Save For Later

Developing and Delivering Software with Docker

Save For Later

Docker simplifies developing and releasing software by unifying environments and allowing teams to leverage distributed systems. Learn how to develop using Docker, examine the domains of the Docker Certified Associate exam, and get started orchestrating containers using Kubernetes.

In this learning path,

  • Learn how to develop and release software using Docker.
  • Explore continuous delivery, networking, and orchestration.
  • Study for the Docker Certified Associate certification exam.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 16
Instructors Arthur Ulfeldt, David Davis, Karthik Gaekwad, Sam Sehgal
Language English
Subjects Programming

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Certified Caregiver $69k

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LinkedIn Learning


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Docker Essential Training: 1 Installation and Configuration

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Docker Essential Training: 2 Orchestration

Enhance your Docker skillset by learning about Docker container technologies, with an emphasis on container orchestration. In this course, instructor David Davis covers how Docker...

LinkedIn Learning


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Docker Essential Training: 3 Image Creation, Management, and Registry

Images are the foundation of Docker containers. They are key to building robust container-based applications—and passing the Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam. This course...

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Docker Essential Training: 4 Storage and Volumes

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LinkedIn Learning


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Docker Essential Training: 6 Security

Explore key concepts that can help enterprise administrators, developers, and security professionals make Docker containers more secure. The topics covered in this course can also...

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Docker: Continuous Delivery (You were viewing this course)

Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) allow developers to work more collaboratively and catch bugs earlier in the development lifecycle. Docker—a leading...

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Learning Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the world's most popular open-source container orchestration engine. It offers the ability to schedule and manage containers—Docker or otherwise—at scale. This...

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Securing Containers and Kubernetes Ecosystem

Containers have transformed the way applications are built, deployed, and managed. But it’s only a matter a time before a vulnerability or misconfiguration leads to a newsworthy...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 16
Instructors Arthur Ulfeldt, David Davis, Karthik Gaekwad, Sam Sehgal
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Certified Arborist 2 $33k

Certified Paralegal 2 $39k

Certified Paraprofessional $43k

Certified Midwife $48k

Certified Designer $51k

Certified Assessor $68k

Docker Resource $69k

Certified Caregiver $69k

Certified Remodeler $85k

Certified Sales $86k

Docker Engineer $87k

certified prosthetist certified orthotist $88k

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