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Become a Portfolio Manager

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Now that you've managed programs, you're ready for the next challenge of portfolio management. Get the skills you need to begin and excel as a leader in this career path. Setting up a project management office (PMO) could be your next big challenge. We've got an end-to-end solution for you that will help you set up your PMO from start to finish.

In this learning path,

  • Explore portfolio management foundational skills.
  • Discover how to set up a project management office.
  • Develop leadership skills.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 9
Instructors Britt Andreatta, Todd Dewett, Mike Figliuolo, Doug Rose, Bob McGannon, Andy Jordan, Sam Yankelevitch
Language English
Subjects Personal Development Business Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Strategy and Portfolio Management $61k

DVP - Portfolio Management $64k

Portfolio Management Officer 3 $82k

Credit Portfolio Management $86k

Portfolio Management Systems $90k

Applications Portfolio Management $97k

Portfolio Management Representative $106k

Derivatives and Portfolio Management $107k

Analyst - Portfolio Management $125k

IT PMO - Portfolio Management $127k

Portfolio and program Management $185k

Portfolio / Program Management $187k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Project Portfolio Management Foundations

A portfolio connects business strategy to the bottom line: the products and projects that have to achieve business results.Contents:Introduction1. Purpose of Portfolio...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Leading Change (2013)

Along the way, the course covers techniques that will increase the likelihood of your change succeeding, such as anticipating resistance, creating a compelling vision, and using...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Developing Resourcefulness (You were viewing this course)

Being able to do more with less is a highly valued skill in any organization, and not just in down times. In this course, Dr. Todd Dewett helps you assess your resourcefulness by...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Strategic Planning Foundations

Join executive leadership consultant and coach Mike Figliuolo as he reveals how to implement a strategic planning process in your organization—a process that can be repeated...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Enterprise Agile: Changing Your Culture

Many organizations deliver products with dozens or even hundreds of teams. For these organizations, spinning up a few agile teams is just the start. Eventually, they'll want to...

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On Demand

Managing International Projects

One of the most substantial problems with international projects is misunderstanding how cultures can differ from country to country. In this course, PM expert Bob McGannon helps...

LinkedIn Learning


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Project Management: International Projects

Excellent collaboration and communication are key ingredients that help project teams reach successful outcomes. This is particularly true when team members must interact in the...

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 9
Instructors Britt Andreatta, Todd Dewett, Mike Figliuolo, Doug Rose, Bob McGannon, Andy Jordan, Sam Yankelevitch
Language English
Subjects Personal Development Business Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Strategy and Portfolio Management $61k

DVP - Portfolio Management $64k

Portfolio Management Officer 3 $82k

Credit Portfolio Management $86k

Portfolio Management Systems $90k

Applications Portfolio Management $97k

Portfolio Management Representative $106k

Derivatives and Portfolio Management $107k

Analyst - Portfolio Management $125k

IT PMO - Portfolio Management $127k

Portfolio and program Management $185k

Portfolio / Program Management $187k

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