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Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain & AI are transforming finance

Nominated for the 2020 edX Prize

Finance and technology have a very long history of intertwined evolution, from the earliest coins to today’s cryptocurrencies. However, in the past decade, the speed of change combined with an ever-increasing range of new entrants – from startups to tech firms, from global markets to emerging markets – are transforming the world of finance at an unprecedented pace. This can be seen most clearly in the context of large emerging markets including China and India.

In this interdisciplinary Professional Certificate program in FinTech, you will learn about the world of FinTech and the opportunities and challenges it is bringing around the world. The Professional Certificate program will give you the tools to understand the interaction of finance and technology across the financial system as well as insight into the major technologies involved and the emerging business models and players in the industry.

This program is designed for those working in finance, technology, regulation or FinTech, those studying related subjects, or those just interested in learning more about one of the most exciting processes underway today. Each course brings together leading experts in FinTech from a range of backgrounds, including professors, market professionals and entrepreneurs. Designed by leading academics from a range of disciplines with input from industry leaders including among others SuperCharger, the Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship, Microsoft, PwC and the Asia Capital Markets Institute, each course will provide the tools necessary to transform one’s own future in FinTech. Over each week of each course, you will gain greater understanding of the key trends in finance, technology and regulation, to better prepare for not only the opportunities but also the risks and challenges, including to traditional financial institutions and business models and those working in them.

The University of Hong Kong is one of the world’s leading universities, with a global reputation in the areas of finance, law and technology. FinTech is one of HKU’s identified areas of strategic interdisciplinary research and teaching, and HKU offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in FinTech and a range of related subjects.

Learners who complete theThe Introduction to FinTech course are qualified as 'Certified FinTech Professional' under the Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM)

What you'll learn

  • What FinTech is and how it is transforming the world of finance around the world.
  • Understand the major technologies involved in FinTech and the major players in the market, including startups, TechFins, traditional financial institutions and regulators.
  • Learn about blockchain, its design, uses, potential and limitations.
  • The opportunities of FinTech but also the risks and challenges of the technological transformation of finance.
  • Understand not only the current landscape but also develop the tools to understand future trends and developments.

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From HKUx, University of Hong Kong via edX
Hours 72
Instructors Siu Ming Yiu, Douglas Arner, Janos Barberis, Huy Nguyen Trieu, Ross Buckley, Brian Tang, Henri Arslanian, David L. Bishop, David S. Lee
Language English
Subjects Programming Business Social Sciences

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Account Executive - Emerging Markets $85k

Analyst, Emerging Markets $87k

Product Analyst-Emerging Markets $99k

Foreign Exchange Emerging Markets $110k

Sales Operations for US Emerging Markets $115k

Emerging Markets Reporter $119k

Portfolio Analyst - Emerging Markets $120k

Business Development - Emerging Markets $136k

Emerging Markets Researcher $138k

Business Development, Emerging Markets $140k

Financial Analyst - Emerging Markets $140k

Emerging Markets Analyst $145k

Courses in this Professional Certificate

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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Blockchain and FinTech: Basics, Applications, and Limitations (You were viewing this course)

Blockchain is a core technology in FinTech. The original design of blockchain focused on the cryptocurrency "Bitcoin". Due to its specific characteristics, many companies and...

edX | HKUx, University of Hong Kong


On Demand

Introduction to FinTech

Over the past decade emerging technologies, paired with massive changes in regulations, have driven an unprecedented transformation of finance around the world. This process is...

edX | HKUx, University of Hong Kong


On Demand

FinTech Ethics and Risks

FinTech has started a global revolution in the financial services industry, and the transformation will only increase in coming years. There are many ways in which FinTech can...

edX | HKUx, University of Hong Kong




HKUx, University of Hong Kong

From HKUx, University of Hong Kong via edX
Hours 72
Instructors Siu Ming Yiu, Douglas Arner, Janos Barberis, Huy Nguyen Trieu, Ross Buckley, Brian Tang, Henri Arslanian, David L. Bishop, David S. Lee
Language English
Subjects Programming Business Social Sciences


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Account Executive - Emerging Markets $85k

Analyst, Emerging Markets $87k

Product Analyst-Emerging Markets $99k

Foreign Exchange Emerging Markets $110k

Sales Operations for US Emerging Markets $115k

Emerging Markets Reporter $119k

Portfolio Analyst - Emerging Markets $120k

Business Development - Emerging Markets $136k

Emerging Markets Researcher $138k

Business Development, Emerging Markets $140k

Financial Analyst - Emerging Markets $140k

Emerging Markets Analyst $145k

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