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Interviewing for DS/AI Roles

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Find and Prepare for Your Next Data Science/AI Job

Data science and artificial intelligence are exciting fields to join, but with the explosion of growth has come a somewhat unexpected outcome: high competitiveness in the job market. This specialization focuses on not only how to pick the right DS/AI job for your skillset, but also how to prepare for and land an interview. We will start with an overview of the current entry challenges in this field as well as the differences between some commonly confused DS/AI roles. Next, we will prepare to apply for jobs by detailing job search strategies, skills to brush up on, and how to design resumes and portfolios for DS/AI job applications. Finally, we will describe the interview process and top tips and tricks for a successful interview. We will also touch on what to do after a great interview, including how to negotiate a salary and how to prepare for the next steps in your career. By the end of this specialization, students will be able to: Differentiate between top DS/AI roles and how they are described in the job market. Identify which skills to refresh in preparation for DS/AI applications and interviews. Make their portfolio and resume stand out by applying tips specific to the field. Recognize how to market themselves and how career fairs, connecting with recruiters, and networking can help. Discuss a technical interview preparation plan and interview best practices. Recall job offer acceptance or refusal best practices. Create a career development plan.

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From University of California, Irvine via Coursera
Hours 40
Instructor Camille Funk
Language English
Subjects Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Job Candidate $32k

Job Specialist 3 $47k

Base Job $57k

Logistics Job $58k

Seeking Job $60k

RN .7 D/E Job $62k

RN .6 N Job $62k

RN .6 E/N Job $62k

Specialist Job $65k

Seeking a job $69k

On the Job Trainer $75k

Industry Practice Fellowship-Market Development (PharmD) Job $88k

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Data science and artificial intelligence are exciting, growing fields with a lot to offer prospective job seekers. However, even with the massive growth in technology and...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine



Finding and Preparing for the Right Job (You were viewing this course)

Finding and preparing for the right job in the DS/AI field can be tricky. In this course, we will explore how the job market has vastly different descriptions for the same job...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine



Interviewing, Negotiating a Job Offer, and Career Planning

Prepare yourself for interviewing and landing a job in the DS/AI field. In this course, we will discuss what needs to be done before, during, and after the interview process. We...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine




University of California, Irvine

From University of California, Irvine via Coursera
Hours 40
Instructor Camille Funk
Language English
Subjects Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Job Candidate $32k

Job Specialist 3 $47k

Base Job $57k

Logistics Job $58k

Seeking Job $60k

RN .7 D/E Job $62k

RN .6 N Job $62k

RN .6 E/N Job $62k

Specialist Job $65k

Seeking a job $69k

On the Job Trainer $75k

Industry Practice Fellowship-Market Development (PharmD) Job $88k

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