Save For Later

Beginner VR

Save For Later

In this Track, you'll learn how to create virtual reality experiences using the Unity game engine and the HTC Vive. Virtual reality is the combination of a head-mounted display and software that, together, creates the sensation of being in another place. VR lets us create worlds, simulate the impossible, and play like never before.Now is your chance to get in on the ground floor of a technology that is set to dominate the next decade and beyond.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $70,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Google, EA Games, Ubisoft, Survios, Insomniac Games, Owlchemy Labs

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From Treehouse
Hours 5
Instructor Nick Pettit
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Virtual Travel Agent $34k

Virtual Customer Care $43k

Virtual Therapy Specialist $48k

Product Developer (Virtual Reality) $51k

Virtual Services Librarian $57k

Project Coordinator - Virtual $58k

Virtual Account Executive $59k

Virtual Producer $65k

Virtual Education Specialist $67k

Computer Vision Engineer - OSVR (Open Source Virtual Reality) Project $76k

Virtual Reality Calibration Engineer $86k

Virtual Infrastructure Engineer $122k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

VR in Unity

Virtual reality is the combination of a head-mounted display and some clever software that creates the sensation of being in another place. What was once science fiction has...



On Demand

Performance Optimization for VR

Virtual reality is demanding on present graphics hardware and it can be difficult to create projects that run well. Graphics are the biggest bottleneck in almost any VR project,...



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Room-Scale VR

Room-scale VR is a type of virtual reality experience that's designed to be played in a small area of a room. This could be used to walk through architectural models or train...



On Demand

Locomotion in VR (You were viewing this course)

Typically room-scale VR applications are limited by the size of the tracking volume, but locomotion techniques can be used to expand the playable area beyond the physical...



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User Interfaces in VR

User interfaces are present in websites, mobile apps, and any other type of software that's designed for human interaction. In virtual reality, user interfaces must be considered...




From Treehouse
Hours 5
Instructor Nick Pettit
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Virtual Travel Agent $34k

Virtual Customer Care $43k

Virtual Therapy Specialist $48k

Product Developer (Virtual Reality) $51k

Virtual Services Librarian $57k

Project Coordinator - Virtual $58k

Virtual Account Executive $59k

Virtual Producer $65k

Virtual Education Specialist $67k

Computer Vision Engineer - OSVR (Open Source Virtual Reality) Project $76k

Virtual Reality Calibration Engineer $86k

Virtual Infrastructure Engineer $122k

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