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C Programming with Linux

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Gain skills in computer engineering - C and Linux

In this C Programming with Linux Specialization program of seven short courses, you will learn how to write, read and debug computer programs in the C programming language while also becoming familiar with the Linux operating system. Why learn C and not another programming language? Did you know that smartphones, your car’s navigation system, robots, drones, trains, and almost all electronic devices have some C-code running under the hood? C is used in any circumstance where speed and flexibility are important, such as in embedded systems or high-performance computing. C is a foundational programming language taught at engineering schools around the world, and represents one of the building blocks of modern computer information technology. Invented in the 1970’s. It is still one of the most stable and popular programming languages in the world. Along with the C programming language comes Linux, an essential operating system used by most computer scientists and developers. Linux powers almost all supercomputers and most of the servers worldwide as well as all android devices and most internet of things devices. This Specialization will introduce the Linux command line and Linux tools for C programmers; both of which are must-have skills in today’s tech industries. Our dedicated international course team is excited to introduce you to the world of coding and guide you along your path to becoming a skilled C programmer and help you pursue a career in computer engineering.

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From Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom via Coursera
Hours 27
Instructors Rémi Sharrock, Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Computer Technician 1 4 $50k

Computer Technician 2 3 4 $52k

Computer Drafter $60k

Computer Tech 1 $65k

Computer Operations 1 $67k

Debug Technician Lead $72k

Computer Designer $78k

Enterprise Silicon Validation & Debug Engineer $97k

Manager, Product Testing (Debug) $98k

Computer Consultant $107k

System Debug Engineer $110k

Silicon Debug Software Pathfinding Engineer/Data Scientist $135k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


C Programming: Getting Started - 1

Start learning one of the most powerful and widely used programming languages: C. Within moments you will be coding hands-on in a browser tool that will provide instant feedback...

Coursera | Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom



C Programming: Language Foundations - 2

In this course you will learn to use logical statements and arrays in C. Logical statements are used for decision-making with follow-up instructions, based on conditions you...

Coursera | Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom



C Programming: Modular Programming and Memory Management - 3

Enhance your coding skills along your path to becoming a proficient C programmer with the essential concepts of functions and pointers. In this course you will be introduced to...

Coursera | Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom



C Programming: Pointers and Memory Management - 4

In this course, we will examine a key concept, foundational to any programming language: the usage of memory. This course builds upon the basic concept of pointers, discussed in...

Coursera | Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom



C Programming: Advanced Data Types - 5

In this course you will define your own data types in C, and use the newly created types to more efficiently store and process your data. Many programming languages provide a...

Coursera | Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom



Linux Basics: The Command Line Interface - 6

This course will introduce you to Linux, a powerful operating system used by most professional developers! Why add Linux to your C programming skills? Most people use Linux...

Coursera | Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom



C Programming: Using Linux Tools and Libraries - 7 (You were viewing this course)

Learn how to use professional tools and libraries to write and build C programs within the Linux operating system. This seventh and final course in the C Programming with Linux...

Coursera | Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom




Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom

From Dartmouth College, Institut Mines-Télécom via Coursera
Hours 27
Instructors Rémi Sharrock, Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Computer Technician 1 4 $50k

Computer Technician 2 3 4 $52k

Computer Drafter $60k

Computer Tech 1 $65k

Computer Operations 1 $67k

Debug Technician Lead $72k

Computer Designer $78k

Enterprise Silicon Validation & Debug Engineer $97k

Manager, Product Testing (Debug) $98k

Computer Consultant $107k

System Debug Engineer $110k

Silicon Debug Software Pathfinding Engineer/Data Scientist $135k

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