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Object-Oriented PHP

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Object-Oriented Programming allows groups of people to work together more easily. By grouping data and functionality into objects we also provide a structure for testing individual pieces. Learn the modern approach to Application Development in PHP using Objects, Templates, Dependency Management and 3rd Party Packages.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $60,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Google, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr, LinkedIn, Digg, Intel, Pinterest, and Twitter

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From Treehouse
Hours 14
Instructors Alena Holligan, Hampton Paulk
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

International Programming Coordinator $45k

Interactive Programming Coordinator $46k

Associate Programming Coordinator 2 $56k

Programming Acquisitions $61k

Video Programming/AOL Music Editor $66k

Test Programming Technician $68k

Advanced Program Integration Support (Planning and Programming Oversite) $70k

Assistant Digital Campaigns and Programming Social Action Writer/Coordinator $76k

Bank Programming Tech Support Specialist $80k

Sys Anlys and Programming-Spec (Lab IT) $81k

IT and Programming Specialist $122k

Assistant Adjunct Professor - Multimedia Programming $133k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Object-Oriented PHP Basics

At a glance, object-oriented programming can appear to be far more complex than simple procedural, or inline, code. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Because...



On Demand

Extending Object-Oriented PHP (You were viewing this course)

You should already be familiar with writing simple classes in PHP. In this course you will learn how extend the use of these classes to reuse code.What you'll learnInheritance...



On Demand

Working with $_GET and $_POST in PHP

This course will show you how to work with PHP Superglobals such as $_GET and $_POST while using a security-conscious mindset. External inputs, like HTML forms, are considered a...



On Demand

Designing Interfaces in PHP

An interface is a type of contract that assures that certain abilities are available on on a particular object class. We'll write and extend multiple interfaces, then implement...



On Demand

Introduction to PHP7

It's an exciting time to be part of PHP. The release of PHP7 is just the tip of the iceberg. In this workshop we'll cover the top features and improvements to the language as well...



On Demand

Basic Exception Handling with PHP

Exceptions are the object-oriented approach to handling errors. An exception is an object that is “thrown” by your application in the event that something goes wrong. They allow...



On Demand

Dependency Management with Composer

In this course we'll learn about packages, dependencies, repositories and versioning. We'll be using a PHP tool called Composer for managing all these pieces to work together with...



On Demand

Building Websites with PHP

Taking what you have learned so far with basic syntax, functions, and object oriented concepts we are going to build a simple website. We will together build a simple personal...



On Demand

Introducing MVC Frameworks in PHP

In this course we will build upon what we have learned about Object-Oriented Programming to build a basic website. By using the Slim Microframework, we will explore common MVC...



On Demand

Templating with Twig

Templating languages and tools are used with frameworks like Slim and Laravel to incorporate PHP and logic into static HTML web pages. In this course we will see how to apply...




From Treehouse
Hours 14
Instructors Alena Holligan, Hampton Paulk
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

International Programming Coordinator $45k

Interactive Programming Coordinator $46k

Associate Programming Coordinator 2 $56k

Programming Acquisitions $61k

Video Programming/AOL Music Editor $66k

Test Programming Technician $68k

Advanced Program Integration Support (Planning and Programming Oversite) $70k

Assistant Digital Campaigns and Programming Social Action Writer/Coordinator $76k

Bank Programming Tech Support Specialist $80k

Sys Anlys and Programming-Spec (Lab IT) $81k

IT and Programming Specialist $122k

Assistant Adjunct Professor - Multimedia Programming $133k

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