Save For Later

Get Ahead in Finding a Job After College

Save For Later

Prepare yourself for the transition from college to career. This learning path provides insights on how to market your skills to potential employers, including strategies on finding jobs, creating a strong resume and digital presence, and leveraging your college success to help you land a great job.

In this learning path,

  • Build a strong resume and digital persona.
  • Find a job by accessing the hidden job market.
  • Ace your interview and land your first job.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 10
Instructors Lida Citroën, Elise Gelwicks, Oliver Schinkten, Dr. Chaz Austin, Stacey Gordon, Chris Taylor, Jolie Miller, Careercake, Jenny Foss, LinkedIn Learning Instructors, Linda Raynier
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Resume Specialist $45k

Marketing Editor/Resume Coordinator $62k

Developer with strong Word Press-No C2C $63k

Professional Resume Writer and Career Coach $65k

Cognos Developer with Strong SQL Exp. $74k

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 10
Instructors Lida Citroën, Elise Gelwicks, Oliver Schinkten, Dr. Chaz Austin, Stacey Gordon, Chris Taylor, Jolie Miller, Careercake, Jenny Foss, LinkedIn Learning Instructors, Linda Raynier
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Resume Specialist $45k

Marketing Editor/Resume Coordinator $62k

Developer with strong Word Press-No C2C $63k

Professional Resume Writer and Career Coach $65k

Cognos Developer with Strong SQL Exp. $74k

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