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Become a Front-End Web Developer

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Get the skills to build engaging, interactive user experiences on the web as a front-end web developer. Learn everything you need to design and develop user-facing code, and discover how to bring concepts to life on the browser canvas by combining essential graphic design and coding principles.

In this learning path,

  • Develop competency with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
  • Master basic version control with Git and GitHub.
  • Apply best practices in responsive design and progressive enhancement.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 52
Instructors Ray Villalobos, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Simon Allardice, Chris Nodder, Derek Featherstone, James Williamson, Christina Truong, Eve Porcello, Clarissa Peterson, Aaron Stewart
Language English
Subjects Programming Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

BUILD Leadership Development Program-Corporate Compensation Analyst $72k

Design-Build Design Coordinator $73k

Project Manager - Design Build Team $77k

Server Build Coordinator $82k

Technology Applications Engineer - Product Build Contractor $84k

IT Build Coordinator $86k

Team Build Center Technician Lead $92k

Project Manager/Build Manager $99k

Senior Server Design & Build Engineer $126k

Senior Build and Release Engineer Manager $146k

Senior Software Build/Release Engineer $190k

Vice Assistant President Build Engineer $210k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Web Development Foundations: Full-Stack vs Front-End

Do you want to become a web developer? Nowadays, web development isn't one job. There is a range of technologies and career options to explore. The core responsibilities are split...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

Do you want to become a web developer? Nowadays, web development isn't one job. There is a range of technologies and career options to explore. The core responsibilities are split...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Web Programming Foundations

To be an effective web programmer, you have to understand what happens when you enter a URL or click on a link. Under every webpage lies the markup—JavaScript, HTML, and CSS—and...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Programming Foundations: Fundamentals

This course provides the core knowledge to begin programming in any language. Simon Allardice uses JavaScript to explore the core syntax of a programming language, and shows how...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

User Experience for Web Design

A good user experience design will make visitors stay on your site. A bad one will make them go to someone else's. This class teaches you how to apply simple UX design principles...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

User Experience for Web Designers

A good user experience design will make visitors stay on your site. A bad one will make them go to someone else's. This class teaches you how to apply simple UX design principles...

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On Demand

UX Foundations: Accessibility

The Internet has removed many obstacles to communication and interaction. However, when websites, technologies, or tools are poorly designed, they can create barriers that exclude...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

HTML Essential Training

HTML is the programming language that powers the web. And like any language, once you master it, you can begin to create your own content, whether that's simple websites or...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training 1

CSS is a stylesheet language that allows you to control the appearance of your webpages. In this hands-on course—the first installment in an ongoing series—Christina Truong...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training 2

Once you're familiar with the basics of CSS, you're ready to expand your skillset and tackle more challenging concepts. In this course—the second installment in a series—bolster...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Responsive Layout

Responsive design demands that websites adapt to the device they are displayed on. Responsive layout is key, and HTML and CSS now offer features that make it easier than ever to...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning GitHub (You were viewing this course)

GitHub is the industry-standard tool for collaborating on and sharing code. It’s popular among software developers, project managers, designers, and students for its flexibility...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

CSS Essential Training

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language that allows you to control the appearance of your webpages. In this hands-on course, Christina Truong demonstrates the...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

JavaScript Essential Training

JavaScript is a scripting language of the web. As the web evolves from a static to a dynamic environment, technology focus is shifting from static markup and styling—frequently...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Responsive Design

Web projects need to work across multiple devices, screen sizes, and browsing contexts. Web designs need to be responsive to these variables, providing an optimal viewing...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Git and GitHub

Version control is an essential skill for developers to master, and Git is by far the most popular version control system on the web. In this fast-paced course, author Ray...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Bootstrap 4 Essential Training

Bootstrap—a front-end framework using HTML, CSS, and jQuery—is designed to help developers quickly and easily build responsive, mobile-ready websites that are cross-browser...

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On Demand

Sass Essential Training

Learn the fundamentals of Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), a modern web development language that helps you write CSS better, faster, and with more advanced features. Ray...

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On Demand

Learning React.js

React.js is a JavaScript library designed to make the process of building user interfaces more simple and intuitive. Design basic views for each state in your application, and...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 52
Instructors Ray Villalobos, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Simon Allardice, Chris Nodder, Derek Featherstone, James Williamson, Christina Truong, Eve Porcello, Clarissa Peterson, Aaron Stewart
Language English
Subjects Programming Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

BUILD Leadership Development Program-Corporate Compensation Analyst $72k

Design-Build Design Coordinator $73k

Project Manager - Design Build Team $77k

Server Build Coordinator $82k

Technology Applications Engineer - Product Build Contractor $84k

IT Build Coordinator $86k

Team Build Center Technician Lead $92k

Project Manager/Build Manager $99k

Senior Server Design & Build Engineer $126k

Senior Build and Release Engineer Manager $146k

Senior Software Build/Release Engineer $190k

Vice Assistant President Build Engineer $210k

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