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C++ is an object-oriented programming language that was first developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It was originally created to be an extension of the C language, which is a middle-level language, and these roots are still present today. C++ can be developed in the object-oriented style, or in the C-style, making it a truly hybrid language. This path will take you from the very basics of programming using C++ and will vault you forward into creating rich applications for the Windows operating system. You can also create platform independent desktop applications in C++ using either the Qt or Cinder frameworks. Those courses are in our library but not listed on this path.

What You'll Learn

  • Operators
  • Objects
  • Classes
  • Flow of control
  • References
  • Polymorphism and inheritance
  • C++ Type System
  • Heap/stack semantics
  • Stream I/O
  • Overloading
  • Lambdas
  • Exceptions
  • Scope management
  • Templates
  • C++ Standard Library
  • Concurrency
  • Read More

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    From Pluralsight
    Hours 59
    Instructors Kate Gregory, Giovanni Dicanio, Dror Helper, Dmitri Nesteruk, Kenny Kerr
    Language English
    Subjects Programming

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    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    International Programming Coordinator $45k

    Interactive Programming Coordinator $46k

    Associate Programming Coordinator 2 $56k

    Programming Acquisitions $61k

    Video Programming/AOL Music Editor $66k

    Test Programming Technician $68k

    Advanced Program Integration Support (Planning and Programming Oversite) $70k

    Assistant Digital Campaigns and Programming Social Action Writer/Coordinator $76k

    Bank Programming Tech Support Specialist $80k

    Sys Anlys and Programming-Spec (Lab IT) $81k

    IT and Programming Specialist $122k

    Assistant Adjunct Professor - Multimedia Programming $133k

    Courses in this Paths

    Listed in the order in which they should be taken

    Starts Course Information

    On Demand

    Learn How to Program with C++

    C++ has a reputation for being a very difficult language to learn, and to use well. Changes to the language and the library that accompanies it have changed that. Beginners can...



    On Demand

    C++ Fundamentals Including C++ 17 (You were viewing this course)

    C++ is a general purpose programming language that is used by millions of developers. It has a reputation for being hard to learn and use, but with the changes in the language...



    On Demand

    Practical C++14 and C++17 Features

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    On Demand

    C++ Unit Testing Fundamentals Using Catch2

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    On Demand

    C++ 17: Beyond the Basics

    Do you want to take your C++ skills from basic syntax to the next level, including libraries and modern C++? In this course, C++ 17: Beyond the Basics, you'll learn what modern...



    On Demand

    Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms in C++

    Knowing some fundamental data structures and algorithms both in theory and from a practical implementation perspective helps you in being a better C++ programmer, gives you a good...



    On Demand

    Reading Legacy C++

    Because C++ has existed for decades, there is a lot of old code out there written with keywords, library functions, and practices that are just not used in modern C++. In this...



    On Demand

    C++ Standard Library: Sequential Containers

    Non-trivial computer programs need to store data and process it. Developing data structures and containers from scratch in C++ is a daunting and bug-prone task. In fact, you would...



    On Demand

    Beautiful C++: Updating Legacy Code

    C++ has been a popular programming language for decades, which means there’s some really old code out there. Some of it is very hard to read and maintain. Capabilities have been...



    On Demand

    Beautiful C++: STL Algorithms

    If you're a C++ developer, save yourself valuable time and work by learning how to use the algorithm header. In this course, Beautiful C++: STL Algorithms, you'll learn the...



    On Demand

    C++ Standard Library: Associative Containers

    Non-trivial computer programs need to store data and process it. Developing data structures and containers from scratch in C++ is a daunting and bug-prone task. In fact, you would...



    On Demand

    Design Patterns in C++: Creational

    A look at the creational design patterns and their implementation using Modern C++. Covers the Factory design pattern (Factory Method, Abstract Factory) as well as Builder,...



    On Demand

    Advanced C++ Mocking Using Google Mock

    Writing unit tests looks simple in blogs, books, and tutorials. However, it can be quite difficult when attempted in the real world where real code has dependencies that make unit...



    On Demand

    Design Patterns in C++: Structural - Adapter to Decorator

    The correct application and recognition of design patterns is an important skill for developers and architects. This course, Design Patterns in C++: Structural - Adapter to...



    On Demand

    Design Patterns in C++: Structural - Façade to Proxy

    The correct application and recognition of design patterns is an important skill for developers and architects. This course, Design Patterns in C++: Structural - Façade to Proxy,...



    On Demand

    Modern C++ Concurrency

    This course will introduce you to modern C++ concurrency on the Windows operating system. Unfortunately, standard or portable concurrency is still in its infancy so a...



    On Demand

    High-performance Computing in C++

    Do you want to get the absolute most performance out of your hardware? Want to write code that scales across CPU registers, multi-core, and machine clusters? Then this is the...




    From Pluralsight
    Hours 59
    Instructors Kate Gregory, Giovanni Dicanio, Dror Helper, Dmitri Nesteruk, Kenny Kerr
    Language English
    Subjects Programming


    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    International Programming Coordinator $45k

    Interactive Programming Coordinator $46k

    Associate Programming Coordinator 2 $56k

    Programming Acquisitions $61k

    Video Programming/AOL Music Editor $66k

    Test Programming Technician $68k

    Advanced Program Integration Support (Planning and Programming Oversite) $70k

    Assistant Digital Campaigns and Programming Social Action Writer/Coordinator $76k

    Bank Programming Tech Support Specialist $80k

    Sys Anlys and Programming-Spec (Lab IT) $81k

    IT and Programming Specialist $122k

    Assistant Adjunct Professor - Multimedia Programming $133k

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