America Lead $79k

Google Ads Quality Analyst $86k

Account Executive, Google for Work Manager $86k

Freelance Assistant Production Coordinator; Vanguard, Yahoo Buzz, Google Current $93k

Fiber Engineering Curriculum Specialist, Google Fiber Education $131k

Head of Alliance Partnerships, Google Cloud Go-to-Market Partnerships $132k

Technical Program Manager - Project Glass, Google[X] $193k

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